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Hobbies Questionnaire Results

Q1. Are you Male or Female?

The majority of people who answered
our questionnaire were Males (69.2%)
compared to Females (30.8%). This
could mean that the results that we have
collected are bias, however when
creating the documentary, we will make
sure we balance ideas and input from
both genders.
Q2. What is your age?
84.6% of people who answered our
questionnaire were people
between the ages of 20 and 40.
However, because our target
audience is 20+, we are going to
make sure we take input from the
other ages so that we can appeal
to all of our target audience.
Q3. What is your favourite colour?

The results for favourite colour

showed that Blue was the most
popular. This suggests that we
should include this colour when
thinking about the graphics for
our documentary.
Q4. What type of music do you like?
Our results came back as the
majority(43.6%) of our target
audience enjoyed listening to
rock and then second came pop
on 15.4%. This means that, to
impress our target audience, we
should include Rock music,
however if that doesnt work with
our documentary topic, then we
could include Pop.
Q5. What time would you rather watch TV?

59% of our audience said

that they would rather watch
TV between the times of 9:30
and 10:00, so we will most
likely place our documentary
in this slot, or just before if
we were to pre-echo.
Q6. What channel would you most likely watch?

28.9% of our audience said that they

would most likely watch ITV (out of
the options we gave) but we feel
because of the topic and nature of
our programme, we feel its best to
When giving the option of Other, the responses included
put our documentary on Channel 4
- E4 which 15.8% of our audience voted
- Comedy Central
- Channel 5
- Sky 1
- Sky

And one other said they like a lot of channels, therefore they didnt say a specific one.
Q7. Do you have a hobby?

96.5% of our audience said that they had

a hobby and there is a lot of variety. The
most popular ones were
Photography(18.2%), Playing
Guitar(18.2%) and Skating(18.2%).
Therefore, we will use these as statistics
because people will find it interesting to
see which hobbies are the most popular.
Q8. If not, why?

Out of all the people that answered our questionnaire, one person that said
they don't have a hobby the reason they gave was cause i'm working all the
time this tells us that they don't have a hobby because there work takes up all
their free time. We could use this in our documentary if we include a section
on why people dont have hobbies.
Q9. How long have you been doing your hobby for?

The results show that 86.7% of the people

that said they have hobbies have done them
for over a year, this could mean that people
doing the hobbies for over a year are
committed and willing to carry on, we could
use this information to show the commitment
for hobbies.
Q10. Why did you take up a hobby?
When asked why our audience
took up a hobby, 25.7% said it
was because of challenge and
another 25.7% said it was
because it's interesting, this can
be used as statistics in our
documentary as there is also a
variety of reasons as well as
challenge and interest.
Q11. Where would you usually do your hobby/ies?

100%of people said that they do

their hobbies in warrington which
shows that lots of people want
their hobbies to be convenient.
Q12. How often do you do your hobby/ies?
The biggest one that was voted at 79.5% was
multiple times a week this shows when people
find a hobby they like they will do it multiple
times a week and becomes part of who they
are. The second biggest one was weekly which
supports the theory. The ones that were voted
monthly and fortnightly could be because they
are hard to do. This could also be used as
statistics in the documentary.
Q13. How many people does your hobby involve?
41% people chose hobbies which they
do by themselve, this could be for many
reasons like they want to do it alone or
other people think the hobby is weird
and don't do it or even just that it's a
hobby you are suppose to do by
yourself. But the other 59% of the
people do their hobby with at least more
than one person showing doing hobbies
is a more social thing. This concludes to
tell us that people make friends while
doing their hobbies. Because of a
shared interest.
Q14. Whats your favourite thing about your hobby?
The most common answer (51.4%) people
decided they like about their hobby is the
enjoyment they get from it. This shows enjoying a
hobby is the basis to doing one. Other people
(24.3%) also like being challenged. Some (18.9%)
also said that they prefer the social side of the

This shows the most popular reason why people

continue their hobby is for the pure enjoyment
and how important a factor this is.
Before, 25% said they wanted to make friends for
the reason to start and now it is only 18%
showing the reasons change as you continue
doing the hobby. Meaning the people doing
hobbies develop
Q15. How normal would you consider your hobby?
The majority of people who answered our survey
(48.72%) said that they considered their hobby to be
normal. This is closely followed by the 41.03% percent
that said they considered their hobby to be very normal.
Also, a small group of people (10.26%) said that they
consider their hobby to be not very normal.

This shows that either most people have normal hobbies

or consider their hobbies to be normal, it could also show
that most people dont like to admit that their hobbies
are abnormal. We will use the percentage of people who
do not consider their hobby to be normal as a statistic in
our final documentary.
Q16. In relation to Question 15, why do you think this?
Our answers to this question included:

Popular reasons people gave for their opinions included popularity of the hobby and benefits in relation to
fitness & lifestyle. This shows that these are particularly important factors for determining whether hobbies
are normal or not. We will use this information in our documentary. the answers are all different but a lot of
them follow the same line of that other people do it which means they consider their hobby very normal
and socially acceptable, we can even go so far to say for some of the answers like popular may give us
a reason as to why people do their hobby or one of the reasons.
Q17. Does your hobby/ies affect your lifestyle?

The majority of people who answered our questionnaire (58.97%) said that their lifestyle is
affected by their hobby. This could show that hobbies define people and changes their
everyday lives. Some popular answers why included fitness and personal expression, we
intend to use this information in our final documentary by telling people how having a hobby
can define who you are . we will show this by showing these statics to a sociologist.
Q18. Have you ever considered taking up another hobby?

The amount of people who said they would or wouldnt take up another hobby is almost equal.
This shows that people are either happy with their current hobby or feel they might enjoy
another just as much. Popular reasons people answered yes included hobbies which make
you more physically fit and hobbies that seem interesting to the individual. This concludes for
this question that the people that are happy with their previous hobby do not want to take up
anotyher but this is not shared by the whole.
Q19. Would you ever consider giving up your hobby?
The vast majority of people (92.31%)
said they wouldnt consider giving up
their hobby, followed by a small
amount of people who said they
would (7.69%). This shows that most
people are very interested or
committed to their hobby and would
find it hard to not take part in it
actively. We will use this as a statistic
in our final documentary.
Q20. Would you recommend your hobby to others?

The vast majority of people (94.87%) who answered our questionnaire said they would
recommend their hobby to others and gave answers such as enjoyment, fitness and a
challenge. This shows that most people enjoy their hobbies and feel that overall, they are
beneficial to their lifestyle and that they think their hobby would still be good if lots of people did
Q21. How much does your hobby cost per month?
Most peoples hobbies (38.46%) cost less than 5
per month. The lowest amount of people have a
hobby that costs them between 21-30.

This shows that generally, cheaper hobbies are

more popular with our target audience with the
exception of hobbies that cost over 30 which is
a little higher (25.64%). This can be concluded to
show that when someone finds a hobby they like
they won't mind spending a lot of money while a
lot of other people like chap hobbies which could
be for any reason

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