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Science is a systematic enterprise (deed) that builds and organizes knowledge in

the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. Since the era
of evolution, science has tremendously contributed to the progress of human kind
making the race far superior to the other life forms on earth. In terms of providing
comfort, convenience, safety and security from almost every imaginable threat,
science has served mankind wonderfully well. Many of these have done wonders to
improve not only the quality of life but the overall health of mankind.

Diseases and disorders that could decimate the whole population are being cured
through scientific diagnosis, surgeries and therapies or at least ameliorated. Water
supplies, milk and other foods are subjected to methods of treatment that assure
their freedom form malign bacteria and chemical poisons. Our foods are grown,
preserved, transported and prepared with the help of scientific methods, which
make any dietary available any time and place.

The steamship, the railroad, the automobile and the airplane represent successive
and relatively rapid changes in transportation that have made it viable to provide
relief during disaster, natural calamities and accidents. The network of satellites and
computer network, internet has transformed the world into a Global Village. It has
put a considerable affect on receiving and disseminating knowledge that has
become the most important weapon in the time of globalization.

Science has benefitted mankind in an unprecedented manner by its wonderful

progress and development, but its misuse has ushered in the world undesirable
effects than can never be denied. There is something fascinating about science.
One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such trifling investment of fact.
It is neither good nor bad in itself.

Fritz Haber, a noble prize winning Jewish scientist created an insecticide used as
fumigant in grain stores that was responsible for deaths of an estimated 1.2 million
people. His Zyklon B became the preferred method of execution in gas chambers
during the Holocaust. Alfred Nobel invented dynamite for mining and digging train
tunnels, but the ease of handling and ubiquity made it a favorite weapon during

Science is a blessing and curse however the positive side is being exploited
for the max benefit of the entire world. Plans with futuristic and pragmatic vision
have been initiated. Environmental restoration). Biodegradable packaging materials
and recycling of all the disposables at the lower cost of energy and time is an issue.
There are projects being conducted on the organized disposal of the radioactive

Science is not inherently evil. It is we, the superior ones, who tend it make its so.
Science without conscience is the souls perdition

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