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74487 POI37510.1177/0309364612474487Prosthetics and Orthotics InternationalAzadinia et al.


Original Research Report

Prosthetics and Orthotics International

The effects of two spinal orthoses 37(5) 404410

The International Society for
Prosthetics and Orthotics 2013
on balance in elderly people with Reprints and permissions:
thoracic kyphosis DOI: 10.1177/0309364612474487

Fatemeh Azadinia1, Mojtaba Kamyab1, Hamid Behtash2,

Nader Maroufi3 and Bagher Larijani4

Background: Hyperkyphosis increases the risk of falls for elderly people by reducing postural balance. Spinomed orthosis
and the posture-training support are two available options for improving postural balance but have never been compared.
Objectives: To compare the effect of the Spinomed orthosis and the posture-training support on balance in elderly people
with thoracic hyperkyphosis.
Study Design: This study is a clinical trial on an accessible sample of elderly people with thoracic kyphosis.
Method: Eighteen participants (16 women and 2 men), aged 6080 years, with thoracic kyphosis greater than
50, completed the study procedure. Subjects were randomly allocated to two groups, namely, Spinomed orthosis
and the posture-training support groups. Sensory organization test and limits of stability were assessed using the Eq-
uiTest system and the Balance Master system, respectively. Balance score, directional control, and reaction time were
measured to evaluate balance with and without orthosis in a random order.
Results: In the posture-training support group, significant changes were observed in the studied balance parameters: bal-
ance score (p < 0.001), directional control (p = 0.027), and reaction time (p = 0.047). There was a significant change in
balance score (p < 0.001) and directional control (p = 0.032) in the Spinomed group. However, there were no significant
differences in the effect of the two orthoses, the Spinomed orthosis and posture-training support, on balance factors.
Conclusion: Both Spinomed orthosis and posture-training support may improve balance in the elderly with thoracic
hyperkyphosis in a similar manner.

Clinical relevance
Despite the importance of falls suffered by elderly people, not much attention has been paid to balance improvement and fall
prevention while managing hyperkyphosis. This study evaluates the effect of the Spinomed orthosis and posture-training sup-
port on balance in hyperkyphotic elderly people. It provides some new insights into reducing the risk of falls for elderly people.

Kyphosis, balance, orthosis

Date received: 25 July 2012; accepted: 17 December 2012

Background 1Department of Orthotics and Prosthetics, Faculty of Rehabilitation

Falling is one of the most important risks for elderly people Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2Orthopedic Department, Rasoul Hospital, Tehran, Iran
that may be associated with serious consequences.1 Studies 3Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences,
in the United States considered falling to be the sixth cause Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
of mortality in people older than 65 years.2 About 30% of 4Endocrine & Metabolism Research Center, Tehran University of

individuals aged over 65 years experience at least one fall Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
per year, and the condition requires medical care in 20% of
Corresponding author:
the cases.3,4
Mojtaba Kamyab, Department of Orthotics & Prosthetics, Faculty of
Postural stability, or balance, is the ability to maintain Rehabiliation Sciences, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
the center of mass (COM) within the limits of base of Iran.
support. The COM is equal to the center of total body mass Email:
Azadinia et al. 405

and is determined by finding the weighted average of the demonstrating an acceptable testretest reliability and pre-
COM of each body segment. Movement of COM outside dictive validity.24 Individuals with thoracic hyperkyphosis
the limits of the base of support could result in postural (with Cobb angle greater than 50) on lateral spinal radio-
instability and loss of balance.5 Postural instability, which graphs capable of walking without assistive devices and of
increases with age,68 is one of the influencing factors of standing independently for at least 2 min were included.
falls.810 Changes in the spinal curve along with hyperky- The exclusion criteria were as follows: alcohol or drug use
phosis are among the main factors leading to postural insta- affecting balance or influencing central nervous system
bility.8,11,12 Most often, natural kyphosis in the thoracic (within 48 h before testing); history of neurogenic or myo-
spine increases with age.13 Excessive increase in this curva- pathic disorders impairing sensory or motor functions; sco-
ture, also known as hyperkyphosis, is reported in 20%40% liosis; any history of joint arthroplasty in lower limbs;
of the elderly.14,15 having visual and auditory disorders not correctable by
Kyphotic posture may cause anterior displacement glasses or hearing aids; history of fracture or surgery of
of the COM and instigate the COM to be located out of spine or lower limbs within at least 1 year before the study;
the limits of stability (LOS) in standing posture,8 history of participating in spinal balance exercises (within a
thereby increasing the risk of falls by reducing postural month before testing); and back or neck pain at the time of
balance.8,12 examination reported to be higher than 3 on the Visual
Despite the importance of falls for elderly people, not Analogue Scale (VAS), because lower pain intensity on
much attention has been paid to balance improvement and VAS does not affect postural sway in patients.25 This study
fall prevention while treating hyperkyphosis. Using a spi- was a single blinded clinical trial with a
nal orthosis is a modality in the treatment of hyperkyphosis convenience sample of 18 elderly persons with thoracic
in the elderly. These orthoses help in improvement of bal- hyperkyphosis. All the participants voluntarily signed an
ance and preventing falls1618 as well as correcting pos- informed consent form. The study procedure was approved
ture.16,1921 Pfeifer et al.16 showed that the use of the by the Ethics Committee of the institution in which the
Spinomed orthosis resulted in a decrease in COM sway and study was conducted (Letter No. 221).
subsequently improved balance in elderly women. Sinaki The immediate effect of wearing Spinomed orthosis and
and colleagues17,18 noted that using posture-training sup- the PTS on postural balance was evaluated in this study.
port (PTS) and getting involved in an exercise program can These two orthoses are the best known and least invasive
improve balance and decrease the risk of falls. However, no orthotic recommendation for dorsal kyphosis in elderly.26
study has been carried out on the effect of PTS without an The Spinomed orthosis consists of an abdominal pad;
program; therefore, the isolated role of this orthosis has posterior padded metal upright; and pelvic, waistline, and
never been defined clearly. Although the Spinomed ortho- shoulder straps. According to the manufacturers guideline,
sis and PTS are the two best known and the least invasive the posterior padded metal upright extends cephally up to
orthotic management for correcting elderly peoples pos- the 15 cm under C7 and extends caudally down to the coc-
ture, with supporting studies to demonstrate their therapeu- cygeal level.27 According to the patients spinal curvature,
tic effects on strength of back muscles, posture correcting, the middle part of this metallic upright is shaped without
pain management, and improvement of balance,1618 there applying any heat; the pelvic, waistline, and shoulder straps
have been no other studies to compare these two orthoses. are also adjusted to fit the patients size. The orthosis
Therefore, this study aims to assess the effects of the weighs approximately 450 g (Figure 1).
Spinomed orthosis and PTS without exercise program on The PTS orthosis consists of a posterior bag, which is
balance in the hyperkyphotic elderly population. 1020 cm in length and 510 cm in width. The bag is placed
exactly under the inferior angle of the scapula.26,28 Three
110 g weights and a 440 g weight are placed in this bag.
Materials and method
The PTS in this study was provided by Trulife, and the
The subject population in this study taken as a sample com- weights were adjusted according to the recommendations
prised elderly persons between the ages of 60 and 80 years. in the guideline of Sinakis28 patent (Figure 2).
Subjects with thoracic hyperkyphosis were recruited from Both of the orthoses were fitted on the participants by
nursing homes, orthopedic clinics, general practitioners, a certified orthotist who adjusted the straps with the
and elderly support groups. A total sample size of 18 was same tension in all participants. Balance assessment in
determined to be enough to provide an 80% power, after this study was performed by scores of sensory organiza-
carrying out a pilot study on 5 participants using each of the tion test (SOT) and the LOS test. A SOT was performed
two orthoses (total of 10 participants) and calculating the using the NeuroCom EquiTest system according to the
standard deviation of the balance score, as the main out- manufacturers protocol.29 The system consists of two
come measure. The balance score was considered in the force plates, placed parallel to each other and connected
role of the main outcome measure as it is a common and by a pin joint and delimited by a visual surround in three
recommended criterion to evaluate the risk of falling,12,22,23 directions (front, left, and right) as follows:
406 Prosthetics and Orthotics International 37(5)

Figure 1. The Spinomed orthosis consists of an abdominal

pad; posterior padded metal upright; and pelvic, waistline, and Figure 2. Posture-training support consists of a posterior bag
shoulder straps. The posterior padded metal upright extends that is 1020 cm in length and 510 cm in width. The bag is
cephally up to the 15 cm under C7 and extends caudally down placed exactly under the inferior angle of the scapula.
to the coccygeal level.
29.25 inches in front of the pin joint.) The lateral distance
The two force plates are supported by four force transducers between left and right plate transducers and center is 8.25
established symmetrically on a supporting plate. A fifth inches.29
transducer is bracketed to the center plate directly beneath
the pin joint.29 Visual feedback about COM was provided for subjects
through a monitor.29 The LOS test evaluates the subjects
The load cells in the force plates transmit force informa- ability of volitional control of COM. In this study, the
tion to the computer 100 times per second. The SOT evalu- measured quantities in LOS test were reaction time and
ates the subjects ability to effectively use visual, vestibular, directional control. The reaction time (microseconds) is the
and somatosensory inputs to maintain balance. In this test, time required for the patient to respond to a visual stimulus.
the average three balance scores gathered from six test Directional control (%) is the accuracy of movement from
configurations were used to calculate the total score, which the central square to the target and reported in percentage;30
ranged between 0 and 100. Score 0 indicates highest a score of 100 shows that the patients movement toward
level of impairment and imbalance, whereas score 100 the target had occurred in a straight line.
shows the individuals total independence.22,23,29 In this study, balance was evaluated by measuring the bal-
The LOS test was performed by the NeuroCom ance score, reaction time, and directional control. The previ-
Balance Master according to the manufacturers proto- ous studies have established the association between risks of
col.29 The system consisted of two parallel force plates. falls and balance score and LOS test scores;22,23,31 moreover,
Vertical forces applied by the subjects feet, the location validity and reliability of balance score, reaction time, and
of COM, and its relative movement were measured and directional control have been confirmed in earlier studies.24,32
reported by four force transducers placed under the plates
as follows:
The transducers are mounted along the front-to-back center Subjects selected based on the studys inclusion and exclu-
line of each plate (one 29.25 inches behind and the other sion criteria were provided with sufficient information
Azadinia et al. 407

regarding the research aim and procedure. A spine special- indicated when a blue circle appeared in the target square.
ist evaluated the participants and measured the Cobb angle. The patient was asked to move pointer toward the target
On a standing lateral radiographic image of the thoracic square, rapidly and carefully, by shifting body weight and
spine, two lines are drawn, one along the upper surface of using an ankle strategy without displacing his or her feet
the T4 (4th thoracic) vertebral end-plate and one along the placement on the force plate and keeping the pointer in that
lower surface of the T12 vertebral end-plate. Two perpen- position until the blue circle disappeared. Each testing stage
diculars are drawn to these two lines, and the angle at their was selected randomly and lasted 8 s, after which the
cross-point is measured with a protractor. Subjects who had pointer disappeared.29 Reaction time and directional con-
Cobb angle >50 were included. trol were the variables evaluated in each stage. NeuroCom
Recruited subjects were randomly allocated to use either systems include a self-calibration feature, which calibrates
the Spinomed orthosis or PTS. The randomization proce- the system on start of the application. This will make it
dure was to pick the name of the orthosis from a bag includ- unnecessary to calibrate the system manually unless in the
ing the names of both orthoses. Before measuring the case of changing the position of the force plates, which is
baseline measurements, the height and weight of all sub- performed with the NeuroCom system Init utility provided
jects were recorded. The participants were informed about with version 7 system software, according to the manufac-
the test procedure and were given enough time to learn the turers recommendations.29
correct method of test performance. SOT and LOS balance
tests were performed with and without orthosis. The
Data analysis
sequence of tests in these configurations was random in
order to limit the effect of learning and fatigue: 1-h interval Data analysis was performed with the SPSS software
was considered between trials with and without orthosis (version 16). The KolmogorovSmirnov test was used to
and 10-min rest between SOT and LOS tests. All subjects test the normality of distribution of variables. Normal dis-
in the two groups were asked to wear the orthoses for 1.5 h tribution was observed for variables in both groups.
to get used to them. Pfeifer et al.s16 study noted that Independent sample t-test was used to evaluate the groups
Spinomed orthosis must be worn approximately 2 h/day, congruency for height, age, weight, degree of kyphosis, and
and Sinaki et al.17 in their study recommend to wear the balance parameters. Balance parameters within the groups
PTS daily for 1.5 h in the morning and 1.5 h in the after- (i.e. with and without orthosis) were compared using a
noon, and therefore, in this study, 1.5 h was considered as a paired t-test with and without orthosis. To compare the
suitable orthotic adaptation time. In performing the SOT changes in balance parameters between the two groups, an
test, the subject was asked to stand on the force plate of independent sample t-test was used. A p-value <0.05 was
EquiTest system and put his or her feet on certain points on considered to be statistically significant.
the force plate and look straight forward through his or her
visual limit. This test was performed in six different sen-
sory configurations, each repeated three times. The force
plate was stable in stages 13. In stage 1, subjects eyes Eight participants were allocated to the PTS group and 10
were open; in stage 2, subjects eyes were closed; and in participants were allocated to the Spinomed orthosis. The
stage 3, the visual surround in front of subject was moving. inequality of the size of each group was related to the group
The force plate was moving from stages 4 through 6, and allocation method as describe earlier. In total, 16 women
the visual condition was the same as the three first stages. and 2 men with the mean age of 66.72 4.77 years, height
With regard to the speed of the tilt in the force plates, sway of 156.33 6.43 cm, weight of 66.88 9.68 kg, and Cobb
gain setting of 1 was chosen. In sway gain setting of 1, angle of 70.61 9.87 participated. The statistical analysis
force plates follow the patients sway exactly, and norma- (independent sample t-test) revealed no significant differ-
tive data are only available for this sway gain.29 In order to ence in subjects age (p = 0.06), weight (p = 0.391), height
eliminate any learning effect, sequence of these stages was (p = 0.406), angle of kyphosis (p = 0.959), balance score
entirely randomized. Each testing stage lasted for 20 s.29 without orthosis (p = 0.443), directional control without
In performing the LOS test, the subject was asked to orthosis (p = 0.118), and reaction time without orthosis (p =
stand on the force plate of the Balance Master system, 0.141) among two groups on baseline measurement. The
hanging his or her arms at the sides in a comfortable posi- use of Spinomed orthosis had a significant impact on both
tion, and putting his/her feet on certain points on the force the balance score (p < 0.001) and directional control (p =
plate and positioning the pointer that appeared on the moni- 0.032) but not the reaction time (p = 0.29) (Table 1).
tor showing the position of the COM in the central square The use of PTS, however, had a considerable effect of
on the monitor. In addition to the central square, there were using this orthosis on all the three studied variables (bal-
eight peripheral squares, which showed the subjects LOS ance score (p < 0.001), directional control (p = 0.027), and
up to 100%. In each stage, one of these squares was deter- reaction time (p = 0.047); Table 2). There were, however,
mined by yellow color, and starting of movement was no significant differences between the effects of Spinomed
408 Prosthetics and Orthotics International 37(5)

Table 1.The mean ( SD) for balance parameters in Spinomed the orthosis and exercise, the interpretation of results of this
group (without and with orthosis). study should be considered with caution in this regard.
Variables Mean SD p-value The results revealed an increase in the balance score fol-
lowing the use of both of the studied orthoses. This finding
BS without orthosis (n = 10) 65.1 7.795 <0.000* indicates the positive effect of these devices in improving
BS with orthosis (n = 10) 76.9 6.657 postural stability and balance. This is in line with Pfeifer
DCL (%) without orthosis (n = 10) 78.6 7.137 0.032* et al.s16 study on 62 elderly women with osteoporosis and
DCL (%) with orthosis (n = 10) 82.4 5.66 hyperkyphosis, which also reported that the use of the
RT (ms) without orthosis (n = 10) 0.731 0.109 0.29 Spinomed orthosis without engaging in any exercise pro-
RT (ms) with orthosis (n = 10) 0.687 0.115
grams resulted in a decrease in COM sway and subse-
BS: balance score; DCL: directional control; RT: reaction time; SD: stan- quently improved balance. However, in studies by Sinaki et
dard deviation. al.17,18 on elderly women with osteoporosis and hyperky-
*Significant difference. phosis, the improvement of the balance score was referred
to the using of PTS and getting engaged in sport programs.
Table 2.The mean ( SD) for balance parameters in PTS group Putting together the studies of Sinaki et al., Pfeifer et al.,
(without and with orthosis). and this study reveals that the improvement of balance in
the Sinaki et al. studies might have been achieved as a
Variables Mean SD p-value
result of using the orthosis, and not because of the exercise
BS without orthosis (n = 8) 62.38 6.63 <0.0001* program, or at least the orthosis had an effect on improve-
BS with orthosis (n = 8) 72.75 5.49 ment of balance in the subjects studied. Proprioception
DCL (%) without orthosis (n = 8) 73 7.151 0.027* change is often considered as one of the main consequences
DCL (%) with orthosis (n = 8) 78.13 7.918 of orthosis use.26 These devices increase proprioception
RT (ms) without orthosis (n = 8) 0.796 0.117 0.04* through increasing skin inputs.3337 This is caused by
RT (ms) with orthosis (n = 8) 0.697 0.140
increasing the activity of not only the afferent receptors in
BS: balance score; DCL: directional control; RT: reaction time; SD: stan- the skin but also the mechanoreceptors through increased
dard deviation; PTS: posture-training support. pressure on muscles and the articular capsule. Newcomer et
*Significant difference. al.34 and McNair et al.33 showed that lumbosacral corsets
improve proprioception and lower repositioning errors by
causing more afferents in the case of body position.
Table 3.The mean ( SD) for comparing the changes of balance Increased awareness about spinal position also prevents
parameters between the two groups (Spinomed and PTS). erroneous postures and reduces stress on spine.33,34 The
Variables Group p-value correction of forward inclination and helping the COM to
be placed within base of support are among other mecha-
Spinomed PTS nisms identified for Spinomed orthosis and PTS.17,18,26
(n = 10) (n = 8) Hyperkyphotic posture displaces COM forward so that it
Change of BS 11.8 5.76 10.37 4.77 0.583 falls out of LOS and, consequently, cause imbalance.10,12
Change of DCL (%) 3.8 4.73 4.5 6.3 0.791 Thus, these orthoses are designed to counteract these
Change of RT (ms) 0.026 0.07 0.096 0.12 0.152 deforming forces; in the PTS, this mechanism works by
applying force under the scapula, whereas the Spinomed
BS: balance score; DCL: directional control; RT: reaction time; orthosis retracts the shoulders through shoulder straps.26
SD: standard deviation; PTS: posture-training support.
Therefore, these orthoses generate extension moments on
the spine, displace the COM backwards, and maintain it
orthosis and the PTS on total balance score (p = 0.583), within base of support, as a result, improving balance and
directional control (p = 0.791), and reaction time (p = 0.152) decreasing falling risk.1618
(Table 3). In the LOS test, use of the PTS and the Spinomed
orthoses is associated with an increase in the degree of
directional control, implying better balance capabilities
and less falling risk. Palumbo et al.,30 in their study on
This study aimed to compare the effect of PTS and examining the effects of backpack on dynamic stability
Spinomed on balance in elderly people with thoracic in standing position in 50 healthy university students,
kyphosis. In order to determine the net effect of the orthoses, showed that carrying a backpack increases directional
no exercise was included in the protocol. Other researchers control in the frontal plane but lowers it in the sagittal
also considered the effect of orthosis without performing plane. These changes demonstrate no lateral bending when
any exercise.16 This may reveal the pure effect of orthosis. carrying bags on both sides; forward bending, however, is
However, as it is common to prescribe the combination of significant in these cases.38 Thus, postural compensations
Azadinia et al. 409

in the sagittal plane may be more considerable than in the of the study, it was not possible to assess the long-term
frontal plane. In order to compensate for the changes in effects of the intervention; thus, the results should be con-
COM, caused secondary to the backpack weight, postural sidered with caution as immediate effects of the interven-
changes such as forward bending occur so that these tion have been studied.
changes may alter activation modes of anterior and poste-
rior muscles to maintain dynamic balance. These changes
in the activation mode of the muscles may explain the Conclusion
reduction noted in anterior and posterior directional con- It could be concluded that the Spinomed orthosis and PTS
trol. Liaw et al.39 showed that KnightTaylor orthosis is are both effective in improving balance in hyperkyphotic
associated with decreased directional control in individu- elderly people. It should be stressed that, based on our
als with osteoporosis and compressive vertebral fractures. results, there is no significant difference in the efficacy of
These results are contrary to the findings of this study due these two orthoses in improving balance factors.
to the different characteristics of applied orthoses between
two studies. Liaw et al. used KnightTaylor orthosis, Conflict of interest
which is a rigid spinal orthosis and limits functional activ- We certify that no party having a direct interest in the results of
ity, so that its utilization for a long time can result in atro- the research supporting this article has conferred, or will confer,
phy of abdominal and spinal muscles. However, it is a benefit on us or on any organization with which we are
supposed that the Spinomed and PTS orthoses, activate associated.
spinal muscles better and increase their isometric
strength.16,40 These orthoses, unlike conventional rigid Funding
braces, cannot maintain spine in an upright posture but This study was fully funded by Tehran University of Medical
encourage people to keep their spines upright using spinal Sciences (grant No 813). The protocol of this study was approved
muscles.26 by the Ethics Committee of the institution in which the tests were
In this study, the use of Spinomed orthosis did not sig- conducted (Letter NO. 221).
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