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4 initio Stoo Preparation for the Trinity Graded Examinations in Spoken English (GESE) Jeremy Walenn Garnet Published by ‘Garnet Publishing Led 8 Southern Coure South Steet Reading RGI 45, UK. Copyright Copyright © 2010 Garnet Publishing Le ‘Copyright © 2010 Zanicheli edtore SpA First published 2003 Revised edtion published 2010 Revised edition published 2011 British Library Cataloguingin-Publiation Data ‘A catalogue record for ths Book i avaible from the Brith brary. ISBN 978 1 85964 615 | All rights reserved No part of tis publiation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, pho- ocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Publisher. Any person who ‘does any unauthorized act in relation to ths publi- ‘ation may be lable to criminal prosecution and ‘iil elsime for damagee. Production Editor: Richard Peacock Project consultant Rod Webb ‘Art director: David Rose Desig: jnetee Hil, Nell Colter IMstration:Beshive llustration: Mike Philips: Mact Ward, Richard Duszczak,Janecte Hil, Doug Nash, David Stevens Every eforthas been made to trace copyright hors and we apologize in advance fran rincrionalersions We wil be happy fo inert the ppropiane ackrwledgerans any subsequent dion. Printed and bound in Lebanon by International Pres: “This edition and all related components are net for sale in aly oF Canton Ticino, Switzoriand. “These materials fully conform with the requirements of Tenty College London's GGESE Sylabus 2010-2013, Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Contents Introduction Book map What's your name? How many fish are there? That's his ball Open the door ‘The body Faces What colour is it? My dlothes Vocabulary builder About the Grade | exam Initial Stage assessment eriteria ‘Sample examination report ‘Topeseript Introduction To teachers and parents This book is designed to help students to prepare for the Initial Stage of the Trinity College London GESE Grade I. Its important to note that the book contains materials for practiceit is not «a course book. The book aims to help pupils ‘activate language taught previously, and to practise using it in similar situations that will crise in the exam. ‘The material has been revised to take into ‘account the new GESE syllabus that came into effect from February |, 2010. ‘As these are oral exams, the focus is on speaking ‘nd listening. Writing tasks are strictly limited ‘ond are there only to help students complete ‘a speaking task, or to remember language. There are eight lessons. Each lesson covers o subject for conversation from the exam syllabus. Lessons begin with o task to introduce the languoge or vocabulary item, which is then talked ‘about by students. series of linked exercises help students to: © improve their accuracy; ‘© use the appropriate vocabulary for the task; and © practise pronunciation, Listening tasks help students understand the ‘exam questions they will hear, as well as helping ‘them to practise pronunciation. ‘A Remember box summarizes what has been practised in the lesson and acts as a revision aid for students. ‘Typical questions and answers from the exam ‘are presented at the end of each lesson. You can find out more about the exam on page 24 To students Practise and you will feel confident in the exam. Remember to smile. Look at the examiner when you are speaking, ‘Answer the questions as fully os you can Do not worry if you make a mistake Hf you do not understand a question, ask the examiner to repeat it. Say: 'm sorry, I don't understand or Please repeat the question Enjoy the exam. Lesson title Pd eR My name's What's your name? How ald ore you In How are you? Fine, hanks Toke your book Open your mouth Touch the sreen Hi the bl ea Numbers | -20 Prana) ‘Whos the next number? How many ... are there! There ore ‘Are there... Yes, there ore. / No, there aren. fish sheep birds cots rabbits elephants horses monkeys cows Ten an “This /These ore my my / your his/her / our / their Is this my / your .. Yes. is. / No, ist ‘Are these my I your .. 1s, they oe. / No, they arent. ball hot sausages. window bog books eraser pen watch mea ‘What's this e's What are these! Theyre bedroom bathroom dining room sitchen living room bed books cords computer cupboard rabbit shalf toble cra le Ben tall Yes. he is / No, he int leis heod big? ‘Are they «2? forms foet fingers honds head legs tall short fot. thin big. small long is hair far His eyes are brown, What colour ore her eyes! Theyre blue Touch ‘ers eyes hair mouth nose ong short dark fair biue brown Nao Ted The books are red Show me the red phone. Due green oronge pink purple red yellow books box crayons paper pen ruler scissors Nad ‘What colour ie Peter's jacket? : She has a green skit Her blouse is yellow. belt blouse dress hat jocket shirt skit socks suit tie trousers Tshirt Black blue brown green red white yellow In this pieture I hove What's your name? @ @ Listen to the conversations. ‘Hello. My name's Mrs Smith. ) (Helle. What's your name? Tm your new teacher. What's BH] | your name? {I (My name's John, -) a mum (Howaare you today? Ys Lae E y (It's Maria.) — | (Fine, thanks. ) | _) | zx Open your mouth, please. Thank you, Maria. = \ Take your book, please, Hello. You are ..? Michelle. (How old are you? Now, touch the screen, (Hit the ball @ Match. ) What’s your name? 1 Im nine. b) How old are you? a 2 I'm fine, thanks. ¢) Your name’s David, i 3. My name’s Maria. d) How are you 4 No, it isn't. It's Peter. @ Listen to Exercise | again and check. @ @® Work with a partner. Ask and answer. What's your name? How are you? How old are you? Your name’s ..., isn’t it? @ Match. a) Hit b) — ©) Take d) Touch @ Listen and check. ® @0 Work with a partner. Say and do. Exam questions What's your name? Is your name ...2 Your name's ...,isn’t it? Touch the table, Open the box. Take my pen. ! 2 3 4 ‘My name's ... Im ... Im ... No, it isn't. It's . the screen. your mouth. ‘Open your book the ball. your book. RECA ‘My name's Yes, it is. Yes, itis. / No, it isn’t. It's ... How many fish are there? @ @ Listen and repeat the numbers. | one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten II eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen [4 fourteen _5 fifteen 16 sixteen I7 seventeen 18 eighteen [9 nineteen 20 twenty @ @ Listen. Say the next number. 01234) b)2 46... C) ESBS as d) 51015... 0) 987... NON .. g) 20 19 18 ... @ OO Work with a partner. Choose three numbers. Ask your partner What's the next number? (16, 17, 18. What’ the next number?) (Nineteen. ) —— a = @ ©@ Work with a partner. Look at the picture. Ask and answer about the animals in the box. fist sheep birds rabbits elephants horses monkeys cows (How many monkeys are there?) (There are seven.) beeen) eae ee @ Listen and check. @ Match. 4) two basketball teams b) a football team ¢) arugby team d) two volleyball teams @ @ Listen and answer. aa) 1 players 12 players 10 players 15 players | basketball re eer ea b) How many players are there in a rugby team? ¢) How many players are there in two volleyball teams? d) How many players are there in two basketball teams? Exam questions How many fish are there? Are there six rabbits? Are there three sheep? UE acd There are three (fish). Yes, there are. No, there aren't. There are two. That's his ball Find the things in the bon in the pictures below. L_ball_window bikes hat sausages _dog © Listen, check and repeat. 2) Complete the sentences. my her his our their your | Use the words in the box. ) Picture A That's Your window. Picture D That's ___ dog. Picture B That's ball. Picture E This is hat, Picture © Those are sausages. Picture F These ore bikes. @ Listen, check and repeat. @ @© Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions. Use the words in the box. cee T ball books bag pen watch eraser praia a (Us that her pen?) @ @© Work with a partner. Each put three objects on the table. Ask and answer questions. Then change partners. (Is this your watch?) emp eS — ——___/__ (No, it isn’t. It’s your watch. ») \ i Ps (Are these my books?) (Yes, they are. ) 3g ae 13 = ae 2 Is this his pen? No, it isn’t Is that your watch? Yes, iti. Are these your books? No, they aren't. They're your books. Open the door @ ® Look, listen and repeat. Se E i yo tenel @ @ Listen and answer. a) Look at room A. What room is this? It's the bedroom. b) Look at room B. Is it the bedroom? c) Look at room C. What room is this? 4) Look at room D. Is it the living room? e) Look at room E. What room is this? @ Look at the picture. Match the words and the letters. books [| cards computer bed A rabbit shelf cupboard table @ Listen, check and repeat. @ Listen and answer. B What's this? (It’s a rabbit @ ©@ Work with a partner. Ask and answer. @® Draw your bedroom. Put five things in your bedroom. @® Work with a partner. Ask and answer. ) (What are the: a Wat this?) ( Peters ae ead ‘What room is this? Its the bedroom. Is it the bathroom? No, it’s the bedroom. What's this? Isa. What are these? They're ... Show me the bed. Point to the books. The body @ Look at the picture. Match the words and the letters. arms feet fingers [| head A hands [_ legs Cy @ Listen, check and repeat. @ Match the opposites. 6) tall | small b) far 2 short ©) big 3 short d) long 4 thin @ Listen, check and repeat. @ @ Look at Ben in Exercise |. Listen and answer. Is Ben tall? Are his arms short?) Yes, he is. “No, they aren't. They're long, @ © Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about Ben. Are Ben's fingers short? ) (No, they aren't. They're long.) ee @® © Work with a partner. Play a game. Exam questions PU Ishe tall? Yes, he is. / No, he isn't Are her fingers long? Yes, they are, / No, they aren't. Point to his head. Show me your hands. Faces @ Look at the picture. Match the words and the letters. See | sl | mouth |_| (Touch your hair. ») ears ala hair @ Listen, check and repeat. @ @ Listen and do. @ @& Work in a group of four. Play the Simple Simon Game. @ @ Look at the pictures. Listen and choose. His eyes are brown, (Picture A. ) J Saal @ Listen and check. @® © Work with a partner. Describe and choose. His hair is long and fair. @ ©® Work with a partner. Draw a face. Ask and answer questions. (is his hair long? ») ‘What colour are her eyes? They're blue. Deen encore Eatery Touch your eyes. Draw a face. What colour is her hair? It’s fair. What colour are his eyes? They're blue. What colour is it? coud | [ae @ Look at the picture. Put the colours in the right order. blue green pink orange red purple yellow | ted 2. 3 4 5 6 7 purple @ Listen, check and repeat. @ Look at the picture. Match the objects and the colours. a) The books are 1 black b) The box is 2. blue ¢) The crayons are 3. green d) The poper is 4 orange e) The penis 5 red f) The ruler is 6 white 4g) The scissors are 7 yellow @ Listen, check and repeat. @ @ Listen and tick the box. Show me the red phone & Q46 G8 ax @® ©0 Work with a partner. Ask and show. or ee (Show me the blue monster. ) Exam questions .. What colour is the pen? Show me the blue car. What colour are the scissors? Is your pen black? Me aan It's black. Here you are. They're green. No, ie isn’t hs blue, My clothe | @ Match the colours and the clothes. | Peter Mary | 0) dress I block b) hat 2 blue ¢) jacket 3 green d) Tshirt 4 red e) socks 5 white f) trousers 6 yellow @ Listen, check and repeat. @ ©© Work with a partner. Cover the picture. Ask and answer. (What colour is Peter's jacket?) (What colour is Mary's dress? ») [SaaS Vee (His jacker's ...) Her dress is .. NI Sat =) @ @ Look at the pictures. Listen and repeat. Mary's dod | Peter's mum @ Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. | Use the words in the box. belt blouse shirt suit tie Peter’s mum has ... Mary's dad has green a black « yellow a white —__. a brown ablue @ Listen, check and repeat. a © ©® Bring a photograph. Tell a partner fae); about your clothes. In this picture | have ..- A eee AE What colour’s your dress? It’s red, What colour are your trousers? They're black. Is your blouse blue? No, it isn’t It's yellow. Is your shirt white? Yes, itis. Vocabulary builder Build your own vocabulary Imperative verbs hit open take touch Numbers | to 20 Sports basketball football rugby volleyball Animals birds cows elephants fish horses monkeys rabbits sheep For school bag ball books eraser pen Rooms bathroom bedroom dining room kitchen living room In the bedroom bed books cards computer cupboard rabbit shelf table The body arms feet fingers hands head legs Adjectives big fat long small tall The face ears eyes hair mouth nose Adjectives blue brown dork foir long short Imperatives draw touch Colours black blue green ‘orange tie pink trousers purple Tshirt red white yellow Classroom objects books box crayons Paper pen ruler scissors Clothes belt blouse dress hat jacket shirt skirt. socks suit About the Grade J exam Exam format The candidate holds a conversation with the examiner. Time: 5 minutes There are four phases to the conversation: 1 Greetings The examiner says hello ond tries to put the candidate at ease. 2 Instructions The examiner gives some simple Instructions that the candidate carries out. 3 Questions The examiner asks some questions related to the subject areas for conversation. 4 Leave-taking The examiner brings the conversation to an end by wishing the candidate goodbye. Candidate performance The condidate is expected to: # exchange greetings with the examiner; * understand simple instructions and requests, showing understanding through appropriate actions or the production of appropriate spoken responses; + give very short, even single-word answers to simple closed questions and requests for information; and © Identify and name colours, parts of the body, numbers, items of clothing and abjects in immediate surroundings. Grammatical items Understanding ond using the present simple tense of the verb to be ond ‘other common verbs such as go, show, point, come, give, sit down and stand up. Imperatives (to which the candidate should respond). Nouns in singular and plural. Adjectives (including possessives). Articles. Pronouns. Demonstratives. Subject areas for conversation Personal information. Immediate surroundings. Items of clothing. Numbers up to 20. Parts of the body. Initial Stage assessment criteria At each grade of the Initial Stage, the examiner will apply the following criteria: Readiness: The candidate's understanding of the examiner. Satisfying the requirements listed under candidate performance for each grade (the examiner allows for hesitation and slowness of response). Pronunciation: Production of individual sounds to form words that are intelligible. Usage: Accuracy of grammatical items used. Use of appropriate vocabulary. Sample examination report Examination report - Grade 1 (This Is net a certificate) Any Name Grade 1 Registration MO: XxXXXX:XXXXXKXX Centre: Any Centre Session: 52010 Graded Examinations in Spoken English Task fulfilment Conversation eeeeB) ee =4D; i The above profile would indicate the following overall result: Key areas for improvement | Conversation csO6O tM Po CS = Communicative skills; G = Grammar; L = Lexis; P = Phonology ‘The result on this Examination report form is provisional and is confirmed by the issue ofa certificate (or otherwise). wo] Candidate 19 seen: Examiner's signature .. Jn. Sint. pate: 2. MAX. 20. Qn Tapescript Grade 1, Lesson I: What's your name? Exercise | Listen to the conversations. 9) Hall. My names Mrs Smith. fm your new teacher YYhat's your name? It’s Mera, ‘Thank you, Maria. Take your book, plese 6) Hello. What's your nome? My names John, How are you today? Fine, thonks. ‘Open your math please t Presenter: How old ore you? Michelle: Im nine Presenter: Now, touch the sereen. Presenter: 4) Coach: Hello. Your name's Dovid. it ie? Peter: No, isn't e's Peter. Coach: Oh, sorry, Peter Mit the bal, Presenter: Grade |, Lesson I: Exercise 4 Listen and check. Coach: Hi the ball Dentist: Open your mouth. Teacher: Toke your book. ‘TY Presenter: Touch the sera Presenter: Grade I, Lesson 2: How mony fish ‘are there? Exercise | Listen and repeat the numbers. Voice: ‘One, two, thro four five, sx, seven, ight, nin, ten, eleven, twelve, thir- ‘teen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seven- ‘teen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty Presenter: Grade |, Lesson 2: Exercise 2 Listen, Say the next number. Presenter: 0) Voice |: one, two, three. Voice 2: four Presenter: 6) Voice |: two, four sie Voice 2: eight Presenter: ¢) Voice 1: one, three. five Voice 2: seven Presenter: d) Voice 1: five, ton fifteen Voice twenty Presenter: ©) Voice hin, eight, seven Voice 2: six Presenter: 1) Voice 2: Voice 2: rine leven, thirtoan .. fifteen % ‘ewenty, nineteen, eighteen Grade |, Lesson 2: Exercise 4 Listen and check. How many monkeys are there! There are seven. How mony rabbits are there? ‘There are si How mony cows are there? There are four How mony birds are there? There are five How many sheep ore there! There are two, How mony elephants ore theret “Thore is one. How many horses ore there? “There ore two. How mony fish are there? “There are three Grode I, Lesson 2: Exercise 6 Listen ond answer = How many payers ere therein 0 footbal tom? ere ») How many players ore there ino Pees Fifteen o How mony players are thee in two volley tom? Twelve. 4d) How mony players ore therein two besuetball teoms? = SGrode 1, Lesson 3: Thot’s his ball Exercise | Listen, check and repeat. 1 window window a boll bal 3 seusoges sousoges 4 09 dog s hot hat ‘ bikes bikes Voice: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: Voice: Grode 1, Lesson 3: Exercise 2 Listen, check ond repeat. Pieture A ‘Thot’s your window. That's your wine dow. Picture 8 ‘That’ is boll That's his ball. Picture C ‘Those are my sousages. Those are my sousoges. Picture O ‘Thot’s thelr dog. Thats ther dog, Picture E “Tis is er hot. This is her hat. Picture F ‘These ore our bikes. These are our bikes Grade 1, Lesson 4: Open the door Exercise | Look, listen and repeat. A bedroom bedroom B bothroom betheoom c living room living room D ining room dining room F letehen kitchen Grade 1, Lesson 4: Exercise 2 Listen and answer Look at room A, What room is tis? It’s the bedroom. Look at room 8. sit the bedroom? Novits the bathroom. Look at room C, What roam s this Is the living room, Look at ream D fet the living room? No, ts the dining room. Look at room What room is this? Ie the kitchen. Grode 1, Lesson 4: Exercise 3 Listen, cheek and repeat. A eso bed, e's bed 8 Its @ rabbit Its rabbit c It's computer e's « computer D ‘They're books. They're books. F Theyre cords. Theyre cards E Voice: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: Voice: Presenter: so table, It's 0 table e Ws 0 shell Ie’ a shel H It’s @ cupboard Ie’ « cupboord. Grode 1, Lesson 4: Exercise 3 Listen ond answer. 2: What’ thie! Ie’s a rabbit G:What’s this? beso shal C:What' this? It's @ computer. F:Whot's this! Wes a table E:What are these? They're cords. AWhat' this! It’s o bed D:What ore these? They're books. H:What' this? I's @ cupboord, Grade 1, Lesson 5: The body Exercise | Listen, check and repeat. A head head 8 c hands hands . fingers fingers 5 legs legs F feet foot Grode |, Lesson §: Exercise 2 Listen, check and repeat. tall shore for thin smal big long short Grade |, Lesson 5: Exercise 3 Look ot Ben in Exercise |, Listen ‘and answer. Is Bon tlt esse is ‘Are his arms short? No. thoy aren't Theyre long. Ihe far) No. ent. Me's shin. ‘Are his feet smal Voice Ir Voice 2: Presenter: Voice: Voice: Voice: Voice: Voice: Voice: Voice: Voice: Voice: Voice: Voice: Voice 2: Voice I: Voice 2: Voice I: Voice 2: Voice: No, thay aren't. Theyre bia. Ishi hen big? Yes tele ‘Aa his logs long? No, they oran't. They're shore ‘Are is fingers short? No, they arent. They're long Grade 1, Lesson 6: Faces Exercise | Listen, check and repeat. «hair air ) eyes eyes ©) nose nose 4) mouth mouth 1) eors eors Grade 1, Lesson 6: Exerci Listen and do. Touch your hate. ‘Touch your eyes ‘Touch your nose. ‘euch your mouth, ‘euch your eors. Grade |, Lesson 6: Exercise 4 Look at the pictures. Liston and choose. His eyes ore brown. Her hair slong ond dark, His hair i long ond foie Hor eyes are blue Grade |, Lesson 6: Exercise 4 Listen and check. His eyes are brown. Picture A. Her hairs fang ond dark. Picture C. His hair is long ond foi Picture B, Her eyes are blue Picture D. Grade 1, Lesson 7: What colour Is it? Exercise | Listen, check ond “repeat. I red red 2 orange orange 3 yellow yellow 4 green green 5 blue ble 6 pink pink 7 purple purple Voice I: Voice 2: Voice 1: Voice 2: Voice I: Voice 2: Voice 1: Voice: Voice 1: Voice I: Voice 2: Grade 1, Lesson 7: Exercise 2 Listen, check and repeat. The backs are blue, The books are bie The box is orange. The Box is orange. ‘The crayons are red. The crayons are red. ‘The poper is white. The paper's white. ‘The pen ie black The pen ie black ‘The ruler Is yellow. The ruler is yellow. “The scissors ore green. The scissors are green Grode 1, Lesson 7: Exercise 3 Listen and tiek the box. Show me the red phone Show me the green cor. Show me the yellow bog Show me the orange monster. ‘Grade 1, Lesson 0: My clothes Exercise | Listen, check and repeat. Mory Her dress is yellow Her dress is ye lowe Hor hot’ red. Her hat red. Her socks are white: Her socks ore white, Peter His trousers ore block. His trousers ore block His Tshirt’s green. His Fshit’s green. His jacket’ ble, Hs jacket’: bie, Grode 1, Lesson 8: Exercise 3 Look at the pictures. Listen ond repeat. Peter's Mum. Her biouseis yellow. Her skre’s green. Her belts brown, Mary's Dod. His sult block. His shire’ white. His ties Hue, Grode 1, Lesson 8: Exercise 4 Listen, check and repeat. Peter's Mum has 0 green skit. Peter's Mum has @ yellow blouse. Peter's Mum has « brown belt. Mary's Dad hos a black suit Marys Dad hos a white shirt. Mary's Dad has a blue tie,

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