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FHe;ijfsplk; bgw;nwhh;fs; vjph;ghh;g;gJ vd;d>


FHe;ijfsplk; bgw;nwhh;fs;
KNOW vjph;ghh;g;gJ vd;d>
1 We have given you to the world. You conduct c';fis cyfpw;F je;j v';fspd; bgUikia/
yourself in such a way to protect and safeguard kjpg;ig vg;nghJk;/ kjpj;;J ele;J bfhs;S';fs;
our respect and honour.
2 When we give you some advice, you understand bghpath;fs; mDgtrhypfs;. Mfnt (c';fsJ
that we give them on our experience, and that ed;ikf;fhf) rpy mwpt[iufisr; brhy;thh;fs;
they are for your good. vd;gij ek;g[';fs;
3 We feel proud and happy to tell about you to c';fis eh';fs; kpft[k; nerpg;gij btspapy;
others out of love and affection. For that, do not gyhplKk; fhl;Ltjpy; v';fSf;F kfpH;r;rp.
get angry. mjw;fhf eP';fs; nfhgpf;fhjPh;fs;.
4 We respect your cleverness and wisdom. Yet in c';fs; jpwikia eh';fs; kjpf;fpnwhk;.
certain matters, we interfere and get things done ,Ue;jhYk; c';fSf;F rpukk; ju ntz;lhk;
with good intention. This is also to exhibit our vd;Wjhd; eh';fns jiyapl;L rpy bray;fisr;
love and affection towards you. bra;J tpLfpnwhk;. mJ jg;gh> ghrj;jpd;
btspg;ghL vd;W bjhpe;J bfhs;S';fs;.
5 You can engage yourself in fun and games. At tpisahL';fs;. "Kjy; vl;oy; MlhjJ
time, we interfere to caution you not to spend tpisahl;ly;y". Mdhy; c';fSf;F mjpnyna
your whole time in such funs and games, bear bghGJ fHpe;Jtplf;TlhJ vd;gjhy; eh';fs;
with us.
mt;tg;nghJ FWf;fpLfpnwhk;. bghWj;Jf;
6 We are prepared to say "Do", "Correct", "Good", "bra;", "rhp", "ey;yJ" vd;gij brhy;y eh';fs;
"Excellent". Occasionally, we may say "Don't".
jahh;. ,ilapnyna rpy "ntz;lhk", "TlhJ"
Do not magnify this.
tUtJ ,ay;g[jhd;. bghpJgLj;jhjPh;fs;.
7 We may not be able to take you to all the places vy;yh ,lj;jpw;Fk; c';fis miHj;Jr; bry;y
we go. Do not get disheartened. ,ayhky; nghfyhk;. mjw;fhf tUj;jg;gl
ntz;lhnk !
8 You may like privacy. But, if that privacy is not eP';fs; jdpikia tpUk;gyhk;. Mdhy; c';fs;
beneficial, we may get upset. That is why we jdpik c';fSf;F ed;ik juhtpl;lhy; vd;d
want to be with you always, as we feel our bra;tJ> mjdhy; eh';fs; gf;fj;jpy; te;J
responsibility. Jizf;F epw;fpnwhk;. v';fs; ftiy v';fSf;F.
9 Our parents did not give us all things we wanted. v'fs; bgw;nwhh;fs; v';fSf;F eh';fs;
This disappointment still with us. Because of nfl;lij vy;;yhk; jutpy;iy. Me;j Vf;;fk;
this, we give you all you ask for and feel the ,d;Wtiu ,Ug;gjhy; eP';fs; nfl;lJnk
pleasure. You are our dear ones. th'fpf;; bfhLj;J epiwt[ fhz;fpnwhk;.
10 We are listening what all you are saying. eP';fs; brhy;Yk; gjpiy eh';fs; nfl;Lf;
Whatever things we are on, our attention will be bfhz;Ljhd; ,Uf;fpnwhk;. ek;g[';fs;. ntW
on you only. v';F ghh;j;jpUe;jhYk; ftdk; v';fs; gps;isfs;
11 We don't say that using our telephone in our ek;; tPl;;Lj; bjhiyngrpia eP';fs;
house is wrong. But be cautious on the time gad;gLj;JtJ jtW vd;W eh';fs;
involved, and the money spent. brhy;ytpy;iy. Mdhy; fhyj;jpd;/ gzj;jpd;
mUikia nahrpf;ft[k;.

12 Shall we not evaluate you when you tell a lie? cd; rnfhjud;/ rnfhjhp cz;ikna ngrp eP
Shall we not point out to you when your actions bgha; ngrp te;;jhy; xg;gPL bra;a khl;nlhkh>
are selfish and worthiess? Our intention is only to gyUf;Fk; cjtp bra;a[k; cd; ez;gidf; Fwpj;J/
mend you, and not to tease you. xUtUf;Fk; cjthky; Raeyj;njhL ,Uf;Fk;
cd;dplk; brhy;ypf; fhl;l khl;nlhkh> ,J
cd;id jpUj;jj;jhnd jtpu tUe;j my;y.
13 We may scold you when you have lost a good ey;y bghUisj; bjhiyj;Jtpl;L te;jhy;
article. This is just to caution you to be more bfh":;rth Koa[k;> jpl;Lnthk;. mLj;J mJ
carful in future. Don't presume that we have no khjphp epfHhky; vr;rhpf;ifahf ,Uf;f ntz;Lk;;
love for you. vd;Wjhd;. ghrkpy;yhj bfhoath;fsh eh';fs;>
14 We het you certain fashional dress you ask for. c';fSf;Fg; gpoj;jkhd rpy cilfis th';fpj;
We also desire that you wear certain dress of our jUfpd;nwhk;. v';fs; Mirf;F eh';fs; tpUk;g[k;
choice. Why don't you oblige us? rpy cilfisa[k; mzpe;jhy; vd;d>
15 What immense pleasure we have in this world c';fis mutizg;gij tpl/ jGt[tij tpl/
other than occasionally hugging you warmly and c';fs; ,dpa ngr;irf; nfl;gij tplth cyfpy;
listening to your inarticulate words with your v';fSf;F nghpd;gk; cs;sJ> me;j tha;g;ig
sweet voice? We always long for such occasions. mt;tg;nghJ jhU';fs;.
16 You may like to enjoy trumpeting music of eP';fs; rpdpkhtpy; tUk; Muthu ,iria
cinema. At the same time, please do not deny us urpf;fyhk;. mnj neuk; bghpath;fshd eh';fs;
enjoying carnatic music and melodious urpf;Fk; bkd;ikahd gf;jpg;ghly;fisa[k;
devotional songs. fh;ehlf ,iriaa[k/; njhj;jpu';fisa[k; nfl;f
kWf;fhjPh;fs;. nfyp bra;ahjPh;fs;.
17 Always remember that we are trying to impress c';fSf;F cah;e;j yl;rpak; fhl;lt[k;
upon you good and great ideals with excellent ew;gz;g[fis czh;j;jt[k; eh';fs; Kd;khjphpahf
virtues and moral goodness. The essence of all ,Uf;fpnwhk; vd;gij kwthjPh;fs;.
great epics is "Do good to others silently like a
18 We do not want to prevent you from seeing T.V. bjhiyf;fhl;rp ghU';fs;. ntz;lhk; vd;W
serials. But we are much worried about certain jLf;ftpy;iy. kdijf; bfLj;J tpLk; rpytw;iw
worthless scenes which have the bad effect of eP';fs; ghh;j;Jtplyhfhnj vd;w gak; v';fSf;F
spoiling young and innocent minds. That is why cs;sJ. mjdhy;jhd rjh bjhiyf;fhl;rp
we are telling you not to be at T.V. always. ghh;f;fhnj vd;W vr;rhpf;nwhk;. fz;kzpfns!
19 We expect from you always active, smart in c';fsplk; RWRWg;g[/ ntiyapy; jpwik/ Rj;j
every work, cleanliness in your habits. Is it czh;t[ ,tw;iw eh';fs; vjph;ghh;gJ jtwh>
wrong to expect like this? All these are only for c';fs; ed;ikf;Fj;jhnd>
your good.
20 When we are at some work, you can approach us eh';fs; ntiyapypUf;Fk;nghJ eP';fs; mUfpy;
and help us. By doing so, you can exhibit your te;J ,ij mLf;fth/ ,ij btl;oj;juth/ ,ij
love towards us. bfhz;L ngha; itf;fth vd;W nfl;L cjtp
bra;ayhnk! c';fs; md;ig ,g;goa[k;
21 To know your skill, you can tell us in which field c';fs; Mw;wiy eh'fs; g[hpe;J bfhs;SkhW
you are inteerested, so that we can guide you c';fSf;F ve;jj; Jiwapy; Mh;tk; cs;sJ
and make you an expert in that field. Aspiratons vd;gij v';fsplk; brhy;Y';fs;
are the seedings of achievement.
22 We provide you all the opportunities and all tha;g;g[fisa[k;/ trjpfisa[k; eh'fs; bra;J
necessary encouragements. It is for you to jUfpnwhk;. Rhjidfis c';fsplkpUe;J
record the achievements and satisfy our vjph;ghh;;g;gJ jtwy;ynt!
23 Because of the burden you have in your studies gog;gpd; Rik/ tPl;Lg;ghl';fspd; Rik mjpfk;
and the home-work, we are not assigning you cs;sjhy; c';fis tPl;L ntiy bra;a mjpfk;
any other home-work. Please do not think that Vt[tjpy;iy. c';fis g[wf;fzpf;fpnwhk; vd;W
we are neglecting you. epidf;fhjPh;fs;.

24 Please do not behave in such a way that makes eP';fs; bghpath;fshd v';fisf; nfyp
us feel shy and shameful, or look small in the bra;tjhfnth mtkhdg;gLj;Jtjhfnth
eyes of others. We cannot bear such things. njhd;Wk;go Tl ele;J tplhjPh;fs;. v';fshy;
Always do things that makes us keep our heads jh';fpf;; bfhs;;s KoahJ.
25 We are not telling you all our unhappy problems. v';fs; ftiyfisbay;yhk; eh';fs; c';fsplk;
We know that may hurt you also. brhy;tjpy;iy. gp";Rfshd c';fsplk;
gpur;rid./ ftiy vd;W jpz[pj;J tUj;jg;gl
itf;f eh';fs; tpUk;gtpy;iy. ,J
bgUe;;jd;ik vd;W g[hpe;J bfhs;S';fs;.
26 We also like to play with you. But at times, we c';fnshL tpisahl Mirjhd;. rkak;
may not be able to spare our time. That does not fpilf;Fk;nghJ MLnthk;. gy ntiyr;
mean that we are neglecting you. Please adjust RikfspUf;Fk;nghJ/ nfuk;; Mlnth/
in such occasions. ge;jhlnth v';fshy; tu ,aytpy;iy vd;why;
v';fs; epiyikia mDrhpj;J ele;J bfhs;tJ
27 We always wish to fulfill our promise given to c';fSf;Fj; je;j thf;FWjpfis
you. If we ae not able to honour any of the epiwntw;wj;jhd; bgw;nwhh;fshfpa eh';;fs;
promises, please understand that it is so because ghLgLfpd;nwhk;. elj;j KoahJ vd;why;
of certain unexpected problems. thf;FWjp juj; ja';Fnthk;. v'fs;
epjpepiyik re;jh;g;gk; ,tw;iw mwpe;J ele;J
28 We often go to temples and offer poojas to pray eh';fs; nfhtpy; bry;tJk;/ g{i$ bra;tJk;
for the happy future of our children to lead a v';fs; tU';fhy re;jjpfshd c';fSf;;fhfnt.
decent life as our worthy heirs. You may also ,J rj;;jpak;. eP';fSk; v';fSf;fhfg;
pray for the good of us. gpuhh;j;jid bra;;ayhnk.
29 why can't you sit along with us and hear our past v';fSld; rpwpJ neuk; mkh;e;J v';fs; giHa
experiences, and how we got out successfully in fijfisf; nfl;lhy; vd;d> mjpy; v';fs;
our difficult trails? Don't "poohpooh" us and run cs;sk; g{hpf;Fnk! "ngh';fs;;. c';fSf;F ntW
away with contempt.
tp#ank ,y;;iy" vd;W XlhjPhfs;.
30 We would like to know about your friends. Your c';fs; ez;gh;fisg; gw;wp eh';fs; mwpe;J
friends have a significant role in moulding your bfhs;tJ kpf mtrpak;. c';fs; th;H;f;ifia
life. So please take step to introduce your mikj;Jf; bfhs;tjpy; el;g[f;F kpFe;j g';;Fz;L.
friends to us. ez;gh;fis v';fsplk; miHj;J
31 Why can't you share your ideas and experiences eP';fs; goj;j bra;jpfs;. fijfs;. eP';fs; urpj;j
about the news and stories you have read, and glf; fhl;rpfs;. eld';fs; Fwpj;J bghpath;fshd
other important events you have participated? v';fsplk; brhd;dhy; vd;d>
32 Please allow us to suggest about your hair-style Ko mikg;g[. cil. ,tw;wpy; c';fSf;F
and your dress-design that may be most suitable Vw;wij eh';fSk; njh;t[ bra;a mDkjpa[';fs;.
to you.
33 We have been always telling you not to dislike or ve;j ghlj;ijnah. Ve;j Mrphpaiunah
have aversion to any of your subjects or to have btWf;ff; TlhJ vd;W eh';fs; brhy;tJ c';fs;
prejudice against any of your teachers. We say ed;ikf;fhfnt. FUit vg;nghJk; kjpf;f
this only for your good. Respect your Teacher ntz;Lk;.
34 You can save the small presents we give you on eh';fs; jUk; md;gspg;g[/ +gha;fis (gpwe;j
special occasions like your birthday, pongal and ehs;/ jPghtsp. bgh';fy; ghpRfis) nrkpj;J
Deepavali and you may also give small presents v';fs; gpwe;j ehs;. kz ehs; ,tw;wpy; xU rpW
to us on certain occasions like our birthday and md;g[g; ghpR jhU';fs;. v';fs; cs;sj;jpd;
marriage day. We will be immensly pleased in fspg;g[ fliy tplg; bghpjhFnk.
your gestures like this and these may give us a
healthy feeling.

35 We fully trust you and have full faith on you. c';fis KGikahf ek;g[fpnwhk;. ek;gpf;if
Let your actions be such that they do not rpjwhky; eP';fs; ele;J bfhs;S'fs;.
dislodge our belief.
36 We point out even your trifle mistakes. Do you eh';fs; c';fsplk; rpW Fiwfs; fz;lhy; Tl
know why we do like this? Because we want Rl;of; fhl;Lfpnwhk;. Vd; bjhpa[kh> Fiw eP';fp
you grow with high ideals and become grown ups eP';fs; KGikahd ey;yth;fs;; Mfj;jhd;.
with high qualities.
37 Today's world is full of competitions. Only people ,d;iwa cyfk; nghl;o epiwe;jJ. jpwik
with ability and high qualities can prosper in life. ,Ug;gtnd Kd;Df;F tuKoa[k;. v';fs;
That is why we give more importance on your gps;isfs; jpwikrhypahf jpfH ntz;Lk;. Vd;W
getting high markds so that you may also eh';fs; vjph;ghh;g;gjhy; kjpg;bgz;;Df;Fk; kjpg;g[
become clever, wise, able and skilful. bfhLf;fpnwhk;. jat[bra;J g[hpe;J
38 We expect you to have your meals along with us xUntisahtJ v';fSld; nrh;e;J mkh;eJ
atleast once in a day. When you grow up, such rhg;gpL';fs;. taJ tsUk;nghJ ,e;j
occasions may be rare. You may go and live in tha;g;g[fs; Fiwayhk;. ntiy jpUkzk; vd;W
other places because of your job elsewhere. Let Mfp btspna gphpe;J bry;y nehplyhk;.
us have these pleasant occasions at least now ,g;nghjhtJ me;j ,dpa mDgtj;ij bgw
when you are young. Kaw;rp bra;a[';fs;.
39 We are your custodians. Tell us your grievances. c';;fSf;F eh';fs; rpwe;j ghJfhty;. v';fsplk;
We are here to guide you. Feel free and be c';fs; kdg;g[Gf;fj;ijf; bfhl;o tpL';fs;.
relaxed. kdjpy; itj;J ntfhjPhfs;.
40 On auspicious and festival days come with us to eh';fs; ey;y ehs;. jpUehspny nfhtpYf;F
the temple. Your company will make us happy. miHj;jhy; rhf;F nghf;F brhy;yp tuhky;
,Ue;J tplhjPhfs;. v';;fs; kdk; nehFk;.
41 Make your friends feel that your parents are c';fs; ez;gh;fsplk; "v';fs;; bgw;;nwhh;fs;
affectionate and good.
ghrkhdth;fs;/. ey;yth;fs;" vd;gij brhy;yp
42 When we are not in good moods and if we use eh';fs; nfhgj;jpy; VjhtJ thh;j;ijfis
some harsh words, kindly ignore them. ngrptpl;lhy; NH;epiyia kdjpy; itj;Jf;
bfhz;L kd;dpj;J tpL';fs;. gpd;dh; "eP';fs;
mg;go ngrpapUf;f ntz;lhk;" vd;W vLj;Jr;
43 You can share our family works like getting re;ijf;F;r; brd;W fha;fwp th';FtJ./ jghy;
vegetables from the market, sending money by MgP!;/ ng';;f; bry;tJ nghd;w rpWrpW
M.O., depositing money for R.D. in the Post cjtpfisr; bra;J bghpa kfpH;r;rpia
Office and getting D.D. from the bank etc., By
v';fSf;F juyhnk!. oo vLg;gJ.
doing these things, you stand to gain valuable
experience. Don't Be a book-worm.
Mh;.o.nghLtJ. ryhd; vGJtJ. Vk;X bra;tJ
,tw;iw gw;wp mwpt[k; c';fSf;F fpilf;Fnk.
c';fs; jFjpia ep+gpf;ft[k; tha;g;g[
fpilf;Fnk. btWk; g[j;jfg;g[Gthf
44 You are given full freedom to meet your friends ez;gh;fSld; eP';fs; v';Fk; bry;yyhk;.
and spend time with them. Also permit us to ngryhk;. eh';fs; mjw;F mDkjp jUfpnwhk;.
know whether your friends are good. mJ jPa el;;gh/ ey;y el;;gh vd;W nrhjpj;J mwpa
v';fSf;F tha;g;g[ jhU';fs;.
45 You can express your gratitude and affection to ey;;y rikay; bra;J nghl;lhy; mk;khitg;
your family members whenever they do good ghuhl;L';fs;. mHfhd xU cil th';fp je;jhy;
things for you. mg;ght[f;F md;g[ld;; xU Kj;;jk; juyhnk.!
nehl;il ijj;;Jj; je;j j';iff;F nuh$hg;g{/
gl;ld; ijj;Jj; je;j ghl;of;F xU rgh#;.
,g;go c';fshy; Koe;jij bra;J ed;wpia

46 We won't interfere in small matters happening in c';fs; gs;spapy; rpWrpW gpur;rpidfs; te;jhy;
your institution. But kindly see that you don't eh';fs; jiyapl khl;nlhk;. mJ FLk;g
spiol our family prestige. If the matter is serious, bfsutj;ij Fiyf;fhj mst[ ghh;j;Jf;
tell us, we will come to your rescue and bfhs;S';fs;. bghpjhdhy; v';fsplk; brhy;yp
guidance. jPh;t[ fhD';;fs;.
47 Whatever we have,they are for you. Don't spoil v';fSilaJ vd;W eh';fs; itj;Js;sJ
them without knowing their values. Please vy;yhk; c';fSf;fhfj;jhd;. cilj;;J/ gGJ
handle them with care. bra;J mtw;wpd; mUikia czuhk;y;
tPrptplhjPh;fs;. ftdkhff; ifahS';fs;.
48 We care for your future. Feel safe and secured. c';;fs; vjph;fhyk; Fwpj;J v';fSf;Fk; mf;fiw/
bjhiynehf;F cz;L. gj;jpukhf ,Ug;gjhf
czU';fs;. v';fs; ghJfhg;g[ tisak;
c';fis Rw;wpna ,Uf;Fk;./
49 You have been provided better facilities v';fSf;F fpilf;fhj trjpfis c';fSf;F
comparatively. Be happy and contented. eh';fs; tH';;fp ,Uf;fpnwhk;. mij epidj;J
Kfkyh;;r;rp[a[k;/ kdkfpH;r;rpa[k; bfhs;S';fs;.
50 About us: we are your parents with full of v';fisf; Fwpj;J
Love md;g[k;. Mh;tKk;. ghrKk;/ ghpt[k;
Affection and vjph;ghh;gg[[k; epiwe;;Js;s bgw;nwhh;fs; eh';fs;
Positive Expectations ,tw;wpd; fhuzkhf rpy rkak;/ mjpf jiyaPL
Because of these, we are compelled mjpf fz;og;g[/ mjpf bry;yk;/ mjpfk; Fw;wk;
to interfere in some of your matters Twy;/ mjpf mwpt[[iu
to be strict with you to maintain discipline mjpf vr;rhpf;if bra;a neuyhk;.
To find fault on your short comings, eh';fs; bghy;yhjth;fs; my;yh;
eh';fs; bfhLikf;fhuh;fs; my;yh;. eh';fs;
gpothjf;fhuh;f;s my;yh;
to give suitable advice, proper guidance etc., and eh';;fs; fl;;Lg;ghl;Lf;fhuh;fs; my;yh;/ eh';fs;
to caution you to avoid failures Raeythjpfs; my;yh. eh';fs; rh;thjpfhhpfs;
my;yh;, eh';;fs; gHikthjpfs; my;yh
Our beloved children v';fs; fz;kzpfns….
We want you to become c'fis ey;y gps;isfshf/ ty;yth;fshf/
good culture citizens xGf;fkhdth;fshf/ tPuk; kpf;fth;fshf/
good natured citizens tpntfk; cs;sth;fshf/ g[dpjkhdth;fshf/
bold citizens g[fGf;Fhpath;fshf Mf;Ftnj v';fs; thH;;tpd;
inteligent citizens nehf;fk;. v';fs; gpuhh;;j;jidfs;
citizens with good character and behaviour v';fs; jpahf';fs; c';fSf;fhfnt/ v';fs;
citizens of name and fame thH;nt c';fSf;;fhfj;jhnd !
we pray for you. Our sacrifices for you.
In short, we are for you g[[hpe;J bfhz;L kjpj;;J thH;e;jhy; nghJk; !
Please Understand us, What else we want? ntbwd;d ntz;Lk; v';fSf;F >
BY md;g[ld;
N. PRASANNAM gpurd;dk;
Cell : 94880-19015 Cell : 94880-19015,
COURTESY: SRI AYYAPPA SANGAM, Trichy ed;wp _ Iag;g r';fk; jpUr;;rp

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