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Digital Marketing

Certication Program
5 Months Online Program

Certied by:

1. Careers In Digital Marketing

2. Program Outline

3. Learning Experience

4. Program Content

5. Tools

6. Subject Matter Experts

7. Placement Assistance

8. Certification

9. Industry Partners
To become a successful Marketer in
todays world, you need to have an in-depth
understanding of what marketing means in
the digital age, how to build a brand that
your customers can connect with and
achieve business goals in the
Ronnie Screwvala
Why Digital Marketing?

A recent study conducted by the Direct Marketing Association, ap-
proximated the Digital Marketing Industry to be worth US$62
billion in 2016 with growth rates significantly outperforming any
Marketing other Ad type. This fast growing industry gives significant

Industry l a k h
opportunities dynamic individuals to create careers that would not
have been possible 10 years ago.

to be worth US$ Jobs in the According to LinkedIn Digital marketing falls into the top 5 of most
required skills for hiring in todays world. There are approximately
62 BN
1.5 lakh jobs in the Digital Marketing arena in India across IT/ BPO,
Agencies as well as other FMCG companies in 2016. This rise is
Marketing leading to a high demand for professionals skilled in Digital

in 2016 Arena in India

Marketing. It is an ever-changing, yet promising career path, with
excellent long-term prospects. In a digital world like ours, there is
no way around understanding the essence of digital marketing.
Program Who is What can
Outline this for?
Whether you want to move into digital
you expect?
Deep dive into PPC Marketing, Social
marketing or drive your business on Media, SEO, Content Marketing &
digital platforms, this program is the Analytics and understand the
right one for you. Professionals who fundamentals in Branding &
will find this program useful are: Marketing.

Traditional Master Skills

Marketers & Tools
Augment your marketing expertise. Acquire channel level skills,
Acquire holistic and channel specific tactics & tools to attract quality
digital skill sets & apply your marketing traffic & convert them across
strategies across digital channels. digital sources.

Digital Gain Campaign

Marketers Prociency
Move beyond just Social Media, PPC or SEO. Plan, execute & optimize detailed
Learn to strategize & execute cross-channel marketing campaigns across Google,
campaigns and understand branding in a Facebook & display networks.
digital world.

Entrepreneurs Develop Holistic

and Business Executives Strategies
Reach your customers online. Synergise strategies across several
Attract leads, engage prospects and convert digital channels, deep dive into
customers using an entire suite of Digital analytics & develop holistic
Marketing channels and strategies. marketing plans
We believe you learn best from

Run Real
Create a website in groups of 4 and
promote it on digital platforms with a
budget of Rs 15,000. You will get

Campaigns hands-on experience in both paid and

organic marketing on social and search
and on using Google Analytics to
optimise your marketing spends.

Plan Performance Create a digital campaign on

multiple digital channels.
Marketing Campaigns

Apply Your Learnings Execute concepts like bidding and

creative ad optimization in
On Advanced Concepts real- time.

Achieve Evaluate the performance of

each channels in accordance to
Business Goals the marketing goals defined.
Mentoring Case Studies
Get all your subject-related queries answered during 20+ hours of Our +120 learning hours have been designed around +15 real industry projects
personalized mentoring sessions with in-house and industry experts. co-created with leading companies based past marketing challenges faced by
them. Some of the case studies you will go through are the following:

Since the year 2000, the insurance industry has been transformed
and grown at a rapid pace. The once monopolized market was
Resolve all your queries regarding covered opened to 24 players, thus, facilitating quick growth in terms of
Live Q&A with topics and how these apply to your job or HDFC revenue and competition. Learn how HDFC used targeting and

business in these classroom-like online
sessions with our Industry Instructors.
Life Google display Ads to drive
additional value and business during the peak season,
leading to a decrement of 49% in cost per lead and an
increased lead volume by 1027%.

Top performers in each of our Industry The need for new leads is never satisfied. When Thomas
Case Feedback Projects get direct online coaching sessions Cook found out that honeymoon packages is a highly
from Industry with the Industry Professionals of the most
searched keywords, they made this opportunity their goal.
reputed brands and agencies that we have Learn how they used crowd sourcing and backlinking to
Professionals partnered with. Cook achieve the number one rank in organic search of
honeymoon packages and generated 8% of unique visitors
with a bounce rate of just 22%.

Teaching Our in-house team of Digital Marketing ex- One of the main challenges faced by Grofers, Indias leading
perts hosts office hours that you can use to
Assistant address any of your academic and career
hyperlocal foodtech company, was how to bring down the
cost of acquisition. Being an urban brand most of their
Oce Hours related queries. communication was in english and launching local language
Grofers campaigns opened new doors for them. Learn from one of
the most successful digital-first brands of the country how
they extensively used social media marketing for customer
acquisition as well as installs.

The program focuses on learning and applying

digital strategies & solving real industry business
challenges. It is designed to equip you with the
ability to create integrated Digital Marketing
strategies according to industry standards
and latest technology trends.
Module 1 Topics Covered

Marketing & Definition of marketing

Functions of marketing
Segmentation, Targeting,
Branding Fundamentals Marketing Mix 4Ps
Promotion Channels
SWOT analysis

This module will build your basics in marketing. You

will learn the concepts and tools necessary for any
marketer to run any successful campaign or create
powerful brands and strategies.

You will gain a detailed understanding of the 4Ps framework for
different types of businesses and how to analyse the competitive
environment of any company using a SWOT analysis. You will
acquire a deep understanding of the ABC of Marketing and
Module 2 Topics Covered

Evolution of History of marketing

Timeline of technologies
Difference between Digital and
Traditional Marketing

adopted in marketing

To master marketing it is imperative to understand how

it has evolved through the years. This module will teach
you how marketing has changes its facettes over the
years and how new technologies are used to create a
superior marketing experience both for brands as well
as consumers.

You will be able to understand advantages of Digital Marketing
Channels over Traditional Marketing Channels and also analyse
where traditional marketing is relevant.
Module 3 Topics Covered

Understanding the Purchase Funnel

Zero moment of Truth (ZMOT)
Customer Acquisition Cost
Customer Lifetime Value

Digital Journey
Introduction to Digital Channels Funnel Level Metrices
Paid vs. Organic channels

This module will introduce you to a fundamental

concept in marketing known as the Purchase Funnel.
Using this, you will learn how to select digital channels
and relevant metrices along the Purchase funnel to
influence your consumers in the right manner at each

You will be able to translate business goals into marketing goals
using metrics like customer acquisition costs and lifetime value of
a consumer. You will be able to identify the right consumer funnel
for various business sectors and identify right channels and
metrics to track success.
Module 4 Topics Covered

Designing and Building a

Hosting Opportunities

Wire framing

Web Owned Presence

Domains Google Analytics
Social media pages Google Search Console
UI/UX Development

This module will help you understand the digital

counterparts of the brand properties and the best
practices for website design and user experience
creation in varies with industries.

You will be able to ideate mock ups of webpages and navigation
structures specific to different business goals and measure the
performance of your website using metrices like traffic, users and
bounce rates by source of traffic. You will learn how to use key
website building tools such as WordPress to build your website.
Module 5 Topics Covered

SEO Googles search algorithm

Keywords Selection
Off-page SEO strategy
Black-Hat SEO
On-page SEO strategy SEO Tools

95% of search result clicks happen on the first page of

Google results. This module covers the steps you need
to take for your website to appear on top of search
engine results when users search for terms relevant to
your business.

Here you will get an overview of what Google & other search
engines identify as a SEO optimized page, learn how to implement
On and Off page SEO strategies.On completion you will be able to
identify keywords relevant to your business and use them in
website content for better ranking and measure SEO impact using
tools like Google Analytics and Webmaster Search Console.
Module 6 Topics Covered


PPC basics
Google Adwords
Targeting using Adwords
Negative keywords
Types of search ads Measuring performance and
Mapping search ads to the optimization
purchase funnel Ad copy A/B Testing
Structuring a campaign in Google Shopping Ads
This module will teach you how to create search ads for Adwords Gmail Sponsored Promotions
the right keywords. You will also learn how to structure
your campaigns and measure their performance which
will help you reach the best results.

This module will help you understand different types of ads
facilitated by Google and the different online properties which can
be used to place such ads. You will be able to understand Google's
methodology for evaluating ranking of ads and set up a search
network campaign. You will also be able to create and execute
strategies for Google Shopping campaigns and Gmail sponsored
promotion campaigns targeted to Gmail users based on keywords
in their emails.
Module 7 Topics Covered

Display and Aliate

Publishers and advertisers
Types of display ads
Demand-side and supply-side

Affiliate Marketing Ad networks
Ad exchanges Google Display Network
Display Ad Builder

In this module, you will learn how to create ads that can
appear on websites and apps across the internet.

Display ads on an average get 4 times as many views

as search ads. Understand display advertising, types of
display ads and the roles of major ecospace elements
such as advertisers and publishers. In this module, you
will get an overview of real-time bidding and how to
access ad exchanges using an ad network. Outcome
You will be able to set up a display campaign in Google Adwords
and use the performance data to optimize it.
You would also understand types of display ads and major
ecospace elements like, advertiser and publisher. You will get an
overview of real-time bidding with examples. Also how to access
ad exchanges using an ad network.
Module 8 Topics Covered

Social Media Marketing Organic content on Social

Media channels
Social media aggregation tools
Measuring social media

& Optimization
Paid social media marketing campaign performance
Mapping social media
platforms to funnel stages

This module will teach you how to leverage social

media using organic and paid methods to achieve your
marketing goals.

You will be able to plan content based on social media platforms
and also community building and user base growth hacking across
channels. You will also be able to measure performance of social
media campaigns using metrics and translating to actual business
growth in terms of brand lift & customer acquisition.
Module 9 Topics Covered

Retargeting /

Definition of remarketing
Cookie-based tracking

Dynamic remarketing
Setting up lists in AdWords

List-based remarketing Remarketing on Facebook
Google Analytics remarketing Measuring impact of
Email-based remarketing remarketing

95% of a website's visitors do not carry out any

transactions on their first visit. This module teaches you
how to set up and use remarketing within your digital
campaigns to increase the chances of converting
visitors on your website to customers.

You will be able to create relevant ads for your website visitors
according to their actions and measure the conversions through
remarketing and evaluate means to improve your strategy.
Module 10 Topics Covered

Email Marketing &

Parts of an email
Types of marketing emails
Drip Emails
Email automation

Building an email list Using email automation tools
Segmenting an email list

Email is one of the most effective channels of paid

marketing since it is high targeted and you
communicate directly with the user. This module covers
email from a marketers perspective. You will learn how
to write emails that help convert leads to customers or
customers to repeat customers.

You will be able to write compelling marketing emails, build and
segment lists of email IDs. You will also be able to use the right
tools to automate the email sending process and very importantly,
measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns.
Module 11 Topics Covered

Mobile App Marketing

Mobile usage trends
App as a marketing medium
ASO tool
App install tracking tools
App Store Optimization App engagement tools
Paid mobile marketing

80% of total users in India use mobile to access the

internet. Reach such users better by effectively
promoting apps to increase its rate of installation using
app store optimization. In this module you will learn
how to use apps to market to a mobile audience.

You will know how to run paid marketing campaigns using social
media and in-app ads. Lastly, you will be able to track the ranking
of your app in app store and measure the performance of your
paid campaigns.
Module 12 Topics Covered

Content Marketing Creating an editorial calendar

Buyer personas

Content distribution strategy
Content marketing metrics
Keyword-based topic selection Lead hooks
of content Ebooks
Creating in-house content White papers
Outsourcing content Guides
This module covers multiple methods you can use
content across multiple digital channels like websites,
social and SEO to increase traffic.

You will be able to plan and decipher what kind of content will help
you improve the discoverability of your product. Also, you will
know how to appropriately distribute content in the form of
e-books, whitepapers and webinars to generate leads.
Module 13 Topics Covered

Web, Mobile & App

Google Analytics
Integrating Google properties

Source attribution
UTM URL building

Setting up goals in GA e-commerce analytics
Custom views in GA Conversion tracking
Measuring page views

Unlike in traditional marketing, performance of every

campaign can be measured to a much greater degree in
digital marketing using analytics. In this module you
will learn how to measure and analyse performance
metrics across digital channels such as SEO, SEM,
Social Media, Display etc. on web, mobile and app.

You will be able to understand your website visitors, sources of
website traffic and also measure the performance of campaigns at
an organization level by using metrics such as CTR, Cost per
conversion and organic data.
Module 14 Topics Covered

Lead Management Lead Fit-Indicators Leads nurturing

Lead Interest Score-Indicators Lead conversion rates
Lead Grid (Sales Ready/Sales measurement
Qualified) Integration of CRM with
Lead Quality analysis by marketing automation
For a campaign to successfully connect marketing Lead Quality analysis by page
efforts to sales efforts is imperative. In this module you visits
will learn how to score leads based on actions, how to
implement different techniques for lead activity
measurement and how to respond to lead activities to
convert leads to customers.

You will be able to nurture a contact into a prospect using multiple
techniques and channels and how to bridge the gap between the
digital marketing and the sales team, thus, streamlining the
conversion process.
Module 15 Topics Covered

Conversion Rate Landing page building

Writing persuasive content
A/B testing of landing pages
Hello bars

Call to action Exit popups

This module will teach you how to build landing pages

that increase the chances of a visitor converting to a

You will be able to suggest areas of text, graphic, CTAs, theme and
page changes for a mobile site. You will also know how to use
tools like Optimizely for A/B Split tests apply CRO techniques like
hello bars, exit pop ups, social offers and push notifications.
Module 16 Topics Covered

Growth Hacking Definition of growth hacking

Technical skills required

Email hacks
CRO hacks
Intersection of product, tech Social media hacks and virality
and marketing Referrals
SEO hacks Successful growth hacks
SEM hacks
In this module, you will learn a relatively new concept
in marketing known as growth hacking. You will use
data from past marketing efforts to identify
opportunities that can create consistent growth with
minimal efforts and resources.

You will understand what growth hacking is and how it can help
boost marketing results across the funnel, from acquisition to
retention. Also, you will be able to analyse existing product and
user data to draw one relevant metric to evaluate and apply
different hacks across digital channels and marketing funnels.
Module 17 Topics Covered

Dening a robust Digital Set channel-wise goals

Allocate budgets to channels
Identify gaps between
expected and actual

Marketing Strategy
Estimate expected results from Modify strategies based on
channels results
Create marketing dashboards

This module brings together all the learning achieved

throughout the program to prepare a robust digital
marketing strategy that covers all channels and
techniques within a predefined marketing budget.

You will be able to evaluate the performance of digital channels in
accordance to marketing goals and apply your accumulated
knowledge to create comprehensive marketing plans, based on
spends strategy for each channel and funnel stage contribution.
Tools This program will give you hands-on experience
on a number of industry standard tools which
will make job-ready. Some of the tools covered
in this program are:

Google AdWords Google Analytics Facebook Ads - Social

Search & Display Network Web Analytics Media Marketing

AppAnnie Mixpanel Unmetric

App Store Optimization Engagement Analysis Social Media Listening

Google Webmasters Optimizely HubSpot

(Search Console) - SEO A/B testing Email Automation Tool

Social Media Listening
Industry We generate original, state-of-the-art
content with our industry partners who

deliver recorded lectures on cutting-edge
topics, sponsor projects with real data
sets, and mentor students along the way.

Syllabus Design the syllabus for UpGrads program in

order to guarantee that the program is ex-
Design tremely relevant to Industry needs

Work closely with UpGrad to create lectures in

the Program. And also define learning
Lecturing objectives for modules, assignments &
assessments for students.

Co-Create with UpGrads content team

Industry industry relevant case studies and projects
based on past marketing campaigns of their
Projects company. They also mentor students and
engage students in real-life projects.
Subject Matter We have tied up with the big leaguers of
the industry who have shaped the digital
world for years. We believe you need to
Experts learn from the best in class in order to join
the digital elite of the coming years. Our
experts have had elaborate and presti-
gious association with leading brands
Ashok Lalla Jaideep Prabhu Sakhee Dheer Apurva Chamaira
An award-winning Digital and Brand leader, Jaideep Prabhu is a professor of marketing Sakhee Dheer is currently leading Digital Apurva Chamaria is a Vice President and
Ashok has over 22 years of marketing and at Cambridge University. He is a member of Marketing & Analytics for Microsoft APAC. the Head of Corporate Marketing at HCL
business experience across industries, the editorial boards of the Journal of She leads the APAC social media operations Technologies, one of the leaders in the
including over 16 years in Digital. Marketing, the International Journal of center and is responsible for driving APAC's worlds IT Industry.
Research in Marketing and the Journal of end-to-end marketing measurement eorts
He has the unique distinction of managing Management Studies. (ROMI). Prior to this Sakhee has held multi- Apurva is author at Bloomsbury India and
worldwide Digital Marketing for two Indi- ple roles at Microsoft from working at Mic- venture partner at EDUGILD, where he is
an-born global brands Taj Hotels for 9 He is the co-author of Jugaad Innovation rosoft IT India to leading Customer Partner advising StartUps in their digital strategies.
years, and Infosys for 3 years. described by The Economist as "the most Experience Programs for Enterprise He is the co-author of You are the Key:
He has also led Digital across India and comprehensive book" on the subject of Services in APAC. Unlocking Doors Through Social Selling.,
South Asia for Mindshare and Havas where frugal innovation. where he details out the opportunities for
his clients included Unilever, IBM, Lenovo, During this program she will teach on web, individuals to leverage social media for
Nike, Pepsi, Ford and Amex. He has consulted leading digital brands such mobile and app analytics. sales.
as Barclays, Vodafone, Nokia, Phillips. He is
In this program, Ashok will share his an alumnus of IIT-Delhi and the University Before this, he was Sales Director and Head
perspective on all modules, point out most of Southern California. at HCL Technologies. He was also Business
recent trends, fundamentals in each area In this program he will teach the manager at Ranbaxy Laboratories.
and push you to think out of the box as a fundamentals of marketing and branding. In this program he will teach in detail about
Digital Marketing leader. how to build a robust digital marketing
strategy and how to optimize conversions.
Prithviraj Banerjee Sujoy Golan Neville Medhora Pradeep Shankar
Prithviraj is Head of agency at DigitasLBi. Sujoy Golan is the Head of Global Digital Neville is the head of India Business at Rage Pradeep Shankar is the Senior Vice
He leads Strategic leadership across brands Marketing at Inmobi the worlds largest Communications. A St. Xavier graduate, President at Rage Communications and
such as Nissan, L&T, Religare, HDFC Life mobile Ad platforms. He coaches startups and Neville has a had a very illustrious agency head their Singapore oce. Rage
etc. He also manages multidepartment is a guest lecturer at IIM Calcutta, where he side career. Over a career spanning more Communications is one of the leading
team in Delhi and Mumbai oce, and new teaches students Digital and Growth than 20 years, Neville has worked at leading Digital Agencies with clients including Airtel,
business development. He has worked as Marketing. agencies like Rediusion, JWT, TBWA, CitiBank and HDFC.
Strategic Planning Head, Rediusion Saatchi & Saatchi.
Y&R - Mumbai and Everest Brand Solutions Prior to his stint at Inmobi, Sujoy was a He has over 17 years of experience. He is a
- India. He has worked with BBH in London category head at FlipKart and has shaped their In this program, Neville would teach website proved leader in new age marketing
and India, and started his advertising career digital foray in India for years. Earlier, Sujoy building and search engine optimisation. ecosystem.
with Leo Burnett. shaped strategic initiatives at directi.
He has consistently delivered successful
In this program he will teach you how In this program, Sujoy teaches you retargeting, outcomes across multiple streams of
marketing has evolved over the years and display marketing as well as aliate and advertising, marketing and digital
what it means for the businesses. search engine marketing. He will guide you communication practices.
through tools and techniques to optimize your
paid Digital Marketing knowledge.
Deepika Rodrigo Karan Sarin Byomkesh Kumar Sumit Verma
Karan Sarin is the Head of Marketing at Byomkesh Kumar is a Senior Online Sumit Verma is a Senior Manager of Digital
Deepika currently heads up the Australian
OnePlus India, where he is overseeing the Marketing Manager at WizIQ, is an Marketing at Grofers, where he leads
operations for Rage Communications with a
foray and growth of one of the most award-winning online education platform Grofers Digital Marketing Initiatives and
team of 40 people oshore. Rage
innovative smart device companies in the that oers training and tutoring to more optimizes the digital initiatives at one of the
Communications is a full service digital
world. Like no other brand, OnePlus, under than 3 million people using the platform in leading digital-rst brands in India.
agency. She has over 14 years of Digital
Karans leadership has created frugal more than 100 countries.
Marketing experience.
content marketing campaigns with immense Before joining Grofers, Sumit worked with
Some of her key clients are Citibank
impact. Earlier he was Head of Online Marketing Facebook, where he was part of the Global
Australia, The Westpac Group, BT Financial
Group, AMP, Sydney Opera House and and Analytics at JUSTEAT.IN. He is an Marketign Solutions Team and identied
Earlier, Karan was a Director at Flipkart, alumnus of IIT Kharagpur and IIM new strategies for the worlds largest social
where he built Flipkarts Gift Cards business Kozhikode. media network. Sumit has extensive
from ground-up to a multi-million dollar domestic and global experience in Digital
Deepika would teach Website Building in
business. Marketing with an extensive exposure to a
UpGrad Digital Marketing Program.
gamut of areas including strategy,
He founded Perkylane, an enterprise operations, customer relationship
software (SaaS) company that provided management and analytics. He is an
on-demand employee benets solution to alumnus of Symbiosis Institute of Telecom
more than thirty million small-medium sized Management.
companies in India.
In this program he will teach you the
In this program, Karan will teach you the concept of mobile app marketing and equip
depth of content marketing in a digital you with everything required to market your
world. app successfully.
Placement Interview for the digital marketing roles of
your liking. Get all the guidance you need

for writing your CV and preparing for the

Based on past work profile and personal

Select the right strengths, we would help you identify the
prole for you right job profile and right companies to
work for.

Through personalised career mentoring

with our in-house experts, we would get
Prepare for you ready to highlight your skill and
experience in the best manner. This
your interviews includes everything from preparing a
resume to what and how to highlight
personal qualities and experience in an

Our industry partners would receive

Get shortlisted by our profiles and program score sheet of the
industry partners students, and they would shortlist suitable
candidates for various positions.

Like a placement cell in a university,

Hiring logistics are UpGrad facilitates the hiring process
through a career fair where you get the
taken care of by us chance to interact with some of the leading
brands and agencies of India.
In order to further build your personal brand as a leader in the
digital marketing space, we have partnered with IAMAI
Internet and Mobile Association of India Indias official
industry body with network partners across all industries,
brands and agencies both digital and traditional.

IAMAI is the only specialized industry body in India

representing the interests of online and mobile enabled
industries. IAMAI works together with all industry
stakeholders, in order to create a more online and mobile
landscape in India.

On completion of this program you will receive an official

Certificate by IAMAI in association with UpGrad to get optimal
exposure to job opportunities through an industry-recognized
certification from the most significant industry body of the

This program will provide you more than enough expertise to

pass all Google and Facebook certifications.
Digital Marketing
Next batch starting 18th August 2016

Reach out to us at: 022-61562128; 022-61562106

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