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Front. Optoelectron.

DOI 10.1007/s12200-016-0561-z


GaAs-based polarization modulators for microwave photonic


Yu XIANG, Shilong PAN ()

Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics, Ministry of Education,
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China

Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract GaAs-based polarization modulators (PolMs) MWP systems or integrated microwave photonic (IMWP)
exhibit the unique characteristic of simultaneous intensity circuits, external optical modulators are implemented for
and complementary phase modulation owing to the linear electrical-to-optical (E/O) conversion by manipulating the
electro-optic (LEO) effect determined by crystallographic amplitude and/or the phase of optical carrier. Compared to
orientations of the device. In this paper, we reviewed the direct modulation of a laser source, external modulation
principle of operation, the design and fabrication ows of a scheme exhibits no linewidth broadening, frequency
GaAs-based PolM. Analytical models are established, chirping and offers wider bandwidth [1012].
from which the features of a PolM are derived and Altering the applied electric eld induces refractive
discussed in detail. The recent advances in PolM-based index changes of the material as well as absorption edge
multifunctional systems, in particular the PolM-based shifts, and therefore the external modulators are conven-
optoelectronic oscillator (OEO) are demonstrated with an tionally categorized into electro-optic modulators (EOMs)
emphasis on the remarkable development of applications [13] and electro-absorption modulators (EAMs) [14],
for frequency conversion, tunable microwave photonic attributed to several physical mechanisms including
lter (MPF), optical frequency comb (OFC), arbitrary Pockels effect, Kerr effect, and Franz-Keldysh effect,
waveform generation (AWG) and beamforming. Chal- quantum-conned Stark effect, free-carrier absorption,
lenges in practical implementation of the PolM-based band-lling effect, respectively. The electro-optic effect
systems and their promising future are discussed as well. is simply an electric eld dependent refractive index
change with no change of transparency at the working
Keywords GaAs, polarization modulator (PolM), optoe- wavelength, which can be applied to realize an ideal phase
lectronic oscillator (OEO), frequency conversion, micro- modulator (PM) using a straight electro-optic waveguide.
wave photonics lter (MPF) When built into a suitable integrated interferometer
structure, e.g., the universally favored Mach-Zehnder
interferometer (MZI), two such phase modulators make
1 Introduction an ideal intensity modulator (IM). Whereas the change in
the imaginary part of the refractive index (i.e., the
Microwave photonics (MWP) has attracted signicant absorption term) inevitably induces a substantial accom-
research efforts over the past two decades as a promising panying phase modulation, which results in non-ideal
technology to pave the road to innovative and improved performance of the EAMs. Despite the EAMs have been
functions in information and communication systems by demonstrated with a bandwidth of beyond 100 GHz [15], a
combining the microwave and photonics technologies [1 low drive voltage of 0.2 V [16] and an extinction ratio of
4]. Beneting from the compact size, lightweight, low 30 dB [17], the EOMs, on the other hand, are simpler in
power consumption, wide bandwidth, large tunability and concept, more versatile and mature without considerations
strong immunity to electromagnetic interference, MWP such as carrier transport dynamics, heating effect,
have promoted and expanded its applications in signal and wavelength sensitivity. Material pursuing with suitable
generation and processing in defense and network electro-optic properties and practical fabrication require-
infrastructures [59]. As one of the key components in ments limit the choices to semiconductors (e.g., Si-,
GaAs-, InP-based) [1820], ferroelectric ceramics (e.g.,
Received October 11, 2015; accepted December 1, 2015 LiNbO3) [21] and electro-optic polymers [22].
E-mail: pans@nuaa.edu.cn Among different types of electro-optic materials, the
2 Front. Optoelectron.

polymer-based modulators have higher electro-optic group and is not intrinsically birefringent. In a GaAs-based
coefcients than those of LiNbO3 and semiconductor PolM, the linear electro-optic (LEO) effect is utilized to
ones. However, thermal stability issue causes reduction of give rise to an electric-eld induced birefringence. Due to
the coefcients with the time. Given the low drive voltage, the fabrication convenience, the principal x, y and z axes
wideband modulation with moderate optical and insertion are dened along the [1 1 0], [ 1 1 0] and [0 0 1]
losses and good linearity, in particular a higher electro- directions, the waveguide fabricated on a (0 0 1) substrate
optic coefcient than semiconductor modulators (e.g., at is along y direction with an angle ( = 45) to the [0 1 0]
1.5 mm, r411.5 pm/V for GaAs, r3330.9 pm/V for crystallographic direction. With the applied voltage, an
LiNbO3), LiNbO3 modulators reached the commercial electrical eld E perpendicular to the waveguide is on the x
availability rst. On the other hand, modulators based on axis, that is, [1 1 0] direction. The electro-optic coefcient
LiNbO3 cannot be incorporated with semiconductor matrix with respect to the new xyz axes is given by
integrated devices, which makes them only suited to 2 3
external modulation applications until this day. With the 0 0 r41 sin2
6 7
progresses in compound material growth and CMOS 6 0 0 r41 sin2 7
6 7
compatible process technologies, GaAs became an ideal 6 7
6 0 0 0 7
material candidate for research development of EOMs, 6 7: (1)
owing to its environmental stability, low optical loss, 6 r cos2 r sin2 7
6 41 41 0 7
power handing, linearity, large bandwidth, and last but not 6 7
6 r sin2 r cos2 7
least, the potential extension in opto-electronic integrated 4 41 41 0 5
circuits (OEICs) by monolithic integration of photonic 0 0 r41 cos2
devices and components. Compared with InP-based
EOMs, GaAs is a low-cost technology, both for the raw The index ellipsoid can be written as
material and the process-route. Tremendous work carried
B11 x2 B22 y2 B33 z2 2B12 xy 2B13 xz 2B23 yz 1:
out throughout the 1980s and 1990s had made remarkable
progress in the discrete device optimization concentrating (2)
on the bandwidth and drive parameters [19,2335]. It is For the light propagating in y direction, the cross-section
essential to modify the device geometry and layer of the index ellipsoid can be obtained by setting y = 0 in
conguration in order to obtain the maximum phase shift Eq. (2),
per unit length, per voltage applied. Thanks to the maturity
of material epitaxy and traveling-wave (TW) technologies, B11 x2 B33 z2 2B13 xz 1, (3a)
the qualied GaAs-based EOM products for aerospace and
telecommunication applications have been commercially 8
available since the 1990s. In addition to the progress of >
> B ,
GaAs-based MachZehnder modulators (MZMs) [36,37], < 11 n20
the polarization modulator (PolM) has been studied 1
> B33 2 ,
extensively, which initially was studied as a polarization >
> n0
converter [3840]. The unique features of the PolM B13 r41 sin2E r41 E: (3b)
revealed by subsequent research efforts facilitate multi-
function MWP modules with high exibility compared to The major and minor axes of the ellipse described by Eq.
the conventional IM and PM. (3a) are dened as the new axes x' and z' which have an
In this paper, we perform a review of the principle of angle q to x and z, respectively, where q is given by
operation, the design and fabrication ows, and the MWP 2B13
application of a GaAs-based PolM. The paper is organized tan 2 , (4)
B11 B33
as follows: in Section 2, physical mechanism of the PolM
and its principle of operation will be reviewed, from both since B11= B33, q = 45, and Eq. (3a) can be simplied in
of the optical and electrical perspective, followed by the the x'z' coordinates as
description of design and fabrication of such devices in x02 z02
Section 3. The various MWP systems based on the 1, (5a)
n2x0 n2z0
PolM will be introduced and analyzed in Section 4.
The conclusion and discussion will be provided in where
Section 5. 8
>   1
> 1 2 1
< nx0 B13  n0 n30 r41 E,
2 2
2 Principle of GaAs-based PolMs >   1
> 1 2 1
: nz0 B13  n0 n30 r41 E: (5b)
GaAs belongs to the`43 m zincblende crystal symmetry n0
2 2
Yu XIANG et al. GaAs-based polarization modulators for microwave photonic applications 3

When a horizontal electric eld is applied along x axis, it where k is the coupling constant, l0 is the free-space
perturbs the index ellipsoid via the electro-optic effect. The optical wavelength, bTE and bTM are the unperturbed
principal axes of the intersection index ellipse are in the xz propagation constants. The equation above indicates that
plane with a xed q = 45 with respect to the electrical eld the magnitude of the propagation constant perturbation is
components of the transverse electric (TE) and transverse the same with different signs for the TE and TM modes
magnetic (TM) eigenmodes of the optical waveguide, respectively, which can be controlled by the applied
independent of the electric eld E, as shown in Fig. 1. voltage. Therefore, the device can be used as a PolM with
Moreover, the changes in the optical indicatrix along the opposite modulation indices of the two modes, with a static
fast and slow axes are of the exact same value, which phase shift determined by the DC bias as expressed by the
depends on the electric eld E, but with opposite signs. Jones matrix
The incident TE-like polarization mode, which is parallel 2   3
to the x axis, could be resolved into components on the fast ft f0
6 exp j j 0 7
2 2
and slow axes. As a result of the refractive index J6 4
  7, (7)
difference, the TE (TM)-like incident polarization mode ft f0 5
0 exp j j
will convert to the orthogonal linear polarization, which is 2 2
TM (TE)-like mode, passing through elliptical and circular
polarization states as along the great longitudinal circle on where g is the phase modulation index, f0 is the static
the Poincar sphere. The energy transfer between the TE phase shift and f(t) is the modulating signal.
and TM modes is the basis of the operation of the GaAs-
based mode converters.
3 Design and fabrication of GaAs-based
In a rib waveguide consisting of typical graded-index
AlxGa1-xAs compound materials for guided modes at l0 =
1.3 or 1.55 mm, the effective index neff is about 3.2 to 3.4.
The microwave index, nm for a typical surface-deposited
coplanar strips (CPS) on a GaAs substrate can be
approximated by
r 1
n , (8)
where r is the dielectric constant of the GaAs, which
results in a n2.6. As denoted in previous section, the
waveguide and E are along the y and x axes respectively,
therefore, the TW electrodes are along the y direction.
Fig. 1 Calculated cross-sectional intensity of fundamental TE
Assuming the beginning position of the electrode located
mode at 1.5 mm conned in the GaAs layer
at y = 0, the voltage seen by an incident optical wave can
be expressed as
The index ellipsoid perturbation results in the coupling  
of the TE and TM modes in the unperturbed waveguide 2f  
V y,t Vb V0 e y cos n neff y 2f t ,
attributing to the presence of the off-axis index ellipsoid c
components. According to the coupled mode theory [41], (9)
the perturbations to the TE and TM propagation constants
can be described as where Vb is the DC bias, a is the microwave loss in the unit
8 of cm-1, and f is the microwave frequency. To achieve high
> l
> nTE,TM TE,TM 0 , modulation bandwidth, great attention has to be paid to
> 2
p avoid the reection of microwave signal in transmission
> 2
2 , line and walk-off between the microwave and optical wave
< p by ensuring an electrode with characteristic impedance of
TM 2 2 , Z050 W, equalizing the indices of nTE, nTM and n, as well
> as to minimize the loss a. The designated line capacitance
> TE TM , C and inductance per unit length L of the TW electrode can
> 2
> be calculated according to
> n 3
r41 E
: 0
, (6)
4 Front. Optoelectron.

8 p
> n c LC , to derive Z0, a and n at high frequency modulation via the
r following equations [43,44].
> L 8
: Z0 : (10) > 1 s11 1 s22 s12 s21
C >
> Z0 50 q ,
The slow-wave electrodes is one of the most critical >
> s22 s11  1 s12 s21 s11 s22 2 4s21
challenges for designs of GaAs-based modulators, includ- >

ing the PolMs [3134]. A typical layout of such slow-wave 2f n 1 1 s12 s21 s11 s22
CPS electrode employs periodically loaded capacitive j ln
> c l 2s21
elements consisting of ns and pads, which is illustrated in >
> s
Fig. 2. The geometry of these ns and pads are supposed to >
>   #
> 1 s12 s21 s11 s22 2
be smaller enough than microwave wavelength so as to >
>  1 ,
behave like equipotential surfaces, resulting in a higher 2s21
value of n due to an increased C together with a slightly
decreased L. By tuning the dimensions of the slow-wave
electrode, not only the velocity match and 50 W where l is the electrode length. The solutions in the
characteristic impedance could be obtained simulta- equations above are chosen so that the real part of Z0 and
neously, a narrow gap between the pads with remotely value of a are positive.
located main electrodes would also allow for a high E and a
low a.
4 Analytical models and features of MWP
systems based on PolMs
Superior to the IMs and PMs which have been playing the
very important role of E/O conversion in all MWP
systems, GaAs-based PolMs offer two-dimensional mod-
ulation instead of one (either intensity or phase) by
supporting simultaneous modulation of TE and TM modes
with opposite phase modulation indices. In the company of
polarization controllers (PCs), polarization beam splitters
(PBSs) and optical lters, more and more elegant and
innovative MWP systems have been implemented, cover-
ing the applications of signal generation and processing.

Fig. 2 Schematic of a PolM with slow-wave, CPS, TW 4.1 Signal generation

The generation of high quality microwave signals with
The fabrication sequence of a GaAs-based PolM begins spectral purity, frequency stability and low phase noise has
with the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) or metal-organic always been a hot topic of MWP. In 1994, Yao and Maleki
chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) of the layer stack on from Jet Propulsion proposed an OEO employing an EOM,
a (100) semi-insulating (SI) GaAs substrate. The layer a photodetector (PD), an amplier and an electrical
conguration is demonstrated in Fig. 3(a), which consists bandpass lter (BPF) to achieve oscillation up to 75 GHz
of a GaAs core layer sandwiched between two AlxGa1 xAs [45]. By converting the oscillating signal from electrical
cladding layers, and a GaAs cap layer on top for domain to optical domain, the high-Q optical energy
passivation. In case of surface defects, a GaAs buffer storage components, wideband photonic devices and
layer is also necessary between the SI substrate and the processing techniques facilitate high frequency microwave
AlxGa1 xAs cladding layer. To ensure a low microwave signals with low phase noise. In reality, however, this
loss, researchers pointed out that the unintentional doping approach may suffer from the bias drifting problem of the
level in the epitaxial layer structures has to be under the MZM, which results in the stability issue unless a
control of lower than 1014 cm3 [42]. The process ow of sophisticated control circuit is applied, as well as the
the device is depicted in Figs. 3(b) and 3(c), the optical rib difculty in maintaining an ideal 50/50 splitting ratio in a
waveguide denition and the TW electrodes deposition are Y-splitter due to fabrication tolerances. By replacing the
implemented by means of dry etching and lift-off process MZM with a GaAs-based PolM incorporated with a PC
respectively. and a polarizer, an OEO enabling the generation of
The microwave measurement of fabricated TW electro- fundamental frequency, frequency-doubling, frequency-
des is of great concern since the S-parameters can be used quadrupling and frequency-sextupling signals can be
Yu XIANG et al. GaAs-based polarization modulators for microwave photonic applications 5

Fig. 3 (a) Layer conguration of a typical GaAs-based PolM; (b) denition of the rib waveguide by dry etching; (c) deposition of the

metal electrodes by a standard lift-off process


obtained without the drifting problem. ft f

According to Eq. (7), a linear-polarized light Ein sin cosexp j 0 : (14)
2 2
throughout a PC, with an angle of 45 to one of the
principal axes of the PolM is introduced to the PolM, The mixed modulation provides a new solution to
which is followed by a polarizer aligned to have an angle compensate the dispersion-induced power fading and
of q to one of the principal axes, the output signal is simply intermodulation distortion in analog photonic link [46].
the interference of the two polarization mode components Besides, when the chirp interacts with ber dispersion, a
along the polarizer direction, frequency-tunable microwave photonic lter (MPF) can be
p   achieved, which will be explained in detail in the next
2 ft f0 section.
Eout E cos exp j

2 in 2 2 Assuming a single-frequency modulation signal, i.e.,
f(t) = cos(wmt), the output signal of Eq. (13) can be
ft f expressed as
sin exp j 0 : (12)
2 2  
Eout Ein cos 0 J0
As can be seen from the equation above, when q is 0or 2
90, the phase modulation with either positive or negative  X 1
modulation index is obtained, and when q is 45, f
  2cos 0 J 1n cos2nm t
2 n1 2n

ft f0
Eout Ein cos , (13)
2  X

f 1
which represents a typical intensity modulation, and as a 2sin 0 J2n 1 1n cos 2n 1m t
2 n1
matter of fact, is equivalent to the output of a MZM.
Therefore, the biasing points in a MZM at the maximum
transmission point (MATP), quadrature point (QTP) and based on the Jacobi-Anger expansion, where Jn is the nth-
the minimum transmission point (MITP) are corresponding order Bessel function of the rst kind. When f0 = p, the
to the static phase shift f0 = 0, p/2 and p, respectively. For equation above becomes
q of other values, Eq. (12) is rewritten as (14), the incident
signal will be phase- and intensity-modulated simulta-
Eout 2Ein J2n 1 1n cos 2n 1m t : (16)
neously, which is equivalent to an intensity modulation n1
with tunable chirp, and the chirp coefcient can be
adjusted by tuning the angle q. Only odd-order sidebands are left, to be specic, only
p   the 1st-order sidebands are left in the case of small signal
2 ft f modulation. As a result, a frequency-doubled microwave
Eout Ein 2cos cos 0
2 2 2 signal can be obtained by beating the two 1st-order
6 Front. Optoelectron.

sidebands at a PD [47], which generates an electrical signal and the principal axes of the PolM, and the static phase
as difference f0 can be adjusted. As a result, the PolM not
only become DC bias free, but also enable multichannel
It / AJ12 cos2m t, (17) operation, serving as a LO and frequency upconversion
where is the responsivity of the PD, and A is a parameter simultaneously [49,50], as shown in Fig. 4. In addition,
related to the input optical power. In the case of large signal frequency downconversion is achievable as well by a
modulation, the 3rd-order sidebands in Eq. (16) shall not PolM-based OEO [51], which has been successfully
be ignored. The frequency-sextupled microwave signal can applied in a radio-over-ber (ROF) link for the wireless
be generated by ltering out the optical carrier, two 1st- distribution of a 3 Gb/s uncompressed HD video [52].
order sidebands and beating the 3rd-order sidebands at a Another important signal generation application of the
PD [48]. The frequency-sextupled microwave signal can PolM-based OEO is the arbitrary waveform generation
be expressed in the way analogous to Eq. (17), as (AWG). One of the novel schemes is to generate a
frequency-hopping microwave waveform by means of a
I t / AJ32 cos6m t: (18) wideband frequency-tunable bandpass MPF incorporated
in an OEO loop, which consists of a PolM followed by a
When f0 = 0, only the even-order sidebands are left and polarization-maintaining phase-shifted ber Bragg grating
output signal at the polarizer becomes (PM-PSFBG) [53]. The frequency response prole of the
! overall MPF, in particular, the oscillation frequency
X1 depends on the state of polarization (SOP) of the light
Eout Ein J0 2 J2n 1n cos2nm t : wave at the output of PolM. Therefore, as the control signal
applied to the PolM manipulating the SOP of the light
(19) wave, the oscillation frequency alters correspondingly and
Under small signal modulation, the frequency-quad- gives rise to high-speed frequency hopping. Alternatively,
rupled microwave signal can be obtained by ltering out the optical frequency comb (OFC) leads to the implemen-
the optical carrier and beating the two 2nd-order sidebands tation of the AWG [54]. A number of approaches based on
at a PD, the PolMs have been proposed to generate OFCs, such as
using a single PolM [55], a single PolM with the assistance
It / AJ22 cos 4m t: (20) of a Brillouin-assisted power equalizer [56], two cascaded
PolMs [57], and two cascaded PolMs with an OEO scheme
As discussed above, the PolM-based OEO is a [58].
promising approach to generate low phase noise, high-
frequency electrical local oscillator (LO) signal using low-
frequency devices and a wideband PD. Owing to the PC 4.2 Signal processing
and polarizer as external elements to the PolM, both the
angle q between the polarization direction of the polarizer In the MWP signal processing, MPF is one of the most

Fig. 4 Schematic of a PolM-based frequency-doubling OEO. LD: laser diode, PC: polarization controller, PolM: polarization modulator,
PD: photodiode, EA: electric amplier, EBPF: electric bandpass lter
Yu XIANG et al. GaAs-based polarization modulators for microwave photonic applications 7

important application. As pointed out at the end of behavior and the center frequencies at the maximum
previous section, a PolM in conjunction with a dispersive transmittance are at
element, e.g., a chirped ber Bragg grating (CFBG), r

performs as a wideband frequency-tunable MPF with the m,peak 2k 1 4 =D ,
peak of the frequency response controlled by simply tuning
the PC [59]. Stemming from Eq. (12) and assuming the k 0,  1,  2,:::: (25)
case of small signal modulation, the signal at the output of
dispersive element becomes The center frequencies of the MPF allow for tuning to
p any desired value simply by altering the angle q via
2 f0 adjusting the PC between the PolM and the polarizer.
Eout E J cosexp j 0

2 in 0 2 2 Experimental result has demonstrated a tunable frequency
within 5.8 to 11.8 GHz based on the proposed tunable

f0 OEO. The single-sideband (SSB) phase noise of the high-

sinexp j 0 purity microwave signal was -104.56 dBc/Hz at 10-kHz
offset [59].
f0 Replacing the dispersive element with an optical
J1 cos exp j m t 1 bandpass lter (OBPF), a PolM-based tunable two-tap

2 2 2
MPF with a complex coefcient enables a full tuning of

f0 the free spectral range (FSR) without any change of its

exp j m t 1 shape [60]. Hence, the dispersion-induced phase shifts in
2 2

Eq. (21) can be removed and what left is
3 f0 p  h
J1 sin  exp j m t 1 2 f

2 2 2 Eout Ein cosexp j 0 J0
2 2 2


3 f0 i
exp j m t 1 , (21)
2 2 jJ1 expjm t jJ 1 exp jm t
2 2
where q0, q+1 and q 1, are the dispersion-induced phase  
shifts to the optical carrier, the upper 1st-order sideband f0 h
and the lower 1st-order sideband, respectively. Expanding sinexpj J0 jJ1 expjm t

2 2 2
the propagation constant in the Taylor series, the dispersion
induced phase shifts becomes i

8 jJ 1 exp jm t : (26)
> 0 zc , 2
< 1 Assuming the upper 1st-order sidebands of both
 1 zc 0 m D 2m , (22)
> 2 polarization modes are removed by the followed OBPF,
> two optical SSB signals with a phase difference of p is
> 1
: 1 zc 0 m D 2m ,

2 obtained
p  h
where wc is the angular frequency of the optical carrier, z is 2 f
the transmission distance, t0 equals to zb (wc), D equals Eout Ein cos expj 0 J0
2 2 2

to zb (wc), and b and b are the rst- and second-order
derivatives of the propagation constant with respect to wc. i
J 1 exp jm t sinexp j 0

Beating the optical signal at a PD and setting the phase 2 2 2
difference f0 to be p/2, the AC current is given by

It / 2J0 J sin 2 D m cosm t 0 :
2 J0 J1 exp jm t : (27)
2 1 2 2 2 2 2
(23) Adjusting f0 to be p/2 and sending this combined signal
to a PD, the output current can be written as
The transmission response of this frequency-tunable
MPF is
I t / cos m t 2 J0 J : (28)
  2 2 1 2

jhm j / 2J0 J1 2
sin 2 D m : (24) Apparently, the proposed tunable MPF performance
2 2 2
attributes to a PolM-based phase shifter. Owing to the easy
As Eq. (24) reveals, the transfer function has a periodic control of q via a PC, the phase of the electrical signal
8 Front. Optoelectron.

would be shifted within 2p when q is varied from 0 to p, Analytical models revealed the working conditions
which facilitates the frequency tunability of full range of under which the fundamental frequency, frequency-
FSR. Flat phase response over the range of 10 to 40 GHz of doubling, frequency-quadrupling and frequency-sextu-
such a phase shifter has been achieved. Power uctuation pling intensity modulations can be achieved mainly by a
was typically below 0.5 dB throughout the 2p phase shift PolM. These functions can be switched in the same scheme
at a certain frequency. By adjusting the phase shifter, the simply by adjusting the PC between PolM and polarizer or
notch center of the tunable MPF was able to be shifted over the DC bias of the PolM. Given the unique feature of
the entire FSR of 134 MHz, with a rejection ratio of more generating a low phase noise microwave signal by an
than 48 dB [60]. OEO, the PolM-based frequency-multiplying OEO has
Since the phase shift is achieved by adjusting a PC, been demonstrated to perform multichannel frequency
which is an external element to a PolM, a number of such upconversion, which is able to maintain the oscillation of
phase shifters controlled by different PCs can be obtained the fundamental frequency in the loop while splitting it into
sharing one laser source, one OBPF and a single PolM via several channels for frequency multiplying. The fre-
an optical coupler. Intuitively, this exible phase shifter quency-multiplying OEO can be used to generate micro-
array can be implemented to function as a simple and wave or millimeter-wave signals with low phase noise for
compact optically-controlled phased array antenna by applications in radars, wireless and optical communica-
carefully adjusting the PC in each path, which is tions. In addition to the photonic frequency upconversion,
demonstrated in Fig. 5 [61]. various schemes involving PolMs have been developed for
frequency downconversion and applications of the OFC
and AWG.
5 Conclusions and discussion Inserting dispersive element between the PolM and the
PC, a tunable MPF can be realized allowing for ne tuning
In this paper, the principle of operation of a GaAs-based of the oscillating frequency in an OEO with a simple
PolM has been reviewed. The crystallographic character- control of adjusting the PC. Moreover, a continuously
istics of GaAs gives rise to an electro-optic effect that tunable MPF with complex coefcient exhibits tunability
exhibits complementary phase modulation indices with of the full FSR, taking advantage of the phase shifter
respect to TE and TM modes. Special attention shall be composed of a PolM and an optical lter to perform the
paid to the PolM design, in particular the TW electrodes, so optical SSB modulation. Besides, the phase shifter has
as to achieve modulation bandwidth exceeding tens of been implemented to the development of optical beam-
GHz. In combination with a PC as well as either a polarizer forming network for the application of phased array
or a PBS, a GaAs-based PolM performs simultaneous antenna.
modulation of the phase and intensity in optical domain. In spite of its simplicity and exibility in use as well as
The mixed modulation can be used to reduce the versatility in functionality, the PolM-based MWP systems
dispersion-induced power fading and intermodulation require precise polarization manipulation. The perfor-
distortion. The exibility and simplicity of such two- mance accuracy and stability would vary as function of
dimension modulation offered by external elements, e.g., a misalignment of the PC and environmental vibration of the
PC, not only allows for a complete replacement of system. It should be noted that the integration of GaAs-
conventional IMs and PMs, but also enables exploration based PolMs with other key components such as
of new applications. waveguides structures, PCs, splitters, and couplers would

Fig. 5 Schematic of the proposed phased array antenna, in which the optical beamforming network is based on the phase shifter [61].
LD: laser diode, PC: polarization controller, PolM: polarization modulator, OBPF: optical bandpass lter, PD: photodetector
Yu XIANG et al. GaAs-based polarization modulators for microwave photonic applications 9

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Research Program of China (No. 2012CB315705), the National Natural
Express, 2014, 22(12): 1461014616
Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 61422108 and 61527820),
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (Nos. 17. Wu T H, Chiu Y J, Lin F Z. High-speed (60 GHz) and low-voltage-
NP2015404, NE2012002); and a Project Funded by the Priority Academic driving electroabsorption modulator using two-consecutive-steps
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Yu Xiang received the B.S. degree in
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optical engineering from Zhejiang Uni-
46. Zhang H, Pan S, Huang M, Chen X. Polarization-modulated analog
versity, Hangzhou, China, in 2006, and
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the M.S. degree in photonics from Royal
fading. Optics Letters, 2012, 37(5): 866868
Institute of Technology (KTH), Stock-
47. Pan S, Yao J. A frequency-doubling optoelectronic oscillator using a
holm, Sweden, in 2008. He received the
polarization modulator. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2009,
Ph.D. degree in applied physics from
21(13): 929931
KTH in 2014, working on design and
48. Pan S, Yao J. Tunable subterahertz wave generation based on
fabrication of GaAs-based vertical-cavity
photonic sextupling using a polarization modulator and a wave-
surface-emitting transistor-lasers (T-VCS
length xed notch lter. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory
Yu XIANG et al. GaAs-based polarization modulators for microwave photonic applications 11

ELs). Microwave Photonics (Nanjing Univ. Aeronaut. Astronaut.),

In 2015, he joined the Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Ministry of Education.
Microwave Photonics (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and His research has focused on microwave photonics, which includes
Astronautics), Ministry of Education. Currently, he is a lecturer in optical generation and processing of microwave signals, ultrawide-
Electronic and Information Engineering with research interests in the band over ber, photonic microwave measurement, and integrated
development of GaAs-based integrated optoelectronic devices and microwave photonics. Prof. Pan has authored or co-authored over
circuits for microwave photonics applications. 230 research papers, including more than 120 papers in peer-
reviewed journals and 110 papers in conference proceedings.
Prof. Pan is a senior member of the IEEE Microwave Theory and
Shilong Pan received the B.S. and Ph.D. Techniques Society, the IEEE Photonics Society and a member of
degrees in electronics engineering from the Optical Society of America (OSA). He was selected to receive an
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2004 OSA outstanding reviewer award in 2015. Prof. Pan is a Chair of
and 2008, respectively. From 2008 to 2010, numerous international conferences and workshops, including the
he was a Vision 2010 Postdoctoral TPC Chair of the International Conference on Optical Communica-
Research Fellow in the Microwave Photonics tions and Networks in 2015, TPC Chair of the high-speed and
Research Laboratory, University of Ottawa, broadband wireless technologies subcommittee of the IEEE Radio
Canada. He joined the College of Electronic Wireless Symposium in 2013, 2014 and 2016, TPC Chair of the
and Information Engineering, Nanjing Uni- Optical ber sensors and microwave photonics subcommittee chair
versity of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Nanjing Univ. Aeronaut. of the OptoElectronics and Communication Conference in 2015, and
Astronaut.), China, in 2010, where he is currently a full professor Chair of the microwave photonics for broadband measurement
and executive director of the Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and workshop of International Microwave Symposium in 2015.

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