Why Tanzania Should Wake Up and Warn Kenya Against Contravening The Paramountcy Principle

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Someone can question what I mean by saying that Tanzania is likely to have a dark future, It is
simply because its disabled children are begging in streets of Nairobi to enrich corrupt and
inhuman Kenyans. It might be that HIS EXCELLENCY THE PRESIDENT OF TANZANIA is
not aware of the child trafficking business taking place between his country and the East Africa
Protectorate(Kenya).If true that he is not aware then he should take notice that Kenyan Cartels
are feeding and schooling their children from incomes procured from infringing his children's'
rights. I am expecting a reaction from Magufuli as soon as he see this message,otherwise,I will
confirm the saying that Negroes will never be their savior while they are their own salvage. That
Africans are the enemies of Africa.
But it's not only Magufuli who should be bothered, this issue should be of concern to Kenya too,
because it is failing in its obligations under international law, also Human Right NGO's and
human right activists in Kenya should in fact resign. Someone can ask whether;
(a) Human right is just a language or a concept? Or whether;
(b) Human right groups are conglomeration of people preaching language of human right or
troupe driven by conscience and humanity to fight for human dignity? Or else whether;
(c)Human right groups are assembly of thieves guided by personal interest and need to be fame?
These questions seem to be rhetorical but they arent since it is a fact that the NGOs cant speak
while Kenya is crowned as most civilized nation in East and Central Africa and as the backbone
of Africa's unity, they have failed in being good neighbors and mothering children for our
beloved continent. In fact human rights organization should apologize to Kenyans, Tanzanians as
well as African Children.
Whereas Kenya is a country grounded on strong African morality with fundamental duty of
protecting rights of children and pruning them to be responsible adults, and which the
paramountcy doctrine is engraved in multiple papers of law including; constitution, Children Act
among others, it is appearing on the fore front protecting and promoting child trafficking and
disable child labor. It has not shown commitment to its law by implementing them.
I hold this position because all evidence point to the guilt Nairobi County. The Capital city had
been receiving child guests from Tanzania without necessary documents and protecting and
acquiescing on the issue despite having sufficient knowledge of the occurrence. I know the actors
in this business are big fishes who are not likely to be guests of the courts soon or later, but be
warned that hell fire awaits you and all the institutions playing the blind man's part in this play.
Thanks my readers.

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