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1. Syringe
2. Tray
3. Plastic cup filled with water
4. Scrub top
5. Red plastic mask
6. Medical gloves (rubber disposable)
7. Mini paper cups
8. Advil
9. Tylenol
10.Wooden chair
Reasons Why Props Are Appropriate
We are using Advil, Tylenol, scrub top, syringe, tray, plastic cup with water, and
gloves to convey to the viewer that he is mentally sick and his in a hospital.
The syringe will convey that he is resistant and often does not take the pills
given to him. This also conveys the message that he believes that he is not
The red mask conveys the thriller genre and is used to excite and scare the
viewer. It also adds tension since it makes the viewer more curios and will give
them a reason to watch till the end.
Symbolic props
We chose the red mask to symbolize the ghosts anger and need for revenge
towards the main character.

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