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BVM G/ BH/CIR/12/2014-2015 23rd July2014

Dear Parent,

We are glad to inform you that the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) along with its
Executive committee members for BVM GLOBAL @ BOLLINENI HILLSIDE has been
functioning since two years.

PTA executive committee started functioning in the year 2012-13 and the members meet on
the second Friday of every month. (excluding the winter and summer vacations)

The Annual General Body Meeting for the academic year 2014-2015 will is held in the
same manner as in 2012-2013 & 2013-2014.

Mr. P.G. Subramanian, Principal and President of PTA gave an insight into the roles and
responsibilities of the PTA members to lend themselves as a support system for the growth
of the School in future years to come.

The parent representative nominated for each class will have the contact numbers of all the
students of that class and will mail information to parents when required.

We are happy to attach the list of names of the PTA Executive members and the staff

You may contact the school authorities and the PTA Executive committee members to
express your genuine concerns and share your valuable suggestions for the welfare of our

P.G. Subramanian

Page 1 BVM Global @Bollineni Hillside

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