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Conditionals Exercises

1. Exercises on Conditional Sentences Type 1 (1) Complete the Conditional Sentences

(Type I) by putting the verbs into the correct form.

1. If you (send) ____________ this letter now, she (receive) _____________ it

tomorrow. If you send this letter now, she will receive it tomorrow.

2. If I (do) ____________ this test, I (improve) ____________ my English. If I do

this test, I will improve my English.

3. If I (find) __________ your ring, I (give) _____________ it back to you. If I find

your ring, I will give it back to you.

4. Peggy (go) __________ shopping if she (have) _______________ time in the

afternoon. Peggy will go shopping if she has time in the afternoon.

5. Simon (go) _________ to London next week if he (get) __________ a cheap flight.
Simon will go to London next week if he gets a cheap flight.

2. Exercises on Conditional Sentences Type 1 (2) Complete the Conditional Sentences

(Type I) by putting the verbs into the correct form. 6. If her boyfriend (phone / not)
___________ today, she (leave) __________ him. If her boyfriend does not phone
today, she will leave him 7. If they (study / not) _____ harder, they (pass / not)
_________ the exam. If they do not study harder, they will not pass the exam. 8. If it
(rain) ___________ tomorrow, I (have to / not) __________ water the plants. If it
rains tomorrow, I will not have to water the plants. 9. You (be able / not) _________ to
sleep if you (watch) _________ this scary film. You will not be able to sleep if you
watch this scary film. 10. Susan (can / move / not) ______________ into the new house
if it (be / not) ___________ ready on time. Susan cannot move into the new house if
it is not ready on time

3. Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type 2 (1) Complete the Conditional Sentences

(Type II) by putting the verbs into the correct form. 1. If we (have) ________ a yacht,
we (sail) __________ the seven seas. If we had a yacht, we would sail the seven
seas. 2. If he (have) ______________ more time, he (learn) __________ karate. If he
had more time, he would learn karate. 3. If they (tell) __________ their father, he (be)
_______ very angry. If they told their father, he would be very angry. 4. She (spend)
_____ a year in the USA if it (be) ______ easier to get a green card. She would
spend a year in the USA if it were easier to get a green card. 5. If I (live) _______ on a
lonely island, I (run) ________ around naked all day. If I lived on a lonely island, I
would run around naked all day.

4. Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type 2 (2) Complete the Conditional Sentences

(Type II) by putting the verbs into the correct form. 6. We (help) ___________ you if
we (know) _________ how. We would help you if we knew how. 7. My brother
(buy) ________ a sports car if he (have) __________ the money. My brother would
buy a sports car if he had the money. 8. If I (feel) ___________ better, I (go)
___________ to the cinema with you. If I felt better, I would go to the cinema with
you. 9. If you (go) _______ by bike more often, you (be / not) __________ so flabby.
If you went by bike more often, you would not be so flabby. 10. She (not / talk)
________ to you if she (be) _______ mad at you. She would not talk to you if she
were mad at you.

5. Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type 3 (1) Complete the Conditional Sentences

(Type III) by putting the verbs into the correct form. 1. If you (study) ______________
for the test, you (pass) ___________ it. If you had studied for the test, you would
have passed it. 2. If you (ask) ____________ me, I (help) ____________ you. If you
had asked me, I would have helped you. 3. If we (go) ___________ to the cinema, we
(see) __________ my friend Jacob. If we had gone to the cinema, we would have
seen my friend Jacob. 4. If you (speak) ______ English, she (understand) ________
If you had spoken English, she would have understood 5. If they (listen) ________ to
me, we (be) ____________ home earlier. If they had listened to me, we would have
been home earlier.

6. Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type 3 (2) Complete the Conditional Sentences

(Type III) by putting the verbs into the correct form. 6. I (write) _____________ you a
postcard if I (have) _____________ your address. I would have written you a
postcard if I had had your address. 7. If I (not / break) ______________ my leg, I (take
part) _____________ in the contest. If I had not broken my leg, I would have taken
part in the contest. 8. If it (not/ start) ______________ to rain, we (walk) ____________
to the museum. If it had not started to rain, we would have walked to the museum. 9.
We (swim) ____________ in the sea if there (not / be) ______________ so many sharks
there. We would have swum in the sea if there had not been so many sharks there.
10. If she (take) ___________ the bus, she (not / arrive) ______________ on time. If
she had taken the bus, she would not have arrived on time.

7. Exercises on Conditional Sentences (Mix). Type I or II (1) Complete the Conditional

Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I or II. 1. If they go to Washington, they (see)
_______________the White House. If they go to Washington, they will see the
White House. 2. If she (have) ________________a hamster, she would call him Fred.
If she had a hamster, she would call him Fred. 3. If he gave her a sweet, she (stop)
________________crying. If he gave her a sweet, she would stop crying. 4. If he
(arrive) ___________________ later, he will take a taxi. If he arrives later, he will
take a taxi. 5. We would understand him if he (speak) _________________ slowly.
We would understand him if he spoke slowly.

8. Exercises on Conditional Sentences (Mix). Type I or II (2) Complete the Conditional

Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I or II. 6. Andy (cook) __________________
dinner if we buy the food. Andy will cook dinner if we buy the food. 7. I will prepare
breakfast if I (wake up) ________________ early. I will prepare breakfast if I wake
up early. 8. If they shared a room, they (fight) ____________________ all day long.
If they shared a room, they would fight all day long. 9. If you hate walking in the
mountains, you (enjoy / not) ___________ the tour. If you hate walking in the
mountains, you will not enjoy the tour. 10. Janet would go jogging if she (have / not)
______________ to do her homework. Janet would go jogging if she did not have to
do her homework.
9. Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type I, II and III (1) Complete the Conditional
Sentences (Type I, II or III) by putting the verbs into the correct form. 1. If they (have)
_____________ time at the weekend, they will come to see us. If they have time at
the weekend, they will come to see us. 2. If we sneak out quietly, nobody (notice)
______________. If we sneak out quietly, nobody will notice. 3. If we (know)
______________ about your problem, we would have helped you. If we had known
about your problem, we would have helped you. 4. If I (be) ______________ you, I
would not buy that dress. If I were you, I would not buy that dress. 5. We (arrive)
______________ earlier if we had not missed the bus. We would have arrived earlier
if we had not missed the bus.

10. Exercise on Conditional Sentences Type I, II and III (2) Complete the Conditional
Sentences (Type I, II or III) by putting the verbs into the correct form. 6. If I didn't have
a mobile phone, my life (not / be) _______________ complete. If I didn't have a
mobile phone, my life would not be complete. 7. Okay, I (get) _______________ the
popcorn if you buy the drinks. Okay, I will get the popcorn if you buy the drinks. 8.
If I (tell) _______________ you a secret, you would be sure to leak it. If I told you a
secret, you would be sure to leak it. 9. She (go) ______________ out with you if you
had only asked her. She would have gone out with you if you had only asked her. 10.
I would not have read your diary if you (not hide) _______________ it in such an
obvious place. I would not have read your diary if you had not hidden it in such an
obvious place.

11. Exercise on Exceptions (Conditional Sentences with different Tenses) Exercise on

Conditional Sentences with Auxiliaries (1) Complete the conditional sentences (type I).
Remember to use the auxiliary verbs. 1. If it doesn't rain, we (can / go)
_________________ swimming tomorrow. If it doesn't rain, we can go swimming
tomorrow. 2. If you train hard, you (might / win) ______________ first prize. If you
train hard, you might win first prize. 3. If we go to Canada next year, we (can / improve)
_______________ our English. If we go to Canada next year, we can improve our
English. 4. I (may / go) _________________ to the disco in the evening if I do the
washing-up now. I may go to the disco in the evening if I do the washing-up now. 5.
If we go on holiday next week, I (not / can / play) __________________ tennis with
you. If we go on holiday next week, I cannot play tennis with you.

12. Exercise on Exceptions (Conditional Sentences with different Tenses) Exercise on

Conditional Sentences with Auxiliaries (2) Complete the conditional sentences (type I).
Remember to use the auxiliary verbs. 6. If you see Gareth tomorrow, you (should / tell)
__________________ him that you love him. If you see Gareth tomorrow, you
should tell him that you love him. 7. If my parents go shopping in the afternoon, I (must
/ look) __________ after my little sister. If my parents go shopping in the afternoon,
I must look after my little sister. 8. He (must / be) ______________ a good drummer if
he plays in a band. He must be a good drummer if he plays in a band. 9. If you are
listening to the radio after 10 pm, you (should / turn) _______ the volume down. If
you are listening to the radio after 10 pm, you should turn the volume down. 10. If you
like that shirt, you (can / have) ________________ it. If you like that shirt, you can
have it.

13. Exercise on Exceptions (Conditional Sentences with different Tenses) Conditional

Sentences Type III (1) Study the following situations. In every sentence, the 'if' clause
expresses a situation in the past (Type III). Decide, however, whether the consequences
refer to the present (Conditional I) or past (Conditional II). 1. It didn't rain yesterday. So
I had to water the plants yesterday. If it (rain) ___________ yesterday, I (water / not)
_______________ the plants. If it had rained yesterday, I would not have watered the
plants. 2. It didn't rain yesterday. So I am watering the plants now. If it (rain)
_________________ yesterday, I (water / not) ____________ the plants now. If it
had rained yesterday, I would not water the plants now. 3. I went to bed late last night.
So I am still tired now. If I (go) ___________________ to bed earlier yesterday, I (feel /
not) ______________ so tired now. If I had gone to bed earlier yesterday, I would
not feel so tired now. 4. I went to bed late last Tuesday. So I was very tired the following
day. If I (go) ________________ to bed earlier that Tuesday, I (feel / not)
_________________ that tired the following day. If I had gone to bed earlier that
Tuesday, I would not have felt that tired the following day. 5. After a night out, I want to
drive home now. I haven't drunk any alcohol. If I (drink) _____________ alcohol, I
(drive / not) _________________. If I had drunk alcohol, I would not drive.

14. Exercise on Exceptions (Conditional Sentences with different Tenses) Conditional

Sentences Type III (2) Study the following situations. In every sentence, the 'if' clause
expresses a situation in the past (Type III). Decide, however, whether the consequences
refer to the present (Conditional I) or past (Conditional II). 6. After a night out last
weekend, I drove home. I hadn't drunk any alcohol. If I (drink) ________________
alcohol, I (drive / not) ___________________. If I had drunk alcohol, I would not
have driven. 7. We won the match last week. So when we came home, we looked really
happy. We (look / not) ________________ that happy if we (win / not) _____________
the match. We would not have looked that happy if we had not won the match. 8.
We've just won a match. So we look really happy now. We (look / not) ______________
that happy if we (win / not) ________________ the match. We would not look that
happy if we had not won the match. 9. My daughter is blamed for having done
something. She tells me now that she didn't do it. I believe her. She (tell)
_____________________ me if she (do) ________________ it. She would tell me if
she had done it. 10. Last year, my daughter was blamed for having done something. She
told me that she hadn't done it. I believed her. She (tell) _____________________ me if
she (do) _____________________ it. She would have told me if she had done it.

15. Mixed Conditionals (1) Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below
following the example given with the appropriate conditional form. 1.a. She will be
taking care of the children for us next weekend because her business trip was cancelled.
Ex.: But, she (take, not) would not be taking care of the children for us next weekend
if her business trip (be, not) had not been cancelled. 2.a. Tom is not going to come to
dinner tomorrow because you insulted him yesterday. 2.b. But, he (come)
____________________if you (insult) ____________________ him. . But, he would
be coming if you hadn't insulted him. 3.a. Marie is unhappy because she gave up her
career when she got married. 3.b. But, Marie (be) ____________________happy if she
(give, not) ____________________ up her career when she got married. But, Marie
would be happy if she hadn't given up her career when she got married. 4.a. Dr. Mercer
decided not to accept the research grant at Harvard because he is going to take six
months off to spend more time with his family. 4.b. But, Dr. Mercer (accept)
____________________the research grant at Harvard if he (take, not)
____________________six months off to spend more time with his family. But, Dr.
Mercer would have accepted the research grant at Harvard if he weren't going to take
six months off to spend more time with his family. 5.a. Professor Schmitz talked so
much about the Maasai tribe because she is an expert on African tribal groups. 5.b. But,
Professor Schmitz (talk, not) ____________________so much about the Maasai tribe if
she (be, not) ____________________an expert on African tribal groups. But,
Professor Schmitz would not have talked so much about the Maasai tribe if she weren't
an expert on African tribal groups.

16. Mixed Conditionals (2) 6.a. I am unemployed because I had a disagreement with my
boss and I was fired. 6.b. But, I (be, not) ________________unemployed if I (have, not)
____________________a disagreement with my boss and I (be, not) fired. But, I
wouldn't be unemployed if I hadn't had a disagreement with my boss and I hadn't been
fired. 7.a. Nicole speaks Chinese fluently because she lived in China for ten years. 7.b.
But, Nicole (speak, not) ___________Chinese fluently if she (live, not)
_______________in China for ten years. But, Nicole wouldn't speak Chinese
fluently if she hadn't lived in China for ten years. 8.a. I will not help you study for your
test because you have spent the last two weeks partying and wasting time. 8.b. But, I
(help) ______________you study for your test if you (spend, not) _________________
the last two weeks partying and wasting time. But, I would help you study for your
test if you hadn't spent the last two weeks partying and wasting time. 9.a. Eleanor and
Ben are not going skiing with us this year because Eleanor just had a baby. 9.b. But,
Eleanor and Ben (go) ____________________skiing with us this year if Eleanor (have,
not, just) ____________________a baby. But, Eleanor and Ben would go skiing
with us this year if Eleanor hadn't just had a baby. 10.a. I am completely exhausted, so I
will not go with you to the movies tonight. 10.b. But, if I (be, not)
______________completely exhausted, I (go) ____________________ with you to the
movies tonight. But, if I weren't completely exhausted, I would go with you to the
movies tonight.

17. Mixed Conditionals (3) 11.a. She is not worried about the conference tomorrow
because she is not giving a speech. 11.b. But, she (be) ____________________worried
about the conference tomorrow if she (give) ____________________a speech. But,
she would be worried about the conference tomorrow if she were giving a speech. 12.a.
Frank is not going to the graduation ceremony because he broke his leg snowboarding
last week. 12.b. But, Frank (go) ____________________to the graduation ceremony if
he (break) ____________________ his leg snowboarding last week. But, Frank
would go to the graduation ceremony if he hadn't broken his leg snowboarding last
week. 13.a. They are not releasing the prisoner next month because there was so much
public opposition to his parole. 13.b. But, they (release) ____________________the
prisoner next month if there (be) ____________________so much opposition to his
parole. But, they would release the prisoner next month if there hadn't been so much
opposition to his parole. 14.a. The hotels filled up months in advance because the
festival is going to include jazz artists from around the globe. 14.b. But, the hotels (fill)
_________________up months in advance if the festival (include) _________________
jazz artists from around the globe. But, the hotels wouldn't have filled up months in
advance if the festival weren't going to include jazz artists from around the globe. 15.a.
We are not worried about the recent string of robberies in the neighbourhood because
the police have started regularly patrolling the area. 15.b. But, we (be)
____________________ worried about the recent string of robberies in the
neighbourhood if the police (start, not) ____________________regularly patrolling the
area. But, we would be worried about the recent string of robberies in the
neighbourhood if the police hadn't started regularly patrolling the area.

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