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Tapioca is a starch extracted from cassava root whose scientific name is

Manihot esculenta and originally cultivated from the North Region of
Brazil but then spread throughout South America. It started to enter the
continents of Asia when the plant was carried by Portuguese and Spanish
explorers. However, nowadays tapioca has started to grown world widely
and goes by many different names around the world. It is commonly called
as cassava, yuca or simply the tapioca plant. Tapioca is a shrubby,
perennial and tropical plant that able to grow in low-nutrient soils and
harvest quickly compare to any other food plant. All over the world, tapioca
has become the vital staple food as the starchy roots of tapioca able to
produce more food energy per unit of land. In addition, tapioca is also
really versatile and can be used in a wide range type of food such as
mashed potato, croquettes and even soup. In Southeast Asia, tapioca is
commonly cut into small slices and served as a snack, similar to french
fries, wedges and potato chips. There are various kind of chips in Malaysia
especially among the Malays. One of the most popular chips is kerepek
pedas, where the chips are coated with hot and spicy chili and onion paste
as well as peanuts and anchovies are mixed with it. The production of
chips have started to increase gradually from year to year and it have
become one of the most popular local industry among Malays. Thus, this
resulting to a lot of establishment of chips factory in Malaysia.

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