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Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1 (2011) 195203

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Energy-aware evolutionary routing protocol for dynamic clustering of wireless

sensor networks
Enan A. Khalil, Baraa A. Attea
Department of Computer Science, Baghdad University, Iraq

article info abstract

Article history: The main challenges in designing and planning the operations of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
Received 31 January 2011 are to optimize energy consumption and prolong network lifetime. Cluster-based routing techniques,
Received in revised form such as the well-known low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH), are used to achieve scalable
4 June 2011
solutions and extend the network lifetime until the last node dies (LND). Also, evolutionary algorithms
Accepted 20 June 2011
Available online 1 July 2011
(EAs), have been successfully used in recent years as meta-heuristics to address energy-aware routing
challenges by designing intelligent models that collaborate together to optimize an appropriate energy-
aware objective function. On the other hand, some protocols, such as stable election protocol (SEP), are
Clustering concerned with another objective: extending the stability time until the first node dies (FND). Often,
Energy-aware there is a tradeoff between extending the time until FND and the time until LND. To our knowledge,
Evolutionary algorithm no attempt has been made to obtain a better compromise between the stability time and network
Meta-heuristic lifetime. This paper reformulates the design of the most important characteristic of the EA (i.e., the
Routing protocol objective function), so as to obtain a routing protocol that can provide more robust results than the
Wireless sensor network existing heuristic and meta-heuristic protocols in terms of network stability period, lifetime, and energy
consumption. An evolutionary-based routing protocol is proposed, which can guarantee better tradeoff
between the lifespan and the stability period of the network with efficient energy utilization. To support
this claim, extensive simulations on 90 homogeneous and heterogeneous WSN models are evaluated
and compared against the LEACH, SEP, and one of the existing evolutionary-based routing protocols,
hierarchical clustering-algorithm-based genetic algorithm (HCR).
2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction called the sink node or base station (BS). The low-energy adaptive
clustering hierarchy (LEACH) protocol and the LEACH-Centralize
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained worldwide (LEACH-C) [7,8] are well-known hierarchical routing protocols in
attention in recent years, particularly with the proliferation of WSN. They divide a WSN into dynamic clusters, each of which has
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology, which has a CH being elected according to a priori optimal probability.
facilitated the development of smart sensors. WSNs are used in Although these LEACH-type schemes guarantee a well-
numerous applications, such as environmental monitoring, habitat distributed energy load, their analytical results are based on the as-
monitoring, prediction and detection of natural calamities, medical sumption that the nodes of the sensor network are equipped with
monitoring, and structural health monitoring [14]. the same amount of energy, which is the case of homogeneous sen-
WSN is undergoing intensive research to overcome its com- sor networks. On the other hand, there are a lot of crucial WSN
plexity and constraint challenges in terms of storage resources, applications that would highly benefit from understanding the im-
computational capabilities, communication bandwidth, and more pact of equipping a percentage of the node population more energy
importantly, power supply [5,6]. The main components of a sensor than the rest of the networks nodes to ensure that the feedback re-
node and its associated energy consumption are depicted in Fig. 1. sult from the network be more reliable or stable. For example, the
Typically, sensor nodes are grouped hierarchically in clusters huge damage caused by the forest fire in Kentucky, USA, in 2007
(sections), and each cluster has a node that acts as the cluster head (estimated to be multibillion US$) has motivated in developing a
(CH). All the nodes forward their sensor data to the CH, which in new WSN solution that can work in a harsh environment with het-
turn aggregates data reports and routes them to a specialized node erogeneous data and devices. In addition, there are also applica-
tions where the spatial density of the sensors is a constraint. By
assuming that with the current technology the cost of a sensor is
Corresponding author. Tel.: +964 7801 614354.
tens of times greater than that of the embedded batteries, it will
E-mail addresses: (E.A. Khalil), be valuable to examine whether the stability time (as measured
(B.A. Attea). by the period from the start of the network operation until the
2210-6502/$ see front matter 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
196 E.A. Khalil, B.A. Attea / Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1 (2011) 195203

2. Literature review

2.1. Heuristic protocols

In LEACH [7,8], a node elected as CH with a probability p and

each non-CH node determines its cluster by choosing the CH that
can be reached with the least communication energy. The role of
CH is rotated through all the sensors according to a random number
T between 0 and 1. A node becomes a CH for the current rotation
Fig. 1. Components of the sensor node and energy consumption for data
round if the number is less than the following threshold:
aggregation and communication task. p
if s G
first node dies FND) could be increased by simply distributing T ( s) = 1 p rmod 1p (1)

the extra energy to some existing nodes without introducing new 0 otherwise
nodes [9]. To this end, several heuristic protocols were proposed in
the literature to cope with heterogeneity. The stable election pro- where p is the desired percentage of the CH nodes in the sensor
tocol (SEP), then, weights the CH election probabilities according population, r is the current round number, and G is the set of nodes
to the initial energy of a node relative to that of the other nodes in that have not been CHs in the last 1/p rounds.
the network. SEP is proved to be more resilient than LEACH in ju- While LEACH-type schemes assume homogeneous WSNs,
diciously consuming the extra energy of the advanced (more pow- SEP [9] maintains hierarchical routing in heterogeneoussensor
erful) nodes [9]. networks, where a percentage of the sensor population is equipped
Obviously, the clustering problem is considered as NP-hard, with extra energy than the rest of the normal sensors in the same
where the arena of computational intelligence (CI) is widely uti- network. If the fraction of advanced nodes is m and the additional
lized for [1014]. Thus, different approaches of CI, including evo- energy factor between advanced and normal nodes is , then
lutionary algorithms (EAs), swarm intelligence (SI), and more pnrm = p/(1 + m) (2)
recently, harmony search (HS), have been used as population-
based meta-heuristic optimization methods by different re- padv = (1 + ). (3)
searchers for energy-aware cluster-based routing. In [1521], (1 + m)
researchers drew attention to developing genetic cluster-based Hence, in SEP, the threshold in (1) is replaced by that for the normal
routing protocols in WSNs. While their protocols succeeded in pro- sensors, T (snrm ), and that for advanced nodes T (sadv ) as follows [9]:
longing the WSN lifetime (the time interval from the start of the pnrm
network operation, until the last node dies LND) when compared if snrm G
with LEACH performance, they failed to ensure a longer reliability T (snrm ) = 1 pnrm rmod p 1 (4)
period until FND.
0 otherwise
Usually, there is a tradeoff between the time until FND and
the time until LND. An optimal balance between these two padv
if sadv G
contradictory goals is a challenge, and is itself an optimization

T (sadv ) = 1 padv rmod p 1 . (5)
process. Thus, fine tuning of the routing protocol parameters is adv

essential to improve the overall network performance. By careful 0 otherwise

analysis of the genetic cluster-based routing protocols mentioned
where r is the current round, G is the set of normal nodes that
in [1521] and more specifically in the context of their major
have not become CHs within the last 1/pnrm rounds of the epoch,
components, one can observe a common facet for the formalism
and T (snrm ) is the threshold applied to a population of n (1 m)
of two energy-reduction criteria. In the objective function, the
normal nodes. This guarantees that each normal node will become
amount of energy can be mainly minimized based on two terms:
a CH exactly once every 1/p (1 + m) rounds per epoch, and
network distance and cluster count. The formulization of the
that the average number of cluster heads that are normal nodes
distance function has been addressed from an abstract perspective,
per round per epoch is equal to n (1 m) pnrm . Similarly, G
where the smaller the distance between any two nodes, the
is the set of advanced nodes that have not become CHs within
lesser is the transmit power required to transmit the data. The
the last 1/padv rounds of the epoch, and T (sadv ) is the threshold
cluster count has been formalized in the fitness function either
applied to a population of n m advanced nodes. This guarantees
directly or indirectly for the purpose of minimizing the total energy
that each advanced node will become a CH exactly once every
To our knowledge, no attempt has been made to get an (1/p) (1 + m)/(1 + ) rounds.
acceptable compromise between the stability period and the
network lifetime. This paper describes an evolutionary-based 2.2. Meta-heuristic protocols
clustering protocol for the routing problem in WSNs, where all the
transmissions are based on single-hop communication. The main As the clustering problem is proved to be an NP-hard problem,
goal of this work is the formulation of a new objective function diverse fields of methods such as evolutionary computation are
that can have a significant impact on the overall performance of explored for proposing new algorithms. A detailed review of the
the WSN. It is tailored to meet the following conflicting goals: evolutionary clustering algorithms is provided in [22], together
maximal stability period until FND, maximal network longevity with an investigation of application of Differential Evolution (DE)
until LND, while at the same time, minimizing energy consumption as robust, fast and fully automatic clustering technique that can
throughout the network lifetime. The rest of the paper is organized circumvent the problems with the traditional clustering schemes.
as follows. In Section 2, related work in both heuristic and meta- In WSNs, CI and its main branch EAs have been tailored or
heuristic evolutionary-based directions is reviewed. The details of hybridized to suit several challenges. A detailed survey can be
the proposed protocol are discussed in Section 3. Simulation results found in [23]. In the present study, a review of the field of the
are presented and discussed in Section 4, and concluding remarks population-based meta-heuristic cluster-based routing in WSN
are provided in Section 5. is carried out with a focus on evolutionary algorithms. In [15],
E.A. Khalil, B.A. Attea / Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1 (2011) 195203 197

the GA attempts to find appropriate CHs to minimize the total wi , subsequently, these weights are updated according to the best
network distance. It uses binary individual, I, representation, in fit chromosomes.
which each bit corresponds to one sensor node. 1 signifies that The fitness function of the GA in [21] includes, in addition
the corresponding sensor is a CH; otherwise, it is a regular node. to the above-mentioned five parameters, two more parameters
The total transmission distance and the number of CHs Two are concerning the remaining energy (RE) available in all the sensor
subjected to minimization in this GA using a combined fitness nodes of the clusters and the number of frame transmissions (FT ),
function GA . i.e., the frames received by the sink. The final fitness function can
then be formulated as
GA (I ) = (TD D) + (1 ) (TN NCH ) (6)
GA (I ) = (i , fi ), fi {TD, D, E , SD, T , RE , FT }. (9)
where TD is the total distance of all the nodes to the BS, D is
the sum of the distances from the regular nodes to CHs plus the
sum of the distances from all the CHs to the BS, TN is the total Other population-based meta-heuristic algorithms have also
number of nodes, NCH is the number of CHs, and w is a pre-defined been developed for the cluster-based routing problem in WSN.
weight. Except for D and NCH , all the other parameters are fixed Recently, the harmony search algorithm (HAS) [24] had been
values in a given WSN topology. The shorter the D, or the lower developed for improving the longevity and reducing the energy
the number of NCH , the higher is the fitness value of an individual. consumption in the clustered routing of WSNs [25]. The fitness of
This GA attempts to maximize the fitness value to determine a good a harmony solution is defined as
HSA (Solution) = w f1 + (1 w) f2 (10)
In [16], a genetic clustering algorithm (GCA) is proposed for
the dynamic formation of clusters in WSN with the goal of where f1 is themaximum Euclidean distance of the nodes,
increasing network longevity by minimizing energy dissipation. defined as max{ nodei Ck d(nodei , CH k )/Ck }, and f2 is the ratio
Each chromosome is represented as a fixed length list equal to the of the energy of all the alive nodes in the network with the
size of the network. The gene value can be 1 indicating that the total current energy of the CH in the current round, defined as
i=1 E (nodei )/ j=1 E (CH k ).
N k
corresponding node is dead, or a positive number referring to the
node number of its CH. The fitness function, GCA , formulated as the
minimization of (7), is composed of three parameters: number of
3. The proposed energy-aware protocol
CH nodes (NCH ), network Euclidean distance between all the nodes
in each cluster to their CH (ND), and a system-dependent weight
In an attempt to harness the strength of the evolutionary-
(w ) for adjusting both NCH and ND in calculating the fitness value
based routing protocol mentioned in Section 2 in terms of network
for each chromosome, I.
stability period, longevity, and energy consumption, this section
GCA (I ) = NCH + (1 ) ND (7) will revisit and elaborate the most important component that
can constitute an effective evolutionary-based routing protocol,
In [1720], the authors extend the fitness function of [15] to
the fitness function, and reformulate it again in a new robust
include additional parameters, such as the standard deviation of way. A centralized single-hop clustering protocol is presented
the cluster distance (SD), the estimated transfer energy (E), and where the BS runs an evolutionary-based protocol to optimize the
the number of transmissions (T ), as given in (8). These parameters CH election for cluster formation. To satisfy the EA conceptual
ensure that the chromosomes (network configurations) that give development, this section will present the characteristics of the
a maximum number of transmissions and have reduced energy proposed EA-based protocols, viz. the energy-aware evolutionary
consumption are selected for future generations. As a result, their routing protocol (EAERP), in both informal and formal ways.
hierarchical clustering-algorithm-based genetic algorithm (HCR) During the election phase, clusters are created using a
with the extended fitness function, HCR , can provide more data centralized evolutionary algorithm. An initial population of
transmissions when compared with the GA presented in [15]. individuals is generated and each individual is evaluated using
a fitness function. Then, these individuals will go through
HCR (I ) = (i , fi ), fi {TD, D, E , SD, T } (8)
evolutionary operators selection, recombination and mutation
with pre-determined probabilities to improve the quality of the
where the direct distance (TD) is computed as the sum of all individuals. The evolutionary algorithm loop will continue until
the Euclidean distances from the sensor nodes to the BS. Cluster the termination criteria satisfied. In the context of the EAs, a
distance (D) is the sum of the distances from the nodes to the CHs complete clustered route solution is regarded as an individual, I.
and the distance from the heads to the BS. The variation in the For a WSN with N sensor nodes, the individual consists of N genes,
cluster distances (SD) should be tuned according to the deployment the alleles of which can be either 0 for non-CH nodes, 1 for CH
information. If the deployment is uniform, the variation in cluster nodes, or 1 for dead (i.e., inactive) nodes with no energy (E). Then,
distances will be a strong indicator of optimum clusters; however, a population, I n , of n individual solutions can be formally specified
for random deployment, the variation in cluster distances will be a as
weak indicator. The transfer energy, E, represents the total energy
consumed to transfer the aggregated message from the clusters to
i {1, . . . , n} and j {1, . . . , N }
the sink. For a cluster with k member nodes, the cluster transfer 1 if E (nodej ) > 0 and nodej = CH

energy (Ec ) sums up the energy required to transmit messages from i
Ij = 0 if E (nodej ) > 0 and nodej = non-CH (11)
k member nodes to the CH with the energy required by the CH to 1 otherwise.
receive k messages from the member nodes and energy required
Each individual is randomly initialized with 1s and 0s according to
to transmit aggregated data from the CH to the sink. Finally, for
the probability p, presented in (1), of the desired percentage of the
each data transfer stage, BS assigns the number of transmissions
CH nodes, as
T . The value of T is adjusted according to the network conditions
and current energy levels. Moreover, larger values of T indicate 1 if E (nodej ) > 0 and randomj = p

that the outcome of GA will be used for a longer period of time. Ij = 0 if E (nodej ) > 0 and randomj > p (12)
While the initial fitness parameters are assigned arbitrary weights, 1 otherwise.
198 E.A. Khalil, B.A. Attea / Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1 (2011) 195203

This genotype representation implicitly facilitates the formation {1, . . . , N 1}, and the participating parent individuals, I1 , I2 , are
of a dynamic number of CHs during the single and throughout then swapped at alleles between these two points as follows:
the whole rounds of the routing protocol. Associated with each
R{pc } : I 2 I 2
individual is a fitness (objective) value measured by a fitness
function, , which numerically quantifies how good that individual I1 = (I1,1 , . . . , I1,r1 , I2,r1+1 , . . . , I2,r2 , I1,r2+1 , . . . , I1,N )
is a solution to the routing optimization problem. It forms the I2 = (I2,1 , . . . , I2,r1 , I1,r1+1 , . . . , I1,r2 , I2,r2+1 , . . . , I2,N ).
bridge between the routing problem itself and the evolutionary
Each active allele in the new individuals is then mutated with
algorithm. For EAERP, the proposed objective function is defined
the probability pm . Once an allele is chosen for mutation, its value
as the minimization of the total dissipated energy in the network,
is inverted from 0 to 1 and vice versa:
measured as the sum of the total energy dissipated from the non-
CHs to send data signals to their CHs, and the total energy spent M{pm } : I I
by CH nodes to aggregate the data signals and send the aggregated
(i {1, . . . , n} and j {1, . . . , N }) :
signals to the base station. Formally speaking, the fitness function
used to evaluate individual, I k , k {1, . . . , n}, in EARP protocol I i if Iji = 1 or random > pm (18)
Iji = j
becomes 1 Iji otherwise.
In each round of the routing protocol, the cluster formation


EAERP (I ) =
(13) phase generates an initial population of solutions, the fitness of
i=1 sci i =1 which is then evaluated and based on the fitness values, the parents
are selected to generate a new population via recombination and
where nc is the total number of CHs, s ci is a non-CHs mutation operators. This process is repeated until the termination
associated to the ith CH node, ETX node1,node2 is the energy dissipated condition of the evolutionary algorithm occurs.
for transmitting data from node1 to node2. Both the free space During the association phase, the phenotype of the best
and multipath fading channel models mentioned in [79] will be individual, best_I, among the k individuals in the population
used in this paper to compute the energy dissipated during the is considered as the clustering solution. best_I can be formally
process of transmitting (ETx ) and receiving information (ERX ). For specified as
transmitting an l-bit message over a distance d, ETx is
@I I n : EAERP (I ) EAERP (best_I ). (19)
l + Efs l d(node1, node2)2

Then in best_I, each non-CH determines the cluster to which it
if d d0
ETX node1,node2 = (14) belongs by choosing the CH that requires the minimum energy
E elec l + Emp l d(node1, node2)4
consumption. Formally speaking, let nc best be the number of CHs

if d > d0 .

elected by best_I, and let nodei , i {1, . . . N } E (nodei ) > 0 be
While ERx = Eelec l, where Eelec is the energy spent to operate the an active non-CH, then
transceiver circuit set to 50 nJ/bit, and Efs and Emp are the energy j, k {1, . . . , nc best }
expenditures for transmitting l-bit data to achieve an acceptable
bit error rate and are dependent on the distance of transmission nodei Cj : d(nodei , CH j ) < d(nodei , CH k ) (20)
in the case of free space model and multipath fading model,
respectively. The values of these two parameters are set to Efs =
4. Simulation results
10 pJ/bit/m2 and Emp = 0.0013 pJ/bit/m4 , respectively. If the
transmission distance is less than the threshold d0 , the free space All the routing protocols (LEACH, SEP, HCR, and EAERP) are
model is applied; otherwise, the multipath model is used. The implemented in MATLAB. The simulations were performed on six
threshold d0 is calculated by equating the two expressions in (14) groups of WSNs (WSNs#1, . . . , WSNs#6), each with 15 different
at d = d0 : playground topologies. According to the heterogeneity of the
sensors, the simulations were performed on three types of WSNs.
Efs /Emp .

d0 = (15) The first case assumes homogeneous sensor networks, (WSNs#1
Another parameter also taken into account is the data aggregation and WSNs#4) while the second experiments (WSNs#2 and
energy expenditure, which is set as Eda = 5 nJ/bit/message. WSNs#5) assume heterogeneous sensor networks with advanced
The next component of the proposed EAs is the selection nodes of 10% and the third experiments (WSNs#3 and WSNs#6)
operator. It selects partners using binary tournament selection assume 20% heterogeneity. Moreover, half of the simulations
from the current population and transfers them to the mating (WSNs#1, WSNs#2, and WSNs#3) assumes a center-located BS
pool for reproduction. To produce a mating pool of n parents, the (i.e., the maximum distance of any node from the sink is about
binary tournament selects the best individual from two randomly 70 m), while the second half of the experiments (WSNs#4,
selected individuals of the population set, and repeats this process WSNs#5, and WSNs#6) assumes a corner-located BS (i.e., the
n times. A formal definition of this selection operator, S : I 2 I , maximum distance of any node from the sink is about 141.42
is as follows: let Ii,r1 , Ii,r2 , i {1, . . . , n} bet two individuals, m). Overall, the simulation results presented herein have been
and r1, r2 U {1, . . . , n} are two uniformly distributed random averaged over 15 simulation runs for a total of 90 different WSNs.
numbers from the set {1, . . . , n}, then Each sensor network is composed of 100 sensor nodes deployed
randomly with different distribution patterns in a playground
if EAERP (Ii,r1 ) = EAERP (Ii,r2 ) of 100 m 100 m sensor field (much of the WSN literature

Ii = (16)
Ii,r2 otherwise. assumes that the sensors will be randomly deployed). This signifies
that the horizontal and vertical coordinates of each sensor are
Recombination (R) and mutation (M) are the perturbation randomly selected between 0 and the maximum value of the
operators, which can alter the routing solutions found in the dimension. For fairness in comparison, the characteristics of the
population. A proportion pc of pairs of parents in the selected networks and communication model used for the competent
population are chosen for recombination. For each pair of parents, protocol simulations are made identical as illustrated in [79,
two cut points, r1, r2, are randomly selected from the range 1521]. Moreover, as the effect of the proposed fitness function
E.A. Khalil, B.A. Attea / Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1 (2011) 195203 199

Fig. 2. Average number of alive nodes versus rounds for WSNs#1. Fig. 4. Average number of alive nodes versus rounds for WSNs#3.

Fig. 3. Average number of alive nodes versus rounds for WSNs#2. Fig. 5. Average number of alive nodes versus rounds for WSNs#4.

(EAERP ) on the final performance of the algorithm is to be studied,

all other evolutionary components, including selection, crossover,
and mutation, of HCR, and EAERP are fixed to binary tournament
selection, two-point crossover with pc = 0.6, and mutation with
pm = 0.03, respectively. This permits investigation of the pure
effect of the fitness formulation on the final performance of the
implemented protocol. Furthermore, equal weights are used in
the fitness functions of HCR. The population size, n, is taken
as 20 and allowed to evolve for 20 generations. Finally, to
benchmark our routing protocol against other well-cited protocols,
the performance is compared in terms of the length of the
stability period (the time interval from the start of the network
operation until the first node dies, FND), network lifetime (the
time interval from the start of the operation until the last node
dies, LND), throughput as measured by the number of aggregated
packets sent from CHs to BS, and the total energy left in the
network. Additionally, the quantitative results that clarify the best
performance values are given in bold. Fig. 6. Average number of alive nodes versus rounds for WSNs#5.

4.1. Stability period and network lifetime EAERP extends the stable (i.e., reliable) region to about 10% and 20%
when compared with that of LEACH and HCR, respectively. Against
The results depicted in Figs. 213 qualitatively capture the SEP, EAERP extends the stable region to about 10% for WSNs#1 and
performance of the protocols for the six groups of WSNs. For the 3% for WSNs#2. On the other hand, SEP competes with EAERP with
graphs depicted in Figs. 813, each protocols bar-pair measures 3% gain for WSNs#3. However, one can observe that the additional
the length of the period until FND (left bar) and the length of the gain provided by the stable heuristic of SEP protocol over EAERP
period until LND (right bar). For the WSN groups with the center- can easily bewilder it on achieving the second objective, and can
located BS (i.e., WSNs#1, WSNs#2, and WSNs#3), the network end up with unacceptable network lifetime results.
stability period provided by EAERP is superior over all other With regard to the total network lifetime, EAERP is found to be
protocols except SEP in one case, the heterogeneous WSNs#3. very favorably against all other protocols. When compared with
200 E.A. Khalil, B.A. Attea / Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1 (2011) 195203







Fig. 11. Summary of FND and LND for WSNs#4.


Fig. 7. Average number of alive nodes versus rounds for WSNs#6.

2000 1500


1000 0

Fig. 12. Summary of FND and LND for WSNs#5.

0 4000
Fig. 8. Summary of FND and LND for WSNs#1.

3000 1500

2500 1000

1000 0

0 Fig. 13. Summary of FND and LND for WSNs#6.


Fig. 9. Summary of FND and LND for WSNs#2. when compared with SEP, EAERP gains 54%, 90%, and 83%
additional rounds for the three above-mentioned WSN groups,
4500 respectively, and when compared with the second evolutionary-
based protocol, i.e., HCR, EAERP gains about 15%, 20.4%, and 16%,
3500 With regard to the results of the second group of WSNs with
3000 a corner-located BS (i.e., WSNs#4, WSNs#5, and WSNs#6), one
can observe the following: in the beginning, LEACH, SEP, and
HCR maintain a better performance than EAERP, yielding longer
2000 stability periods (over EAERP, LEACH gains about 30%, SEP gains
from 30 to 45%, and HCR shows slight gains of no more than
8%.) Subsequently, EAERP recovers its performance, overtakes
LEACH, SEP, and HCR via slowing down the rate of node death
500 throughout the network lifetime, while other protocols speed up
the death rate substantially. On an average, EAERP gains 40%50%,
LEACH SEP HCR EAERP 40%74%, and 14%18% when compared with LEACH, SEP, and HCR,
respectively. This can be returned back owing to the following
Fig. 10. Summary of FND and LND for WSNs#3. reason while examining the individual protocol runs. Although all
protocols distribute their CHs uniformly over the sensing field,
LEACH, EAERP extends the network lifetime by 54%, 67%, and 70% we found that the number of CHs elected by EAERP to be in the
for WSNs#1, WSNs#2, and WSNs#3, respectively. Furthermore, opposite region of the BS tends to be less than that elected by
E.A. Khalil, B.A. Attea / Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1 (2011) 195203 201

Table 1 Table 3
Average remaining energy over protocol rounds for WSNs#1 (with a maximum of Average remaining energy over protocol rounds for WSNs#3 (with a maximum of
2271 rounds). 4543 rounds).

10 40.3711 40.3764 41.2637 42.2384 10 40.7604 40.7738 42.5367 44.4882

20 30.7434 30.7560 32.5298 34.4738 20 21.5177 21.5359 25.0850 28.9758
30 21.1195 21.1338 23.7940 26.7110 30 8.1012 5.0052 11.3594 14.4425
40 11.4972 11.5120 15.0677 18.9478 40 3.6840 0.8006 5.8076 7.9650
50 2.7247 2.7340 7.1228 11.2217 50 0.0648 0.0029 2.6678 4.9536
60 0.0002 0.0001 2.1915 4.6397 60 0.0 0.0 0.8447 2.3422
70 0.0 0.0 0.3431 1.1996 70 0.1449 0.7713
80 0.0023 0.2014 80 0.0033 0.1945
90 0.0 0.0159 90 0.0 0.0147
100 0.0 100 0.0

Table 2 Table 4
Average remaining energy over protocol rounds for WSNs#2 (with a maximum of Average remaining energy over protocol rounds for WSNs#4 (with a maximum of
4351 rounds). 2263 rounds).


10 36.5559 36.6227 38.2891 40.1577 10 39.7868 39.7861 40.0382 40.4334

20 18.1266 18.2436 21.5801 25.3134 20 29.5728 29.5728 30.0718 30.8663
30 4.4469 2.3986 7.8332 11.0495 30 19.3579 19.3640 20.1080 21.3030
40 2.0847 0.1115 3.0678 4.4203 40 9.1509 9.1564 10.4513 12.2647
50 0.0870 0.0023 1.3183 2.7777 50 1.4219 1.3978 3.3675 5.4187
60 0.0 0.0 0.4095 1.5286 60 0.00063 0.0033 0.5426 1.7576
70 0.0899 0.5916 70 0.000065 0.00006 0.0330 0.3624
80 0.0012 0.1556 80 0.0 0.0 0.00098 0.0253
90 0.0 0.0193 90 0.00004 0.0008
100 0.0 100 0.0 0.0

LEACH, SEP, and HCR. This has two contradictory impacts on the Table 5
Average remaining energy over protocol rounds for WSNs#5 (with a maximum of
overall performance of the protocols manifested by the tradeoff 3911 rounds).
between the dissipated energy of the individual nodes and the
dissipated energy of the whole network. While EAERP, with its
fitness function, attempts to find a better collection of clustered 10 37.3592 37.3593 37.8130 38.5059
routes that minimizes the overall energy dissipated by the network 20 19.7019 19.7172 20.6554 22.0881
30 5.4618 3.5861 7.1496 9.0430
to send, receive, and aggregate packets, a number of individual 40 2.4482 0.1060 2.9045 3.4443
CHs may maintain heavy loads from their cluster members before 50 0.4871 0.00031 1.1915 1.4371
forwarding the final aggregated packets to the BS. Over rounds and 60 0.000469 0.0 0.2447 0.6230
as these CHs have to send the aggregated packets to a distant BS, 70 0.0 0.0192 0.1545
80 0.000439 0.0251
their individual energies will be expended earlier than in the other
90 0.0 0.0033
protocols, but in spaced interval fashion. However, the scenario of 100 0.0
uniform distribution of CHs in LEACH, SEP, or HCR tends to slow
down the death of individual nodes, causing the occurrence of
Table 6
FND to be later than that of EAERP, but when the nodes exhaust Average remaining energy over protocol rounds for WSNs#6 (with a maximum of
all their energies, they most probably exhaust in nearer intervals 4536 rounds).
and rapid fashion. For example, closer examination to the results %Rounds LEACH SEP HCR EAERP
of homogeneous WSNs#4, we observe that EAERP takes about
10 39.5095 39.5182 40.0008 40.7849
407.2 rounds between FND and 40% dead nodes, while LEACH,
20 19.0350 19.0332 20.2502 21.9796
SEP, and HCR take, on an average, 141.9, 151.1, and 328.4 rounds, 30 7.2858 3.6027 8.3916 9.7085
respectively. 40 2.6276 0.3455 3.9426 4.3832
50 0.0387 0.0126 1.2499 1.9448
60 0.002 0.0040 0.1428 0.6675
4.2. Energy consumption and throughput 70 0.0 0.0 0.0213 0.1664
80 0.0067 0.0428
Again, more quantitative results can be extracted for evaluating 90 0.00008 0.0191
the performance of the protocols. Tables 16 present the average 100 0.0 0.0
remaining energy in the networks while rounds of the protocols
proceed for the WSNs with center-located and corner-located other hand, HCR has additional parameters that indirectly handle
BS, respectively. In these tables, the * marker indicates the case the total network dissipated energy, while LEACH and SEP concern,
where the death of the whole networks is encountered before in their main objectives, with distributing the role of CHs among all
approaching the required number of rounds for the corresponding the sensor nodes according to probabilistic models that guarantee
protocol. the election of each node as CH every epoch/sub-epoch.
The results indicate that the most energy-saving protocol is Moreover, the second group of results (Figs. 1419) presents
EAERP, which performs better than all the other protocols. This the protocols throughput as measured by the total number of
additional utilization of the energy introduced into the system aggregated packets received at BS from the CHs until a specified
provided by EAERP, as compared with LEACH, SEP, and HCR can percentage of the total network energy is dissipated. From these
be returned back to the fact that EAERP has, in its fitness function results, one can observe that EAERP significantly outperforms
(EAERP ), a direct manipulation of the total dissipated energy. On the LEACH, SEP, and HCR. The results say that EAERP achieves better
202 E.A. Khalil, B.A. Attea / Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1 (2011) 195203

Fig. 14. Throughput against dissipated energy for WSNs#1. Fig. 17. Throughput against dissipated energy for WSNs#4.

Fig. 15. Throughput against dissipated energy for WSNs#2. Fig. 18. Throughput against dissipated energy for WSNs#5.

Fig. 16. Throughput against dissipated energy for WSNs#3. Fig. 19. Throughput against dissipated energy for WSNs#6.

throughput while maintaining better energy consumption. This for a network containing 10100 nodes. However, EAERP takes
can also be traced back to the positive impact of the fitness function 0.091.8 s to run each round for a network containing 10100
(EAERP ). As EAERP keeps the sensor nodes alive for a longer number nodes.
of rounds than in the other protocols, it can transmit more amounts
of the aggregated packets to the BS. 5. Conclusion

4.3. Computational time The formation of dynamic cluster-based routing in WSN has
turned out to be an NP-hard problem, making it highly unlikely
When using Intel Core i5 CPU 2.27 GHz, EA-based protocols to develop a polynomial-time algorithm to compute an optimal
take additional time (albeit small) to run each round. This result clustered route. This paper has presented a new evolutionary-
comes naturally because these protocols handle more than one based dynamic cluster formation in WSN. The proposed EAERP
solution (as the case in LEACH and SEP) in each round. For 20 with the formulation of the fitness function (EAERP ), when
different individuals to be evolved in 20 generations, an EA-based compared with other protocols (LEACH, SEP, and HCR), has been
protocol needs to process 400 alternative solutions at each round. proven to be a meaningful way in deriving clustered routes with
To run each round, the average time needed for either LEACH or better tradeoff between network stability and network lifetime,
SEP ranges from about 0.03 to 0.13 s, whereas HCR takes 0.152 s while guaranteeing a well-distributed energy consumption.
E.A. Khalil, B.A. Attea / Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1 (2011) 195203 203

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