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Checkpoint #1: Honors Patient Diet Analysis

Name: Emily Hegland / Patient # 007

1. Patients Existing Diet - Look at your patients information. Determine the following based on
the questionnaire the patient completed. Fill in the information in the Example Diet column.
2. Recommended Daily Allowance Determine what a healthy meal plan would be for your
patient. Provide healthy amounts of each category based on your patients background information.
3. Answer the following. Make sure you use correctly formatted in-text for each question.
Remember-these should match your work cited portion of the checkpoint.

Example Diet RDA

What is your patient What should your

currently eating? patient be eating?

Calories 3050 2400 to 2800

Carbohydrates 410 grams 281 to 406 grams

Fat 118 grams 80 grams

Protein 98 grams 54 to 59 grams

Sodium 4720 miligrams 1300 miligrams

Calcium 390 miligrams 1200 miligrams

4. Blood Panel Results Compare your patients blood panel results to what is recommended for a
person of the same age and build.

Patient Information Recommended Averages

Glucose 197 mg 70 to 99 mg

Protein 96 g 89.7 g

LDL 280 mg 130 to 159 mg

HDL 25 mg 60+ mg

Triglycerides 243 mg 40 to 160 mg

Total Cholesterol 305 mg Below 200 mg

4. Continued Analysis Paragraph must include:

Beverages have calories; what types of beverages is your patient consuming regularly? Explain the negative
and/or positive of your patients beverage choices on their diet and health.

Look at your patients carbohydrate measurements. Analyze your patients risk for developing high blood sugar
or type II diabetes.

If your patients calorie total was greater than + or - 90 calories from the RDA, explain what consequences this
will have for the patient.

Compare and contrast LDL and HDL cholesterol measurements. What is the difference between these? Which
is healthier? Look at your patients Triglyceride, HDL and LDL measurements. If your patient is outside of the
recommended averages for these measurements, what are the implications for his/her health?

What could a patient do to improve their cholesterol numbers? Give multiple suggestions of factors and actions
that could affect cholesterol numbers? Does your specific patient need to be mindful of cholesterol? Explain.

How can a patient increase their fiber intake and how would this affect their overall health?

You must include at least FIVE MLA formatted sources. Remember you can use our articles from class!

My patient consumes a lot of unhealthy beverages such as certain sodas and energy drinks. In the drinks my
patient consumes, there is a lot of sugar present. Sugars are an example of carbohydrates which would
increase my patients intake. This would have a negative impact on my patients blood sugar levels. Due to the
fact that my patient consumes a lot of sugar from their beverages and other foods this could put them at a risk
of high blood sugar, as you can see my patients sugar levels are above the RDA. My patient also consumes
more calories than the RDA. Calories are units of energy in food, if you consume too much and not burn it off
than it can be harmful for your body. The excess calories are stored in the form of triglycerides which if you
have too many of can lead to health problems. Another component in our bodies is our cholesterol. We have
good cholesterol which is HDL and bad cholesterol which is LDL. If you have too much cholesterol in your
blood it can cause blood clots which will affect my patients heart. My patient is about 100 over the daily
allowance for cholesterol, I would recommend they should try to eat more healthy fats to balance out the bad
ones. There are ways that a patient with bad health could improve their health, one of the ways is to eat more
fiber. You can find fiber in oats, peas, beans, etc. Fiber can help lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels in

"McDonald's Nutrition Calculator | McDonald's." McDonald's Nutrition Calculator | McDonald's. N.p., n.d. Web. 23
Feb. 2017.

"Nutrition Information." KFC: Finger Lickin Good. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

"Blood Test Results: Your Guide to Understanding the Numbers NNH." Newport Natural Health. N.p., 06 Mar.
2015. Web. 23 Feb. 2017.

"Recommended Daily Allowances :: RDA Chart | RDA Table." Health Supplements Nutritional Guide. N.p., n.d. Web.
23 Feb. 2017.

"The Recommended Amount & Percent of Carbohydrates Per Day." Healthy Eating | SF Gate. N.p., n.d. Web. 23
Feb. 2017.

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