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Volume 23, Fall, 1997 We s t e r n W o o d P re s e r v e r s I n s t i t u te


Several factors contribute to the initial cost
of building an overhead power line. The most
obvious is the purchase price of the structures
themselves. However, structure costs represent
Structure material selection is normally the
only a portion of the total cost of a typical line:
outcome of some form of economic analysis.
Prices of pole materials are usually the first factor
Structure costs 15%
considered in any analysis; however, todays
Engineering 8%
utility purchasing practices commonly include
Right-of-way preparation 25%
many other factors as well.
(including survey)
Wire and insulators 25%
Pole materials
Line and guy hardware 7%
represent only 10 to 20
Construction labor 20%
percent of the total
(including foundations)
cost of building a new
power line. In a recent
The above percentages are approximate and
economic analysis
will change from line to line depending on the
conducted by Engi-
numerous variations encountered in line design
neering Data Manage-
and construction. Normally, structure selection
ment, Inc. (EDM) of
has little impact on any of the factors other than
Fort Collins, Colorado,
structure cost. However, there are certain situa-
the economics for the
tions in which structure selection will affect one or
following types of
more of the other factors.
poles were examined:
Light-duty Steel The legal process of obtaining permission
Fiberglass (FRC) to build a new overhead line is often both time
Spun Concrete consuming and costly. The simplest project would
allow for line construction along an existing utility
In the study, the significance of other installa- easement and thus require only the approval of
tion costs was reviewed along with various post- the state agency which governs the activities of
construction costs for inspection, maintenance, the utility. In this scenario, the planning and
repair, replacement, and disposal. By properly design cycles tend to be very short with decisions
considering all of these factors, utilities can accu- made based on routine economic analyses.
rately and equitably make economic evaluations
as part of their material selection process. Projects are seldom this simple, however.

When new lines require the acquisition of

new ROW, and especially in the case of new
transmission circuitry, the permitting process can
be very lengthy and complex. First, the utility CONDUCTOR, INSULATOR, AND HARDWARE COSTS
must often prove the need for the line before
starting the permitting process. Given a certificate These items are very significant cost factors in
of need, the utility then must obtain approval the construction of an overhead line and usually
from all the various local and state agencies which represent more dollars than the structures them-
have jurisdiction over line construction. Also, if selves. Their costs are impacted only slightly by
the subject line proposes to cross any federal land structure material selection. Conductor costs
or waterways, the process becomes much more generally are totally independent of structure
involved as there are several federal agencies type, but insulator costs may vary. Because wood
which must provide consent. itself is an insulator, less line insulation is
required than would be for either steel or concrete
When the permitting process shows promise structures. Many utilities, however, size insulators
of being completed, acquisition of the needed based on structure type unless they are designing
ROW becomes high priority. This process is often for higher voltage circuitry (i.e. 230 kV and
delicate, requiring artful negotiations, and some- above). Those utilities which base insulator size
times takes several years to complete. In past on structure material type can save between $1
years, utilities could often use the right of emi- and $3 per insulator on a typical distribution line
nent domain to obtain particular parcels of land when using wood poles.
from uncooperative landowners. Today, this right
is granted less frequently and thus negotiations While different pole types utilize different
have become much more sensitive to the desires styles of hardware, the end result is that hardware
of the landowners. costs from material to material tend to be approxi-
mately the same and thus have no significant
Final line engineering and survey work costs impact on pole material selection.
are relatively independent of the structure mate-
rial selection. Only when structure configurations
change or guying requirements differ between Field labor costs for the different pole
materials will cost variations be introduced. materials will vary depending on the following:
Ease of ROW access
Pole prices are affected by several different Pole preparation
factors including: Construction techniques used
Construction and lift equipment available
Raw material cost Foundation requirements
Raw material availability Logistics of pole delivery
Supply quantity Climbing requirements
Order quantity
Delivery lead time For many overhead line projects, these vari-
Material-to-labor cost ratio ables result in only small differences between
Transportation materials and are
often considered
For wood poles, the negligible. However,
West Coast species such there still remains a
as Douglas-fir or West- significant number of
ern Red Cedar service a projects in which
wide range of pole these variables cannot
heights and load class and should not be
demands and offer a ignored.
sustainable supply of
poles from 35 ft. Class
05 through 125 ft. Class
H2. Providing suppliers with
adequate lead times helps
utilities hold down costs.
Generally, through-drilled holes are used for their work regimen. As such, ease and safety in
most line hardware connections. While wood climbing were important issues to all construction
poles are frequently furnished with pre-drilled personnel. Wood poles were normally favored
framing holes, field-drilling is often necessary. over the other materials because they were famil-
Because wood poles have been in use much longer iar and afforded complete versatility in climbing
than any of the other types, they are the most without any added expense. All the other
familiar and are normally considered the most materials require added appendages to accommo-
user friendly with regard to field drilling. Tools date climbing and, even then, do not provide the
and procedures for the field adaptation of wood same flexibility for worker positioning atop a
poles are well established and are the standard pole. Today, bucket trucks have, in many
against which the ease of use of the other situations, eliminated the need for linemen to
materials is measured. Fully pre-drilled poles are climb any pole. However, climbing provisions are
generally only practical when they are ordered still normally required on the alternative material
project specific. More often, poles are ordered as a poles as emergency means of access. Conse-
commodity for stocking purposes or for projects quently, climbing provisions can still remain an
in which engineering has not yet been finalized. added cost for steel, FRC and concrete poles.

The majority of projects utilize conventional

construction techniques. That is, line beds and/or
cranes are used to lift and set poles. However, CONSTRUCTION
concrete poles will typically require heavier
equipment. In some instances aerial construction
techniques (helicopters) are mandated and weight
can have a significant impact on construction The least sophisticated cost evaluations
costs. consider nothing beyond initial cost. Purchase
decisions of the past were sometimes based
Structure material choice generally has little strictly on delivered cost of the product. As utility
effect on foundation costs. Direct embedment is purchasing practices evolved, more and more
the foundation of choice for all materials. And factors were added to purchasing equations. The
since all poles are essentially the same size and are previous section described some of the factors
carrying the same load, the necessary depth for which would be a part of a total installed cost
embedment and augured hole diameter are nor- equation. This type of equation has been used by
mally the same. Differences are only introduced most utilities for many years, but does not neces-
in situations where special protection must be sarily provide as complete an analysis as possible.
provided to one of the material types to protect it
against an unusually harsh subterranean environ- Today, there are post-construction cost factors
ment or where high groundwater creates a buoy- which are also being considered. Inclusion of
ancy problem for one or more of the pole types. these factors will occasionally alter the outcome of
In the latter case, heavy pole weight is considered material selection evaluations. In order to fairly
an asset as it facilitates pole setting. evaluate the impact of factors which represent
moneys expended at later points in time, present-
Trucking is the most common means of pole value comparisons become necessary. A descrip-
transportation. Rail transport is normally only tion of the technique used for the purposes of this
used when distances from origin to delivery site study follow. In general, the initial installation
are long. Rail transport only becomes a cost costs usually represent the largest portion of total
variable when there is no rail siding at the selected expense, but in situations in which comparisons of
pole yard(s). In those situations, additional as-installed costs between material types is
handling costs are incurred to transport poles close, post-construction factors can impact the
from the nearest available siding to the pole outcome of an evaluation.

Years ago, pole climbing provided the only

practical means of access to the overhead lines for Some wood fir poles have been
construction and maintenance operations. Line- in service for eighty years.
men climbed poles everyday as a normal part of
INSPECTION COSTS None of the materials is immune to all of the
various forms of degradation, but some perform
The frequency of line patrols and time spent better than others in certain environments. Any
in inspection are priority pole placed into a hostile
matters dictated by a lines environment will usually
importance. A recent survey require periodic maintenance
of the inspection techniques to enable it to perform prop-
used by various utilities erly throughout its expected
reveals tremendous varia- life. The type and extent of
tions within the industry. maintenance will vary, but for
Techniques used include the alternative material poles
both aerial surveys, using the maintenance generally
either airplanes or helicop- relates to surface restoration.
ters, and ground patrols Should the galvanized finish
which may or may not have or paint coatings, which are
included some climbing used to protect steel poles
inspection. All cases differed from corrosion, deteriorate or
significantly in the amount be damaged, repair or refinish
of time spent on average at work will be necessary. FRC
each structure. While no two poles also rely on protective
utilities operate the same coatings plus UV inhibitors to
protect against resin decompo-
way, on average it appears
sition and the subsequent
that lines are patrolled and
On average, most utilities inspect poles every five years. blooming of glass fibers.
poles inspected approxi-
Damage to any of these coat-
mately every five years.
ings needs to be repaired. Concrete poles need to
maintain good surface continuity as well, so that
the underlying steel is protected against exposure
to the elements and possible corrosion. Concrete
poles which show signs of deterioration need to
have cracks filled and their surfaces resealed.
These types of remedial action are necessary to
ensure continued good performance by the poles.

While surface protection is of primary con-

cern for the alternative material poles, the primary
cause for wood degradation is biological attack.
Most environments harbor multiple agents
capable of causing damage to wood poles. Preser-
vative treating of wood is necessary for combating
Inspection and maintenance programs will ensure maximum service fungal, bacterial, and insect attacks. As poles age,
life from wood pole structures. the effects of initial treatments tend to weaken and
remedial preservative treatments become neces-
sary to prolong the life of the poles. Some
Inspection techniques, especially for wood environments have been found mild enough that
poles, have improved dramatically in recent years. remedial actions have proven unnecessary.
These newer techniques provide vastly improved However, the majority of wood poles in service
information quality at very reasonable costs. today has received, or is scheduled to receive,
remedial treatment.
Pole maintenance costs will vary with the
Pole maintenance requirements are normally severity of the environment. Thus, for the pur-
dictated by the environment. Harsh environments pose of doing an economic evaluation, differing
can sometimes place strenuous demands on environments were studied. The maintenance
maintenance crews. However, an environment assumptions and costs used for each are discussed
which is deemed particularly harsh for one later.
material may not be for another.
REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT COSTS Wood poles removed from service are also
candidates for reuse if they are still in sound
Situations arise in which more than simple condition. However, the disposal of wood poles is
maintenance activities are needed to prolong the a slightly
useful life of a pole. Any of the pole types can different
become damaged beyond repair. Where damage issue.
to a pole diminishes its strength beyond an Because
acceptable level, some type of corrective action the vast
becomes necessary. In the most extreme cases, majority
pole replacement may be the best or only practical of wood
solution. However, where reasonable caution is poles are
exercised and good inspection programs are in treated
place during the life of the line, it is highly un- with some
likely that any of the alternative material poles type of
will warrant replacement as the result of progres- chemical
sive degradation. Catastrophic natural events, preserva-
such as hurricanes or tornadoes, are the usual tive, there
causes for alternative material poles needing to is some
be replaced. concern
for how
Wood poles require replacement on the best to
average of 2 to 4% every ten years starting at handle
twenty years. These replacements are the result their
of advanced deterioration from natural causes. disposal.
Wood poles also need proper maintenance to Wood
ensure life longevity. poles
from Long service life equals significant dollar savings.
Certain forms of damage might be corrected
via mechanical repair which can save money and service are
should always be considered as an option. How- often either given away (accompanied by a
ever, because these types of repair are often associ- material safety data sheet) or used for fuel in
ated with damage caused by forces outside of certain types of power plants. A few years ago the
nature, there is no way to predict the frequency of practices for disposing of treated wood were
such occurrences. Thus, costs of pole repair have studied by various governmental agencies and
not been factored into the economic analyses there was concern that it might be reclassified as
which follow. hazardous waste. However, after careful review
by the governing environmental regulatory
DISPOSAL COSTS agencies, its classification as a solid waste
remained unchanged. The EPA did formulate
When a line is decommissioned, materials are Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)
removed so that the land can be reclaimed for use regulations which now govern treated wood
by a new line or another purpose. Old poles will disposal. CCA-treated wood is currently exempt
either be reused or discarded. If discarded, from these regulations and all other current wood
several options exist for the materials final dispo- pole treatments pass the TCLP requirements by a
sition. Steel is commonly recycled; in many significant margin.
instances new line applications can be found for
the steel poles and they are returned to service on
a different project. When no new application is
found, steel poles are typically sold for scrap and
thus generate a small amount of revenue. Simi-
larly, FRC and concrete poles are also candidates
for reuse. When recycling is not a viable option, Need Information on treated
then landfill disposal is normally used since these Wood Poles or Crossarms?
materials are not considered hazardous to the
environment. Call WWPI at 1-800-729-WOOD
COST COMPARISONS quantities for all pole types. (Note: a customization
of these studies to reflect the actual geography of a
particular utility company will alter the results one way or
When making a cost study of the various another, depending on pole quantities used and relative
material options, any or all of the previously distances from individual pole suppliers.)
discussed factors may be considered. The follow-
ing graphs show the results of two distinctly While the first graph provides an example of
different studies. The first graph measures the the cost relationship between materials based
cost differences between the different pole solely on purchase prices, the life cycle economics
materials based simply on purchase prices and the example looks at all the factors and gives consid-
second graph shows the relative cost differences eration to the time value of money based on a
based on a complete study of life-cycle economics. present value analysis. The approach of using
present value, life cycle costs is often considered
Graphs illustrate the cost relationship between wood and the fairest means of comparison because it consid-
the other materials, setting wood costs as the benchmark ers and properly weighs all the material variables.
of 1.0. This life cycle cost study gives consideration to the

Environmental conditions
Material costs and availability
Construction costs
Projected service life
Inspection costs / Inspection frequency
Maintenance costs / Maintenance frequency

For the purpose of present value calculations,

a 4% inflation rate and a 10% discount rate are
assumed. The equation used for computing the
present value (PV) of a single expenditure is given
below. The present value for multiple project
expenditures is a simple summation of all the
individual PVs.

(Cost) x (IF) N
PV = where,
(DF) N

PV = Present Value
Cost = Todays Value
IF = Inflation Factor [ 1 + inflation rate ]
DF = Discount Factor [ 1 + discount rate ]
N = Year No [ no. of years from present ]

The useful life of any pole is directly depen-

dent on the care and maintenance it receives while
in service. For the alternative material poles, pole
life can be expected to equal or exceed the life of
the line. For wood, biodegradation will cause a
certain number of poles to be replaced over time.
However, when a good wood pole inspection and
In both examples, the pole prices used were maintenance program is followed, the number of
taken from current industry surveys and reflect poles needing replacement is typically limited to
equivalent pole designs based on NESC Grade B two to four percent every ten years after twenty
design criteria. The prices include freight costs years of service. For the purpose of this example,
which assume equal shipment distances and pole a three percent replacement rate is used. A mod-
erate environment, typical of the majority of line treatments generally range from $25 to $40 for
sites, and an 80-year line life was assumed when wood poles (all environments) and $20 to $30 for
establishing the inspection and maintenance steel and FRC poles (harsh environments).
criteria shown below:

Criteria Moderate Environment SUMMARY

Effective Pole Life 3% wood replacement
every 10 years beginning Many different conclusions can be drawn
@ 20 years from the examples. Most notable is the fact that
80+ year life for alternative the maintenance and inspection costs, which are
poles incurred several years following initial line
construction, are not extremely significant to
Inspection Line patrol and pole present worth". As a general rule, wood pole
inspection @ 5-year intervals lines tend to be the most costly to maintain. Even
Maintenance Wood - treatments @ 20 so, this example shows that the costs of future
years and every 10 years inspection, maintenance, and pole replacement
thereafter add only 5%-11% to the present value of a wood
Alternative poles - none pole installation and 0%-1% to the present value
required of an alternative material pole line. While this
does narrow the margin of cost difference between
wood and the alternative materials, it is less of a
The frequency of line patrolling is normally a difference than often perceived. The actual
matter of prioritization. A utility will often use a calculated difference in post-installation costs
line importance factor as part of their equation between wood and the alternative materials only
in determining type and frequency of inspection. ranged between 5% and 10% of the initial installa-
The more important the line, the more rigorous is tion cost. This equates to between $30-$90 per
their inspection program. There are no industry pole for most distribution lines and between
standards for said practices. For the purpose of $100-$300 per pole for most transmission lines.
this example, a five year interval between inspec-
tions is used. Final analysis shows that the major factor in
the economic evaluation for pole selection is the
Good maintenance programs include pole initial cost for materials and labor, and wood
inspection as a routine part of their ground poles tend to be the lowest cost construction for
patrols. A complete visual inspection is normal most pole sizes. Future costs have only a minor
for all pole types, with wood poles requiring impact on the evaluation. This relationship holds
additional groundline NDT. Based on recent data true in most normal economic environments. A
collected, costs for this type of inspection average lowering of discount rates will increase the
$9 per pole for wood and $3 per pole for each of importance of future costs, while a rise in rates
the other materials. will lessen their importance. Thus, while these
rates can be manipulated to influence an economic
Depending on the severity of the environ- evaluation, the rates used for this example repre-
ment, certain remedial actions may be necessary sent realistic values for todays economy. Only
to restore a poles protection system. Concrete major economic swings, beyond what we have
poles require very minimal maintenance in most experienced in recent years, would affect discount
environments. In harsh environments, steel and rates to a degree which would have any signifi-
FRC poles will typically need some touchup to cant impact on this type of cost comparison.
their original coating system on the average of
once every twenty to thirty years. However, for
the moderate environment used in this example, it
EDM's analysis demonstrates that for
was assumed that no maintenance would be most overhead line applications, treated
required for either steel or FRC poles. Since the wood, compared to steel, fiberglass or
effectiveness of wood preservatives diminishes concrete, remains the most cost-effective
over time, wood poles normally need some form
material in terms of initial costs as well
of remedial treatment after twenty years of service
and at ten year intervals thereafter. Costs for said as total life-cycle costs.
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Western Wood Preservers Institute Permit No. 194
7017 N.E. Hwy 99, Suite 108, Vancouver, Washington 98665

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