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MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 349686107


Beam to Beam Fin-plate Connection to BS 5950

Basic Data
Applied Forces at Interface
Shear Forces Left = 0.0 kN, Right = 40.0 kN

Tie Force 75.0 k

But not less than 100% of the Shear Load. (SCI P341 T5.1)

Design to BS 5950: Pt 1: 2000 and the SCI Green Book:

Joints in Steel Construction: Simple Connections: SCI-P212: 2002

Basic Dimensions
Supporting-254x146 UB 31 [28] D=251.4, B=146.1, T=8.6, t=6.0, r=7.6, py=275

Right-254x146 UB 31 [28] D=251.4, B=146.1, T=8.6, t=6.0, r=7.6, py=275

MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 349686107

Bolts 20 mm in 22 mm holes Grade 8.8 Bolts

Plates S 275, Welds E 42

Summary of Results (Unity Ratios)

Right Hand Beam
Bolt Shear & Bearing 0.25, 0.19 0.25 OK

Fin-Plate & Web Bearing 0.31, 0.41 0.41 OK

Beam Web Shear 0.22, 0.25, 0.21 0.25 OK

Beam Web Bending 0.29 OK

Fin-Plate Shear 0.17, 0.19, 0.16 0.19 OK

Fin-Plate Bending 0.15, 0 0.15 OK

Tie force Plate T,B, Web T, B 0.21, 0.34, 0.34, 0.45 0.45 OK

Additional tie checks 0.27, 0.21, 0.13 0.27 OK

Supporting Beam
Web Shear 0.11 OK

Web Tie Force 0.04 OK

Web Tie Force 0.13 OK

Right Hand Beam

Recommended Geometry
Plate Depth >= 0.6D 0.6 251.4 = 150.8 mm 200 mm OK

Applied Shear Loads: Check 2

Fv=Q / n 40.0 / 3 13.3 kN

M=Qa 40.0 x 55.0 2.2 kN.m

Iyy=n1(y1)+n2(y2) 2x60 + 2x0 7200 mm

Fmh=MYmax / Iyy 2.2 x 60 / 7200 18.3 kN

Fv resultant =(Fv + Fmh) (13.3 + 18.3) 22.7 kN

Bolt Shear & Bearing: Check 2

Ps= 20 mm Grade 8.8 Bolts 91.9 kN > Fv OK

Pbb=pbtmin 1000 x 6.0 x 20 120.0 kN > Fv OK

MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 349686107

Fin-Plate & Web Bearing

Pbs=Fn(pb,t,,edge,kbs) 460, 8.0, 20, 40, 1.00 73.6 kN > Fv OK

Pbs=Fn(pb,t,,edge,kbs) 460, 6.0, 20, 40, 1.00 55.2 kN > Fv OK

Beam Web Shear: Check 4(i)

Plane Shear

Av=0.9Dtk 0.9 x 201 x 6.0 1088 mm

Avnet=Av-ntk 1088 - 3 x 22.0 x 6.0 692 mm

Pv=0.6pyAv 0.6 x 275 x 1088 179.4 kN > Q OK

Pvnet=0.7pyKeAvnet 0.7 x 275 x 1.2 x 692 159.8 kN > Q OK

Block Shear

Lv=(n-1)vcc+edge (3 - 1) x60 + 40 160 mm

Pr=0.6pyt(Lv+Ke(Lt-kD')) 0.6 x275 x6 x (160 + 1.2 x (40 - 0.5 x 22.0 ) 192.9 kN > Q OK

Beam Web Bending at End of Notch: Check 5

Plane Shear Pv pv from check 4 179.4 kN

Mapp=QLa 40.0 x 82 3.3 kN.m

Znet Fn(Section, Tnotch, Bnotch) 254x146 UB 31, 25, 25 40.6 cm

Shear Classification Fv/Pv 40.0 / 179.4 0.223 <= 0.75 Low Shear

Mcap=pyZnet 275 x 40.6 11.2 kN.m OK

Double Notched Web Stability (restrained)

Data D/tw =41.9, Dc max =51 mm, C max = 251 mm

Notch Length C = 82 - 15 67 mm OK

Notch Depth Dc=Max(Dc1, Dc2) Max (25, 25) 25 mm OK

Fin-Plate Shear: Check 3(i)

Plane Shear

Av=0.9Dtk 0.9 x 200 x 8.0 1440 mm

Avnet=Av-ntk 1440 - 3 x 22.0 x 8.0 912 mm

Pv=0.6pyAv 0.6 x 275 x 1440 237.6 kN > Q OK

Pvnet=0.7pyKeAvnet 0.7 x 275 x 1.2 x 912 210.7 kN > Q OK

Block Shear

Lv=(n-1)vcc+edge (3 - 1) x60 + 40 160 mm

MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 349686107

Pr=0.6pyt(Lv+Ke(Lt-kD')) 0.6 x275 x8 x (160 + 1.2 x (40 - 0.5 x 22.0 ) 257.1 kN > Q OK

Fin-Plate Bending: Check 3(ii)

Z=TLL/6 8200200 / 6 53.3 cm

Mapp=Qa 40.0 x 55.0 2.2 kN.m

Shear Classification Fv/Pv 40.0 / 210.7 0.190 <= 0.75 Low Shear

Mcap=yZnet 275.0 x 53.3 14.7 kN.m OK

Fin-Plate - Stability: Check 3(iii)

t min=0.15a 0.15 x 55 8.3 > t long plate

M=Qa 40.0 x 55.0 2.2 kN.m

Zx=tl / 6 8.0 x 200.0/6 53.3 cm

Pb=Fn(Py,LT) 275.0, 30.0, (BS 5950:2000 Table 17) 275.0 N/mm

Mcap=PbZx/ mLT 275.0 x 53.3 / 0.6 24.4 kN.m OK

Mcap=PyZx 275.0 x 53.3 14.7 kN.m OK

Fin-Plate - Weld
Min weld=0.8t 0.8 x 8 6.4 <= 8 OK

Beam Web Bending in long plates: Check 4(iii)

Lengths gap, a, AB, B, CD 15, 55, 40, 120, 40

M=Qa 40.0 x 55.0 2.2 kN.m

PvAB1=0.6pyABtw 0.6 x 275.0 x 40 x 6.0 39.6 kN

PvAB2=0.6pyKE(AB-D'/2)tw 0.7 x 275.0 x 1.2 x (40 - 22/2) x 6.0 40.2 kN

PvAB=min(PvAB1, PvAB2) Min(39.6, 40.2) 39.6 kN

PvBC1=0.6 pyBtw 0.6 x 275.0 x 120 x 6.0 118.8 kN

PvBC2=0.7 pyKE(B-D' x (n-1))tw 0.7 x 275.0 x 1.2 x (120 - 22 x (3-1) x 6.0 105.3 kN

PvBC=min(PvBC1, PvBC2) Min(118.8, 105.3) 105.3 kN

FvBC=Fv-(Pv-PvBC) >=0 40.0 - (159.8 - 105) 0.0 kN

Shear Classification FvBC/PvBC 0.0 / 105.3 0.000 <= 0.75 Low Shear

McBC=pytBC/6 275 x 6.0 x 120 / 6 4.0 kN.m

McAB= PvABBC 39.6 x 120 4.8 kN.m

Mc= McBCMcAB 4.0 + 4.8 8.7 kN.m OK

Tie force: Check 11 & 12

Tie Force Tie forces are analysed independently of any vertical loads.
MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 349686107

Plate L=e1+e2+(n-1)pe 40 + 40 + (3-1) x 60 200.0 mm

Plate Ten cap=L tpy 200.0 x 8 x 275 440.0 kN OK

Plate Lnet=e1+e2+(n-1)pe-nd' 40 + 40 + (3-1) x 60 - 3 x 22.0 134.0 mm

Plate Ten cap= keLnettpy 1.2 x 134.0 x 8 x 275 353.8 kN OK

Plate Bear cap=1.5n tPbg 1.5 x 3 x 20 x 8.0 x 460 331.2 kN OK

Plate Bear cap=0.5netPbg 0.5 x 3 x 40 x 8.0 x 460 220.8 kN OK

Web Le=e1+e2+(n-1)pe-nd' 40 + 40 + (3-1) x 60 - 3 x 22.0 134.0 mm

Web Ten cap=Letpy 134.0 x 6.0 x 275 221.1 kN OK

Web Bear cap=1.5n tPbg 1.5 x 3 x 20 x 6.0 x 460 248.4 kN OK

Web Bear cap=0.5netPbg 0.5 x 3 x 40 x 6.0 x 460 165.6 kN OK

Additional checks for high tie force Tie force is greater than the vertical shear load.

Shear per Bolt Fv=Ft/n 75 / 3 25.0 kN

Bolt Shear Ps= 20 mm Grade 8.8 Bolts 91.9 kN > fvt OK

Bolt Bearing Pbb=pbtmin 1000 x 6.0 x 20 120.0 kN > Frt OK

Weld Cap=2(Le-2s)apw 2(200 - 2 x 8) x 0.7 x 8 x 275 566.7 kN OK

Supporting Beam
Web Shear: Check 10
Qmax=Q 40 40.0 kN

Pv=20.6py(0.9L1t) 2 x 0.6 x 275 x (0.9 x 200.0 x 6.0) 356.4 kN > Qmax OK

Punching Shear: Check 10

Tcons=Tw Usc /Pyf 6.0410 /275 8.9 mm

Trigor=Tw Usc /fb 6.0410 /41 59.6 mm

Tf<= max(Trigor,Tcons) 8<=59.6 OK

Tie force on Supporting Web

hproj(ave)=(Dc-h)/2 (219 - 216) / 2 1.5 mm

bproj=hproj 1.5 1.5 mm

Leh=dc 219 mm

Leb=b+2bproj 24 + 2 x 1.5 27 mm

Mu=pyt /4 328 x 6 / 4 2952 Nmm/mm

MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 349686107

Fcap=Mu 4(Leh/ bproj+Leb/ hproj) 2952 x 4 x (219/1.5 + 27/1.5) 1936.5 kN OK

FVcap=0.6PyTk2(H+B) 0.6 x 328 x 6 x 2 x (216 + 24) 566.8 kN OK

MasterSeries PowerPad - Project Title 349686107

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