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Personally, I think the Sangguniang Kabataan should be abolished. I believe that Sangguniang
Kabataan teaches the youth to earn money without working for it. Since most of the SK officials are students,
they only attend sessions once or twice or just even show up in their areas to get their salary. The youth, at an
early age, are engaged in public service thereby neglecting their studies which is more important. The youth
cannot handle two things at once because public service and studying are both a serious job. It can also be a
training ground for political dynasty and corruption. At an early age, the youth will be exposed to the dirty
tactics of politics. It can also affect not only the person involved but also the people surrounding that person
most especially his/her family. During election, the SK allocation could also be at risk of fraud because during
election, young people running for position usually spend huge amounts to ensure their win.

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