United Family Services Outreach Representatives Respond To

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Are there specific facts that were reported in the media (or by other individuals) regarding the

June 23, 2015 incident at Sunny Side, or about your child care centers in general, that you would like

to refute or clarify?

There are many facts that have been reported in the media and by other individuals (including

lawyers) regarding what transpired on June 23, 2015 at Sunnyside that are inaccurate. There are too

many facts that are alleged to have occurred, which did not, to clarify at one time. Any specific facts not

responded to is not an acceptance of those facts as true. It is important to note that Sunnyside, under

no circumstances, attempted to hide or conceal any information from parents. None of the children

exhibit any signs of illness until well after lunch was concluded. The Sunnyside Daycare Center closed at

3 oclock in the afternoon and as some of the children started to become ill, parents or their guardians

were already arriving to pick up their children. None of the children were lying in their own vomit or

feces. Sunnyside made no effort to try and not communicate with parents about what was ongoing. It is

also important to note that none of the children were transported to the hospital via ambulance from

Sunnyside even though they were called.

The organization has always had the childrens welfare first and foremost in all decisions. Although

this unfortunate incident occurred Sunnyside did not in any way attempt to avoid communicating with

state agencies or other relevant authorities about what was ongoing. They were cooperative with the

Alabama Department of Public Health and did nothing to prevent them from collecting samples which

were removed from the trash cans. The samples that were collected however were from trash cans that

had been sitting outside for over five hours in sweltering heat.

Sunnyside also voluntarily closed the center on June 24, 2015, to sanitize the centers and to receive

training on June 25-26, 2015. On June 23, 2015 no one knew exactly what had transpired and even Dr.

Williams, of the Alabama Department of Public Health, indicated in an interview that they were not sure

whether they were dealing with Noravirus or not. That was quickly ruled out by the Alabama
Department of Public Health. The Alabama Department of Health allowed Sunnyside to reopen the very

next week and issued a press release stating that their environmentalist had worked with Sunnyside

employees and that operations at the facility had resumed the previous Monday. This July 1, 2015 press

release also indicated that clinical samples had tested negative. On June 30, 2015, Alabama Department

of Education representatives came out to Sunnyside to watch staff serve meals.

In April, May, June, and July 2015 there was a massive recall on chicken by the U.S.D.A. with the

chicken being contaminated with Salmonella. The notice from the U.S.D.A. stated that even if the

chicken had been cooked, it would not kill the bacteria. Another recall was announced on June 23, 2015

on frozen vegetables. This is indicative that harmful bacteria can develop under many circumstances.

It is also widely reported that Sunnyside is not inspected. That is inaccurate. Sunnyside is routinely

inspected by the fire department as well as the Alabama Department of Public Health for health ratings.

In fact, the four previous health ratings prior to this incident taking place were all in the 90s. In fact, the

lowest health rating out of the four inspections at Sunnyside prior to this incident was a 93.

Although there are other misstatements that are being made routinely by other media outlets and

lawyers, Sunnyside Daycare Center has complied with state statutes as many other daycare centers

comply with throughout the state of Alabama. Sunnyside Daycare Center has continued to comply with

the statutory language and DHR has continued to affirm the organizations exempt status. That exempt

status has been affirmed twice since June 2015 by the Department of Human Resources. Sunnyside is

not taking advantage of any loop holes as claimed but is complying with the statute which has been

accepted by DHR.

Further, Sunnyside goes through stern evaluations by the Alabama State Department of Education

for it to continue to participate in the meal program funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Since

June 23, 2015 Sunnyside has been evaluated thoroughly by the Alabama State Department of Education.

After one of those evaluations, a final decision was made in an administrative appeal on September 28,
2015 by the Alabama State Department of Education where the hearing officer found by the the

preponderance of the evidence that the proposed termination and disqualification for cause of United

Family Services Outreach, Inc., and the proposed disqualifications and future participation is not

warranted or justified.

Therefore, the continued implications being made by other individuals that Sunnyside is not

inspected and is simply taking advantage of laws is simply not accurate.

2. When did you first get into the child care center business, and why did you want to go into

child care? And further, what role do your day care centers fill in their communities?

Our organization was established to serve the needs of the community. Our management team

has over 75 years of combined experience working with families. Our goal is to help families including

children to have a positive influence in their community. Our centers provide a safe clean environment,

nutritious meals, and education. The centers provide employment to members of the community and

business to local stores and vendors. The summer camp in 2015 was a free camp for families who

qualify so their children would have a place to go during the day while their parents worked.

3. Have you implemented any new health/safety measures at any of your day cares since the June

2015 incident?

We have and continue to work with the Alabama Department of Health on training courses and

participated in a two-day training session voluntarily with all employees on June 25-26, 2015. We have

staff that are ServSafe certified and continue to be aware of surroundings and the environment in which

all the children are in. The employees receive continuing education training from Family Guidance

Center which at least 12 hours a year. Employees also participate in online extension courses from Texas

A&M for childcare centers. Additionally, staff are trained in CPR, certified first aid.

4. Are your day cares currently inspected by the health department and/or the fire department? Do

you have any other inspections that occur on a regular basis?

Yes. We are inspected by the Fire Department and the Health Department. We are compliant

with all their requirements and our scores prior to this incident were all in the 90s or a perfect 100. Our

health department scores continue to be consistent with those scores.

5. What kinds of government funding do your daycares receive?

We receive the same funding other childcare centers qualify to receive from organizations such

as the U.S.D.A. and The Department of Human Resources.

6. How many children do you serve at your daycares, and how many people do you employ?

This question is difficult to answer as it varies often. Depending on the number of children

enrolled our employee staffing is adjusted. Our centers will have the DHR recommenced ratio.

7. In general, what is your teacher-to-child ratio now at your day cares?

Our teacher to child ratio is consistent with the recommended ratio from DHR.

8. Why did you decide to operate your day cares as license-exempt centers beginning in 2010?

Many factors went into this decision but like a substantial number of daycares in Montgomery

and across the state we made the decision to operate as we do. The organization was established in

2010 to help the community.

9. Ive heard that Jesse and/or Thelma Thomas make upwards of $1 million per year in salary through

United Family Service Outreach. Is that true? No.

10. Anything you would like to say to help readers better understand you and/or your businesses?

It needs to be understood that this incident occurred unfortunately in June 2015. That is almost

two years ago. It went through the litigation process and was resolved with no admission of liability by

any of the Defendants. It has caused great anguish on our organization as we have many employees who

work tirelessly to care for children while their parents work or attend school. We were all saddened by

individuals who continue to want to bring up this incident that has occurred almost two years ago, and

has been dismissed from the court. Sunnyside continues to operate legally and with the full knowledge
of all appropriate state agencies. Sunnyside continues to work to comply with any requests made of

them by state agencies or by any inspectors who seek information from the facilities. If Sunnyside has

been asked for information it has attempted to comply and provide that information as rapidly and as

fully as possible. It has saddened us greatly that certain individuals have decided to try and capitalize on

an unfortunate incident and use it for their own political or economic gain. We continue to be

committed to the children that are under our care, provide quality employees, and will continue to

strive to provide the best care it can.

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