2do Revision

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Completa con can o can't.

1. Where ________ I see a good rock concert?

2. Can Lisa speak French?

No, she ________ .

3. What ________ you do?

4. Can Lucy drive?

Yes, she ________

5. Where ________ I buy a new camera?

6. ________ you read in Portuguese?

Yes, I can.

7. Can I invite my friends?

Yes, they ________ come.

8. ________ you help me, please?

9. ________ you play the piano?

10. I ________ find my keys. Where are they?

1. Read the following text and answer the questions.

Hello. My name is Peter and I live in New York, but I come from Texas. My parents still live there,
with my two brothers and my sister. I work in Chicago for a big important hospital. Im a doctor. I
work from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. I sometimes work at the weekends, too. I like my job
and the salary is very good. At the weekends I usually go to Texas to visit my family. Sometimes I go to
the casino there. Last Saturday I didnt go because I was very busy. There was a lot of work at the

a. What does Peter do?


b. Where does he live?


c. Does he go to the casino every weekend?


d. Why does he like his job?

e. Did he work last weekend?

2. Look at the following interview and complete the questions using the verbs in brackets.(__/15)

Interviewer: This is Paul Bowker. Im talking to the football player Mike West. Hello Mike. How
. (be) you?
Footballer: Hi Paul. Im fine thanks.
Interviewer: .. (work) on Sunday and Monday?
Footballer: No, I dont. Thats my weekend.
Interviewer: What (do) on Sunday?
Footballer: I go out with my girlfriend.
Interviewer: .. (see) your girlfriend on Monday, too?
Footballer: No, I dont. She goes to work.
Interviewer: Where . (work)?
Footballer: In a bank.
Interviewer: What . (do) on Manday?
Footballer: I get up late and then I play tennis in the afternoon.
Interviewer: When (go) to the club?
Footballer: I go to the club at 9 oclock from Tuesday to Saturday.
Interviewer: When. (practise)?
Footballer: Every morning.
Interviewer: Thank for your time Mike.
Footballer: Thank you.

3- Tommys doing his homework about food Can you help him finish it? Use the words
in the box to complete the text
Do you want to be .. and have a good physical condition? Well, you need a
balanced diet. Eat all the .. in the food pyramid . You need
. to help you grow. Its in meat and .. .Calcium is
necessary, too: its in milk products like ..or cheese. Its good for your
bones and ..
Include a lot of fruit (apples .. and pears) and ... . They
contain vitamin. Dont forget about fibre. Its in bread and ... .Chocolate and
..are not prohibited but dont eat them every day. You need to practice
sports, too.

4) Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the Present Simple

1. I usually ___________(go) to school.

2. They ___________ ( not visit) us often.
3. ___________You ___________ (play) basketball once a week?
4. Tom ___________ (not work) every day.
5. He always ___________ (tell) us funny stories.
6. She never ___________ (help) me with that!
7.___________ Martha and Kevin ___________ (swim) twice a week.
8. In this club people usually ___________ (dance) a lot.
9. Linda ___________ (take care) of her sister.
10. John rarely ___________ (leave) the country.
11. We ___________ (not live) in the city most of the year.
12. ___________Lorie ___________ (travel) to Paris every Sunday.
13. I ___________ (bake) cookies twice a month.
14. You always ___________ (teach) me new things.
15. ___________She___________ ( help) the kids of the neighborhood


a) He _____ e-mails at work. Write/ writes
b) I _____ my uncle at Christmas. Meets/ meet
c) My brother _____ a printer at work. uses / use
d) We _____ at school. work / works
e) My children _____ with their toys. Plays/ play
f) My sister _____ French at university. Learn/ learns
g) We _____ our grandmother at weekends. visit / visits

10th January
Hi guys! Welcome to my blog! My names Katie and Im Scottish. My parents come from Edinburgh
but we live in a small town in the west. My family is not very big. Its just mum, dad and my brother
Patrick (16). He likes sport, sport and more sport Yeah, yeah! Hes VERY active! Well, sport is
not my thing! I love rock n roll. My favourite band is K-Out! I think theyre AWESOME. Do you like
them? OK, now languages. I speak English at home and Gaelic at school. Gaelic? Yes, thats a
language. Very old, really difficult, but its cool! Dia Dhuit! (= Hello) Funny, ha? What about you? Tell
me about your family and interests. And please, FOLLOW MY BLOG!

Read the text and complete with True (T), false (F), not in the text (NT)
1 Katies blog is new. ___ 4 Patrick is young. ___
2 Shes an only child. ___ 5 Hes an excellent cyclist. ___
3 Katie doesnt like sport. ___ 6 Music is important to Katie. ___
7 Katies parents speak Gaelic. ___

2 Meet my family! Complete with the correct form of the verb have got.

1.Edward and Maggie _____________ three grandchildren.

2 Mary _____________ any nieces.
3 Henry and Anne _____________ any daughters.
4 Malcom _____________ a brother or a sister.
5 _____________ Alfred _____________ a nephew?
6 _____________ Patrick and Katie _____________ any cousins?

3 Write the profession or the work place.

1 My grandmother is a nurse. She works in a h_______________ in Wexford.
2 Aunt Anne works in a shop. Shes a s_______________ a_______________.
3 Uncle Henry is an a_______________. He works in his studio in Edinburgh.
4 My dad works in a school. Hes a t______________.
5 My mum works in a lab. Shes a s_______________.

4 Personal questions

1 What do you do after school?

2 Where are you from?
3 How old are you?
4 What kind of music do you like?
5 Whats important in your life?

5 Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. PAY ATTENTION TO NEGATIVES

Melisa and Matias are my new friends from school. They 1_____________ (come) from Brazil so they 2
_____________ (not speak) Spanish very well. Their father, Lucas, 3 _____________ (work) for a big company
in Buenos Aires. 4_____________ he _____________ (speak) Spanish? No, he 5 _____________. Their mum ,
Raquel, is an doctor, but she 6 _____________ (not work) in a hospital. She _________(work) in a private
company. 7 _____________ they _____________ 8 (like) their new home town? Yes, they 9 _____________;
they think Madero is fantastic!

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