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Assignment -1 (UNIT-1)

1) Define and explain in detail the terms Radiation Resistance, effective aperture and polarization of an
antenna ?

2) Calculate the radiation resistance of an antenna which is radiating 1 k watt and drawing a current of
25 ampere ?

3) Distinguish between antenna bandwidth and antenna beam width ?

4) Define the terms, Radiation pattern, Radiation intensity. Antenna Efficiency,

Polarization w.r.t. Antennas?

5) Obtain the relationship between Directive gain D, radiation resistance R r and effective length leff,
of an antenna ?

6) Obtain Radar-range equation

7) Define Beam width, input impedance, Beam efficiency and Bandwidth of antenna and
obtain expressions for the same ?

8) Define Maximum directivity of an antenna and compare it with isotropic Antenna directivity ?

9) any 5 problems

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