Assignment 1 LADLORD

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Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:


Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

1 General information

Teacher: Zubair Kathrada

Topic: Health, social and environmental responsibility:

Social factors that
. contribute to substance abuse including the
community and media.

Duration: 1 hour

School: Enderun College

Grade: 8

Date: 10 March 2015

2 Specific aims for Life Orientation

Guide learners to achieve their full potential (including

physical, emotional, intellectual, social and personal).
Develop learners skills to respond to challenges and play
an active and responsible role in society and in the
Teach learners to exercise their constitutional rights and
responsibilities and to respect the rights of others.
Guide learners to make informed and responsible
decisions about their health, environment, subject

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

choices, further studies and careers.

Provide opportunities for learners to demonstrate an
understanding of, and participate in activities that
promote movement and physical development.

3 Lesson aims: (Knowledge, skills, values and attitudes)

Knowledge Skills Values and attitudes

Learners will gain Learners should be Learners should acquire
knowledge and an able to do the attitudes and values
understanding of: following: conducive to promoting:
Themselves as
unique and Use refusal Interest in self
worthwhile and decision and others.
human beings. making skills Multicultural
Human rights. to avoid sensitivity.
Social factors substance The appropriate
that abuse behaviour to
contribute to Identify avoid and stop
substance questions and substance abuse.
abuse. issues relating Responsibility
How the to Substance Respecting the
community abuse. rights of others
and media has Make Understanding
an influence judgements the significance of

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

on individuals. and decisions attitudes and

Healthy and that are values in decision
balanced responsible. making.
lifestyles. Develop Assertive skills
generalisation and seeking
s. solutions to social
Process, problems.
interpret and
evaluate data
based on

4 Possible link with other subjects

Economic and Management science

Social Science
Natural Science
Creative Arts

5 How the link is made

Economic and management sciences - Substance

abuse falls part of the socio-economic issues that

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

affects the economy. It makes employees less

productive at work and thus affecting production and
operations in a business.

Social Science- The environment in which an

individual grows up in plays an important role in the
decisions they make. People in less developed
communities lack opportunities and are more likely to
crime and influenced by drugs and other harmful

Natural Science Substance abuse such as alcohol

can have a negative effect on the human body and
deteriorate organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Creative Arts- Learners are given assessments such

as posters and collages. Thus allows learners to
become creative and use their design skills.

6 Approaches

Individual - Learners were given a case study in which

they had to read and answer questions that followed.

Group work-After going through the consequences of

substance abuse, learners were put into groups of 5.
They had to read a cartoon and discuss the different

Whole class An open discussion with learners in

which they mentioned how they are exposed to
substance abuse near the school surroundings

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

7 Resources

Other (Internet)
What are the social factors that contribute to substance abuse? The following
are some suggested influences:
8 Three phases of a lesson
1. Families
8.1. Prior Children brought up in a family with enough money to provide for
- In gradeall
7, their
learners were
basic introduced
needs to the chance
stand a better conceptof ofavoiding substance
abuse and how substances such as alcohol,
cigarettes and drugswhocanshow
a negative
and support
to on
a person.
kids are seen as good
- Learnersrole
have also mentioned examples of underage
models and these kids are also less likely to be involved in
drinking, smoking
substance and the use of illegal substances in their
Many children in South Africa come from dysfunctional families
which mean they do not function well and cannot provide proper
8.2. Teaching-learning moment:
care for the children. These children are more likely to be involved
Activity 1 in substance abuse.

2. Community
Teenagers spend a lot of time with their friends, so what the group
wants to do plays a big role on individuals.
Teens who do not have a secure family background are more likely
to follow whatever the group decides.
In extreme cases the group is a gang. Some community gangs have
complete control over everyone in the community and everyone
lives with drug abuse and violence.
There are many social groups within the community that offers
support and enjoyment for teenagers such as sports clubs, youth
clubs and religious5clubs. Teenagers can find an interest and enjoy
structured time with their peers.

3. Media
The media plays an important role in the choices and behaviour of
Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

Activity 2

Activity 2

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

Activity 3

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

8.3. Closing moment:

Activity 4

Young people are drawn into substance abuse because they

let peer pressure get to them. This can be pressure from
friends, family or life in general. Do you make your own
decisions, or do you take the easy way out and agree to
things which you regret later?

Assess your decision making skills.

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

Once all questions have been answered, you will be able to

judge yourself by the following results:
Mostly As - You make your own decisions and do not allow
anyone to influence you
Mostly Bs- You make decisions on your own but sometimes
get influenced by your peers
Mostly Cs- You are easily influenced by your peers

9 Assessment activities and explanation

Cooperative learning
Group work

10 Data collection methods

Assessors Evaluators Feedback

Observation Self Other
Questioning Teacher - Teacher
Group - Learners
Discussions - Boarding
Listening school
Reading controller

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

11 Homework

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10

12 Special Attention

Hearing impairments - one learner has trouble

hearing so it is important that the educator speaks
loud and clear. It is also practical for that learner to sit
in front of class
Socio Economic Barriers- Certain learners from poor
homes did not have stationary needed to complete
activities. Even though they were sponsored a set at
the beginning of the year, they stated that some
stationery of theirs has been stolen.
Language barrier- English was not the home
language for many learners in class. Even though they
understood what was being spoken about, a few
concepts needed to be explained to them.

13 Enrichment

Newspaper Article

As a qualified teacher, I would like to improve the lesson

template as follows:

Under each sub heading, explain what needs to be

done in more detail.

Name: Zubair Kathrada Student Number:

Course Code: LADLORD

Unique Number: 557818

Assignment Number: 01

Pages: 10


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