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National Accountability Bureau Headquarter

1. The Law which deals with eradication of corruption and corrupt
practices and holding accountability of all those persons accused of such
practices and matters ancillary is called
A. Anti-Corruption Act
B. National Accountability Ordinance
C. Public Account Ordinance
D. None of above
Answer: Option B

2.National Accountability Ordinance, was promulgated in

D.None of above
Answer: Option C

3.National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 contains ______ sections

D.None of above
Answer: Option C

4.National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 contains______ schedule

D.None of above
Answer: Option A
5.National Accountability Ordinance, came into force from
A. January, 1984
B. January, 1985
C.January, 1986
D.None of above
Answer: Option B

6.Section 3, of the National Accountability Ordinance empowered the

Ordinance to
A. Obey other existing laws
B. Override other laws
C. To repeal other laws
D.None of above
Answer: Option B

7.Section 4 of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with

A. Application of Ordinance
B. Enactment of Ordinance
C. Amendment of Ordinance
D. All of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A

8.National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 extends to

A.Whole of Pakistan
B.Specific areas of Pakistan
C.Foreign areas of Pakistan
D.None of above
Answer: Option A

9.Section 5, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with

B. Definitions
D.None of above
Answer: Option B

10.Section 5(a) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 defines

A. Accused
D.All of above
Answer: Option A

11.As per section 5(b) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999

appropriate Government means
A.Federal Government
B.Provincial Government
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer: Option C

12.Section 5(c) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with

definition of
A.Local Government
D.None of above
Answer: Option B

13.Any property owned, controlled by or belonging to any accused,

whether directly or indirectly is called
A.Case property
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
14.Section 5.9(d) of National Accountability Ordinance defines
D.None of above
Answer: Option A

15.Any person who is or has been managing the affairs of or keeping

accounts for the accused or who enjoys or has enjoyed any benefit from
the assets is
D.All of above
Answer: Option A

16.Any person who ostensibly holds or is in possession or custody of any

property of an accused on his behalf for the benefit and enjoyment of the
accused is called
A. Ostensible owners
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer: Option C

17.The word "benami" is ______ term

D.None of above
Answer: Option B
18.Section 5, clause (e) of the National Accountability Ordinance deals
A.Chairman National Accountability Bureau
B.Conciliation Committee
D.None of above
Answer: Option A

19.As per section 5(f) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999

"Code" means
A.Pakistan Penal Code
B.Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898
C.Both (a) and (b)
Answer: Option B

20.Conciliation Committee means the Conciliation Committee constituted

under section
A.20 of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
B.25 of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
C.25A of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
Answer: Option A

21.Section 5______ of the National Accountability Ordinance defines

A.(f) B.(g)
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
22.The Judge of Accountability Court is appointed by
A.Chief Justice of Pakistan B.President in consultation with the Chief
Justice of High Court concerned
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
23.Section 5(h) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
defines A.Judge
C.Court Officer
D.None of above
Answer: Option A

24.Deputy Chairman of National Accountability Bureau is appointed by

A.Prime Minister B.President
C.Chief Justice of Supreme Court
D.All of above
Answer: Option B
25.Section 5(l) defines A.Freezing
B.National Accountability Bureau
D.None of above
Answer: Option A
26.Freezing includes
B.Sealing, prohibiting
C.Controlling or managing property D.All of above
Answer: Option D
27.Section 5(m), of National Accountability Ordinance defines
B.Proclamation C.Holder of Public Office
D.None of above
Answer: Option C
28.As per section 5(n) of National Accountability Ordinance, offence
A.The offence of corruption
B.Corrupt practices
C.Any other offence specified in schedule of the Ordinance D.All of above
Answer: Option D
29.Section 5(p) of the National Accountability Ordinance, defines
A.Person B.Property
C.Government property
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
30.As per section 5(p) of the National Accountability Ordinance property
A.Moveable property
B.Immovable property C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer: Option C
31."Government property" is defined in section 5_____ of the National
Accountability Ordinance, 1999
A.(p) B.(q)
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
32.Section 5-A of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
with A.Tenure of a Judge
B.Tenure of Chairman
C.Tenure of Prosecutor
D.All of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
33.As per section 5-A sub-section (1) a judge of a Court who is serving
District and Session Judge shall hold office for a period of ____ years
from the date of his initial appointment as judge
A.Two years B.Three years
C.Five years
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
34.Pensionary benefits to serving District and Session Judge are dealt by
section_____ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
B.5-A(i) C.5-B
D.None of above
Answer: Option C
35.Section ______ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
with constitution of National Accountability Bureau A.6
D.All of above
Answer: Option A
36.The Chairman of National Accountability Bureau is appointed by the
President in consultation with
A.Leader of the House in the National Assembly
B.Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer: Option C
37.As per section 6(b)(i), of National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
Chairman of NAB is appointed for a period not extendable of____ years
A.Two years
B.Three years C.Four years
D.All of above
38.The Chairman NAB may resign his office by writing under his hand
addressed to the
A.Prime Minister
B.Chief Justice of Supreme Court C.President
D.All of above
Answer: Option C
39.The qualification of Chairman NAB is provided in section 6______, of
the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
A.(b) B.(ba)
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
40.The section dealing with Deputy Chairman, National Accountability
Bureau is
A.6(d) B.7
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
41.As per section 7(a), of the National Accountability Bureau there shall
be ______ Deputy Chairman of NAB
A.One B.Two
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
42.Qualification of Deputy Chairman of NAB are provided in section
7_____ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
A.(a) B.(aa)
D.All of above
Answer: Option B
43.A person shall not be appointed as Deputy Chairman NAB unless
A.Is or has been an officer of the Armed Forces of Pakistan to the rank of
a Major General B.Is or has been a Federal Government officer is BPS 21
or equivalent
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer: Option C
44.The Deputy Chairman of NAB shall hold office for a period of A.Three
B.Four years
C.Five years
D.None of above
Answer: Option A
45.Section _____ of the National Accountability Ordinance 1999 deals
with Prosecutor General Accountability
C.7-C D.8
Answer: Option D

46.The Prosecutor General Accountability is appointed by President in

consulation with
A.Prime Minister
B.Leader of Opposition
C.Speaker of national Assembly D.Chairman of NAB
Answer: Option D
47.Any person who is qualified to be appointed ______ may be appointed
as Prosecutor General Accountability
A.As a Judge of High Court B.As a Judge of Supreme Court
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
48.As per section 8(a)(iii) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
the Prosecutor General Accountability shall hold office for a non-
extendable period of ____ years
A.Two B.Three
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
49.The Prosecutor General Accountability shall not be removed from his
office except on the ground of removal of a judge of_____
A.High Court
B.Supreme Court
C.Federal Shariat Court
D.All of above
Answer: Option B
50.As per section 8
B.Judge of NAB
C.Chairman of NAB
D.None of above
Answer: Option C
51.As per section 9(b) all offences under National Accountability
Ordinance are
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
52.Section 9(c) empowers______ to release the accused
A.Prosecutor General Accountability
B.Accountability Court
C.Chairman NAB
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
53.Punishment for corruption and corrupt practices are dealt by
section_____ of the National Accountability Ordinance
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
54.A holder of Public Office or any other person who commits the offence
of corruption and corrupt practices shall be punishable with rigorous
imprisonment for a term which may extend ____ years
D.Twenty Five
Answer: Option C
55.Section 10
A.Provincial Government
B.Federal Government
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
56.Section 11, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Acquittal of accused
C.Imposition of fine
D.None of above
Answer: Option C
57.Where an accused found guilty of an offence is sentenced to pay fine
the amount of fine shall in no case be less than the gain derived by the
B.Accused relatives
C.Accused associates
D.All of above
Answer: Option D
58.Section 12, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Suspension of sentence
B.Power to freeze property
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer: Option B
59.Section 12, of the National Accountability Ordinance,
empowers______ freeze property.
A.The Chairman NAB
B.The Court
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
Answer: Option C
60.As per section 12(c) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 if
the property ordered to be forzen is immovable property, the freezing
shall, in the case of land paying revenue, be made through the_____ of
the District in which the land situated.
A.District Judge
D.None of above
Answer: Option C
61. If the property ordered to be frozen under sub-section (a), section
12, is a debt or other moveable property, the freezing may be made by
_____ ways as provided in sub-section (b) of section 12
. A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. All of above
Answer: Option C

62. Section 12(b), of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals

with freezing of
A. Movable property
B. Immovable property
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above
Answer: Option A

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63. Section 13, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A. Freezing through receiver
B. Freezing through Police
C. Claim or objection against freezing
D. None of above
Answer: Option C
64. The time limitation for claim or objection upon freezing before Court
is_____ days
A. 10
B. 14
C. 18
D. None of above
Answer: Option B Explanation:

65. Section 13(b) empowers ______ to extend the time for filing such
claims or objection for a period not exceeding additional 14 days
A. The Chairman NAB
B. The Prosecutor General
C. The Court
D. None of above
Answer: Option C

66. The claim or objection dismissed by the Court is

A. Revisionable
B. Reviewable
C. Appealable
D. All of above
Answer: Option C
67. Time limitation for filing appeal against dismissal of claim or objection
by aggrieved party is_____ days.
A. 10
B. 14
C. 20
D. None of above
Answer: Option A

68. Section 14, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A. Proof against accused accepting illegal gratifiction
B. Presumption against accused accepting illegal gratification
C. Presumption against complainant accepting illegal gratifiction
D. None of above
Answer: Option B

69. Section 15, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A. Disqualification of parliament membership
B. Disqualification to contest election
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of above
Answer: Option B
70. As per section 15(a) a person who has been convicted for an offence
under section 9, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 shall be
disqualified for a period of
A. Seven years
B. Eight years
C. Nine years
D. Ten years
Answer & Explanation Answer: Option D
71.As per section 15(b) of the National Accountability ordinance, 1999
any person apply for or be granted or allow any financial facilities in the
form of any loan of advanced or other financial accommodation by any
Bank of Financial institution owned or controlled by Government for a
period of
A.Seven years
B.Ten years
C.Fourteen years
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
72.Section _______ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
with trial of offences.
D.16-A Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
73.The trial of a case under section 16(a) shall be heard from
A.Day to day
B.Week to week
C.Month to month
D.As per accused wish Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
74.Time limitation for disposal of a trial under section 16, of National
Accountability Ordinance, 1999 is_____ days
A.30 days
B.60 days
C.90 days
D.120 days Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
75.The place for sitting of the Court shall be determined by
A.Federal Government
B.Provincial Government
C.Local Government
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
76.Section 16-A, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
A.Issuance of commission
B.Transfer of case
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
77.For transfer of a case from Court in one Province to court in another
Province the application shall be made to the
A.Chairman NAB
B.High Court
C.Supreme Court
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C

78.Section 16-A (b) empowers_____ to apply for transfer of case

A.Chairman NAB
B.Prosecutor General Accountability
C.Special prosecutor
D.Both (b) and (c) Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
79.Under section 16-A(c) ______ may also make an application for
transfer of case
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
80.Section 16-B of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Joint trial
B.Contempt of Chairman orders
C.Contempt of Court
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
81.As per section 16-B, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
the Court shall have the power to punish for contempt of Court with
imprisonment for a term which may extend
A.Six months and with fine which may extend to one million rupees
B.Nine months and with fine which may extend to two million rupees
C.One year and with fine which may extend to two million rupees
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
82.Section 17, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
application of
A.Code of Civil Procedure
B.Code of Criminal Procedure
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
83.Section______ empowers the Court established under National
Accountability Ordinance, 1999 to follow any procedure as it may deem
fit in the circumstances of the case
D.All of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
84.Section, 18, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Cognizance of offences
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
85.The Accountability Court shall not take cognizance of any offence
under the ordinance except on a reference made by
A.Chairman NAB
B.Authorized Officer
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
86.As per section 18(b) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 a
reference under this Ordinance shall be initiated by the Accountability
Bureau on
A.A reference received from the appropriate government
B.Receipt of complaint
C.Its own accord
D. All of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D

87 .As per section 18(c) of the Ordinance where the Chairman NAB or
an officer of the NAB duly authorized is of the opinion that it is or may be
necessary and appropriate to initiate proceeding against any person he
shall refer the matter for
C.Both (a) and (b)
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
88.Section 18 (e), of the the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
empowers NAB with
A.Power of arrest
B.Power of acquittal
C.Power of release
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
89.No sitting member of Parliament or Provincial Assembly shall be
arrested without taking into consideration the recommendation of the
B.Special Parliamentary Committee on Ethics
C.Prime Minister
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
90.Section 19, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Power to call information
B.Power to arrest any person
C.Power to make rules
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
91.Section 19(a) deals with information from
A.Specified person
C.Any person
D.All of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
92.Section 19(b) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
A.Oral evidence
B.Production of relevant document or thing
C.Evidence through commission
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B

93.Section 19, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with

information during
D.Both (a) and (b) Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
94.Section 19(c), of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
A.Examination of a relevant person
B.Examination of investigation officer
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
95.Section 19(d), of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
with information from
A.Intelligence agencies
B.Bank or financial institution
D.All of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
96.Section 20, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Reporting of suspicious financial transaction
B.Reporting of any further inquiry or investigation
C.Judgment of any Court
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A

97.Whoever being bound to suply information in accordance with sub-

section (a) of section 20, shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment
which may extend to
A.Three years
B.Five years
C.Seven years
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
98.Section 21 of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Provincial cooperation request for mutual legal assistance
B.International cooperation request for mutual legal assistance
C.Both (a) and (b)
Answer: Option B
99.As per section 21, ______ may request a foreign State for cooperation
or mutual legal assistance
A.Foreign Minister
B.Prime Minister
C.Chairman NAB or any authorized officer by Federal Government
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
100.Section 22, of the National Accountability Ordinance, deals with
A.Jurisdiction of NAB Court
B.Extra judicial activities
C.Jurisdiction of Chairman NAB
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
101.Section 22, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
empowers_____ to inquire or investigate any offence under the
A.Chairman NAB
B.Any authorized officer
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
102.Section 22(b), of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
with investigation by Chairman NAB in conjunction with
A.Any other agency
B.Any person
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.A specified agency Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
103.Section 23, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 declare
transfer of case property
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A

104.Any person who transfers or creates a change on property in

contravention of sub-section (a) of section 23, of the National
Accountability Ordinance shall be punished with imprisonment for a term
which may extend to
A.Two years
B.Three years
C.Five years
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
105.Section________ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
deals with arrest
D.All of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C

106.As per section 24(a) _____ shall have the power, at any stage of the
(inquiry or) investigation under the National Accountability Ordinance,
1999 to direct that the accused, if not already arrested shall be arrested
A.Chairman NAB
B.Prosecutor General Accountability
C.Accountability Court
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
107.No member of Provincial Assembly shall be arrested wthout taking
into consideration the recommendation of
A.Special Parliamentary Committee on Ethics
B.Special Committee of the Provincial Assembly on Ethics
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
108.As per section 24 (aaa) of the National Accountability Ordinance,
1999 the Special Committee of the Provincial Assembly on Ethics consist
Chairman and_____ members
Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
109.Section 25, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
voluntarily return
of assets by
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
110.Section 25(a) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
empowers_____ to discarge the accused
A.Prosecutor General
B.Chairman NAB
C.Accountability Court
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
111.Section 25(a), of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
with voluntarily return of assets by accused_____
A.Prior investigation
B.After investigation
C.During trial
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
112.Section 25(a), of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
with discharge of the accused by Chairman NAB
A.Prior investigation
B.Before or after the commencement of investigation
C.During pending of appeal
D.Both (a) and (b) Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
113.The amount deposited by the accused with the NAB shall be transfer
A.Chairman NAB
B.State treasury
C.Concerned affected department
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C

114.Section 25-A of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals

A.Freezing of assets
B.Payment of loans
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
115.Under section 25-A ______ may apply for reconciliation
B.Prosecutor General
C.Chairman NAB
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
116.Under section 25-A(a) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
accused may apply for reconciliation to_____
A.Trial court
B.Chairman NAB
C.Prosecutor General Accountability
D.Governor State Bank of Pakistan Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
117.Section 25-A(aa) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
empowers_____ to constitute Reconciliation Committee.
A.Chairman NAB
B.Trial Court
C.Prosecutor General Accountability
D.Governor State Bank of Pakistan Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
118.The Conciliation Committee shall consist of a Chairman and ______
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
119.As per section 25-A(b) the Chairman Conciliation Committee shall be
appointed by
A.Chairman NAB
B.Governor State Bank
C.Trial Court
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
120.As per section 25-A (bb) the Chairman of the Conciliation Committee
shall convene the meetings and conduct proceedings of the Conciliation
Committee in the manner______
A.As he deems fit
B.As provided in Cr.P.C.
C.As provided in C.P.C
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
121.Section 25-A(d) deals with conclusion of______ reference
A.Conciliation Committee
B.Chairman NAB
C.Trial Court
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
122.As per section 25-A(d) of the National Accountability Ordinance,
1999 the Conciliation Committee shall conclude the reference within
_____ days
A.20 days
B.30 days
C.60 days
D.90 days Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
123.As per section 25-A(f) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
where the accused undertakes to repay the amount as determined by the
Conciliation Committee, the Chairman NAB, with the approval of______
may release the accused
A.Governor State Bank
B.Chairman Conciliation Committee
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
124.Section, 26, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
C.Tender of pardon
D.Release of accused Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C

125.Section 26(a) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999

empowers _____ with power of pardon to accused
A.Trial Court
B.Prosecutor General
D.Chairman NAB Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
126.Under section 26(a), of National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 the
Chairman NAB may pardon a person
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above
127.As per section 26(e) any statement made before a Magistrate by a
person who has accepted tender of pardon may______
A.Not be given in evidence against him at the trial
B.Be given in evidence against him at the trial
C.Be given or not depends upon case nature
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
128.Section 27, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Power to fine
B.Power to seek assistance
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
129.Section 27, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 empowers
_____ to seek assistance
A.Chairman NAB
B.Any authorized officer
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
130.Section 28, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Appointment of Chairman NAB
B.Appointment of Co-Chairman NAB
C.Appointment of member of the staff ans officers of the NAB
D.All of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
131.Section 28(a), of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
empowers_____ with power of appointments
A.Chairman NAB
B.Any authorized officer
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
132.As per section 28(d) the provisions of Civil Servants Act, 1973 shall
A.Apply to the persons appointed in NAB
B.Not apply to the persons appointed in NAB
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
133.Section 29, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 declare
A.As competent witness
B.Not a competent witness
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
134.As per section 29, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 an
accused shall be a competent witness for the defence and may give
evidence_____ in disproof of the
charges made against him
A.On oath
B.Without oath
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
135.Section 30 of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Evidence on oath
B.Evidence without oath
C.False evidence
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
136.Section 3, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
A.Prohibition to hamper investigation
B.Prohibition to hamper trial
C.Prohibition to deliver documents
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
137.Whoever commits offence under section 31(a) of the National
Accountability Ordinance, 1999 shall be punishable with rigorous
imprisonment for a term which may extend to
A.Seven years
B.Ten years
C.Fourteen years
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
138.Section 31-A of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
A.Abscondence from prison
B.Abscondence from Courts
C.Abscondence to avoid from service of warrants
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
139.Whoever absconds in order to avoid being served with any process
issued by any Court or any other authority or officer under NAB,
Ordinance or in any manner prevents, avoid or evades the service on
himself from the proceedings or punishment shall be punished with
imprisonment for a term which may extend to
A.One year
B.Two years
C.Three years
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
140.Section _______ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
deals with withdrawal
from prosecution
D.31-D Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
141.As per section 31-B of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
the Prosecutor General Accountability may, with the consent of_____
withdraw from prosecution of any accused
A.Chairman NAB
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
142.As per section 31-C of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
no Court established under this Ordinance shall take cognizance of an
offence against an officer or an employee of a bank or financial institution
for writing off, waiving, restructuring or refinancing any financial facility,
interest or markup without prior approval of the
B.Chairman NAB
D.State Bank of Pakistan Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option D
143.Section______ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
with protection of
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C

144.Section______ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals

with appeal and revision
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C

145.Any person aggrieved by the final judgment and order of the Court
under National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 may prefer an appeal to
A.Court of District and Session Judge
B.High Court
C.Supreme Court
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B

146.As per section 32, of the National Accountability Ordinance time

limitation for filing
appeal against Accountability Court order before the High Court is _____
A.Ten days
B.Twenty days
C.Thirty days
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
147.As per section 32(b) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
all appeals against the final judgment and order filed before the High
Court will be heard by
A.A single Judge
B.A Bench of not less than two Judges
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
148.All appeals against the final judgment and order filed before the High
Court shall be finally disposed of within____ days
A.Thirty days
B.Sixty days
C.Ninety days
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
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149.As per section 32(c) of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999

no revision shall lie
A.Interlocutory Order
B.Final Order
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
150.Section 33, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals with
transfer of
A.Proceedings pending before a Court under Ehtesab Act, 1997 to any
Civil Court
B.Proceedings pending before a Court under Ehtesab Act, 1997 to Court
established under National Accountability Ordinance
C.Both (a) and (b)
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
151.Section_____ of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 deals
with NAB to submit an annual report
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option C
152.Any fine or other sum due under the National Accountability
Ordinance, 1999 or as determined by a Court, shall be recovered as
A.Arrears of land revenue
C.Special cost
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option A
153.Delegation of power by Chairman NAB are dealt by section_____ of
the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B
154.Section 36, of the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 provided
immunity to
A.Federal Government
B.Chairman NAB
C.Any member of NAB
D.All of above
155.As per section 37, if any difficulty arises in giving effect to any
provision of the Ordinance the Chairman NAB can remove difficulties with
the approval of
A.Minister of law
C.The Court
D.None of above Answer & Explanation
Answer: Option B

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