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Pillavidanthai is a small village located in the diocese of Tanjore and is 30 kms
away from Mayavaram town. The people are mostly illiterate and are dependent
on agriculture for their day-to-day living.
Rev. Fr. P. C. Michaelsamy, the then the Parish Priest of Pillavidanthai Parish, desired to fulfil the
needs of the people. He felt that the presence of the sisters would be supportive for the people. In
1974, Fr. Michaelsamy, with the consent of Rt. Rev. Arockiasamy Sundaram, the then Bishop of
Tanjore, invited our sisters to work for the people, which was accepted by Mother Mary Martina, the
then Superior General.

The sisters started their mission by staying in a small house and taught
at the diocesan school.
It is really challenging to educate the children in this remote village since the
facilities available here are very limited. Sisters also take care of the children in
the diocesan orphanage. Apart from their teaching mission, sisters also
participate in the pastoral activities of the parish by taking catechism classes,
visiting houses, and preaching the good news of Jesus to the poor people.
R. C. M. Primary School (Diocesan)
Orphanage name
Contact Address
Superior and Community, St. Josephs Convent, Pillavadanthai
Memathur P. O., Nagai District 609 309
Contact Number
Convent: 9047950372

FSJ Franciscan Sisters of St.Josephs.

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