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Domestic Violence Thesis Statement


Domestic violence is defined as consistently abusive behavior by one person

against another involved in an intimate relationship, such as dating,

marriage, etc. What constitutes domestic abuse may vary within different

legal frameworks, but generally, any form of emotional, physical or sexual

abuse can be construed as domestic violence. Domestic violence is

alternatively also called spousal abuse, battering, and family violence.

Domestic violence is recognized as a criminal offense in almost all countries

across the world. Yet, it remains a common occurrence, almost on a

pandemic scale, that often goes unpunished because of the hidden nature of

abuse by one partner against another in an intimate relationship. Therefore,

most attempts to counter and control domestic violence are directed towards

raising awareness of this crime, and changing commonly held perceptions

against it.

Domestic violence isnt limited to physical abuse alone and incorporates

sexual, emotional and mental abuse as well. Physical abuse, though, is the

most common form of domestic violence and includes a pattern of hitting,

battery, punching, kicking, burning, etc. though this may vary from state to
state. Largely, physical abuse may be defined as any abuse that involves

physical contact meant to cause intimidation, pain, harm and/or physical


Sexual abuse is another form of domestic violence and is usually manifested

in the shape of marital/spousal rape or any sexual act performed through

coercion or intimidation (physical or psychological). Sexual abuse is

particularly difficult to detect because of its intimate nature.

Domestic violence can also include emotional abuse, verbal abuse, and even

economic abuse. The last, economic abuse is especially common in

developing economies where one partner often controls all the finances and

thus, can withhold money to a partner.

The effects of domestic violence, both in the long and the short-term can be

extremely detrimental to the physical, psychological and financial health of

the victim. A pressing issue is the effect on the psychological health of

children who witness spousal abuse. Since most domestic violence follows

cyclical patterns, the effects can be especially devastating to all involved

parties in the long term. Consequently, several measures have been adopted

by most countries to battle domestic violence, from raising awareness about

the issues at hand, to instigating victims to come out and express their

plight. Offenders are often either punished by strict sentences, or offered

counseling and therapy, especially for solitary, less severe incidents.

Domestic Violence Thesis Statement Examples:

* The personal, intimate nature of domestic violence makes it especially

difficult to detect, despite being widespread across most societies.

Consequently, children, neighbors, relatives or friends of the involved parties

must be trained to detect, identify and report incidents of domestic violence

if this crime is to be controlled effectively.

* Domestic violence cannot be categorized merely as a personal crime since

victims of domestic abuse often suffer from depression, stress, and poor

work performance, which, subsequently, affects the health of the national

economy. Domestic violence, thus, must be identified as a public, national


* Counseling and therapy are often more effective methods to control

domestic violence than harsh punishment methods.

* In times of economic recessions, increasing unemployment and social

instability leads to greater incidents of domestic violence.

* Domestic violence makes the sufferer less productive and dejected.

* Though innovative methods have been proposed in countering domestic

violence in the United States, the problem still persists.

* Socio-cultural factors are responsible for the rise of domestic violence in

the South Asian community living in the United States.

* The effect of unemployment on married life Unemployment is a cause of

domestic violence between couples.

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