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Fred Dardick – Widespread Democrat Election Fraud

Fred Dardick – Two Articles on Democrat

Election Fraud
Introductory Comments:

The following two articles appeared in CanadaFreePress on July8, 2010 and July 14, 2010
respectively. The second article elaborates on contents found in the first article, and both
should be read for a more thorough understanding of the election fraud points being made.

Both articles deal with Democrat Party election and voter fraud and misconduct, and are most
probably outright crimes against the people of America. Looking at the actions the Democrat
Party is accused of performing, and then comparing their actions to practices promoted by
the Communist Party makes one question whether or not the Democrat Party hasn’t morphed
into, or evolved into, the American Communist Party. At any rate, the Democrat Party of
today is clearly NOT the Democrat Party of Thomas Jefferson’s day.

Barack Obama individually has been accused of many evil actions, and may actually be guilty
of many of the actions he is accused of making. Proving Obama’s guilt is a bit dicey, because
he now sits in control of the largest federation of sovereign states in the world, and therefore
also controls the three branches of the ‘transformed’ central government (this is, of course
done with the willing compliance of the Democrat controlled legislative branch). So, with
Obama now in control of the Justice Department (which includes the FBI), how will the
people see constitutional justice as long as the whole Executive Branch has gone rogue?

Our rule of law is no longer being followed by our own government.

The reason why these two articles are so important is because of the upcoming
November 2nd mid-term elections, and the fact the American people can not
expect clean and honest elections from this election period any more than they
received in 2008. Legally, nothing has changed for the better, but things have
gotten much worse. The criminals are now in charge.

Americans can no longer count on representative government or honest elections because we

have been usurped and betrayed by lawless progressives and communists in our midst.

My suggestion is for American registered citizen voters to follow Dardick’s suggestion and get
involved with your local election process directly and make certain the local elections are
conducted in an honest and lawful manner.

This is a time of much evil in America.



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Fred Dardick – Widespread Democrat Election Fraud

How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal

the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination

Author: Fred Dardick

Date: Thursday, July 8, 2010

Think those billy club armed New Black Panther thugs in Philadelphia were the first time
Obama used Stalinist tactics to intimidate voters and disenfranchise the American people?

Think again.

In testimony this week before Congress, former Justice Department Official J. Christian
Adams revealed that not only were similar claims “pervasive”, but Obama activists
committed the “same” crimes during the 2008 Democratic primary to help then Sen. Obama
defeat Democratic heir apparent Hillary Clinton.

Obama gamed the system in 2008 by not only allowing an army of young men station
themselves outside polling locations in African American communities to prevent elderly
women and others from voting for their chosen candidate, Hillary Clinton, but he also trained
thousands of willing accomplices—while I do not have confirmation, I do sense the presence
of ACORN here—spread throughout the Democratic caucuses to commit voter fraud on a
massive scale.

The movie “We Will Not Be Silenced,” made by Democratic Party activist Gigi Gaston,
produced by Bettina Sofia Viviano, and executive produced by former Clinton Campaign
Regional Director John Siegel, documents how the unknown Senator from Illinois used
“falsified delegate counts, falsified documents, and other violations” to beat the seemingly
unbeatable Clinton machine and claim the Democratic nomination.

The documentary describes “the disenfranchising of American citizens by the Democratic

Party and the Obama Campaign… ‘Change’ from Chicago encouraged and created an army to
steal caucus packets, falsify documents, change results, allow unregistered people to vote,
scare and intimidate Hillary supporters, stalk them, threaten them, lock them out of their
polling places, silence their voices and stop their right to vote.”

“Teachers, professors, civil rights activists, lawyers, janitors, physicists, ophthalmologists,

accountants, mathematicians, retirees… discuss how their party has disenfranchised them,
and how, when they saw and reported multiple instances of fraud, everyone turned a blind
eye. Rather than support and protect the voices and votes of its loyal members, the DNC
chose to sweep this under the rug by looking the other way.”

During the election the Hillary campaign issued multiple press releases in an attempt to
publicize these events and bring them to the voter’s attention, but to no avail. The main
stream media, like the Democrat Party leadership, had already chosen their candidate.

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Fred Dardick – Widespread Democrat Election Fraud

They willfully ignored the worst election abuses in a generation and allowed an immoral and
unworthy man take control of this great nation.

I highly recommend you watch the entire video; it will only take about 35 minutes and is well
worth the time. Be sure to forward it on to others, because everyone should know the true
story about how Obama became President.

A link to the “We Will Not Be Silenced” website is found here:

The documentary “We Will Not Be Silenced” is available in four parts on YouTube here:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:

We Will Not Be Silenced Highlights

Part 1, 3:35, “Obama supporters were going back through the crowd, telling the people that
were on the other side of the table and people outside (Hillary supporters), that they could go
home, that they had been counted. I turned and said ‘Don’t they need to sign a sheet first?’
And of course, that is how they are counted. A lot of those people who went home (without
signing), English was not their first language.”

Part 1, 4:45, “I was listening to a conversation… The people were talking about how they
were going to be collecting names for the following day, asking people if they were coming
back to caucus… They were talking about how they were going to be taking those names and
they wouldn’t have to be physically there, but their votes would be counted.”

Part 2, 0:25, Dr. Linda Hayes: “We investigated fraud at the precinct level in conventions all
over south Houston… Hillary attained 51% of the votes in Texas and by popular vote Obama
only attained 47.4%. As a scientist and mathematician I was curious as the results came in
from the precincts and that the precinct caucuses did not reflect those numbers, so I could see
something was wrong… We laboriously went through each of the (caucus) sign in sheets to
see if they were properly filled out… and many, many, many Obama people either came to the
wrong precinct, they did not sign in properly, they did not show ID, or they had not voted that
day… How they determine the delegates is on these sign in sheets. So when so many people
were registered illegally for Obama, they attained the lion’s portion of the delegates.”

Part 2, 5:35, John Siegel: “Hillary won the popular vote by about 4%, but ended up losing
the caucuses by 10%. So there is this huge 14 point swing between what Hillary should have
won in a normal state and what she got at the end of the caucuses in Texas.”

Part 2, 6:20, “The worst thing that we saw in Indiana, was parents coming into the office
saying that the Gary Indiana Public School System had bussed their children to Crown Point
Indiana to vote in the election. That was a great civics lesson, but if children were being told
to go to the polls and vote for Obama, which they were, parents were livid. They were
outraged and they wanted to know what could be done about this… It was atrocious, because
what lesson in civics were kids learning that day? Win by any means necessary? The right to

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Fred Dardick – Widespread Democrat Election Fraud

vote is a sacred right in America, and we take school children and bus them on a school day,
tell them who to vote for, then pay them for their lunch, and then dismiss them from school
early on taxpayer money?”

Part 3, 0:00, “By about twelve o’clock, one o’clock on election day, all hell broke loose. We
started getting phone calls from people at various precincts where there were Obama
supporters getting sign-ins before the polls had even closed. We had people who were being
shouted down and intimidated when they were for Hillary Clinton.”

Part 3, 3:54, Civil Rights Activist who had marched with Martin Luther King: “I had come to
Indiana in the early afternoon about one o’clock. I was just sort of riding through the
communities to get a feel for what was going on… There were some guys who had put up lawn
chairs in front of the door going into the community center, so I stopped and parked my car. I
got out of my car and there was this lady, probably about 80 years old, who was slowly
walking up the street. As she was approaching the entranceway to go into the building, one of
the young men called to her ‘If you’re not voting for Obama, go home, because you’re not
voting here today.’ She turned and walked away. The pain that I felt, because of the people
who have fought for African Americans to have the right to vote, this fight that has gone on
for many, many, many years and to see two African American young men deny the right,
under the veiled threat of violence, to a woman who looked to be around 80 years old, and not
allow her an opportunity to vote. I felt appalled. While I was standing there, there were other
people approaching, maybe four or five, and when they heard that they all turned and walked

Part 3, 7:20, Kevin Dujan, Iowa: “There were these two women sitting at the table checking
in people, looking over names. I went standing behind the two elderly women that we had
brought to the caucus location and they mysteriously could not find their names in the book.
The two women saw that these women had Hillary stickers on them… so they weren’t going to
let them caucus. They said ‘Oh, you must be in some other caucus.’ I said ‘Look lady, I’m from
Chicago and I know tricks like this. Let me see that book or we’re going to get the precinct
captain over here and we’re going to look and find the names together. I guarantee this
woman’s in here, because she’s not a liar. She’s ninety years old and has been looking forward
to this. Don’t tell me she’s not in the book.’ Well then, wouldn’t you know it, miraculously and
mysteriously, once I made that big of a push, she magically found her name in the book and
let her go be a part of the caucus… I noticed that that was not happening for any of the Obama
people, they were just getting waved right through.”

Part 4, 5:45, “I thought it was an isolated incident, just in my precinct. It’s not, and that
what bothers me. How can we not look at the system? If it happens in every precinct and
every one of us has a very similar story, I can not believe that we don’t see it as manipulating a
situation. People told me, Obama supporters who went to the training, that they have been
trained to be aggressive.”

Part 4, 6:20, “They knew from the beginning all the problems with all the security holes in
the caucus. They knew they filtered out people. They knew the low turn out rates. They must
have known from other elections how many votes from caucus states are not exact votes, but
just an estimate projected from news organizations.”

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Fred Dardick – Widespread Democrat Election Fraud

Democrat Voter Fraud is Far More Widespread

Than You Think

Author: Fred Dardick

Date: Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Last week I wrote an article titled “How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the
2008 Democratic Primary”1 that introduced the conservative community to the movie
“We Will Not Be Silenced,”2 made by Democrat activist Gigi Gaston two years ago. Her
video documented widespread voter fraud committed by Obama supporters during the 2008
Democratic primary election to secure the nomination for Obama over the popular vote
winner Hillary Clinton.

The story went viral and 24 hours later Fox News asked Gaston to appear on the Sunday
morning program Fox and Friends. For the first time many Americans saw for themselves
first hand accounts from Democrats who personally witnessed “the disenfranchising of
American citizens by the Democratic Party and the Obama Campaign.”

As explained on the We Will Not Be Silenced website, “‘Change’ from Chicago encouraged and
created an army to steal caucus packets, falsify documents, change results, allow unregistered
people to vote, scare and intimidate Hillary supporters, stalk them, threaten them, lock them
out of their polling places, silence their voices and stop their right to vote.”

Because of the program and other recent events concerning voter intimidation, including the
Black Panther incident in Philadelphia and testimony from J. Christian Adams on the
Department of Justice’s unwillingness to pursue voter related crimes committed by African
Americans, people around the country are finally waking up to the fact that Democrat voter
fraud is a far, far bigger problem than anyone had ever realized.

Some conservatives have mistakenly interpreted these events as only affecting Democratic
primaries and aren’t concerned about the possibility of vote theft in a general election.
But they would be wrong.

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While the voter fraud documented in Gaston’s film primarily involves Democratic caucuses,
the bigger story here isn’t a single primary, but the bag of tricks that Democrats use to
influence elections of all kinds.

Earlier in the week Fox News ran a story showing how illegal votes by felons in Minnesota
were enough for Democrat Al Franken to beat Republican candidate Norm Coleman and
claim the Senate seat.

Millions had voted in the Minnesota election, but at the end of the day all it took was 341
criminals to disenfranchise an entire state.

How to Steal an Election

What we are seeing is the transplantation of Chicago politics to communities throughout the
nation that are completely unprepared for the level of fraud and intimidation that can be
generated by thousands of unethical Democrats, including private citizens, local, state, and
federal officials, and politicians, convinced that breaking the law is okay as long as the “right”
candidate wins.

On July 6, American Thinker published an article by Lee Cary about an interview with a
Chicago political machine insider. It contained the following warning:

“In Chicago, the Precinct Captains watch to see who votes and who doesn’t. Then,
at the end of the day, others will cast votes for those who haven’t shown up to
vote, all under the direction of the Precinct Captain. If the actual voter shows up
later, they’re given someone else’s card. The Republican poll watchers don’t stop
this. Hell, most of them are actually Democrats.”

The Democrat Voter Fraud Playbook is as follows:

1. ACORN registers the names, legitimate or not.

2. Black Panther, SEIU and other “community organizer” groups intimidate people,
especially minorities, from voting Republican.
3. Voter lists remain unscrubbed of felons, dead people, and illegal immigrants.
4. On Election Day, precinct workers submit any unused ballots for Democrat candidates.
5. Democrat officials and politicians pretend like nothing happened.

It’s as easy as that to steal an election.

An Army of Republican Poll Watchers Will Be Needed this November

The voter fraud stories so far are just the tip of a very large iceberg. No one really knows the
full extent of the problem and the Democratic Party is counting on Americans to shrug it off
as just another conservative conspiracy theory.

But take it from a lifelong Chicagoan, it’s not just Bosnia that needs election observers to keep
voter fraud in check.

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The dropping of voter intimidation charges by Department of Justice political appointees

against billy club wielding Black Panthers sends the message to the Democrat community
that mass voter fraud can continue without fear of legal reprisal.

Justice officials know full well that if they were to start digging around this Pandora’s Box of
fraud, many influential Democratic organizations (especially ACORN) and politicians will be
implicated. So they go straight to Step #5 from above and pretend like there’s nothing to see.

While the problem may be substantial, there is one way Republicans can fight back: Keep a
close eye on voting locations. Election fraud only works if citizens remain ignorant to the
problem and unwilling to become involved in the voting process.

Considering the importance of the upcoming November elections, an army of Republican poll
watchers, especially in minority neighborhoods which are often treated like never ending vote
generating machines by unscrupulous Democrat politicians, will be needed to prevent liberals
from once again stuffing ballot boxes and gaming the system.

End Notes:


2 The movie “We Will Not Be Silenced”, made by Democratic Party activist Gigi Gaston,
produced by Bettina Sofia Viviano, and executive produced by former Clinton Campaign
Regional Director John Siegel, documents how the unknown Senator from Illinois used
“falsified delegate counts, falsified documents, and other violations” to beat the seemingly
unbeatable Clinton machine and claim the Democratic nomination.

Fred Dardick is the owner and operator of a medical staffing company based in Chicago.
Prior to the business world, he worked as a biological researcher at various highly regarded
universities in the United States.

Fred can be reached at:


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