Assessing Pupil Performance: Megan Lockett 8B

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Your task is to answer the following questions:

3b Question 1a
What are fibre optics and give a short description of how they
work? A diagram may be useful.
Fibre optics are fine and flexible glass or plastic fibres that transmits light or
energy signals along its length. A glass or plastic tube the size of a human
hair has light rays sent down it. Because of the properties of the tube the light
ray bounces of the sides instead of going through the tube. The light rays can
travel round corners because the light rays bounce of the tube sides at certain

5d Question 1b
Describe how an understanding of total internal reflection has
helped scientists to develop endoscope and phones
Total internal reflection is wear all (total) of the light or energy signals are
travelling down the inside (internal) of a human hair sized tube. The signal
being transmitted down the tube is bouncing (reflecting) of the sides of the
tubing. When the energy or light signal hits the wall of the tubing the signal
bounces back, then it hits the opposite wall. Every time the signal hits the
tubing wall the signal bounces back at the same angle this angle will never
change throughout the journey down the tubing. Meaning that the signal
being transmitted can travel around corners. This information about total
internal reflection has helped scientist develop there ideas about endoscopes
and phones because they no that the signal can travel down any size or shape
tubing. The light source is at the end of the endoscope so when the light hits
the wall of the organ in examination the light reflects back of the organs side
and travels back up the tubing in the way described above to give the doctors
a clear image of the patients insides without cutting them open.
Question 2
Two uses for fibre optics is communication and endoscopes
For each use answer these questions
4b Question 2a USE: Endoscopes
Describe what it is replacing
The Endoscope replaced a large tube which was lit by candle light.

3c Question 2b
4c Show how this new technique is an improvement over existing
6b techniques.
6d The Endoscope is an improvement on the large tube lit by candle light
because the candle is a dangerous source of light. Candles can burn people
because the flame is exposed where as a light uses no flame and the filament
(the part of a bulb that lets of the light source) is covered so it can not burn.
The tubing used for an endoscope is a flexible meaning it will go were ever in
the body you want, it is also a thinner tube which is easier to fit through the
inside of the body. Where as the previous invention used thick and inflexible
tubing which would not fit easily through the body’s insides.
4a Question 2c
5c Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this use for fibre
6d optics
The disadvantage of using an endoscope is that it is a rather uncomfortable
for the patient.
The advantages of using the endoscope is that the patient doesn’t have to be
cut open meaning there will be no scar left on the patient’s body.
5a Question 2d
What might the people using this technique think about it? Give
reasons to back up your ideas. Why good or bad?
A reason that people might think that the endoscope is good because it is
quick and easy to use.
A reason that people might think the endoscope is bad is because it is an
uncomtable procedure.
6a Question 2e
6b Has the technique made an impact on life in other countries?
Yes because a team of trained US doctors are launching a new programme so
that people all over the world have the option of having an endoscopy. With
out this people could be wrongly diagnosed as result of this could mean that
people could die.
Question 2
Two uses for fibre optics is communication and endoscopes
For each use answer these questions
4b Question 2a USE: Communication
Describe what it is replacing
Phones and other forms of communication now use fibre optics to get the
information across the world rather than copper wires.
3c Question 2b
4c Show how this new technique is an improvement over existing
6b techniques.
6d Phones and other forms of communication using fibre optics have replaced
the copper wires for a clearer sound and faster speed of communication
across the world.
4a Question 2c
5c Describe the advantages and disadvantages of this use for fibre
6d optics
The advantage of using fibre optics instead of copper wires in communication
is that 120,000 standard telephone calls can be transmitted over one pair of
optical fibres (one transmitting and one receiving).
The disadvantages of using fibre optics instead of copper wires in
communication are specialist skills are required for the installation of fibre
optics, it cost more to install than copper cabling and the enormous
information that each fibre is carrying can cause the fibres to break which
would mean a that communication would be down.
5a Question 2d
What might the people using this technique think about it? Give
reasons to back up your ideas. Why good or bad?
People might think that fibre optics are good because they are faster than
copper wires and give a clearer sound. Also people might think they are good
because they carry lots of information which means they are not as many
cables needed if they were made of fibre than if they were made of copper.
They may be considered good in peoples opinions because they under ground
so they will not ruin views by putting up big pilons.Although people might
think that they are bad because they are too expensive to install and repair
and if they break cut off a lot of peoples communication.
6a Question 2e
6b Has the technique made an impact on life in other countries?
The use of fibre optics in communication has had a big impact on people all
over the world because they can contact people all over the world quickly an
3 AF2
Understanding the applications and implications of science
To reach this level I could have:
a described some uses of fibre optics.
b stated that information can be carried from place to place using light reflections.
c explained that using light to carry speech when we use a telephone has improved
the quality of what we hear.
4 AF2
Understanding the applications and implications of science
To reach this level I could have:
a described some of the improvements that there have been in medicine due to the
development of fibre optics as well as any drawbacks, e.g. investment in new
b explained that fibre optics are replacing copper wires.
c described the use of fibre optics to look inside people without cutting them open.
5 AF2
Understanding the applications and implications of science
To reach this level I could have:
a explained why healthcare staff like endoscopes, e.g. they are quick to use, but
some patients may be worried, e.g. having to swallow an endoscope.
b described how the development of endoscopes has affected doctors, e.g.
retraining, less surgical time needed; and patients, e.g. faster recovery, better to use in
parts of the world where infection is difficult to control.
c explained why the use of fibre optics has improved survival rate of operations, but
sometimes the use of an endoscope can cause its own complications.
d described how an understanding of total internal reflection helped scientists to
develop endoscopes.
6 AF2
Understanding the applications and implications of science
To reach this level I could have:
a described how fibre optics have made a significant impact in more developed
b explained how the installation of fibre optic cables affects the people living in those
countries, e.g. clearer phone calls, faster data transfer allowing faster trading; and the
companies that make the cables, e.g. making more profit.
c explained how the development of fibre optics has lead to developments in glass
d described the benefits to patients of fibre optic investigations compared to invasive

Task 23 Bending light 2 – Level ladder

Task 23 Bending light

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