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History 1877 to the Present

Mrs. Feiertag and Mr. Bengtson
Francis C. Hammond Middle School 1
Course Syllabus

Welcome to 7th grade US History 1877 to the Present. This year, we will be
exploring how the United States transformed after the Civil War from an
agricultural nation to one of the most powerful industrial nations in the

Textbook: The American Nation: 1877-Present. Each student will receive a
copy of the textbook to be brought home to use as supplementary support
during the course. Some assignments may be given from this textbook.
Binder: Each student will create an interactive binder throughout the course.
This binder will contain all of the necessary notes, handouts, tests,
assignments and other materials needed to be successful. This binder will be
graded several times each quarter to ensure that all students are
maintaining their work.

Student grades will be determined using the following criteria:

Tests: 25%
Quizzes: 15%
Classwork: 15%
Homework/Binder: 10%
Projects 25%
Quarter tests 10%
Total: 100%

Students will be evaluated in various ways including quizzes, tests, classwork
assignments, warm ups, projects, and binder checks.

Turn in assignments on time: All assignments, including homework and

projects are to be turned in on time. Grade deductions will be taken on any
late assignments.
Each student is expected to come to class with a positive attitude, ready to
learn. In order to be successful, students must come to class EVERYDAY with
their Interactive Binder, containing loose-leaf paper, and a pen or pencil.
Teachers will not supply students with paper or writing utensils.

Be prepared: Bring materials to class.

Be respectful: Treat others and yourself with respect. You show this with
what you say and how you act.
Be on time: When you arrive late, you miss important information!

If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what work you missed.
You are also responsible for filling in the pages of your Interactive Binder on
those days you are absent. You should ask a classmate for the missed
assignments and pages, or use the class binder to see what you missed. YOU
are responsible to schedule a time to take any missed tests or quizzes.

How to reach the teachers:

You can contact me or Mr. Bengtson by writing a note in the student agenda,
calling 703-461-4105 and leaving a message, or e-mailing us at and We are
available to meet with you ________
Below you will find a brief outline of the content we will be exploring during
the school year in US History II.

• The Harlem Renaissance

Quarter One o Art, literature and music
Geography • The Great Depression
o States/Regions/Cities o Causes
The Great Plains o Impact on Americans
o Physical Features o Features of the New Deal
o Inventions and adaptations
o Reasons for Westward Expansion Quarter Three
o Native American conflicts & • World War Two
struggles o Causes of World War Two
Immigration o Sides in WWII
o Reasons for increased o American Involvement
immigration o Major Events
o Efforts to solve problems o The Holocaust
• Racial Segregation o Results of WWII
o Jim Crow Laws • US Economy after WWII
o Booker T. Washington & WEB Dubois • The Cold War
• Growth of Cities o Origins
o Reasons why cities o Major Conflicts
developed  Korean War
o Challenges faced in cities  Cuban Missile Crisis
Industrial Revolution  Vietnam War
o Inventions and growth of industries o Collapse of Communism in
o Big Business Europe
o Negative Effects of Industrialization
Progressivism Quarter Four
• Women’s Suffrage • Civil Rights Movement
• Temperance Movement o Effects of segregation
• Spanish American War o Leaders of the Movement
o Supreme Court decisions
Quarter Two • Women’s Rights Movement
• World War One • Impact of new technology on
o Reasons for US involvement American life
o Sides in the War • SOL Review
o US Leadership and effects of the • Final research project
• Impact of Electrification on the US
• Impact of the Automobile
• Prohibition
• Great Migration
• The Roaring 20s
o Art, literature and music

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