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(NOT) AS + ADJECTIVE + AS = tan .... como
My sister is as intelligent as him.
He is not as tall as Gasol.
The weather in Mexico is as hot as in Spain.
The weather in England is not as hot as in Spain.
LESS + ADJECTIVE + THAN = menos ...que
He is less tall than Gasol.
The weather in England is less hot than in Spain.
This exam is less difficult than the last one.
1) Short adjectives: ADJECTIVE + er + THAN = mas ... que
2) Long adjectives: MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN = mas ... que
He is taller than Gasol.
The weather in Spain is hotter than in England.
This exam is more difficult than the last one.
My sister is more intelligent than him.
1) Short adjectives: THE + ADJECTIVE + est + (NOUN) + (IN /OF) = el /la mas ...
2) Long adjectives: THE MOST + ADJECTIVE + (NOUN)+ (IN /OF) = el / la mas ...
-The article THE normally appears before the superlative form.
-The superlative form can be followed by a complement introduced by:
IN When we refer to a PLACE
OF in the rest of cases.
Jack is the tallest in the class.
Laura is the most energetic girl of the group.
The Nile is the longest river in the world.
This is the best film Ive ever seen.
This is the most boring film Ive ever seen.
This is the most difficult exam Ive done.
With adjectives of one syllable and adjectives of two syllables ending in -y /-er/ -ow.
(pretty, friendly clever narrow)
Long longer the longest
Small smaller the smallest
Fast faster the fastest
High higher the highest
DOUBLE CONSONANT Big bigger the biggest
Thin thinner the thinnest
Slim slimmer the slimmest
Fat fatter the fattest
Y ier /iest Easy easier the easiest
Busy busier the busiest
Pretty prettier the prettiest
Friendly friendlier the friendliest
Lucky luckier the luckiest
healthy healthier the healthiest
E r /st Nice nicer the nicest
Large larger the largest
wide wider the widest
With adjectives of two or more syllables
Interesting more interesting the most interesting
Boring more boring the most boring
Intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent
Beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
Famous more famous the most famous
Dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous
Good better The best
Bad worse The worst
Far farther /further The farthest /furthest
*well (adv) better The best
*badly (adv) worse The worst
*much/many/a lot of more The most
*little less The least
*few fewer The fewest
I've got less money than she has.
There are fewer problems than there were before.
* Note:
It's getting hotter and hotter.
It's getting more and more dangerous. Autor: Miriam Rivas Llorens


(NOT) AS + ADJECTIVE + AS = tan .... como
My sister is as intelligent as him.
He is not as tall as Gasol.
The weather in Mexico is as hot as in Spain.
The weather in England is not as hot as in Spain.
LESS + ADJECTIVE + THAN = menos ...que
He is less tall than Gasol.
The weather in England is less hot than in Spain.
This exam is less difficult than the last one.
1) Short adjectives: ADJECTIVE + er + THAN = mas ... que
2) Long adjectives: MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN = mas ... que
He is taller than Gasol.
The weather in Spain is hotter than in England.
This exam is more difficult than the last one.
My sister is more intelligent than him.
1) Short adjectives: THE + ADJECTIVE + est + (NOUN) + (IN /OF) = el /la mas ...
2) Long adjectives: THE MOST + ADJECTIVE + (NOUN)+ (IN /OF) = el / la mas ...
-The article THE normally appears before the superlative form.
-The superlative form can be followed by a complement introduced by:
IN When we refer to a PLACE
OF in the rest of cases.
Jack is the tallest in the class.
Laura is the most energetic girl of the group.
The Nile is the longest river in the world.
This is the best film Ive ever seen.
This is the most boring film Ive ever seen.
This is the most difficult exam Ive done.
With adjectives of one syllable and adjectives of two syllables ending in -y /-er/ -ow.
(pretty, friendly clever narrow)
Long longer the longest
Small smaller the smallest
Fast faster the fastest
High higher the highest
DOUBLE CONSONANT Big bigger the biggest
Thin thinner the thinnest
Slim slimmer the slimmest
Fat fatter the fattest
Y ier /iest Easy easier the easiest
Busy busier the busiest
Pretty prettier the prettiest
Friendly friendlier the friendliest
Lucky luckier the luckiest
healthy healthier the healthiest
E r /st Nice nicer the nicest
Large larger the largest
wide wider the widest
With adjectives of two or more syllables
Interesting more interesting the most interesting
Boring more boring the most boring
Intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent
Beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
Famous more famous the most famous
Dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous
Good better The best
Bad worse The worst
Far farther /further The farthest /furthest
*well (adv) better The best
*badly (adv) worse The worst
*much/many/a lot of more The most
*little less The least
*few fewer The fewest
I've got less money than she has.
There are fewer problems than there were before.
* Note:
It's getting hotter and hotter.
It's getting more and more dangerous. Autor: Miriam Rivas Llorens
Long words (2, 3, 4 syllables) more
dangerous more dangerous expensive more expensive Irregular comparative forms: good
better, far further bad worse, little less

Short words (1 syllable) - er old older slow slower warm warmer

tall taller big bigger, hot hotter heavy heavier, happy
happier Adjectivul

Adjectivele in limba engleza au urmatoarele caracteristici:

a) prezinta aceeasi forma la singular si la plural
b) se aseaza intotdeauna inaintea substantivului

exemplu: a red geranium o muscata rosie

some red geraniums niste muscate rosii
this geranium is red aceasta muscata este rosie

Egalitatea se exprima cu ajutorul constructiei

As white as snow tot atat de alb ca si zapadaas tall as his brother tot atat de inalt ca si
fratele lui

Neegalitatea se exprima cu ajutorul constructiei not

Not so quick as electricity nu tot atat de rapid ca electricitatea

Gradele de comparatie care arata superioritatea

Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ

short shorter (than) the shortest (of


big bigger (than) the biggest (of all)

gay gayer (than) the gayest (of all)

easy easier (than) the easiest (of all)

Gradele de comparatie care arata inferioritatea

- pentru adjectivele scurte se foloseste in mod curent constructia not soas, iar pentru
superlativ se cauta de obicei un echivalent contrar
not so big as. The smallest off all.
- pentru adjectivele lungi se foloseste less la comparativ si least la superlativ
- less important (than). The least important (off all)

Gradele de comparatie ale punctelor cardinale

Northern more northern northernmost
Southern more southern southernmost
Eastern more eastern easternmost
Western more western westernmost

Nu au grade de comparatie:
- superior; inferior; junior; senior; ,major; minor;
- divine; excellent; fantastic; magic; remote; perfect; splendid; supreme; wonderfull

Superlativul absolut se construieste in limba engleza cu: bvery, most

Very interesting, most interesting foarte interesant

A. Tipuri de adjective

opinion adjectives (adjective de opinie): descriu ceea ce credem despre cineva sau ceva.

Exemple: beautiful, great, nice, expensive, cheap, ugly etc.

fact adjectives (adjective de fapt): descriu ceea ce fiintele sau obiectele determinate sunt
cu adevarat

Exemple: short, large, long, green, round etc.

! Adjectivele de opinie stau inaintea adjectivelor de fapt

B. Adjectivul demonstrativ

Desemneaza fiinte sau lucruri pe care le aratam precizand in acelasi timp apropierea sau
departarea in timp sau spatiu.

- this (acest, aceasta)
- that (acel, acea)

- these (acesti, aceste)
- those (acei, acele)

This man is a doctor.
That girl is a pupil.
These children are small.
Those boys are playing in the scoolyard.
C. Adjectivul posesiv
Desemneaza raportul de posesie dintre un posesor si ceea ce acesta poseda:

- my (meu, mea, mei, mele)
- your (tau, ta, tai, tale)
- his (lui, sau, sa, sai, sale)
- her (ei, sau, sa, sai, sale)
- its (lui, ei, sau, sa, sai, sale)

- our (nostru, noastra, nostri, noastre)
- your (vostru, voastra, vostri, voastre)
- their (lor)

This is my house.
It is his car.
That is our shop.
Those are your books.

Adjective neregulate:
good better the best
Bun mai bun cel mai bun

bad worst the worst

rau - mai rau cel mai rau

little less the least

mic mai mic cel mai mic

much more the most

mult mai mult cel mai mult

old older the oldest

batran mai batran cel mai batran

far farther the farthest

departe mai departe cel mai departe

near nearer the nearest

apropiat mai apropiat cel mai apropiat

1. Completati spatiile goale cu adjectivul posesiv corespunzator
Betty plays with sister.
You are withbrothers.
He learnslessons every day.
I write..lessons.
Name is a word;first letter is n.

2. Traduceti in limba engleza:

1. Casa noastra e in mijlocul unei gradini;

2. Aveti multe carti in biblioteca voastra?
3. Fratele meu lucreaza la un spital
4. Elena si Emilia traiesc in aceeasi casa.
5. Vad doi oameni in gradina.
6. Eu petrec multe ore in biblioteca.
7. Petre si victor sun lucratori buni.
8. Imi place casa lor.
9. Ei sunt acolo in gradina cu prietenii lor.
10. Vreau sa cumpar cateva rosii.
11. El mananca foarte putin.
12. Vad putine carti pe masa.
13. Da-mi cateva carti.
14. Numai cativa dintre copii erau acolo
15. Nu prea am timp.

1. Completati spatiile goale cu adjectivul posesiv corespunzator
her; my,my sau your, yours etc; his; my; its

2. Traduceti in limba engleza:

1.Our house is in the middle of a garden.

2. Have you (got)many books in your library?
3. My brother works in a hospital.
4. Helen and Emily live in the same house.
5. I see two men in the garden.
6. I spend a lot of hours in the library.
7. Peter and Victor are good workers.
8. I like their house.
9.They are there in the garden with their friends.
10. I want to buy a few tomatos.
11. He eats little.
12. I see few books n the table.
13. Give me few books.
14. Only a few of the children were there.
15. I have little time.

Comparatia adjectivelor si adverbelor

a) regulata/sintetica (cele scurte)

b) analitica (cele lungi)
c) mixta (sintetica si analitica)
d) neregulata
Comparatia adjectivelor se realizeaza la urmatoarele grade:
1) pozitiv, cand insusirea unui obiect/substantiv nu se raporteaza la nici un alt termen.
Pozitivul este asemuit cu nominativul substantivelor si cu infinitivul verbelor.
2) comparativ, prin care se exprima superioritatea (comparativ de superioritate),
egalitatea (comparativ de egalitate) sau inferioritatea (comparativ de inferioritate) unui
obiect/substantiv fata de altul.
3) superlativ (lat.: superlativus; super = deasupra, latus = dus/ridicat) prin care se arata
ca insusirea obiectului / substantivului se afla fie in cea mai mare masura/ intensitate
(superlativul relativ), fie in foarte mare masura/ intensitate (superlativul absolut).
Adjectivele monosilabice dubleaza consoana finala cand aceasta este precedata de vocala

Comparativul de egalitate
Se realizeaza cu ajutorul conjunctiilor corelative: as... as... = tot asa de .... ca ..../la
fel de... ca ....

as interesting as ... = la fel de interesant ca ...

as beautiful as ... = la fel de frumos ca
as beautifully as ... = la fel de frumos ca
as near as ... = la fel de aproape ca ...
as old as ... = la fel de batran/vechi ca
as strange as ... = la fel de ciudat/straniu ca ...

Unele astfel de comparative de egalitate au devenit idiomuri:

as quick as thought = iute ca gandul

as sweet as honey = dulce ca mierea
as swift as an arrow = iute ca sageata
as white as snow = alb ca zapada
Comparativul de inferioritate

Se realizeaza cu ajutorul conjunctiilor corelative: not so ... as ... = nu asa de ...

ca ... sau
less ... than ... = mai puin ... decat/ca
This film is not so interesting as that one. = Filmul acesta nu este asa de interesant ca
This man is not so old as that man. = Omul acesta nu este asa de varstnic/batran ca omul
That house is not so big as this house. = Casa aceea nu este asa (de) mare cum este casa
Mary is less beautiful than Alice. = Mary este mai putin frumoasa ca Alice.
Comparativul de intensitate
Consta din doua comparative de superioritate legate intre ele prin conjunctia and si se
traduc prin structura din ce in ce mai .

better and better = din ce in ce mai bine

worse and worse = din ce in ce mai rau
more and more = din ce in ce mai mult
less and less = din ce in ce mai putin(a)/mic(a)
fewer and fewer = din ce in ce mai putini/putine
bigger and bigger = din ce in ce mai mare/mari etc.

more and more interesting = din ce in ce mai interesant/interesanta/ interesanti/

more and more important = din ce in ce mai important/ importanta/ importanti/ importante
more and more beautifully = din ce in ce mai frumos
more and more carefully = din ce in ce mai atent/grijuliu etc.

Pozitivul cu comparativul de superioritate

much better (than) ...= mult mai bine/bun (ca/decat)...

much worse (than)...= mult mai rau (ca/decat)...
much more (than)...= mult mai mult (ca/decat) ...
much less (than) ...= mult mai putin (ca/decat) ...
much older (than)...= mult mai in varsta (ca/decat)...
much easier (than) ...= mult mai usor (ca/decat) ...

much more difficult (than) ...= mult mai dificil/greu (ca/decat) ...
much more beautiful (than) ...= mult mai frumoasa (ca/decat) ...
much more interesting (than) ...= mult mai interesant (ca/decat) ...
much more important (than) ...= mult mai important (ca/decat) ...
much more beutifully (than) ...= mult mai frumos (ca/decat) ...
much more carefully (than) ...= mult mai atent (ca/decat) ...

a little better (than) ...= putin mai bine/bun (ca/decat) ...

a little worse (than) ...= putin mai rau (ca/decat) ...
a little more (than) ...= putin mai mult (ca/decat) ...
a little less (than) ...= putin mai putin (ca/decat) ...
a little older (than) ...= putin mai batran/vechi (ca/decat)...
a little earlier (than) ... = putin mai devreme (ca/decat)...
a little later (than) ...= putin mai tarziu (ca/decat) ...
a little easier (than) ...= putin mai usor (ca/decat) ...

a little more difficult (than) ...= putin mai dificil/greu (ca/decat) ...
a little more beautiful (than) ...= putin mai frumoasa (ca/decat) ....
a little more interesting (than) ...= putin mai interesant (ca/decat) ....
a little more important (than) ...= putin mai important (ca/decat) ...
a little more beautifully (than) ...= putin mai frumos (ca/decat) ...
a little more carefully (than) ...= putin mai atent/grijuliu (ca/decat)...

By far + comparativul de superioritate = cu mult mai ...

by far better (than) ...= cu mult mai bun/bine (ca/decat)...

by far worse (than) ...= cu mult mai rau (ca/decat)...
by far more (than) ...= cu mult mai mult (ca/decat)...
by far less (than) ...= cu mult mai putin (ca/decat)...
by far older (than) ...= cu mult mai batran/vechi (ca/decat)...
by far earlier (than) ...= cu mult mai devreme (ca/decat) ...
by far later (than) ...= cu mult mai tarziu (ca/decat)...

by far easier (than) ...= cu mult mai usor (ca/decat)...

by far more difficult (than) ...= cu mult mai dificil (ca/decat)...
by far more beautiful (than) ...= cu mult mai frumos (ca/decat)...
by far more interesting (than) ...= cu mult mai interesant (ca/decat)...
by far more important (than) ...= cu mult mai important (ca/decat) ...
by far more beautifully (than) ...= cu mult mai frumos (ca/decat) ...
by far more carefully (than) ...= cu mult mai atent/prudent (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal better (than) ...= cu mult mai bine (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal worse (than) ...= cu mult mai rau (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal more (than) ...= cu mult mai mult (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal less (than) ...= cu mult mai putin (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal older (than) ...= cu mult mai batran/vechi (ca/decat) ...
a good/great deal earlier (than) ...= cu mult mai devreme (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal later (than) ...= cu mult mai tarziu (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal easier (than) ...= cu mult mai usor (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal more difficult (than) ... = cu mult mai dificil (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal more beautiful (than) ...= cu mult mai frumos (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal more interesting (than) ...= cu mult mai interesant (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal more important (than) ...= cu mult mai important (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal more beautifully (than) ...= cu mult mai frumos (ca/decat)...
a good/great deal more carefully (than) ...= cu mult mai atent/prudent (ca/decat)...

Structuri constand din doua comparative de superioritate (cu cat... cu atat...)

the earlier, the better = cu cat mai devreme, cu atat mai bine
The earlier you come, the better it is. = Cu cat vii/veniti mai devreme, cu atat mai bine.
The more you learn, the more you forget. = Cu cat inveti mai mult, cu atat uiti mai mult.
the later, the worse = cu cat mai tarziu, cu atat mai rau
The later you arrive, the worse it is. = Cu cat ajungi mai tarziu, cu atat este mai rau.
The more beautifully Alice will sing, the more money she will get. = Cu cat Alice va canta
mai frumos, cu atat mai multi bani va castiga.
His flat is a little cheaper than yours. = Apartamentul lui este putin mai ieftin decat al tau.
Your flat is a lot cheaper than mine. = Apartamentul tau este mult mai ieftin decat al meu.
Our flat is somewhat cheaper than theirs. = Apartamentul nostru este intrucatva/putin mai
ieftin decat al lor.

Superlativul absolut

Se formeaza cu adverbele: very (foarte), extremely (extrem de), quite (total, complet,
cu totul), perfectly (perfect), extraordinary (extraordinar de), inconceivably (incredibil de),
exceedingly (excesiv/nemaipomenit de), fantastically (fantastic de), enormously/ immensely
(enorm/imens de), tremendously/ awfully (ingrozitor/teribil de), infinitely (infinit de),
terribly (teribil de), terrifically (infiorator de) etc.

awfully hot = ingrozitor/cumplit de cald

We are awfully sorry. = Ne pare nespus de rau
They have changed enormously. = Ei s-au schimbat enorm.

quite well = foarte bine

very well = foarte bine
extremely well = extrem de bine
exceedingly good = excesiv de bun
infinitely small = infinit/nemasurat de mic
exceedingly difficult = excesiv de greu, din cale afara de dificil

perfectly well = perfect de bine

terribly boring = teribil/infiorator de plictisitor
a matchless playwright = un dramaturg fara pereche
quite right = perfect adevarat/just

enough - adjectiv
enough food = food enough = hrana suficienta/destula
to have money enough = to have enough money = a avea destui bani
enough - adverb de comparaie
I am warm enough. = Imi este destul de cald.
The exercise is difficult enough. = Exercitiul este destul de greu.
What is good for you is good enough for me. = Ce este valabil pentru tine este perfect
valabil si pentru mine.
Enough este singurul adverb de comparatie care sta dupa adjectivul pe care il determina.
This beer is good enough. = Berea aceasta este destul de buna.
Comparison degrees (comparative,
superlative) - Grade de comparatie
(comparativ, superlativ)
Gradele de comparatie exprima in general raportul unui adjectiv fata de
ceva sau starea maxima a acestuia.
De exemplu: mai cald, mai rapid, cel mai bun.
Exista trei grade de comparatie ale adjectivelor:

pozitiv (sau simplu) - frumos, senin

comparativ - mai frumos, mai senin

superlativ - cel mai frumos, cel mai senin

1. Formarea comparativului
In limba engleza, comparativul (comparative) se poate forma in doua
moduri, in functie de cate silabe are adjectivul.

a) Adjective cu o silaba

Adjectivele formate dintr-o silaba formeaza comparativul adaugand -er la

forma simpla, [adjectiv_simplu + -er].
tall - taller (mai inalt), blue - bluer (mai albastru)
- Adjectivele simple, formate din [consoana + o vocala + consoana] vor
dubla consoana finala.
fat - fatter (mai gras), big - bigger (mai mare), hot - hotter (mai fierbinte)

b) Adjective cu doua silabe

Adjectivele formate din doua silabe formeaza comparativul adaugand -er la

forma simpla, [adjectiv_simplu + -er] sau cuvantul more in fata, [more +
- er se adauga doar la adjectivele care se termina in: -y, -ly, -ow, -le, -er,
-ure sau la adjectivele: handsome, polite, pleasant, common, quiet. In
rest, pentru celelalte, dar si pentru acestea, se poate adauga more in fata.
yellow - yellower /more yellow (mai galben)
simple - simpler /more simple (mai simplu)
tender - tenderer /more tender (mai tandru)
- Adjectivele terminate in -y vor inlocui "y" cu "i" inainte de "-er".
happy - happier /more happy (mai fericit)
pretty - prettier /more pretty (mai dragut)
c) Adjective cu trei sau mai multe silabe

Adjectivele formate din trei sau mai multe silabe formeaza comparativul
adaugand cuvantul more in fata, [more + adjectiv_simplu].
important - more important (mai important)
expensive - more expensive (mai scump)

2. Formarea superlativului
Ca si comparativul, superlativul (superlative) in limba engleza se poate
forma diferit, in functie de cate silabe are adjectivul.

a) Adjective cu o silaba

Adjectivele formate dintr-o silaba formeaza superlativul adaugand -est la

forma simpla, [adjectiv_simplu + -est].
tall - tallest (cel mai inalt), blue - bluest (cel mai albastru)
- Adjectivele simple, formate din [consoana + o vocala + consoana] vor
dubla consoana finala.
fat - fattest (cel mai gras), big - biggest (cel mai mare), hot - hottest (cel mai

b) Adjective cu doua silabe

Adjectivele formate din doua silabe formeaza superlativul adaugand -est la

forma simpla, [adjectiv_simplu + -est] sau cuvantul most in fata, [most +
- est se adauga doar la adjectivele care se termina in: -y, -ly, -ow, -le, -er,
-ure sau la adjectivele: handsome, polite, pleasant, common, quiet. In
rest, pentru celelalte, dar si pentru acestea, se poate adauga most in fata.
yellow - yellowest /most yellow (cel mai galben)
simple - simplest /most simple (cel mai simplu)
tender - tenderest /most tender (cel mai tandru)
- Adjectivele terminate in -y vor inlocui "y" cu "i" inainte de "-est".
happy - happiest /most happy (cel mai fericit)
pretty - prettiest /most pretty (cel mai dragut)

c) Adjective cu trei sau mai multe silabe

Adjectivele formate din trei sau mai multe silabe formeaza superlativul
adaugand cuvantul most in fata, [most + adjectiv_simplu].
important - most important (cel mai important)
expensive - most expensive (cel mai scump)

3. Forme neregulate
Urmatoarele adjective au forme de comparativ si superlativ total
neregulate (trebuie memorate asa cum sunt):

Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ

better (mai best (cel mai
good (bun)
bun) bun)
worse (mai worst (cel mai
bad (rau)
rau) rau)
little (mic, less (mai mic, least (cel mai
putin) mai putin) putin)
old (batran, in older /elder oldest /eldest
varsta) (mai batran) (cel mai batran)
much /many more (mai most (cel mai
(mult /multe) mult /multe) mult /multe)
furthest /farthest
further /farther
far (departe) (cel mai
(mai departe)

4. Comparatia adjectivelor

Comparatia adjectivelor fata de altceva (lucru, obiect, fiinta, eveniment, loc,

etc) se poate forma in mai multe feluri.

- the + superlative
This is the oldest theater in London. - Acesta este cel mai vechi (batran) teatru din
- comparative + than - Pentru a compara diferentele dintre doua obiecte,
evenimente sau fiinte:
He makes fewer mistakes than you do. - El face mai putine greseli decat faci tu.
Thailand is sunnier than Norway. - Tailanda e mai insorita decat Norvegia.
Albert is more humbly than Arthur. - Albert e mai smerit decat Arthur.
- as + adjective + as - Comparative de egalitate. Constructie folosita
pentru a compara oameni, locuri, fiinte, evenimete sau obiecte, ntre care nu
exista diferente:
Peter is 28 years old. John is 28 years old. Peter is as old as John. - Peter are 28 de ani.
John are 28 de ani. Peter e la fel de in varsta ca John.
Ramona is as happy as Raphael. - Ramona e la fel de fericita ca Rafael.
A tiger is as dangerous as a lion. - Un tigru e la fel de periculos ca un leu.
- not as + adjective + as - Se poate arata diferentele dintre doua
substantive folosind contructia not so/as
Mont Blanc is not as high as Mount Everest. - Muntele Blanc nu e la fel de inalt ca
muntele Everest
Norway is not as sunny as Thailand. - Norvegia nu e la fel de insorita ca Tailanda.
(NOT) AS + ADJECTIVE + AS = tan .... como
My sister is as intelligent as him.
He is not as tall as Gasol.
The weather in Mexico is as hot as in Spain.
The weather in England is not as hot as in Spain.
LESS + ADJECTIVE + THAN = menos ...que
He is less tall than Gasol.
The weather in England is less hot than in Spain.
This exam is less difficult than the last one.
1) Short adjectives: ADJECTIVE + er + THAN = mas ... que
2) Long adjectives: MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN = mas ... que
He is taller than Gasol.
The weather in Spain is hotter than in England.
This exam is more difficult than the last one.
My sister is more intelligent than him.
1) Short adjectives: THE + ADJECTIVE + est + (NOUN) + (IN /OF) = el /la mas ...
2) Long adjectives: THE MOST + ADJECTIVE + (NOUN)+ (IN /OF) = el / la mas ...
-The article THE normally appears before the superlative form.
-The superlative form can be followed by a complement introduced by:
IN When we refer to a PLACE
OF in the rest of cases.
Jack is the tallest in the class.
Laura is the most energetic girl of the group.
The Nile is the longest river in the world.
This is the best film Ive ever seen.
This is the most boring film Ive ever seen.
This is the most difficult exam Ive done.
With adjectives of one syllable and adjectives of two syllables ending in -y /-er/ -ow.
(pretty, friendly clever narrow)
Long longer the longest
Small smaller the smallest
Fast faster the fastest
High higher the highest
DOUBLE CONSONANT Big bigger the biggest
Thin thinner the thinnest
Slim slimmer the slimmest
Fat fatter the fattest
Y ier /iest Easy easier the easiest
Busy busier the busiest
Pretty prettier the prettiest
Friendly friendlier the friendliest
Lucky luckier the luckiest
healthy healthier the healthiest
E r /st Nice nicer the nicest
Large larger the largest
wide wider the widest
With adjectives of two or more syllables
Interesting more interesting the most interesting
Boring more boring the most boring
Intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent
Beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
Famous more famous the most famous
Dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous
Good better The best
Bad worse The worst
Far farther /further The farthest /furthest
*well (adv) better The best
*badly (adv) worse The worst
*much/many/a lot of more The most
*little less The least
*few fewer The fewest
I've got less money than she has.
There are fewer problems than there were before.
* Note:
It's getting hotter and hotter.
It's getting more and more dangerous. Autor: Miriam Rivas Llorens


(NOT) AS + ADJECTIVE + AS = tan .... como
My sister is as intelligent as him.
He is not as tall as Gasol.
The weather in Mexico is as hot as in Spain.
The weather in England is not as hot as in Spain.
LESS + ADJECTIVE + THAN = menos ...que
He is less tall than Gasol.
The weather in England is less hot than in Spain.
This exam is less difficult than the last one.
1) Short adjectives: ADJECTIVE + er + THAN = mas ... que
2) Long adjectives: MORE + ADJECTIVE + THAN = mas ... que
He is taller than Gasol.
The weather in Spain is hotter than in England.
This exam is more difficult than the last one.
My sister is more intelligent than him.
1) Short adjectives: THE + ADJECTIVE + est + (NOUN) + (IN /OF) = el /la mas ...
2) Long adjectives: THE MOST + ADJECTIVE + (NOUN)+ (IN /OF) = el / la mas ...
-The article THE normally appears before the superlative form.
-The superlative form can be followed by a complement introduced by:
IN When we refer to a PLACE
OF in the rest of cases.
Jack is the tallest in the class.
Laura is the most energetic girl of the group.
The Nile is the longest river in the world.
This is the best film Ive ever seen.
This is the most boring film Ive ever seen.
This is the most difficult exam Ive done.
With adjectives of one syllable and adjectives of two syllables ending in -y /-er/ -ow.
(pretty, friendly clever narrow)
Long longer the longest
Small smaller the smallest
Fast faster the fastest
High higher the highest
DOUBLE CONSONANT Big bigger the biggest
Thin thinner the thinnest
Slim slimmer the slimmest
Fat fatter the fattest
Y ier /iest Easy easier the easiest
Busy busier the busiest
Pretty prettier the prettiest
Friendly friendlier the friendliest
Lucky luckier the luckiest
healthy healthier the healthiest
E r /st Nice nicer the nicest
Large larger the largest
wide wider the widest
With adjectives of two or more syllables
Interesting more interesting the most interesting
Boring more boring the most boring
Intelligent more intelligent the most intelligent
Beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
Famous more famous the most famous
Dangerous more dangerous the most dangerous
Good better The best
Bad worse The worst
Far farther /further The farthest /furthest
*well (adv) better The best
*badly (adv) worse The worst
*much/many/a lot of more The most
*little less The least
*few fewer The fewest
I've got less money than she has.
There are fewer problems than there were before.
* Note:
It's getting hotter and hotter.
It's getting more and more dangerous. Autor: Miriam Rivas Llorens

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