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{964}{1043}IsNewsReal Films presents...|Exiting News!

{1045}{1091}Is the divorce over?
{1093}{1189}Are spirit and science|tying the knot once more?
{1192}{1285}Are the church and the laboratory|saying the same thing?
{1288}{1333}Out of the misty ages of antiquity-
{1335}{1410}-the quest for the divine|and the quest for knowledge|about the univ
{1412}{1458}-marched hand in hand.
{1460}{1532}Ancient Sumer -|There was a god of astronomy,
{1534}{1614}-a god of horticulture,|a god of irrigation-
{1616}{1686}-and the temple priests were|the scribes and technologists-
{1688}{1745}-investigating these|fields of knowledge.
{1748}{1858}Ancient Greece -|Philosophers asking|the questions of why are we her
{1863}{1988}-developed the theory of the atom,|celestial movements and human eth
{1990}{2036}Medieval Europ -
{2038}{2107}The Western church arose to|a position of supreme power.
{2110}{2189}Kingmaker, landowner|and purveyor of the truth,
{2191}{2295}-the church took it upon themselves|to be the one knower of everythi
{2297}{2350}The dogma was law.
{2352}{2414}Yet science had moved forward-
{2417}{2517}-and now challenged the dogma,|that the Earth was the center|of the
{2520}{2652}Copernicus, Bruno and Galileo,|all felt the heavy hand of the church
{2657}{2702}The tragedy!
{2704}{2774}Unable to suppress science anymore-
{2776}{2858}-the church and science divided|up knowledge and human endeavor.
{2860}{2906}Descartes invented dualism.
{2908}{2954}The church had the unseen,
{2956}{2990}-science the seen.
{2992}{3086}And materialism was born.
{3088}{3136}An uneasy truce.
{3138}{3196}Scientists were no longer being bound-
{3198}{3244}-and they reacted with a vengeance.
{3246}{3311}All the unseen is fantasy, delusion.
{3313}{3400}We are strictly little machines|running in a predictable|machine uni
{3402}{3457}-governed by strict, immutable laws.
{3460}{3505}The church pushed back.
{3508}{3572}Soulless scientists|were condemned to hell!
{3575}{3649}Darwin countered.|The creator is nothing, nowhere.
{3652}{3697}We are random mutations,
{3699}{3771}-simply a carrier of DNA's|relentless quest for more-
{3774}{3846}-in a meaningless universe.
{3848}{3958}And meanwhile, both science and|religion were hitting the wall.
{3961}{4059}If everything was mechanistic|and God was the Holy Creator,
{4062}{4131}-then what were we|humans supposed to do?
{4133}{4208}Science dug ever deeper|into a dead universe-
{4210}{4306}-and stumbled upon|and unlocked a mystery.
{4311}{4371}In tiny corners of space and time-
{4373}{4438}-scientists found unfathomable energy-
{4440}{4498}-and mind-numbing mysteries.
{4500}{4579}Mysteries that suggest|we are all connected,
{4582}{4668}-that the physical universe|is essentially non-physical.
{4671}{4738}Time and space are just constructs-
{4740}{4807}-of this non-materialness.
{4810}{4910}And today, renegade scientists|are meeting with religious leaders.
{4913}{5018}Conferences pushing forward a meeting|of science and spirit are spri
nging up.
{5021}{5116}As the 20th century blew open|the doors of a mechanistic view-
{5119}{5205}-will the 21st century|blow down the iron wall-
{5208}{5268}-between the church and laboratory?
{5270}{5366}This is your IsNewsReal reporter...|signing off.
{5853}{5932}The rabbit hole and how deep|and how far we want to go,
{5934}{6028}-is really how far, how much do you|want to discover about your true
{6099}{6179}Alice went down the rabbit hole|where she met the Mad Hatter.
{6181}{6222}The hatter was mad.
{6224}{6337}And the idea was, you want to|get out of the rabbit hole|after you'v
e gone in.
{6339}{6387}So there's two stages to science.
{6390}{6488}There's - there's the crazy part,|where you go down the rabbit hole,
{6490}{6613}-and then there's the part where you|check the craziness of your ide
{6617}{6747}-against a rigorous, strict,|straitjacket-like process.
{6749}{6819}I think the interesting|thing about science,
{6821}{6884}-the interesting thing about physics-
{6886}{6965}-is that it is a genuinely|new and novel way-
{6967}{7035}-of trying to come to|grips with the world.
{7037}{7142}I think the experimental method,|which is important to physics,
{7145}{7246}-is a very different business|from the method of revelation,
{7248}{7329}-or the method of meditation|or something like that.
{7332}{7418}I don't think it's true,|that for example-
{7421}{7509}-adherents of, say, Buddhism,
{7512}{7605}-could imagine changing their beliefs-
{7608}{7718}-based on the outcomes of some|experiments people do with electrons.
{7795}{7876}Why this apparent rift|between the church and science,
{7879}{7955}-or between science and|religion emerged today?
{7958}{8025}I think the roots|of that are very deep-
{8027}{8130}-because it probably goes|back to a conviction-
{8133}{8181}-that some of the books|of the scriptures,
{8183}{8267}-like the Book of Genesis|which deals with beginnings,
{8269}{8339}-is actually telling us about|the origins of the world.
{8341}{8408}Now, in fact, any biblical|scholar will tell you-
{8411}{8480}-this is not news -|that the Book of Genesis-
{8483}{8576}-was never meant to be|about the origins of the world.
{8579}{8665}But many churchmen believed|that in the Book of Genesis-
{8667}{8763}-you had actual sort|of live news, like CNN,
{8766}{8814}-about the beginnings of creation.
{8816}{8890}And, therefore, you had many|people down through the ages,
{8893}{8989}-like the famous Archbishop|James Ussher in Ireland in 1650,
{8991}{9082}who calculated all the ages|of the patriarchs back along-
{9085}{9142}-and worked out,|to his own satisfaction,
{9144}{9195}-that the creation|of the world occurred-
{9197}{9322}-in the year 4004 B.C.|on the 17th of September|at 9:00 in the morni
{9413}{9514}I think that there must be|a scientific explanation|for spirituality
{9516}{9598}I don't think there's been|a good one until recently.
{9600}{9662}To me, the only one|that makes sense is that-
{9665}{9782}-proto-consciousness,|Platonic values, goodness, truth,
{9785}{9866}-exist at this fundamental level|of space-time geometry,
{9869}{9952}-which can influence our|actions if we're open to them-
{9955}{10024}-and interconnects us|to all other beings-
{10027}{10099}-to the universe at large.
{10470}{10549}Science creates the stories|that we live by-
{10552}{10626}-and science has told|us a very bleak story.
{10631}{10727}It's told us that we're|some sort of genetic mistake,
{10729}{10837}-that we have genes that use us,|basically, to move on|to the next
{10840}{10890}-and that we randomly mutate.
{10892}{10955}It's said that we are|outside of our universe,
{10957}{11019}-that we're alone,|that we are separate-
{11022}{11098}-and that we are this|sort of lonely mistake-
{11101}{11175}-on a lonely planet|in a lonely universe.
{11178}{11257}And that informs our view of the world.
{11259}{11314}It informs our view of ourselves.
{11317}{11398}And we're now realizing|that this view,
{11401}{11461}-this view of separateness,
{11463}{11525}-is one of the most|destructive things.
{11528}{11609}It's the thing that creates|all the problems in the world.
{11700}{11806}And we're now realizing that|that paradigm is wrong,|that we aren'
t separate.
{11808}{11880}We are all one. We're all together.
{11883}{11986}At the very nethermost element|of our being, we are connected.
{11988}{12086}And so we're trying to|understand and absorb-
{12089}{12165}-what are the implications of that?
{12168}{12228}What does this really|mean to me and my life?
{12230}{12290}We need a new spiritual milieu.
{12292}{12405}We need a new spiritual way|of understanding the nature|of what it
is to be a human being.
{12408}{12463}Because the old ways,|the old mythologies,
{12465}{12523}-the old monarchy, king, God,
{12525}{12652}-versus the old lawful scientist's|way of doing everything are dea
{12655}{12734}They need to be buried.|We need a new realm, a new vision.
{12736}{12789}And I think quantum physics,|if anything,
{12791}{12854}-could help us get a step|up in the right direction.
{12856}{12930}I think the key aspect|of the new paradigm,
{12933}{12997}-at least in medicine,|which is my little piece,
{13000}{13117}-is that consciousness|is real and has an impact.
{13120}{13187}We have to go beyond our senses-
{13189}{13235}-to create a new paradigm.
{13237}{13323}It may very well be that|what's going on inside of you,
{13326}{13395}-in your brain,in your nervous system,|in your nature of observati
{13398}{13467}-how memory works, how mind works.
{13470}{13546}It may very well be that|what is happening there-
{13549}{13650}-is some kind of|observer/matter interrelationship,
{13652}{13733}-which is indeed making|things real for you-
{13736}{13791}-affecting how you perceive reality.
{13796}{13849}It's not changing|the reality out there.
{13851}{13923}You know, you're not changing|big chairs and big trucks-
{13925}{13985}-and bulldozers and rockets taking off.
{13990}{14036}You're not changing those. No!
{14038}{14086}But you're changing|how you perceive things-
{14088}{14134}-and maybe how you|think about the things,
{14136}{14184}-how you feel about things,|how you sense the world.
{14187}{14259}The infinite information,
{14261}{14330}-that the brain is processing|every single second,
{14333}{14441}-tells us that there's more to|the world than we're perceiving.
{14443}{14532}However, every single time-
{14534}{14606}-we're immersed in|an experience with our senses,
{14609}{14704}-seeing, smelling, tasting, feeling,
{14707}{14786}-as we're immersed|sensually in our reality.
{14817}{14865}We know nothing about reality,
{14868}{14961}-and all of our sense|of so-called reality out there-
{14963}{15009}-is filtered through our sense organs.
{15107}{15201}The brain processes 400 billion|bits of information a second,
{15203}{15261}-but we're only aware of 2.000 of those.
{15263}{15357}That means that reality's|happening in the brain all the time.
{15599}{15661}You should try it.
{15664}{15726}How do I know what I'm doing?
{15728}{15815}I and the vase are one.
{15846}{15896}Hey, it might help your work too.
{15927}{15980}I live through my eyes.
{16261}{16313}I deal in reality.
{16316}{16404}Not just some nebulous,|nothing, touchy-feely-
{16407}{16472}-world of shifting whatevers.
{16474}{16543}If it's real, I want to see it.
{16594}{16663}The eyes are,|in some senses, a camcorder,
{16666}{16718}-because they are|taking that information-
{16721}{16766}-and they're storing it,|but they're not.
{16769}{16846}You're not really able|to get it to mean anything-
{16848}{16901}-until you actually put it all together.
{16903}{16992}So in some senses, it requires|the editor's table to really put|th
e whole thing together,
{16994}{17078}-to put the movie together of what your|life and your world is act
ually about.
{17083}{17143}If I get out of bed|in the morning, okay,
{17145}{17275}-and I suddenly decide...|to take very seriously-
{17277}{17342}-the claim - which is|surely a true claim -
{17344}{17438}- that I don't know for sure if|my eyes are working correctly, oka
{17440}{17510}So that for all I know,|even though it looks-
{17512}{17584}-like there's a stable floor|by the side of my bed,
{17586}{17678}-there might be a cliff or|something like that, okay?
{17680}{17800}If I am unable to order|those possibilities-
{17805}{17898}-in terms of probabilities|that I assign to them,
{17900}{17946}-then I'm not gonna get out of bed.
{17948}{18047}Seems to me I'm paralyzed in the most|literal sense of the word, o
{18049}{18102}I'm not...
{18104}{18210}I'm gonna have no idea how|to literally take the next step.
{18212}{18286}It's definitely the case|that we know that my eyes-
{18289}{18354}-might in principle be|deceiving me at any moment.
{18356}{18459}We've had experience of people before,|subject to hallucinations.
{18462}{18507}And even if we didn't,
{18509}{18591}-we don't know how to prove|as a fundamental matter,
{18593}{18641}-that our eyes never deceive us.
{18644}{18692}That's absolutely right.
{18694}{18766}But when we make the decision|to get out of bed in the morning,
{18768}{18850}-we are assigning probabilities|to the various hypotheses,
{18852}{18929}-compatible with my|seeing a floor by the bed.
{18931}{19030}One hypothesis is,|there really is a floor there,|and that's why I
'm seeing it.
{19032}{19078}Another hypothesis is,
{19080}{19178}my seeing the floor is a hallucination,|and there's a cliff there.
{19181}{19229}By getting out of bed in the morning-
{19231}{19317}-you endorse one of those hypotheses|as more likely than another.
{19320}{19382}Well, ultimate reality, I think,
{19385}{19449}-very frequently depends a lot|on how a person perceives it,
{19452}{19550}-and what they actually think is,|is the real reality of our world
{19552}{19636}If the brain is processing|400 billion bits of information-
{19639}{19713}-and our awareness is only on 2.000 -
{19715}{19775}- that means reality's happening|in the brain all the time.
{19778}{19874}It's receiving that information,|and yet we haven't integrated it.
{19876}{19972}But if we're given knowledge and|information outside of convention
{19974}{20022}-outside the box of convention,
{20025}{20121}-or say we merged quantum|physics and neurophysiology-
{20123}{20169}-and the brain is asked to contemplate,
{20171}{20248}or we're... we're asked|to contemplate on that-
{20250}{20346}-and examine the what-ifs and|possibilities and potentials-
{20348}{20444}-and associate our knowns with|our experience of what we know,
{20447}{20492}-and repeat it over and over again,
{20495}{20571}-the brain's gonna start to|integrate two independent neuronets-
{20574}{20627}-and it's gonna create a new vision.
{20629}{20720}And that new vision's gonna|be like taking a flashlight-
{20722}{20799}-and shining it from those|2.000 bits of information,
{20802}{20847}-that have to do with our body-
{20850}{20902}-and our environment and time-
{20905}{20962}-slightly over, in the dark,
{20965}{21010}-and looking at something new.
{21013}{21058}That's called realization.
{21238}{21346}You okay? I heard you scream earlier.|Was it another dream?
{21461}{21506}You were an Indian-
{21509}{21590}-watching Columbus's ship|materialize out of thin air.
{21658}{21717}And this medicine man kept hitting you.
{21753}{21818}Cool! That's... hey.
{21821}{21873}Maybe it was a past life-
{21876}{21957}-or a parallel reality or a future life.
{21962}{22008}Get real.
{22111}{22173}Or maybe that dream was|trying to tell you the truth.
{22175}{22233}I guess it just depends|on what you think is real.
{22269}{22317}Maybe you should try|different anxiety pills.
{22319}{22386}My pills are fine, okay? Thank you.
{22430}{22501}Well, I have to go get dressed.
{22581}{22648}I hope you feel better, Amanda.
{22849}{22940}God, Amanda.|You can be such an asshole.
{23192}{23274}People ask me, why does|quantum mechanics matter,
{23276}{23326}-given that it's all -|it's little tiny stuff.
{23329}{23379}And who cares?|There are three possible answers.
{23381}{23456}From a practical point of view,|it doesn't make any difference at
{23458}{23547}You still have to go to work, drive|your car and do all the rest o
f it.
{23549}{23595}From a second point|of view, it actually,
{23597}{23695}-it infiltrates everything in the world,|especially the world of e
{23698}{23799}When you go to the supermarket and|you do the scanning at the chec
{23801}{23863}-that's a quantum mechanical effect.
{23866}{23928}But I think the important|part is the third one,
{23930}{24002}-which is essentially|a philosophical issue.
{24005}{24072}Why are philosophers so passionate-
{24074}{24192}-about deconstruction|the assumptions of the world?
{24197}{24280}I finally got it. I got it as a result|of looking at quantum mecha
{24285}{24367}-and comparing it to|classical mechanics.
{24372}{24427}They present two very|different ways of thinking-
{24429}{24525}-about the way that the world|works and about what we are.
{24527}{24599}So, from a classical perspective,|we are machines.
{24602}{24671}And in machines, there's no|room for a conscious experience.
{24674}{24731}Doesn't matter if a machine dies.|You can kill the machine.
{24734}{24798}You can throw it in the dump.|It doesn't matter.
{24801}{24906}If that is the way that the world is,|then people will behave in t
hat way.
{24909}{24966}But there's another way|of thinking about the world.
{24969}{25029}It's pointed to by quantum mechanics,
{25031}{25110}-which suggested that the world|is not this clockwork thing,
{25112}{25160}-but it's more like an organism.
{25163}{25261}It's a highly interconnected|organismic thing of some type,
{25264}{25328}-which extends through space and time.
{25331}{25417}In that kind of environment,|what I think and the way that I behav
{25419}{25530}-has a much greater impact, not only|on myself, but on the rest of
the world,
{25532}{25594}-than it would if it|was a classical world.
{25597}{25731}So, from a very basic point of view|having to do with morals and e
{25733}{25801}-what I think affects the world.
{25803}{25863}That's - I mean, in a sense,|that's really the key-
{25865}{25935}-for why a worldview|change is important.
{25937}{25992}Let's talk about the subatomic world.
{25995}{26052}And then we'll talk about what|it's telling us about reality.
{26055}{26105}The first thing I want to tell|you about the subatomic world-
{26107}{26201}-is it's totally a fantasy|created by mad physicists-
{26203}{26318}-trying to figure out what|the heck is going on when|they do these
little experiments.
{26321}{26434}By little experiments,|I mean big energy in little|spaces and litt
le pieces of time.
{26436}{26498}It gets pretty nutty|at that realm of things.
{26501}{26594}And so subatomic physics was invented|to try to figure that all ou
{26597}{26647}We need a new science down there.
{26649}{26757}It's called quantum physics,|and it is subject to a whole range-
{26760}{26879}-of debatable hypotheses,|thoughts, feelings, intuitions,
{26882}{26935}-as to what the heck is really going on.
{26937}{26995}So, on the one hand, you had a theory-
{26997}{27100}-which from the conceptual standpoint,|was profoundly puzzling-
{27102}{27172}-and on the other hand,|from the practical standpoint,
{27174}{27282}-was vastly more successful than|anything we had ever seen before.
{27285}{27369}This is the kind of situation|that produces the tension-
{27371}{27438}-that all of the investigations|of foundations of quantum mechanic
{27441}{27498}-are feeding off of since then.
{27500}{27563}Because on the one hand, this is a...
{27565}{27661}-this is an acutely|paradoxical, puzzling,
{27664}{27716}-conceptually confusing theory.
{27719}{27795}On the other hand, we have|no option along the lines-
{27798}{27846}-of throwing it out or neglecting it,
{27848}{27932}-because it is|the most powerful proven tool-
{27934}{28042}-for predicting the behaviors|of physical systems that we|have eve
r had in our hands.
{28045}{28153}The universe is very strange.|There seem to be two sets of|laws th
at govern the universe.
{28155}{28282}In our everyday classical world,|meaning roughly our size and time
{28284}{28356}-things are described|by Newton's laws of motion-
{28359}{28426}-set down hundreds and|hundreds of years ago.
{28428}{28531}And they work very well for billiard|balls and cannonballs and gra
{28534}{28594}However, when we get|down to a small scale,
{28596}{28659}-when we get down to,|say, the level of atoms,
{28661}{28706}-a different set of laws take over.
{28709}{28786}These are the quantum laws,|quantum theory, quantum mechanics.
{28788}{28846}And at that level-
{28848}{28953}-particles may be in multiple|places at the same time.
{28956}{29061}They may behave as waves smeared|out spatially and temporally.
{29064}{29160}They may be interconnected|over great distances.
{29162}{29208}They may...
{29210}{29282}-be unified into one quantum|state - into one statem,
{29284}{29335}-governed by one wave function.
{29337}{29387}And the borderline, the threshold,
{29390}{29457}-this curtain between the quantum|world and the classical world-
{29459}{29505}-is really mysterious.
{29507}{29565}It's called sometimes|the collapse of the wave function,
{29567}{29706}-because at the quantum world,|everything is in superposition|and
multiple possibilities.
{29709}{29766}And in the classical world,|these multiple possibilities-
{29769}{29843}-seem to collapse to particular,|definite choices.
{29845}{29932}So, everything is in|one particular place.
{29934}{30011}Quantum mechanics is really|the play and display of information,
{30013}{30068}-the play and display of potentiality,
{30071}{30181}-waves of information,|waves of potential electron.
{30183}{30229}And it's important,|the word "potential."
{30231}{30351}This isn't the world of electrons.|It's the world of potential ele
{30354}{30442}But you have to ask the question,|"Waves of what really?"
{30445}{30550}What is the field that is waving?|Is it the ocean?
{30553}{30682}No. It's a universal ocean.|An ocean of pure potentiality.
{30684}{30749}An ocean of abstract,|potential existence.
{30752}{30824}We call it the "unified field,"|or "superstring field."
{30828}{30888}And that's what we're made of.
{30915}{30970}Connectivity among all things-
{30972}{31056}-is a basic constituent|of the fabric of reality.
{31059}{31123}It's very difficult to wrap|your mind around that.
{31126}{31229}But Erwin Schrodinger said|- he's one of the founders|of quantum m
{31231}{31313}-that entanglement, which is|this idea of this connectivity,
{31315}{31435}-is not just a property of|quantum mechanics, it's the property.
{31437}{31543}It's the property of quantum mechanics|that makes it very, very st
{31545}{31639}And it doesn't seem to fit|in with our ordinary world,
{31641}{31725}our ordinary experience,|but, in fact, it actually does.
{32027}{32104}Wanna shoot some hoops?
{32209}{32257}Now, you don't have to be like that.
{32260}{32308}Come on and play.
{32310}{32432}Look, he likes you. Don't you|have time for a little one-on-one?
{32521}{32607}How long has it been since you played?
{32610}{32684}Come on. You got the ball.|Take a shot.
{32727}{32792}No, no, no, milady.|Not from there. It's out-of-bounds.
{32794}{32888}You gotta be on|the court to be in play.
{33164}{33221}Welcome to Duke Reginald's-
{33224}{33279}-Court of Unending Possibilities.
{33962}{34024}Court rules.|You gotta sink the last one.
{34027}{34094}- That hurt.|- It never touched you.
{34096}{34187}- Right.|- And... it's not solid.
{34190}{34264}This ball. It's mostly empty.
{34266}{34350}We were all taught in school|that the world is made of stuff,
{34353}{34418}of matter, of mass, of atoms.
{34420}{34537}Atoms make up molecules.|Molecules make up materials.|And everythi
ng is made of that.
{34540}{34612}But atoms actually are mostly empty.
{34614}{34710}For example, if this ball|were the nucleus of an atom,
{34712}{34784}-a proton in a hydrogen atom,|for example,
{34787}{34840}-then the electron circling this,
{34842}{34907}-which would describe|the outer limits of that atom,
{34909}{35015}-would be out by that mountain|over there, roughly 20 miles away.
{35017}{35074}And everything in between is empty.
{35077}{35146}In fact, the universe is mostly empty.
{35149}{35245}However, when we go down|in scale, in the emptiness-
{35247}{35297}-we eventually come to a level,
{35300}{35367}-the fundamental level|of space-time geometry.
{35369}{35425}The fine basement|level of the universe,
{35429}{35494}-where there's information,|there's a pattern.
{35496}{35542}It's called the Planck scale.
{35544}{35590}And it's the fabric of the universe.
{35592}{35700}And at that level, there's information|that's been there since the
Big Bang.
{35703}{35803}So most of the universe,|even of matter, is actually empty.
{35806}{35902}Most people think that|the vacuum is empty.
{35950}{36026}But for internal self-consistency-
{36029}{36113}-of quantum mechanics|and relativity theory,
{36115}{36194}-there is required|to be the equivalent-
{36197}{36307}-of 10 to the 94 grams of mass energy.
{36309}{36412}Each gram being E=mc^2 kind of energy.
{36415}{36496}Now, that's a huge number.|But what does it mean practically?
{36554}{36664}Practically, if I can assume|that the universe is flat,
{36666}{36736}and more and more astronomical data-
{36738}{36786}-is showing it's pretty darn flat,
{36789}{36877}-if I can assume that,|then if I take the volume-
{36880}{36957}-or take the vacuum|within a single hydrogen atom,
{36959}{37060}-that's about 10 to|the minus 23 cubic centimetres.
{37062}{37148}If I take that amount of vacuum|and I take the latent energy in th
{37153}{37220}-there is a trillion times|more energy there-
{37223}{37307}-than in all of the mass|of all of the stars-
{37309}{37400}-and all of the planets|out to 20 billion light-years.
{37484}{37551}That's big, that's big.
{37554}{37671}And if consciousness allows you to|control even a small fraction o
f that,
{37709}{37777}-creating a Big Bang is no problem.
{37853}{37913}Organizations like NASA,|British Aerospace,
{37916}{38052}-are all trying to tap|into this incredible,|unimaginably large en
ergy sea.
{38055}{38148}And they feel if they can tap this,|we can travel to different gal
{38151}{38266}So they understand that in empty space,|there is this unbelievable
{38268}{38364}The major basic idea that|quantum physics implies,
{38366}{38460}-which makes us understand this or|even think about this new parad
{38462}{38527}-the thing which is that|there's this underground.
{38529}{38587}There's gotta be|a realm of existence-
{38589}{38695}-which cannot be ever|touched on or seen,
{38697}{38757}-which bubbles into|the existence giving rise-
{38762}{38829}-to our understanding of the world.
{38942}{39033}The tighter physics have tried|to grasp onto physical reality,
{39035}{39081}-to understand what|it's really made of,
{39083}{39158}-what are the core building blocks|of life at the basis of it all
{39160}{39261}- life, the universe,|slips through your fingers.
{39263}{39325}And you come up with something|that's increasingly abstract,
{39328}{39421}-increasingly abstract till they|come to the realm of pure abstrac
{39424}{39527}And that's what the unified field is.|It's pure abstract potential
{39529}{39575}-pure abstract being,
{39577}{39690}-pure abstract self-aware consciousness,
{39692}{39805}-which rises in waves of vibration,|to give rise to the particles,
the people,
{39807}{39882}-everything we see|in the vast universe.
{40177}{40253}What makes up things|are not more things,
{40258}{40328}-but what makes up things are ideas,
{40330}{40402}-concepts, information.
{40440}{40519}And like I said, it never touches.
{40644}{40759}Another strange fact is that objects|never really touch each other
{40762}{40838}When I dribble this ball,|the atoms of the ball-
{40841}{40905}-and the atoms of the ground|never actually meet.
{40951}{41025}So nobody touches nothing.
{41030}{41119}Come on. Put your stuff down.|Nobody's gonna take it.
{41121}{41176}Like I said, this is my court.|It's no problem.
{41560}{41630}- Well, how long has it been?|- I'll be late.
{41632}{41740}The first inkling in physics that we got|that time ain't what it s
eemed to be,
{41742}{41790}-came with relativity.
{41795}{41876}That was the first inkling.|That time was not absolute.
{41879}{41929}It was not the absolute|ruler of the universe.
{41934}{42068}That God Almighty did not say,|"One second, one second, one second
{42071}{42126}-one meter, one meter, one meter..."
{42128}{42219}You're in a gravitational field.|Your head is actually moving-
{42222}{42277}-at a slightly faster|rate than your feet.
{42279}{42361}The second law of thermodynamics says|that things unwind and move
{42363}{42423}So that gives an arrow of time.
{42426}{42485}But at the quantum world,|in the microworld,
{42488}{42543}-the second law of thermodynamics|doesn't seem to hold.
{42545}{42596}And things can go|backwards or be timeless.
{42598}{42646}The fundamental equations of physics-
{42649}{42725}-have a property which is referred|to as time reversal symmetry.
{42728}{42843}And what time reversal symmetry|means is that a set of laws,
{42845}{42891}-which are time reversal symmetric,
{42893}{42939}-are laws that have|the following feature.
{42941}{43003}For any process that's|in accord with those laws,
{43006}{43130}-the same process going backwards is|exactly as much in accord wit
h those laws.
{43133}{43222}Okay? That ought to mean that...
{43224}{43313}-that milk jumps out of coffee|as often as it dissolves into it,
{43315}{43401}-that people get younger-looking|as often as they get older-lookin
{43404}{43492}-that we have the same kind|of access vis-a-vis knowledge-
{43495}{43550}-to the future as we do to the past,
{43552}{43634}-that by acting now we ought to|be able to influence the past-
{43636}{43694}-just as much as we can|influence the future.
{43696}{43747}All of that is wrong.
{43749}{43833}All of that, that is,|comes into violent conflict-
{43835}{43917}-with the way we psychologically|experience the world.
{43919}{43998}One of the most|unpalatable ideas still,
{44001}{44073}-in spite of the fact that quantum|physics has been around a long
{44075}{44128}-is the possibility or the notion-
{44130}{44250}-that the future can have|a causative effect on the present.
{44255}{44341}We believe that the past can have|a causative effect on the presen
{44346}{44416}I hold a ball. I drop it. It falls.
{44418}{44492}Cause, effect, when it hits the ground.
{44495}{44617}But could the ground be the cause of|my dropping the ball in the f
irst place?
{44619}{44730}It's only in conscious experience|that it seems we move forward in
{44732}{44790}In quantum theory you can|also go backwards in time.
{44792}{44859}And there's some suggestion|that processes in the brain-
{44861}{44926}-related to consciousness|project backwards in time.
{44929}{44974}For example, in the late 1970s-
{44977}{45056}-a neurophysiologist at|University of California, San Francisco,
{45058}{45144}-named Ben Libet did some|very famous experiments.
{45149}{45281}What Libet did was to|study patients who were having|neurosurgery
on their brains-
{45283}{45351}-with their brains exposed|while they were awake.
{45353}{45435}They were given a local anesthetic|to numb the area of the skull a
nd scalp-
{45437}{45540}-to access their brains, and they were|awake, and Ben would talk t
o these people.
{45542}{45588}So, for example, what he did was,
{45590}{45636}-he would stimulate their little finger-
{45638}{45720}-and look at the part of|the sensory cortex on the opposite side-
{45722}{45799}-that was related to that,|record from it electrically-
{45801}{45921}-and ask the patient when he or she|felt the stimulus on the littl
e finger.
{45924}{45991}He would also stimulate at that|particular area of the cortex.
{45993}{46077}Now, what you would think, would be|that if you stimulate the litt
le finger,
{46079}{46159}-it takes a finite period of time to|get to the opposite side of t
he cortex,
{46161}{46264}-so the patient would report it|a fraction of a second later|after
the stimulus.
{46266}{46362}And when you stimulate it directly,|the patient would report it im
{46365}{46410}He found just the opposite.
{46413}{46494}When you stimulated the little finger,|the patient felt it immedia
{46497}{46590}And when he stimulated directly|on the cortex, there was a delay.
{46593}{46667}After sorting through all the data|and repeating this over and ove
{46672}{46720}-Libet came to the conclusion|that somehow the brain-
{46724}{46787}-was projecting information|backwards in time.
{46789}{46866}So that it did take a finite amount|of time to get to the sensory
{46868}{46931}-but the brain projected it|backwards in time,
{46933}{46998}-so that the conscious|perception was that-
{47000}{47067}-the stimulus was felt when|the pinch actually occurred.
{47070}{47142}There have been some studies|which have shown that when|people are
{47144}{47226}-to move a hand or|beginning to say something,
{47228}{47307}that there's actually activity in|certain nerve cells of the brain
{47309}{47386}-even before they become consciously|aware of what they're trying
to do.
{47389}{47489}It seems to me I often do things|and then decide later what to do|
but I've already done them.
{47494}{47561}- I'll be late.|- You can always go back in time.
{47727}{47818}What's the matter?|Remember. It's empty.
{47823}{47890}How do you know this shit?
{47933}{47981}I read Dr. Quantum comics.
{47983}{48041}Everybody thinks it's just|kid stuff, but I know it's real.
{48043}{48127}It's how I do my magic on the court.
{48129}{48247}So, what they taught us in school|isn't really the way it is.
{48249}{48345}And that our senses are|playing tricks on us.
{48350}{48472}You just gotta wonder. What is this|reality that we find ourselves
{48475}{48585}Quantum physics says it's|all just waves of information.
{48587}{48669}Do I believe that?|Ah, I hope so.
{48779}{48837}It's how I do my magic on the court.
{48839}{48925}Yeah. I always choose|the wonder boy first.
{48928}{49021}Dr. Quantum says everybody's got it.|Everybody's doing it.
{49024}{49105}And doing it constantly,|each and every time we look.
{49141}{49237}And here we are, the grandaddy|of all quantum weirdness:
{49240}{49326}-the infamous double-slit experiment.
{49328}{49441}To understand this experiment,|we first need to see how particles,
{49443}{49522}-or little balls of matter, act.
{49525}{49666}If we randomly shoot a small object,|say a marble, at the screen,
{49669}{49803}-we see a pattern on the back wall|where they went through the sli
t and hit.
{49805}{49901}Now, if we add a second slit-
{49904}{49997}-we would expect to see a second|band duplicated to the right.
{50050}{50110}Now, let's look at waves.
{50139}{50227}The waves hit the slit|and radiate out-
{50230}{50316}-striking the back wall|with the most intensity-
{50318}{50400}-directly in line with the slit.
{50402}{50517}The line of brightness on|the back screen shows that intensity.
{50520}{50599}This is similar to|the line the marbles make.
{50601}{50707}But when we add the second slit-
{50709}{50781}-something different happens.
{50784}{50906}If the top of one wave meets|the bottom of another wave-
{50908}{50973}-they cancel each other out.
{50975}{51086}So now there is an interference|pattern on the back wall.
{51088}{51227}Places where the two tops meet are|the highest intensity, the brig
ht lines,
{51230}{51294}-and where they cancel, there is nothing.
{51297}{51431}So, when we throw things,|that is, matter, through two slits-
{51433}{51479}-we get this:
{51481}{51534}-two bands of hits.
{51536}{51623}And with waves, we get|an interference pattern-
{51625}{51687}-of many bands.
{51690}{51824}Good, so far.|Now, let's go quantum.
{51918}{52035}An electron is a tiny,|tiny bit of matter,
{52038}{52085}-like a tiny marble.
{52088}{52150}Let's fire a stream through one slit.
{52191}{52275}It behaves just like the marble:|a single band.
{52306}{52409}So if we shoot these tiny|bits through two slits-
{52412}{52493}-we should get,|like the marbles, two bands.
{52529}{52611}What? An interference pattern.
{52613}{52730}We fired electrons,|tiny bits of matter, through.
{52733}{52790}But we get a pattern like waves,
{52793}{52843}-not like little marbles.
{52846}{52929}How? How could pieces of matter-
{52932}{53013}-create an interference|pattern like a wave?
{53016}{53064}It doesn't make sense.
{53068}{53133}But physicists are clever.
{53136}{53236}They thought, "Maybe those little|balls are bouncing off each othe
{53239}{53284}-and creating that pattern."
{53287}{53416}So they decide to shoot|electrons through one at a time.
{53419}{53519}There is no way they could|interfere with each other.
{53522}{53639}But after an hour of this, the same|interference pattern is seen t
o emerge.
{53642}{53692}The conclusion is inescapable.
{53694}{53788}The single electron|leaves as a particle,
{53790}{53836}-becomes a wave of potentials,
{53838}{53884}-goes through both slits,
{53886}{53936}-and interferes with itself-
{53939}{53994}-to hit the wall like a particle.
{53996}{54059}But mathematically, it's even stranger.
{54061}{54147}It goes through both slits|and it goes through neither.
{54150}{54243}And it goes through just one|and it goes through just the other.
{54246}{54349}All of these possibilities are|in superposition with each other.
{54351}{54411}But physicists were|completely baffled by this.
{54414}{54550}So they decided to peek and see|which slit it actually goes throug
{54579}{54651}They put a measuring device by one slit-
{54653}{54699}-to see which one it went through-
{54701}{54773}-and let it fly.
{54776}{54903}But the quantum world is far more|mysterious than they could've im
{54905}{55042}When they observed, the electron went|back to behaving like a litt
le marble.
{55044}{55094}It produced a pattern of two bands,
{55097}{55193}-not an interference pattern of many.
{55195}{55315}The very act of measuring,|or observing,
{55317}{55365}-which slit it went through,
{55368}{55447}meant it only went|through one, not both.
{55478}{55605}The electron decided|to act differently-
{55608}{55725}-as though it was aware|it was being watched.
{55727}{55809}And it was here that|physicists stepped forever-
{55811}{55900}-into the strange,|never-world of quantum events.
{55902}{56018}What is matter, marbles or waves?
{56020}{56073}And waves of what?
{56075}{56173}And what does an observer|have to do with any of this?
{56207}{56315}The observer collapsed|the wave function-
{56317}{56394}-simply by observing.
{56526}{56581}We are always the observer.
{56583}{56725}But sometimes we identify|with the events so much so-
{56727}{56792}-that we even lose|the aspect of the observer.
{56794}{56857}That's why the materialist|gets totally lost-
{56859}{56943}-and thinks that we could|do without the observer.
{57001}{57070}The physics data tells us that the...
{57072}{57176}-that an object itself|is really a simplification-
{57178}{57231}-for what's we call "out there."
{57233}{57334}One is particularly - when we're looking|at atomic and subatomic p
{57336}{57415}-or atomic and subatomic|matter in any form,
{57418}{57482}-what we find is how|we go to look at it,
{57485}{57547}-or what we choose to examine it with,
{57550}{57655}-actually changes the properties|of what we observe to be out ther
{57657}{57713}Is this the observer-
{57715}{57813}-and which is so intricate|to understanding-
{57818}{57871}-the wacky, weird world-
{57876}{58008}-of quantum particles|and how they react?
{58010}{58137}Is this then the observer?
{58139}{58247}And even though we cannot|have a quantum field-
{58250}{58370}-without the observation of|scientists who have gone there,
{58372}{58453}-who have uncovered it|layer after layer after layer.
{58456}{58521}They're all observers,
{58523}{58612}-but not one of them|agree conclusively-
{58614}{58686}-on all points in the field,
{58688}{58787}-because they're perceiving|the field mathematically-
{58789}{58849}-from different angles of perception.
{58851}{58914}We don't know in quantum mechanics-
{58916}{59029}-how to hook ourselves as|observers up with the world.
{59031}{59120}We don't know how to treat|ourselves as observers-
{59122}{59214}-as just another part of the physical|system that we're describing
{59216}{59317}The only way we know how|to do quantum mechanics as|it's tradition
ally formulated,
{59319}{59417}-is to keep the observer outside|of the system you're describing.
{59422}{59516}The minute you put him in,|you get all these paradoxes.
{59518}{59566}And we're forced to say things|in quantum mechanics like-
{59568}{59636}-"Look, the book is doing what it's|doing because of quantum mecha
{59638}{59691}-And I see that because|I'm there and I see it.-
{59693}{59782}-And you'd better not try to analyze|that second part of the sente
{59784}{59870}-in terms of applying quantum mechanics|to it, because it's gonna
break down."
{59873}{59978}That's why there are these two|separate laws of the evolutions|of
physical systems,
{59981}{60026}one that applies when|you're not looking at them,
{60029}{60074}the other that applies when you are.
{60077}{60115}But that's crazy.
{60117}{60182}There's no way that we're|ever going to mathematize-
{60185}{60230}-or put into mathematical formula,
{60233}{60338}-this very act in which a conscious|observer comes up with the ans
{60340}{60410}People say, "Oh, the measuring|instruments, the recorder records i
{60412}{60482}-And there it is.|It's on the tape. It's recorded."
{60484}{60535}You forgot one part of the equation:
{60537}{60583}- somebody has to look at the tape.
{60585}{60654}And until somebody looks at|the tape, it ain't recorded at all.
{60659}{60717}When you are not looking,|they are waves of possibility.
{60719}{60806}When we are looking,|then they're particles of experience.
{60808}{60873}A particle, which we|think of as a solid thing-
{60875}{60945}-really exists in|a so-called "superposition",
{60947}{61031}-a spread-out wave|of possible locations-
{61033}{61079}-and it's in all of those at once.
{61081}{61132}The instant you check on it,
{61134}{61206}-it snaps into just one|of those possible positions.
{61232}{61350}It's easy to generate situations-
{61352}{61431}-where the equations of|motion will predict that,
{61434}{61542}-say, the wave function -|the "psi" - of a certain basketball-
{61544}{61647}-is uniformly distributed|all over the basketball court.
{61649}{61772}We don't have any idea what|a state like that would look like.
{61774}{61834}According to the law|of quantum mechanics,
{61839}{61940}-that's supposed to be a state|in which it fails to make any sense
{61942}{62031}-even to ask the question,|"Where is the basketball?"
{62033}{62088}That is, according to|the law of quantum mechanics,
{62091}{62153}-asking the question|"Where is a basketball-
{62155}{62249}-whose psi is uniformly distributed|over a whole basketball court?
{62251}{62371}-is the logical equivalent of|asking about, say, the marital|statu
s of the number five.
{62374}{62445}Okay? It's not that you|don't know the answer,
{62448}{62537}-you don't happen to know whether the|number five is married or a
{62539}{62649}-it's that the question somehow|is radically inappropriate|in the
first place.
{62652}{62712}The number five doesn't|have a marital status.
{62716}{62762}There's nothing there to ask about.
{62767}{62858}And similarly, a basketball whose wave|function was uniformly dist
{62860}{62911}-over the entire basketball court,
{62913}{63038}-would not have a position that|could even coherently be asked abo
{63040}{63179}Now... the crux of the measurement|problem is precisely that,
{63182}{63285}-although the Schrodinger equation|predicts under certain circumst
{63287}{63383}-circumstances which we basically know|how to reproduce in the lab
{63385}{63448}-that basketballs should|go into states like that,
{63452}{63532}-states where there fails|to be any intelligible fact...
{63534}{63635}-any sensible question|even about where they are.
{63637}{63771}And yet, when we go look...|look at the basketball court|in situat
ions like that,
{63774}{63850}-we invariably see either|a basketball over here-
{63853}{63934}-or a basketball over there|or a basketball over there.
{63937}{64030}The fact that we see the basketball|in some specific location-
{64033}{64107}-as opposed to seeing it in|some science fiction state,
{64109}{64162}-that we can't even|imagine what it looks like-
{64165}{64236}-where there fails to be a question|about what its location is.
{64239}{64311}The fact that we always see|it in some definite location-
{64313}{64407}-is an explicit violation|of these equations of motion.
{64412}{64498}And it's exactly there that|the measurement problem comes up.
{64500}{64596}When you observe, things happen.|When you don't, they don't.
{64599}{64658}Superheroes use superposition-
{64661}{64750}-with the world being potential|strips of reality until we choose.
{64752}{64807}Heroes choose what they want,
{64810}{64903}-being in many places at once,|experiencing many possibilities|all
at once,
{64905}{64968}-and then collapsing on the one.
{65030}{65124}The question is, how far down|the rabbit hole do you wanna go?
{65371}{65445}Your own mind is creating multiple|possibilities in your subconsci
{65447}{65519}The superpositions of possibilities|are in your subconscious.
{65522}{65601}I mean, you may be consciously aware|of them, but they exist, I th
{65603}{65663}-in superposition of|multiple possibilities,
{65665}{65723}-which after a while will|collapse to one or the other...
{65788}{65917}...project or plan into the future|or cast a thought ahead of itse
{66011}{66080}Nice shot.
{66224}{66356}But the great, great grandaddy|of wacky quantum weirdness-
{66358}{66411}-is entanglement.
{66414}{66507}If time reversal symmetry|destroys the notion of time,
{66543}{66639}-then entanglement crushes|our experience of space.
{66644}{66785}Two objects, two electrons|created together are entangled.
{66788}{66888}Send one to the other|side of the universe.
{66951}{67020}Now, do something to one-
{67023}{67114}-and the other responds instantly.
{67169}{67267}So, either information is|traveling infinitely fast,
{67269}{67397}-or in reality,|they are still connected.
{67399}{67459}They are entangled.
{67464}{67550}And since everything was entangled-
{67552}{67627}-at the moment of the Big Bang,
{67629}{67749}-that means|everything is still touching.
{67751}{67826}Space is just the construct-
{67828}{67919}-that gives the illusion that|there are separate objects.
{67953}{68037}Are we far enough down|the rabbit hole yet?
{68113}{68209}You now can see in numerous|labs around the United States-
{68214}{68322}-objects that are large enough|to be seen by the naked eye-
{68324}{68387}-and they are in two|places simultaneously.
{68389}{68473}You can actually take|a photograph of that.
{68475}{68595}Now, I suppose if you showed|a photograph, they'd say, "Oh. Great.
{68598}{68679}-Here's this nice blob of|colored light, and I see there's...
{68682}{68734}-you know, a bit of it|over here and another bit,
{68737}{68792}-so you've got a picture of|two dots. What's the big deal?"
{68794}{68864}Superposition is pre-detection.
{68866}{68981}What I was speaking about in|the film is post-detection.
{68984}{69041}Now, under normal circumstances-
{69044}{69135}-a single object,|once it has been detected,
{69137}{69224}-is in just one position.
{69226}{69353}However, there are states of|matter that have been created now,
{69355}{69485}-in which objects can be in multiple|positions simultaneously, not
just two,
{69487}{69562}-but actually, as many|as 3.000 positions.
{69607}{69701}The first of these objects-
{69703}{69780}-were called Bose-Einstein condensates.
{69782}{69856}And they are single wave functions-
{69859}{69938}-meaning they are single particles,
{69940}{70000}-but even though they're|a single wave function-
{70003}{70084}-the wave function|has multiple positions.
{70087}{70161}You say, "Look right in the chamber.|You can see it right there."
{70163}{70228}"I see two things there."|"No, no. That's not two things.-
{70230}{70307}-That's one thing.|It's the same thing in two places."
{70310}{70427}The tricky point here is that|it's still a single wave function.
{70429}{70557}It's not 3.000 separate wave functions.
{70559}{70626}It's one wave function.
{70629}{70698}So it's one particle.
{70751}{70832}I'm not sure that people's|jaw would drop about it,
{70835}{70895}-because I think-
{70897}{70945}-I don't think people really believe it.
{70947}{71050}And I don't mean that people say,|"Oh, you're lying," or|"Oh, the
scientists are confused."
{71053}{71180}I think it is so mysterious that you|can't even understand how ama
zing it is.
{71182}{71245}One particle-
{71247}{71300}-in 3.000 different locations.
{71302}{71353}Now, if you were to weigh one of them-
{71355}{71401}-would it weigh 1/3.000th?
{71403}{71448}- Well, you can't weigh one of them.|- Why?
{71451}{71499}Because it's one particle.
{71540}{71624}It's just...|It's one indivisible particle.
{71626}{71767}But if it's...|but if it's in different locations...
{71770}{71858}- Can't you put a scale under one?|- No, it's inseparable.
{71861}{71974}It's not a - this is the tricky|conceptual part that you...
{71976}{72057}It's not 3.000 separate parts.
{72060}{72108}- Even though it looks that way?|- Right.
{72110}{72182}You can look at it in that -|you can't actually see the one with 3
{72185}{72254}You can look at the simpler ones|that are two or three or four.
{72256}{72302}And you can see the... you can see...
{72304}{72376}That's to say, if you go on...|If you go onto the Web-
{72379}{72467}-you'll see photographs of these.
{72470}{72520}You'll see these little|dots floating in space.
{72523}{72597}These are the different|parts of one object.
{72599}{72710}It's not... They're not separable...
{72712}{72765}It's not four different objects,|or six different objects.
{72767}{72846}It's one wave function.|It's one object.
{72849}{72942}That's a real brain fart, isn't it?|'Cause when you think about it
, you just...
{72945}{72995}Wait a minute. No, no, no.|They're here, here, here.-
{73000}{73045}-So it's obviously one, two, three.
{73048}{73096}No, and you can't pull|one away from the others.
{73098}{73153}If you try to pull|one away from the others-
{73156}{73218}-the entire thing will just disappear.
{73220}{73295}And then, furthermore,|you've seen Star Trek and whatnot.
{73297}{73345}-"Beam me up, Scotty."|-"Beam me up, Scotty."
{73347}{73446}So it all seems sort of|"Oh, well, what does that really mean?"
{73448}{73515}But you've gotta really stop|and think about what that means.
{73518}{73590}That it's the same object|and it's in two places at once.
{73592}{73676}People tinker in the lab, and they get|angry about things, and the
y have lunch-
{73678}{73726}-and they go home and|they lead their lives,
{73729}{73813}-just as though nothing|utterly astounding is happening,
{73815}{73870}-because that's how you|have to go about it.
{73872}{73932}And yet, there's this|completely amazing magic-
{73937}{73985}-sitting right in front of your eyes.
{74541}{74609}Where the hell are you?|I've got a studio full of people,
{74613}{74659}-but, oh, my God!
{74661}{74733}There's no photographer.
{74738}{74796}Where, oh, where can she be?
{74798}{74903}Aliens? Loch Ness monster?
{74906}{74973}Or a hot date?
{74978}{75064}We took two simple|black boxes like this.
{75066}{75122}Inside is a very|simple electric circuit-
{75124}{75215}-with a few diodes, oscillator, EPROM,
{75218}{75265}-some resistors and capacitors.
{75268}{75321}Basically, that's it.
{75323}{75369}We wrap one in aluminum foil.
{75371}{75448}We put it in an electrically|grounded Faraday cage.
{75450}{75524}The other we set on|a tabletop around which-
{75527}{75599}-four very well-qualified meditators,
{75601}{75671}-highly inner-self-managed|individuals, sit.
{75673}{75781}And they go into|a deep meditative state.
{75783}{75843}They cleanse the environment.
{75846}{75903}They make it essentially|a sacred space-
{75906}{76002}-using their mind-cleansing|procedures and their intentions.
{76004}{76109}And then one of the four speaks|the specific intention for this de
{76112}{76208}The intention is to influence|a particular target experiment.
{76213}{76352}Might be to increase the pH of|purified water by one full pH unit-
{76354}{76440}-or to decrease the pH|by one full pH unit.
{76443}{76505}We have used these devices|on all of those experiments-
{76507}{76558}-and have been robustly successful.
{76560}{76697}In the meditative process then,|after one speaks the particular in
{76699}{76776}-it's held various ways by the four-
{76778}{76826}-for maybe 15 minutes.
{76829}{76913}And then, so be it. It's let go.
{76915}{76982}And then, a subsidiary|intention is stated-
{76985}{77076}-to seal that imprint into the device.
{77078}{77188}We take one of these devices|with its aluminum foil.
{77191}{77265}We put it in a soft package.|We put it in a FedEx packet.
{77267}{77402}We ship it 2.000 miles away|to the laboratory we were|using up in
{77404}{77476}And as soon as it arrives there,|it goes into its own-
{77478}{77524}-electrically-grounded Faraday cage.
{77526}{77606}The next day, we do|the same with the control.
{77608}{77661}Experiment is running.|And basically-
{77663}{77709}-then one just takes the device out,
{77711}{77788}-sets it beside the experiment|within six inches to a foot-
{77790}{77840}-and turns it on for a period of time.
{77843}{77960}That's it. Now, we learned|over some period of time-
{77963}{78008}-that there was another factor.
{78011}{78078}We found that the use of these -
{78080}{78150}- we call them|intention imprinted electrical devices.
{78152}{78198}The continued use of this,
{78200}{78308}-somehow conditions a space,
{78310}{78373}-to some higher level of symmetry,
{78375}{78452}-and we start getting new phenomena.
{78454}{78519}That is, the devices work.|That is, the pH-
{78521}{78622}-which is normal,|starts rising one full pH unit-
{78624}{78696}-if that was the imprint,|or starts dropping.
{78728}{78804}If you go one full pH unit|or beyond, you're dead.
{78807}{78852}I mean, that's what|it means to a human.
{78912}{79015}REG machines - random event generators -|are electronic tosses of
the coin.
{79018}{79073}One type of random number|generator experiment-
{79075}{79135}-that's been conducted many, many times,
{79138}{79279}-hundreds of times over the past four|decades or so since around t
he 1960s,
{79281}{79387}-has been a random generator that|only produces sequences of rando
m bits.
{79389}{79466}Zeros and ones. Like flipping coins.
{79468}{79531}And you would simply ask|somebody to press a button.
{79533}{79579}It would produce 200 bits-
{79581}{79691}-and you would ask them to say,|"Well, try to make it produce|more
one bits than zero bits."
{79694}{79761}And when you take|the entire body of literature,
{79763}{79811}-all of the hundreds of|experiments that have been done,
{79814}{79862}-you can ask a single question:
{79864}{79936}-Did it matter that people were|trying to push it towards ones-
{79938}{79991}-or push it towards zeros?
{79994}{80058}And the overall answer|is yes, it does matter.
{80061}{80125}That somehow, intention is correlated-
{80128}{80233}-with the operation, with the output|of these random number genera
{80238}{80300}-such that if you wish for more ones,
{80303}{80356}-somehow, the generators|produce more ones.
{80358}{80420}So when they talk about,|in quantum physics-
{80423}{80507}-being a completely|arbitrary and random process,
{80509}{80617}-what they're not accounting for|is the extraordinary effect-
{80619}{80665}-of human thought, of human intention.
{80667}{80720}When the O.J. Simpson trial was going on,
{80722}{80768}-lots of people are watching television-
{80770}{80833}-because of the courtroom|drama that was unfolding.
{80835}{80960}And Radin intuited that there|must be a lot of intention going on-
{80962}{81029}-at the time when|the courtroom drama is strong.
{81032}{81142}So he hired a bunch of psychologists|who kept track of the courtro
om drama.
{81144}{81276}At the same time... Radin was studying|the behavior of random numb
er generators.
{81279}{81331}But then... Radin found-
{81334}{81422}-that whenever the intentions|were strong in the courtroom,
{81425}{81516}-that's when the deviation of-
{81518}{81607}-these random number|generators from randomness-
{81610}{81662}-becomes very high.
{81665}{81744}This leads naturally|to wonder, do people...
{81746}{81830}Are people affecting the world|of reality that they see?
{81832}{81878}You betcha they are.
{81880}{81962}Every single one of us|affects the reality that we see.
{81967}{82099}Even if we try to hide from that|and play victim, we all are doing
{82180}{82247}Just tell me where you are.
{82250}{82326}Okay, good.|But hurry, will you, please?
{82329}{82382}- Because these models are|giving me a headache.|- Ten minutes.
{83465}{83523}Our subway exhibit comes to us-
{83525}{83614}-from Japan and Mr. Masaru Emoto.
{83616}{83683}Mr. Emoto became terribly interested-
{83686}{83775}-in the molecular structure|of water and what affects it.
{83777}{83890}Now, water is the most|receptive of the four elements.
{83892}{84029}Mr. Emoto thought perhaps it would|respond to non-physical events.
{84031}{84115}So he set up a series of studies,|applied mental stimuli-
{84117}{84185}-and photographed it with a microscope.
{84280}{84362}For one sample of water,|we drop about 5 cubic centimetrs-
{84364}{84431}-onto each 50 petri dishes.
{84511}{84559}Then we take those 50 petri dishes-
{84561}{84695}-and freeze them in a freezer|at minus 25 degrees Celsius|for abou
t three hours.
{84753}{84873}We take those frozen samples|into a refrigerator that is set|at mi
nus five degrees Celsius,
{84875}{84928}-where a microscope|with a camera is set up.
{84930}{85040}There, we take photographs of each|of the 50 water drops individua
{85105}{85206}We first take photographs of water|that we did not put any informa
tion in.
{85208}{85259}Then, we take the water with information-
{85261}{85355}-and do the same|procedure just described.
{85357}{85482}We take those before-and-after|photographs and compare the differe
{85678}{85743}When we projected the feeling|of love and thanks to water,
{85745}{85836}-it made the most beautiful crystal.
{85839}{85920}At times like this,|I think water is at peace.
{85985}{86117}This first picture is a picture|of water from the Fujiwara Dam.
{86167}{86242}And this picture is the same water-
{86244}{86342}after receiving a blessing|from a Zen Buddhist monk.
{86443}{86505}Now in this next series of pictures-
{86508}{86573}-Mr. Emoto printed out words-
{86575}{86630}-taped them to bottles|of distilled water-
{86632}{86712}-and left them out overnight.
{86714}{86810}This first photograph is a picture|of the pure, distilled water,
{86812}{86858}-just the essence of itself.
{86860}{86954}These subsequent photographs,|as you can see, are each different.
{86956}{87045}This is the "Chi of Love."
{87047}{87141}And we move along here to "Thank You."
{87143}{87225}And you can see where he taped|that to this bottle here.
{87227}{87292}But if you read Japanese,|you already knew that.
{87378}{87452}Now, Mr. Emoto speaks of the thought-
{87455}{87541}-or intent, being|the driving force in all of this.
{87544}{87661}The science of how that actually|affects the molecules is unknown,
{87663}{87733}-except to the water|molecules, of course.
{87735}{87829}And it's really fascinating|when you keep in mind-
{87831}{87877}-that 90% of our bodies are water.
{88143}{88203}Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
{88205}{88284}If thoughts can do that to water,
{88287}{88344}-imagine what our|thoughts can do to us.
{88848}{88934}One of the most interesting experiments|with random event generato
{88937}{89013}-occurred when it|was really out of time.
{89018}{89083}Some of the Princeton investigators|and some of the other ones-
{89088}{89145}-decided that they would|try to see whether or not-
{89148}{89251}-you could affect|a random machine after it had run.
{89253}{89335}So they converted it - instead of|having a computer with a visual
{89337}{89450}-they had a computerized situation|that was... audio tapes.
{89452}{89507}And they had it with left-
{89510}{89577}-clicks in the left ear|and clicks in the right ear.
{89579}{89661}And they already played this|with nobody listening to it-
{89663}{89709}-so that it already ran.
{89711}{89819}They put that in a vault,|and they then gave the tape,
{89821}{89893}-the already-run tape,|to a participant and said:
{89896}{89946}"Take it home.|I want you to listen to it-
{89948}{90042}-and I want you to make more left-ear|clicks than right-ear clicks
with it,
{90044}{90090}-send your intention to it."
{90092}{90162}So the person did. They handed|back the tape and they played it-
{90164}{90241}-and lo and behold, and they|played the one in the vault too-
{90243}{90294}-and they discovered that|they were both the same-
{90296}{90375}-and they both had more|left clicks than right clicks.
{90378}{90454}So what was going on here?|Well, it wasn't as though-
{90457}{90521}-the person who was the participant|had actually affected it-
{90524}{90581}-at the moment he was listening to it.
{90584}{90672}His thoughts and his attention|had moved back down the timeline-
{90677}{90732}-and affected it at|the moment it was generated.
{90735}{90804}Most people don't affect reality-
{90807}{90862}-in a consistent, substantial way,
{90864}{90912}-because they don't believe they can.
{90915}{90972}Whatever way we observe|the world around us-
{90975}{91039}-is what comes back to us.
{91042}{91121}And the reason why|my life, for instance,
{91123}{91209}-is so lacking in joy and|happiness and fulfilment,
{91212}{91305}-is because my focus is lacking|in those same things exactly.
{91308}{91370}If we're victims,|we should ask ourselves,
{91373}{91423}-"Have I a victim mentality?"
{91425}{91540}If I'm continually meeting misfortunes|and accidents and tragedies
{91543}{91665}maybe it's because my|mentality is basically attuned-
{91667}{91766}-to accepting that this is|the way life is, and so it happens.
{91768}{91818}Now, why can I not|achieve those things?
{91821}{91881}Fundamentally, through lack of focus.
{91883}{91982}The average person loses their attention|span every six to 10 seco
nds per minute.
{91984}{92070}When one wants to focus intent-
{92073}{92149}-you want to be a singleness of mind.
{92152}{92219}That's why some of|the old occult teachings-
{92224}{92320}-teach people to focus on a flame,
{92322}{92370}-a match flame, in fact-
{92372}{92447}-so that you learn to|bring your attention-
{92449}{92540}-into a very sharp channel,
{92543}{92622}-so that the energy|density becomes greater.
{92624}{92725}The mind is structured in layers,|just like the universe|is struct
ured in layers,
{92727}{92785}-from superficial to profound.
{92787}{92885}And if we use the mind at a very|superficial level of ordinary tho
{92888}{92933}-we have very limited power.
{92936}{92998}We can barely move a speck|of dust across a tabletop-
{93001}{93046}-without using our hands.
{93048}{93104}So weak can consciousness be.
{93106}{93207}But at the deepest|level of consciousness,|consciousness creates u
{93209}{93300}But we always wonder then, don't we...
{93303}{93396}-when we wish for all of those|to be able to heal with a touch-
{93399}{93535}-and to raise the dead and to|manifest a loaf of bread in our hand
{93538}{93638}And we always wonder|why we can't do that.
{93641}{93734}But we can never ask a question-
{93737}{93816}-that we don't already|know the answer to.
{93818}{93873}And the answer is,
{93876}{93955}-is because we don't|believe we can do it,
{93957}{94024}-and it interferes with our agenda-
{94027}{94120}-of our own personal|addictions that define us.
{94123}{94197}We have never had enough time-
{94199}{94278}-to care for anyone|else other than our own-
{94281}{94341}-emotional addictive needs.
{94700}{94758}Hey, how was the shoot?
{94760}{94808}It sucked.
{94923}{94967}Your boss called.
{94969}{95031}He's worried about you.
{95300}{95379}Amanda, I want to thank you|for letting me stay here.
{95420}{95480}I know I'm a bit much sometimes,
{95484}{95566}-and that it's been|tough after Bob and all.
{95628}{95695}-you've just been so wonderful.
{95698}{95803}I make a mess, and - well,|I clean up afterwards,|but it's not rea
lly your style.
{95846}{95918}- Sometimes I think you make me sane.|- Me?
{95966}{96019}The day I make someone sane,|they're in trouble.
{96173}{96268}-I made you something|as a thank-you gift.
{96453}{96511}Open it.
{96813}{96889}I went through your pictures|and picked my favorite ones.
{96892}{96971}And it took me forever because|there are so many good ones.
{97175}{97237}That's for all the wonderful|photos you will be taking.
{97530}{97606}I've had a strange day.
{97669}{97717}Thank you.
{98103}{98167}Why are we here?
{98170}{98244}If thoughts can do that to water,
{98246}{98306}-imagine what our|thoughts can do to us.
{98366}{98426}...Thought about|what thoughts are made of.
{98429}{98489}Is there a substance of thought?
{98647}{98716}This is a dream that I'm dreaming.
{98719}{98819}Just as in a dream you dream,|different characters can|emerge and
come out to you-
{98822}{98872}-and talk to you and meet you.
{98875}{98954}It's possible to go to another level|of dreaming where you can bec
{98956}{99006}-each of the characters|that you dream.
{99009}{99057}We can go backward|and forward in time.
{99059}{99146}- Time is relative.|- It goes backwards in time.
{99148}{99222}- And then forward in time.|- Time was not absolute.
{99225}{99273}- Information.|- Time reversal symmetry.
{99275}{99335}Of course we can go|backward and forward in time.
{99385}{99448}Are all realities in the quantum|field existing simultaneously?
{99452}{99498}The actual event of experience...
{99553}{99613}There literally are different|worlds in which we live.
{99615}{99678}There's the macroscopic|world that we see.
{99680}{99752}There's the world of our cells.|There's the world of our atoms.
{99755}{99853}The world of our nuclei. These are|each totally different worlds.
{99855}{99920}They have their own language.|They have their own mathematics.
{99922}{100042}They're not just smaller. Each is totally|different, but they're
{100045}{100124}Because I am my atoms,|but I am also my cells.
{100126}{100205}I am also my macroscopic|physiology. It's all true.
{100208}{100265}There are just different levels of truth.
{100268}{100361}The deepest level of truth uncovered|by science and by philosoph
{100364}{100428}-is the fundamental truth of unity.
{100431}{100510}At that deepest subnuclear|level of our reality-
{100512}{100615}-you and I are literally|one... one... one.
{100661}{100726}This gradually led into some notions-
{100728}{100805}-that there was an invisible|connection between everything.
{100807}{100901}Physicists give this a name.|They call it "entanglement."
{100903}{100985}As Einstein put it, he didn't believe|quantum mechanics could be
{100987}{101090}-because it required that there be|spooky action at a distance.
{101092}{101138}That was his term.
{101140}{101251}What he meant is when we have|our ordinary sense of the way|that
the fabric of reality is,
{101253}{101356}-it seems like these two places|are absolutely in space,
{101359}{101459}-they're separate and|never the twain shall meet.
{101462}{101507}But in fact, it's not true.
{101510}{101594}At some deeper level that we can't|see with our eyes very clearl
{101596}{101668}-two places in space are the same.
{101670}{101745}They are colocated, coexisting.
{101747}{101826}So, if we imagine that common sense,
{101828}{101941}-the way common sense literally meaning|what your senses tell yo
u about the world,
{101944}{102003}-if that's the way the world|is actually constructed,
{102006}{102097}-then things like psychic and mystical|experience don't make any
sense at all,
{102099}{102207}-because the whole point about|psychic and mystical experience|t
hat makes them strange,
{102210}{102291}-is the sense there's some kind of|connection between what's goi
ng on|inside your head -
{102294}{102394}- and things elsewhere -|elsewhere in space and in time.
{102397}{102459}So what this view of|quantum mechanics provides,
{102461}{102579}-is a way of framing what these|strange experiences are like.
{102581}{102682}And it reframes it from somehow magically|information is getting
inside my head-
{102684}{102742}-from signals or forces or something-
{102744}{102816}-into a different view, which is that-
{102819}{102876}-in a sense your head, yes, is here,
{102879}{102972}-but it's also spread out-|spread out through space and time.
{102975}{103075}So when I'm able to get a telepathic|impression from somebody at
a distance,
{103078}{103150}-it's not because I somehow|jumped out there and got it,
{103152}{103217}-but because at some deep level-
{103219}{103310}-my head and the other|person's head are colocated.
{103313}{103387}We become entangled all the time|when we communicate telepathica
{103389}{103452}Those experiences are so striking.
{103454}{103538}I literally can read your thoughts-
{103543}{103593}-if I become entangled with you.
{103596}{103665}And such things happen.|There are distant viewing experiments.
{103667}{103763}There are even experiments now|that you are seeing light flashes
{103766}{103866}-and your brain potentials picks up|the signature of those light
{103869}{103917}-what is called "evoke potential"-
{103919}{104001}-that can be measured in|an EEG machine connected to your brain.
{104003}{104080}And I am sitting over there.|No light flashes.
{104082}{104128}I cannot see you.
{104130}{104216}And, still, my brain potential,|because I am correlated with you
{104219}{104269}-in terms of intention,
{104272}{104353}I intend to be directly|communicated with your experiences.
{104356}{104442}That intention produces me -|gives me the capability-
{104444}{104552}-of simultaneously having|a similar brain potential in my brain.
{104555}{104634}It was first done by Jacobo Grinberg|at the University of Mexico
{104636}{104715}-and now repeated by|Peter Fenwick in London.
{104823}{104893}The day should be the sunrise.
{104895}{104972}It should be the beginning|of great thought.
{105060}{105128}I wake up in the morning,|and I consciously create my day-
{105130}{105176}-the way I want it to happen.
{105178}{105286}Now, sometimes,|because my mind is examining-
{105288}{105351}-all the things that|I need to get done,
{105413}{105458}-it takes me a little bit|to settle down-
{105461}{105518}-and get to the point|of where I'm actually,
{105521}{105574}-intentionally creating my day.
{105576}{105650}But here's the thing.|When I create my day,
{105653}{105768}-and out of nowhere,|little things happen-
{105770}{105866}that are so unexplainable.
{105868}{105969}I know that they are the process|or the result of my creation.
{105972}{106019}And the more I do that-
{106022}{106082}-the more I build|a neuronet in my brain,
{106084}{106154}-that I accept that that's possible-
{106156}{106242}-gives me the power and the incentive|to do it the next day.
{106245}{106307}And we all create our own realities-
{106310}{106391}-and we do that because|we are the observer.
{106393}{106480}We are each the own|observer of our own reality.
{106482}{106583}And each of our individual|consciousnesses-
{106585}{106700}-creates our own individual|reality in the most amazing way.
{106703}{106794}My son, Evan, the physicist,|says it's an additive thing.
{106796}{106899}If I'm holding one reality and|someone else is holding another r
eality -
{106902}{106955}- I mean, it's the Super Bowl|this afternoon.
{106957}{107014}And the reality that|the Eagles are holding-
{107017}{107094}-is a different reality than|what the Patriots are holding.
{107096}{107175}And only one of those realities|are gonna be the real reality.
{107178}{107266}So there's some additive,|and there are interference patterns.
{107269}{107317}If we keep quantum physics-
{107319}{107391}-and the understanding very|simple for the layperson -
{107393}{107480}- that our observation has|a direct effect on our world.
{107484}{107585}I think if we keep it very simple,|then people can get about the
{107588}{107693}-of beginning to practice|the skill of observation.
{107695}{107767}See, the subatomic world|responds to our observation,
{107770}{107820}-but the average person|loses their attention span-
{107822}{107894}-every six to 10 seconds per minute.
{107897}{107993}So, that doesn't leave a lot|of room for our attention span.
{107995}{108079}So how can the very|large respond to someone-
{108081}{108165}-who doesn't have the ability|to even focus and concentrate?
{108168}{108216}Maybe we're just poor observers.
{108218}{108278}Maybe we haven't mastered|the skill of observation-
{108280}{108331}-and maybe it is a skill.
{108333}{108412}And maybe we're so addicted|to the external world-
{108415}{108503}-and so addicted to the stimulus|and response of the external wo
{108506}{108568}-that the brain is beginning to work-
{108571}{108640}-out of response|instead of out of creation.
{108642}{108712}If we're given the proper knowledge|and the proper understanding
{108714}{108777}-and given the proper instruction,
{108779}{108873}-we should begin to see|measurable feedback in our life.
{108875}{108923}If you make the effort-
{108925}{108985}-to sit down and design a new life,
{108988}{109050}-and you make it|the most important thing,
{109052}{109120}and you spend time|every day feeding it-
{109122}{109220}-like a gardener feeds a seed,|you will produce fruit.
{109223}{109285}We are running the holodeck.
{109314}{109376}We are collectively. It's there.
{109379}{109438}It has such flexibility-
{109441}{109498}-that anything you|can imagine, it will create.
{109501}{109578}And you learn.|I mean, your intention-
{109580}{109657}-causes this thing to materialize|once you're conscious enough.
{109661}{109760}- Yes, so what is consciousness?|- What is consciousness?
{109800}{109877}Well, consciousness is|a very difficult thing to define.
{109880}{109942}What is consciousness?|Where does it come from?
{109944}{109997}People have been trying|to explain consciousness-
{109999}{110050}-and trying to figure|out what exactly it is,
{110052}{110136}-what it means for us as|human beings, why we even have it.
{110139}{110230}A simple way of defining it is|it has to do with awareness-
{110232}{110285}-and in particular,|awareness of the self.
{110287}{110357}That's at least how we, as human beings,|have self-consciousness
{110359}{110412}-so that when we look|in a mirror, we recognize-
{110414}{110498}-that it's ourselves that we're looking|at and not some other pe
rson or animal.
{110501}{110585}And do you think science|will understand that better-
{110587}{110671}-than having to handle|a hot potato called consciousness,
{110673}{110726}-that has so much-
{110728}{110822}-cultish religion backwater|voodoo attached to it?
{110824}{110915}Consciousness has been left out|of the equations of physics-
{110918}{110971}-in general, as well|as quantum physics,
{110973}{111018}-for a very simple reason:
{111021}{111078}It's easier to do things that way.
{111656}{111745}I hate weddings!
{111747}{111798}A wedding?
{111800}{111846}Come on, Frank!
{111848}{111920}This is a good assignment,|if you'd see it that way.
{111922}{111985}What's to see? "I do."
{111987}{112033}They did.
{112035}{112109}Aw, God, Amanda.|I mean, you live in your past.
{112112}{112184}Everything with you is about|what happened. You hate churches,
{112188}{112292}-you hate weddings, you hate guys.
{112328}{112409}Consciousness.|We have great trouble defining it.
{112411}{112491}To me, consciousness is|a by-product of spirit-
{112493}{112539}-entering dense matter.
{112541}{112610}But we have a long,|long way to grow,
{112613}{112709}-before we get to the stage|where it is meaningful for us-
{112711}{112762}-to ask the question:|Will we know God?
{112850}{112961}Most people think of God as|that great figure in the sky-
{112963}{113085}-with the white beard, who's|scrutinizing the human race from ab
{113088}{113219}They see us here on Earth as in|some form of neutral testing gro
{113222}{113287}-where we're placed|by God for a period,
{113289}{113339}-and God watches from above,
{113342}{113402}-registering the scores on his laptop,
{113404}{113490}-as to whether we perform|according to his designs,
{113493}{113586}-or whether we're|"offending him," as it's put.
{113591}{113658}An absolutely outrageous idea.
{113661}{113733}How could we offend God -
{113735}{113790}- the type of God|that people believe in?
{113792}{113848}How could it matter so much to him?
{113850}{113908}How could it - above all - matter,
{113910}{113977}-that he would find it|so serious a situation,
{113980}{114078}-that he could condemn us|to an eternity of suffering?
{114080}{114126}These are bizarre ideas.
{114128}{114195}But, obviously,|they have a great hold-
{114198}{114313}-on the fears and the limitations|and the insecurities of people
{114318}{114401}-which is why religion|can play so effectively,
{114404}{114454}-whether deliberately or otherwise,
{114457}{114505}-on those insecurities.
{114509}{114598}People fall into line very|readily when they're threatened-
{114600}{114680}-by these cosmic sentences|of everlasting punishment.
{114682}{114780}How in the Ten Commandments|could we have possibly-
{114783}{114845}-created a mind,
{114847}{114931}-that could transcend space and time?
{114970}{115066}No, we're too busy|keeping our emotions in check-
{115068}{115207}-to ever dream of|infinite possibilities.
{115209}{115303}And maybe that is|the ultimate conspiracy.
{115308}{115396}Even though a given|person may have long ago-
{115399}{115452}-thrown off the trappings of religion,
{115454}{115514}-they still live|in the religious mold.
{115516}{115564}And they don't even know it,
{115567}{115629}-but their whole conception|of how reality works,
{115631}{115703}-is all something that has|been molded by religion.
{115706}{115768}So, until you get that|out of your system,
{115771}{115900}-you can't ever make a go|of an evolutionary perspective.
{115902}{115967}One of the problems|with organized religions-
{115970}{116025}-is that there is this|sense of separateness,
{116027}{116075}-that it's only good|to be a Protestant,
{116077}{116154}-or that people who are Catholics|are the only people who know t
he way.
{116157}{116274}And I think now, our current|understanding of quantum physics-
{116276}{116327}-is this understanding|of complete unity.
{116329}{116461}And so that we have to derive|our spirituality from a sense of u
{116519}{116607}This is the basic|journey of spirituality-
{116610}{116694}-when we ask the question,|"Why am I feeling separate all the ti
{116804}{116885}Speaking of God always|conjures up the idea-
{116888}{116948}-of the old guy with|the white beard in the cloud,
{116950}{117080}-judging, observing, punishing,|rewarding or giving commands.
{117082}{117130}Once you're on that track,
{117132}{117235}-you are totally off the path of|spiritual evolution and develop
{117367}{117420}The great appeal of all to people-
{117422}{117470}-who don't want to grow up,
{117473}{117547}-but want the great parent|in the skies looking after them,
{117550}{117617}-is to ask Jesus to do it for me.
{117619}{117691}If only I place my trust in Jesus,
{117693}{117749}-he will save me from my sins-
{117751}{117823}-and look after me|and all will be well.
{117825}{117888}Well, Jesus cannot|eat my lunch for me,
{117890}{117938}-and Jesus cannot be born for me.
{117940}{117995}And neither can Jesus save me.
{117998}{118087}Because what we're talking|about in this - in real terms,
{118089}{118166}-is not being saved by anyone -
{118168}{118216}- God or otherwise.
{118218}{118276}We are talking about|a personal evolution.
{118372}{118473}The only reason that there|is an addiction to religion-
{118475}{118578}-is some way out of a mistake.
{118581}{118655}Does that diminish|the greatness of God?
{118657}{118727}No. It actually opens the corral-
{118729}{118818}-and lets God be eternal,
{118909}{119005}The law that is given|to us is the same law-
{119007}{119079}-as given to that of|those people on Sirius.
{119132}{119240}Given to us by the people|in the Rose Universe,
{119242}{119302}-or the "R" Universe.
{119305}{119386}You know, and your Hubble|telescope has finally seen-
{119388}{119494}-galaxies of immeasurable beauty,
{119496}{119542}-that in our heart and in our mind-
{119544}{119631}-we long to engage.
{119633}{119724}It's exciting to meet|beings of greater mind-
{119727}{119775}-or lesser mind.
{119777}{119854}And where does it end?|It doesn't end.
{119856}{119902}It doesn't end.
{119942}{120002}We do not want|to accept responsibility.
{120005}{120074}We do not want|to accept our greatness.
{120077}{120144}So it's very easy|for any system of thought,
{120146}{120204}-religious or otherwise,|that comes along -
{120206}{120297}- it's very easy to play on that,|to play on our insecurities-
{120300}{120355}-to assure us all is well,|we'll all be taken care of.
{120357}{120405}We lap that up.
{120407}{120455}So don't blame religion.
{120458}{120551}Blame our own insecurities which|has allowed religion to flouris
{120554}{120626}-and which has allowed|so many systems of thought,
{120628}{120714}-that are disempowering to|flourish throughout human history.
{120719}{120784}That's why we can't get out of it.
{121091}{121151}I now present to you-
{121153}{121239}-Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buck Filipowski.
{121690}{121741}Experiencing something|in the present day,
{121767}{121812}-that is a trigger,
{121815}{121894}-to something that is very|emotionally charged for us.
{121896}{121978}So, now, we have become|even more disconnected-
{121980}{122031}-from the reality of what actually is.
{122189}{122239}The new dream,
{122242}{122340}-like a thunderstorm in our brain,
{122342}{122445}-and its electrical strikes|through our synaptic skies-
{122448}{122515}-to the earth of our being-
{122517}{122584}-creates a chemical cascade|in our body,
{122587}{122656}-that prepares our body-
{122659}{122750}-for conquest, achievement,
{122752}{122843}-a relishing experience emotionally.
{122846}{122903}But we would have no conquest,
{122906}{122980}-indeed, we would have no "relishment",
{122982}{123102}-if we had not first had that hologram-
{123107}{123196}-and those chemicals that made us,
{123225}{123294}-or rather, changed us-
{123297}{123378}-from being fearful entities-
{123380}{123452}-into fearless entities after a dream.
{123812}{123920}The frontal lobe is the crowning|achievement of the human brain.
{123922}{123970}The frontal lobe.
{124025}{124081}This frontal lobe-
{124083}{124212}-allows us a "distinguishness"|to change our minds.
{124215}{124280}Through the workings|of the nervous system,
{124282}{124359}-and the particular way that|it implements quantum effects-
{124361}{124407}-very distinct, specific way,
{124409}{124479}-not general, not fuzzy, not imprecise,
{124481}{124575}-that it absolutely does open the door-
{124577}{124656}-for free will being a possibility,
{124658}{124752}-that does not violate|modern scientific tenets.
{124754}{124838}And that's consistent...|to a certain extent-
{124841}{124927}-with people's subjective|impression that we do have free will.
{124929}{124980}What separates us|from all other species-
{124982}{125090}-is the ratio of our frontal|lobe to the rest of the brain.
{125092}{125186}The frontal lobe is an area of the brain|that's responsible for
firm intention,
{125188}{125296}-for decision making,|for regulating behavior, for inspiration.
{125299}{125351}It is the seat of what causes us-
{125354}{125411}-to take information|from our environment-
{125414}{125459}-and process it-
{125462}{125541}-and store it in our brain|to make decisions or choices,
{125543}{125617}-that are different than the decisions|and choices that we've ma
de in the past.
{125687}{125776}The brain is made up of|tiny nerve cells called neurons.
{125778}{125833}These neurons have tiny|branches that reach out-
{125836}{125908}-and connect to other|neurons to form a neuronet.
{125910}{126027}Each place where they connect is|integrated into a thought or a
{126030}{126075}Now, the brain builds|up all its concepts-
{126078}{126123}-by the law of associative memory.
{126126}{126178}For example, ideas,|thoughts and feelings-
{126181}{126262}-are all constructed and|interconnected in this neuronet-
{126265}{126339}-and all have a possible|relationship with one another.
{126342}{126389}The concept and the feeling|of love, for instance,
{126394}{126452}-is stored in this vast neuronet.
{126454}{126533}But we build the concept of love|from many other different ideas
{126536}{126598}Some people have love|connected to disappointment.
{126600}{126684}When they think about love,|they experience the memory of pain,
{126687}{126754}sorrow, anger, and even rage.
{126756}{126833}Rage may be linked to hurt, which|may be linked to a specific pe
{126835}{126919}which then is connected back to love.
{126922}{127001}Every observation can be looked|upon as a quantum measurement.
{127003}{127073}This quantum measurement|produces memory.
{127075}{127164}We always perceive something after-
{127166}{127245}-reflection in the mirror of memory.
{127248}{127303}It is this reflection|in the mirror of memory-
{127305}{127399}-that gives us that sense|of "I-ness" - who I am.
{127401}{127459}The brain does not know the difference-
{127461}{127560}-between what it sees in its|environment and what it remembers,
{127562}{127651}-because the same specific|neuronets are then firing.
{127653}{127727}We know physiologically|that nerve cells-
{127730}{127775}-that fire together wire together.
{127778}{127823}If you practice something|over and over again,
{127826}{127881}-those nerve cells have|a long-term relationship.
{127883}{127938}If you get angry on a daily basis,
{127941}{127989}-if you get frustrated|on a daily basis,
{127993}{128053}-if you suffer on a daily basis,
{128056}{128152}-if you give reasons for|the victimization in your life,
{128154}{128248}-you're rewiring and reintegrating|that neuronet on a daily basi
{128250}{128320}-and that neuronet now has|a long-term relationship-
{128322}{128396}-with all those other nerve|cells called an identity.
{128399}{128475}We also know that nerve cells|that don't fire together-
{128478}{128523}-no longer wire together.
{128526}{128583}They lose their|long-term relationship,
{128586}{128679}-because every time we|interrupt the thought process-
{128682}{128792}-that produces a chemical response in|the body, every time we in
terrupt it,
{128794}{128845}-those nerve cells that are|connected to each other,
{128847}{128931}-start breaking|the long-term relationship.
{128936}{128991}If we practice-
{128993}{129077}-our mental rehearsal and our|skill in being able to do it,
{129080}{129125}-will show that|certain brain circuits-
{129128}{129173}-will grow as a result of our effort.
{129175}{129247}It'll get easier to do,|in other words.
{129250}{129312}If we accept that idea,
{129315}{129384}-then it will allow us|to go back the next day-
{129386}{129502}-and do it with more certainty|and with more acceptance.
{129506}{129564}That in itself-
{129566}{129614}-is no different than praying.
{129617}{129684}You see, there's no religious text-
{129686}{129739}-that says thought doesn't matter.
{129741}{129796}There's no religious|text that doesn't say-
{129799}{129909}-your prayer and your intention|shouldn't be answered by God.
{129912}{129986}But explaining how that happens-
{129988}{130079}-is what quantum physics|and the observer is all about.
{130082}{130149}But still, when we can make thought-
{130151}{130206}-more real than anything else -
{130209}{130257}- our brain is designed to do that.
{130259}{130331}The frontal lobe,|with its enormous space-
{130336}{130398}-is the altar in which|we place a thought,
{130401}{130473}-and it gives us the permission-
{130477}{130547}-to hold a thought for|an extended period of time,
{130552}{130621}-and it lowers the volume|to external stimuli.
{130624}{130672}We lose track of time and space.
{130674}{130760}That's the moment we're|stepping into the quantum field.
{130763}{130861}That's the moment that now we're making|thought more real than a
nything else.
{130969}{131091}We are physically,|chemically emotional human beings.
{131094}{131146}That's not a bad thing.
{131149}{131235}It only becomes a limitation|when we keep accessing-
{131237}{131312}-those same emotions and those|same attitudes on a daily basis-
{131314}{131405}-and go nowhere in terms of|our change or evolution in our life.
{131453}{131540}How can we say that we|have lived fully every day-
{131542}{131607}-by simply experiencing|the same emotions-
{131609}{131681}-that we're addicted to every day?
{131683}{131782}What we're actually saying is,|"I have to reconfirm who I am-
{131784}{131882}-and my personality is, "I have to do this.|I have to go here. I
have to be that."
{131933}{132031}A master is quite a different cat.
{132077}{132134}It is one that sees the day-
{132137}{132196}-as an opportunity in time,
{132199}{132276}-to create avenues of reality-
{132278}{132364}-and emotions that are unborn-
{132367}{132427}-of realities that are unborn,
{132429}{132525}-that the day|becomes a fertilization-
{132527}{132585}-of infinite tomorrows.
{132590}{132676}There's a part of the brain|called the hypothalamus,
{132678}{132738}-and the hypothalamus|is like a little mini factory.
{132741}{132829}And it is a place that|assembles certain chemicals-
{132832}{132913}-that matches certain|emotions that we experience.
{132916}{132985}Those particular chemicals|are called peptides.
{132988}{133069}They're small chain|amino acid sequences.
{133072}{133129}The body's basically a carbon unit,
{133132}{133218}-that makes about 20 different|amino acids all together-
{133220}{133273}-to formulate its physical structure.
{133275}{133400}In the hypothalamus, we take|small chain proteins called peptide
{133402}{133520}-and we assemble them into certain|neuropeptides or neurohormone
{133522}{133633}-that match the emotional states|that we experience on a daily b
{133637}{133760}So there's chemicals for anger,|and there's chemicals for sadnes
{133762}{133817}-and there's chemicals|for victimization.
{133820}{133865}There's chemicals for lust.
{133868}{133978}There's a chemical that matches every|emotional state that we ex
{133980}{134043}And the moment that we|experience that emotional state-
{134045}{134122}-in our body or in our brain,
{134124}{134213}-that hypothalamus will|immediately assemble the peptide.
{134215}{134294}It then releases it through|the pituitary into the bloodstream.
{134297}{134362}The moment it makes it|into the bloodstream-
{134364}{134450}-it finds its way to different centers|or different parts of the
{134453}{134582}Every single cell in the body|has these receptors on the outside
{134584}{134664}One cell can have|thousands of receptors-
{134666}{134731}-studding its surface,|kind of opening up-
{134733}{134783}-to the outside world.
{134786}{134846}And when a peptide docks on a cell,
{134848}{134954}-it literally,|like a key going into a lock,
{134956}{135038}-sits on the receptor|surface and attaches to it-
{135040}{135100}-and kind of moves the receptor and-
{135102}{135210}-kind of like a doorbell buzzing,|sends a signal into the cell.
{135213}{135273}It's party time!
{136033}{136097}What happens in adulthood-
{136100}{136179}-is that most of us who've had|our glitches along the way-
{136181}{136280}-are operating in|a emotionally detached place,
{136282}{136356}-or we're operating as|if today were yesterday.
{136359}{136426}What is it?
{136752}{136807}Change in itself means, then,
{136809}{136881}-that we have to abandon our old self.
{136917}{137006}It means that we have to|leave behind our identity-
{137008}{137064}-for a few moments...
{137066}{137143}and begin to speculate|who we could be.
{137200}{137308}To change means modifying|our behavior enough-
{137311}{137351}-so that it's permanent.
{137629}{137725}Our experiences color what we know.
{137730}{137848}So there is no completely|objective appraisal of anything.
{137850}{137927}Because our appraisal of everything-
{137929}{138032}-has to do with our|previous experiences-
{138035}{138095}-and our emotions.
{138097}{138150}Everything has|an emotional weighting to it.
{138152}{138255}We've gone from emotions|being these spiritual,
{138258}{138354}-immaterial things to things -
{138356}{138406}- they're not even things -
{138409}{138469}- to actual molecules|with molecular weights-
{138473}{138533}-and peptides with|sequences and structures.
{138536}{138634}Science knows now that|the hypothalamus makes neuropeptides-
{138636}{138711}-and those neuropeptides|are strong chemicals.
{138713}{138795}Well, here's the story of|the peptide and the cell.
{138797}{138888}The peptides find the receptors-
{138891}{138982}-and dock onto them and stay attached.
{138984}{139063}Then they come off, and then|they can come back on again.
{139066}{139190}And while they're there,|they are changing the cell.
{139195}{139265}A receptor that has|a peptide sitting in it-
{139269}{139339}-sets off a whole cascade|of biochemical events,
{139341}{139389}-some of which changes|nucleus of the cell.
{139440}{139500}Each cell is definitely alive...
{139502}{139557}-and... each cell has a consciousness,
{139560}{139610}-particularly if we|define consciousness-
{139612}{139665}-as the point of view of an observer.
{139667}{139715}There is always|the perspective of the cell.
{139718}{139782}The cell knows where it is.|The cell knows where it's going.
{139785}{139833}The cell knows what|proteins it's making.
{139835}{139943}The cell knows whether it's|about to divide or whether it's|in a
program to stop dividing.
{139946}{140039}In fact, the cell is the smallest|unit of consciousness in the b
{140044}{140089}I'm hungry!
{140092}{140137}The cells are yelling|up to the brain, saying...
{140140}{140207}- Hungry!|- "We haven't gotten our fix today."
{140209}{140284}- And it's gonna start sending|impressions to the brain.|- Hey!
{140286}{140346}- I'm hungry.|- And the brain is gonna|start to formulate imager
{140348}{140437}It's gonna sound like|voices in our head.
{140439}{140519}- I'm hungry!|- To think of a reason why|we should be depressed.
{140521}{140595}- Yes, I'm hungry!|- Think of a reason why|we should be confused
{140598}{140665}Think of a reason|for our own suffering.
{140667}{140742}And the body's gonna|be telling the brain-
{140746}{140811}-that it's not getting|its chemical need,
{140813}{140869}chemical needs met.
{140871}{140931}And so the brain will then activate-
{140933}{140991}-and start goin to|our past situations...
{140993}{141068}- Yeah.|- and flashing pictures|to our frontal lobe.
{141070}{141163}Oh, yeah! We've commandeered|an entire serving platter!
{141288}{141365}Yeah, keep it comin'!|Keep it comin'!
{141367}{141415}- Delicious!|- Oh, yeah!
{141480}{141550}Well, my definition of an addiction|is something really simple.
{141552}{141633}Something that you can't stop.
{141729}{141789}We bring to ourselves|situations that will fulfil-
{141792}{141847}-the biochemical craving|of the cells of our body-
{141849}{141904}-by creating situations|that meet our chemical needs.
{141907}{141952}It always happens to me!
{141955}{142012}- Every day!|- Why me?
{142015}{142060}So my definition really means that-
{142063}{142149}if you can't control your emotional|state, you must be addicted
to it.
{142151}{142233}Oh, this ruins everything!
{142302}{142413}Are people who are willing|to share our emotional needs,
{142415}{142475}-our feelings, whatever they are.
{142477}{142533}Whether they're sexual.
{142535}{142592}- Whether they are victimized -|"Poor me. Poor you."|- Why me?
{142595}{142664}- Whether they are power.|You need somebody to control you.|- Fu
n, fun, fun.
{142667}{142710}So you feel like you're in control.
{142712}{142789}Don't dip your half-eaten shrimp|back into the cocktail sauce.
{142791}{142866}Screw you and your health codes!|I am the bride's sister!
{142868}{142955}I'll stick my ass in the cocktail|sauce if I damn well please!
{142957}{143082}I want you to get out there and serve.|Make sure everybody has a
full plate.|Fun, fun, fun.
{143084}{143151}If you won't do anything about it...
{143156}{143261}We show you what women want!
{143264}{143331}What is reality?
{143333}{143379}- What is reality?|- What is reality?
{143381}{143444}- How do we know that it's reality?|- What is real reality?
{143552}{143626}They have taken laboratory animals,
{143628}{143719}-and they've hooked up electrodes|in certain parts of their brai
{143722}{143782}-that produce those neuropeptides.
{143784}{143887}And those neuropeptides are|such strong chemicals that,
{143890}{144000}-given the fact that they|train the laboratory animal,
{144002}{144105}-to press a lever to|get that chemical release,
{144108}{144153}-that neuropeptide release,
{144156}{144254}it would choose|the neuropeptide release-
{144256}{144336}-more than hunger, more than sex,
{144338}{144424}-more than thirst, more than sleep.
{144427}{144508}As a matter of fact, it went|to the point of physical exhaustion
{144511}{144606}-and collapsed before it would|take care of itself physically.
{144609}{144669}And that's really what|stress does to our body.
{144671}{144729}We become so addicted|to the stress in our lives,
{144731}{144813}-that we can't quit our job,|even though it doesn't serve us.
{144815}{144906}We can't leave our relationship|because it doesn't serve us.
{144909}{144997}We can't make choices, because|the stimulus and responses-
{145000}{145079}-produce the chemistry|that clouds our choices.
{145081}{145184}And we're no different than the dog|who lacks its ability to mak
e choices,
{145187}{145242}-because of its smaller frontal lobe.
{145244}{145309}So how can anyone really|say they're in love-
{145311}{145395}-with a specific person, for example?
{145398}{145472}They're only in love|with the anticipation-
{145474}{145546}-of the emotions they're addicted to.
{145549}{145654}Because the same person could fall out|of favor the next week by
not complying.
{145657}{145681}Oh, Josh!
{145911}{145966}- Oh!|- Amanda!
{146611}{146659}How can you not freakin' see?
{146738}{146831}No. No, no, no no.|You got the punch line wrong.
{146834}{146913}It's a - it's a photographer's joke.
{146915}{147016}Go on about your... music.
{147129}{147201}Are you - are you okay?
{147203}{147263}Well, I...
{147265}{147337}I saw that groom humping some girl.
{147436}{147488}Just now!
{147544}{147606}I was with the... the groom...
{147608}{147702}- Hey, I can read lips!|- I'm sorry.
{147704}{147781}I was with the groom just now.
{147783}{147853}He loves Paulette.
{148265}{148342}Polacks - they all|look the same in a tux.
{148344}{148407}Everybody secretly is an adventurer.
{148409}{148467}Everybody loves the adventure.
{148469}{148527}It's just taking that first step.
{148529}{148622}And once they have|the moment of insight,
{148625}{148690}-that moment of insight|carries frequency.
{148692}{148740}It carries a message.
{148742}{148836}The cells of the body|are enlivened by possibility.
{148838}{148915}They're enlivened by|unknown potentials.
{148917}{149035}They're enlivened by a future|history or future opportunity-
{149037}{149140}-that may be down the rabbit|hole a little further.
{149143}{149239}And if they allow themselves|to experience the quandary-
{149241}{149327}-and the mysticism|and the possibility,
{149330}{149421}that when they emerge from the rabbit|hole, they're a different
{149423}{149483}And now they go back into their world.
{149486}{149574}And because they've|processed that information-
{149579}{149656}-and left footprints|in the mind and in the brain,
{149658}{149737}-their perception of the world|will never be the same.
{149824}{149917}How can we say that we|have lived fully every day-
{149920}{150013}-by simply experiencing the same|emotions that we're addicted to
every day?
{150015}{150119}A master is quite a different cat.
{150121}{150181}Another drink?
{150183}{150301}It is one that sees the day|as an opportunity in time-
{150303}{150382}-to create avenues of reality-
{150385}{150464}-and emotions that are unborn,
{150466}{150557}-that the day become|infinite tomorrows.
{150560}{150622}- To the groom!|- To the groom!
{150763}{150809}- What's up, guys?|- 'Sup, man?
{150811}{150857}- Hello.|- What do we need?
{150859}{150905}- Some foxes.|- Who put out!
{150907}{150953}Yeah, baby!
{151003}{151085}Yes, it's a psychosomatic network,|and, yes, some of us,
{151087}{151145}-you know, particularly|adolescent boys-
{151147}{151238}-are under the control|of lower... centers.
{151241}{151370}More drinks. More drinks.
{151372}{151456}The eye isn't in control|of the molecules of emotion.
{151459}{151571}It's more... I don't want|to say at the mercy of it.
{151615}{151725}But these rapid eye movements|that help us decide where to focus
{151727}{151785}-are mediated in the midbrain,
{151787}{151850}-and you can map|opiate receptors there-
{151852}{151914}-and receptors for many|of the other peptides.
{151917}{152034}So once again the relevant|search command that's going on,
{152037}{152156}-is related to finding|a certain emotional state.
{152454}{152562}Oh, oh, gosh.|She wouldn't fall for me. No.
{152564}{152622}Oh, mama!
{152624}{152727}Whoo! What the hell|are you waitin' for?
{152730}{152835}Come on, you little pussies!|Geez! I can't believe you guys!
{152837}{152943}What are you - ooh,|come on. Come over here.|Just get the hell o
utta the way.
{152945}{153032}Hi there, honey. Come on, baby.
{153034}{153116}You know you want it.|Oh, don't give me that look.
{153322}{153374}What about people who|are addicted to sex?
{153377}{153437}Actually, sex itself is an invention-
{153439}{153497}-to allow us to see into the future.
{153533}{153590}Think about that for a while.
{153880}{153959}Whoa! Whoo!
{153962}{154031}Hello there, big boy.
{154034}{154060}Oh, mama!
{154120}{154211}Is that a rocket in your pocket,|or are you just happy to see me
{155750}{155813}- I wanna hear some polka music, okay?|- I'm gonna play the polk
a music.
{155815}{155899}You can't have a Polish|wedding without polka music!
{156060}{156129}No! Would you leave it alone!|Keep your hands off!
{156132}{156225}How can you have a Polish wedding|without any Polish music?
{156228}{156295}Keep your hands off my equipment!
{156405}{156511}It ain't a Polish|wedding without a polka!
{159136}{159251}Our mind literally creates our body.
{159253}{159299}But it all starts in the cell.
{159301}{159371}And who gives the cells the order?
{159373}{159443}The orders come from|the neuronet in our brain,
{159445}{159555}-which are based on the experiences and|information that we've l
ogged in there.
{159555}{159582}which are based on the experiences and|information that we've lo
gged in there.
{159584}{159632}We use a certain box-
{159659}{159731}-of solutions to our life-
{159733}{159802}-that causes chemistry to take place.
{159805}{159874}So in order for us|to change the chemistry-
{159877}{159946}-we would literally have|to change the neuronet,
{159951}{159997}-which means we'd have|to change our identity,
{160001}{160049}-which means we'd have|to change our attitude,
{160054}{160145}-or change the way in which we|interact with our environment.
{160148}{160236}And every time we keep|being the same person-
{160239}{160296}-and keep experiencing|the same attitudes,
{160299}{160375}-all we're doing is reinforcing-
{160378}{160438}-ourselves as our identity.
{160440}{160536}I once did a little gig|in a women's prison.
{160539}{160594}They were all heroin addicts.
{160596}{160711}And by teaching them that they|have receptors for the heroin,
{160714}{160795}-and that the more|heroin that they take,
{160797}{160879}-their ability to make their|own internal endorphins,
{160881}{160965}-their own internal heroin|basically starts to decline-
{160968}{161066}-and the receptors start|to become sub-sensitive,
{161068}{161114}-or there's actually less of them.
{161116}{161162}So there's these actual changes.
{161164}{161277}Then this new information about|how less brain cells are being m
{161279}{161325}-so that people get kind of...
{161327}{161409}In all addictions they|get stuck in old patterns.
{161411}{161459}The person's mental life-
{161462}{161510}-becomes dominated by pain,
{161512}{161613}-such that everything that they|perceive is colored by the pain.
{161617}{161730}And sometimes, every way that they|react and everything that the
y do-
{161733}{161807}-becomes all about their pain.
{161809}{161915}One of the things about receptors is,|they change in their sensi
{161917}{162039}If a given receptor for|a given drug or internal juice-
{162042}{162109}-is being bombarded-
{162111}{162181}-for a long time at a high intensity,
{162183}{162229}-it will literally shrink up.
{162231}{162313}There will be less of them,|or it will be-
{162315}{162442}-hooked up in such a way that it|is desensitized or down-regulat
{162445}{162550}So the same amount of|drug or internal juice-
{162552}{162639}-will elicit a much smaller response.
{163066}{163118}- No! No!
{163579}{163629}If we're bombarding the cell|with the same attitude-
{163631}{163677}-and the same chemistry-
{163679}{163737}-over and over again on a daily basis,
{163739}{163838}when that cell finally|decides to divide,
{163840}{163934}-when it produces a sister|cell or a daughter cell,
{163936}{164044}-that next cell will|have more receptor sites-
{164046}{164113}-for those particular|emotional neuropeptides-
{164116}{164161}-and less receptor sites-
{164164}{164233}-for vitamins, minerals,|nutrients, fluid exchange,
{164236}{164308}-or even the release of|waste products or toxins.
{164334}{164379}Now, all aging is the result-
{164382}{164425}-of improper protein production.
{164427}{164473}What happens when we age?
{164475}{164535}Our skin gets - loses elasticity.
{164538}{164598}Well, elastin is a protein.
{164600}{164670}What happens to our enzymes?|We don't digest as well.
{164672}{164718}What happens to our synovial fluid?
{164722}{164792}Those are proteins that|become brittle and stiff.
{164794}{164852}What happens to our bones?|They become thin.
{164878}{164924}So all aging is the result-
{164926}{164972}-of improper protein production.
{164974}{165056}So the question arises -|does it really matter what we eat?
{165058}{165128}And does nutrition|really have an effect-
{165130}{165199}-if the cell doesn't even|have the receptor sites-
{165202}{165264}-after 20 years of emotional abuse-
{165267}{165362}-to even receive or to|let in the nutrients-
{165365}{165418}-that are necessary for its health?
{165751}{165828}If we know the thoughts of a person-
{165830}{165895}-we will best know them-
{165897}{165943}-by their addiction,
{165945}{166055}-their continuous, over 24 hours-
{166058}{166120}- in a continuum -
{166123}{166218}- of what emotions they|display in their body,
{166221}{166312}-we shall know their thoughts.
{166463}{166511}I hate you.
{166691}{166741}We never, ever-
{166743}{166861}-reincarnate to|the "I-love-you-so-much" people.
{166904}{166978}We always reincarnate-
{166981}{167062}-to the situations|of why we hate ourself.
{167480}{167518}I hate you!
{167851}{167899}You idiot!
{167949}{168005}You suck!
{168007}{168053}Look at you! You're ugly!
{168055}{168093}You are worth nothing!
{168096}{168141}You're getting old!
{168144}{168189}I hate you!
{168681}{168753}It makes you wonder, doesn't it?
{168789}{168861}If thoughts can do that to water,
{168865}{168935}-imagine what our thoughts can do-
{168937}{168983}-to us.
{169364}{169417}No one has ever came along,
{169419}{169561}-and ever given you sufficient,|intelligent knowledge-
{169563}{169623}-about your beautiful self,
{169625}{169721}-how you work from the inside out.
{169724}{169810}Why do you have addictions?|Because you have nothing better.
{169812}{169860}You have dreamt of nothing better-
{169863}{169944}-because no one has ever|taught you how to dream better.
{169995}{170071}There is data now that|when people are addicted to,
{170074}{170153}-whether it's cocaine, heroin,
{170155}{170239}-nicotine, alcohol...
{170242}{170383}-all of them seem to share|a property of blocking|the growth of
new brain cells.
{170385}{170457}And yet it can completely come back-
{170460}{170532}-when the drug-taking has stopped.
{170582}{170628}Oh, poopy.
{170630}{170743}If you don't see the traps,|you have to go through the crap|unti
l you see the traps.
{170745}{170841}Because if you don't see it -|it's your only teaching machine.
{170843}{170970}It's your only way for you to|come to understand something new.
{171062}{171150}-the universe brings|these things to your door-
{171153}{171222}-and there is learning in them for you,
{171225}{171306}-if you are willing|to reflect upon them-
{171309}{171392}-and think beyond the rigid mind-set.
{171436}{171488}Can I...
{171596}{171651}Borrow some toothpaste?
{172045}{172102}When I talk about "we" disappearing...
{172105}{172174}I don't mean that we|physically disappear.
{172176}{172256}What I mean is that we move|out of the area of the brain,
{172258}{172311}-that has to do|with our personality,
{172313}{172421}-that has to do with our association|to people, our association
of places,
{172423}{172517}-our association to things|and times and events.
{172519}{172634}We don't exist in the associative|centers in our brain-
{172637}{172749}-that reaffirms our identity|and reaffirms our personality.
{172754}{172841}We now have science to back|up what our thoughts do-
{172843}{172896}-and how they make our bodies weak.
{172898}{172968}A lot of the scientists who|are actually studying this,
{172970}{173016}-with behavioral kinesiology|and other ways,
{173018}{173066}-showing that thoughts|make your body weak.
{173068}{173159}And thoughts pretty much|create your reality.
{173162}{173231}They create what you're|going to think about yourself.
{173234}{173318}If you're fat but you think|you're wonderful, you'll be wonderfu
{173320}{173430}But most women are - we're compared|all the time with impossible
{173433}{173481}-from Barbie to models,
{173483}{173577}-and so we think that our|whole currency is how we look-
{173579}{173637}-and how other people|are gonna perceive us.
{173639}{173692}We're always up against|impossible standards.
{173694}{173785}What is relative to their|own emotional addiction-
{173788}{173910}-are movies and dramas|and news and all the media,
{173912}{173963}-that is so beautiful today-
{173965}{174071}-in providing people with experiences|without having to be there
{174073}{174126}And yet...
{174128}{174174}And yet-
{174176}{174238}-that does not define human greatness.
{174243}{174327}They're so hypnotized|by their environment,
{174329}{174382}-through the media,
{174387}{174440}-through television,
{174442}{174528}-through people living|and creating ideals,
{174531}{174591}-that everybody struggles to become,
{174593}{174644}-that no one can actually become,
{174646}{174704}-in terms of physical appearance-
{174706}{174787}and definitions of beauty and valor,
{174790}{174835}-that are all illusions,
{174838}{174950}-that most people surrender and|live their life in "mediocracy."
{174953}{175022}And they may live that life|and the soul may never really...
{175025}{175099}Their desire may never|really rise to the surface.
{175102}{175173}So they may want to be something else.
{175176}{175245}But if it does rise to the surface,
{175248}{175324}-and they ask themselves|if there is something more,
{175327}{175406}-or why am I here,|what is the purpose of life,
{175408}{175476}-where am I going,|what happens when I die,
{175478}{175533}-and they start to ask those questions,
{175535}{175581}-they start to flirt and interact-
{175583}{175689}-with the perception that they|may be having a nervous breakdown
{175691}{175739}In reality, what they're doing is-
{175742}{175847}-their old concepts of how they|viewed their life and the world-
{175850}{175898}-start to fall apart.
{176269}{176346}That's why very few|people make this journey-
{176348}{176406}-because it's deeply unsettling.
{176408}{176507}All of the models that we have|lived by have to be broken-
{176509}{176581}-and we have to liberate|ourselves in this way.
{176583}{176646}And sometimes there's|an awkward period-
{176648}{176727}-between the comfort|that we knew before-
{176729}{176816}-and the real state of comfort|when we are the lord of our being
{176821}{176905}-which follows that interval of chaos.
{176907}{176996}Most people, when they get|into the chaos, give up hope-
{176998}{177106}-and go back to the old,|false securities.
{177108}{177175}They get to live a reasonable life-
{177178}{177252}-and they get to die|in some sort of peace,
{177255}{177300}-but they haven't advanced|spiritually at all-
{177303}{177374}-in that experiment|that we call the life.
{178362}{178446}We're in completely new|territory in our brain,
{178451}{178509}-and because we're in|completely new territory,
{178511}{178559}we're rewiring the brain-
{178561}{178652}-literally reconnecting|to a new concept.
{178655}{178751}Then, ultimately, it changes|us from the inside out.
{178789}{178859}If I change my mind,|will I change my choices?
{178861}{178930}If I change my choices,|will my life change?
{178933}{179002}Why can't I change?|What am I addicted to?
{179005}{179062}What will I lose that|I'm chemically attached to?
{179065}{179182}And what person, place, thing, time or|event that I'm chemically
attached to,
{179185}{179230}-that I don't want to lose,
{179233}{179312}-because I may have to experience|the chemical withdrawal from t
{179314}{179362}Hence, the human drama.
{179484}{179583}This life is but a page|in an enormous book-
{179621}{179700}-in which we will|always be who we are.
{179703}{179753}But always-
{179755}{179810}-with the inherent-
{179861}{179928}-of ambitious pursuit,
{179930}{180000}-a pursuit that takes us-
{180002}{180139}-from the boring tedium of|self-reflection, of self-hate,
{180141}{180194}-and to self-creation-
{180196}{180259}-of new dreams.
{180261}{180343}And we are ambitious gods.
{180585}{180645}It's the only planet in the Milky Way-
{180647}{180714}-that has habitation that is steeped-
{180717}{180834}-in enormous subjugation of religion.
{180861}{180911}You know why that is?
{180913}{181002}It's because people have|set up right and wrong.
{181033}{181110}I did say there is no right and wrong.
{181112}{181211}Does that mean that it's|a free-for-all? Absolutely not.
{181213}{181309}The problem that I have with right|and wrong and those categorie
{181311}{181357}-is not that I want a free-for-all,
{181359}{181429}-but that right and wrong|doesn't go nearly far enough.
{181470}{181515}They have never sinned.
{181520}{181592}They have never wrong - wronged, yes.
{181594}{181678}Immoral confrontations with society.
{181681}{181767}But that's their adversity.|That's why they're here.
{181769}{181839}To wrong, to learn, to search.
{181875}{181978}And use the wisdom of that|to create yet greater dreams.
{182045}{182119}The records are here, and I'm|going to have to deal with them.
{182122}{182230}That's far more painful than|a record-keeping God up in the skie
{182232}{182323}So, anyone who's setting out|on the path of enlightenment...
{182325}{182443}will be absolutely impeccable|in everything that they do.
{182445}{182505}Is it because of fear of damnation?|No.
{182510}{182611}Or of the punishment of God?|Or because I have sinned and|haven'
t got forgiveness?
{182613}{182743}No, no, no.|I mean, these are all excuses that|keeps us away fro
m the real problem.
{182745}{182807}The really enlightened person-
{182810}{182913}-will see every action has|a reaction with which I must deal.
{182915}{182980}And if I'm wise,|I'm not going to do stuff-
{182982}{183047}-that will cause me to have|to face it and resolve it-
{183050}{183095}-and balance it in my soul later.
{183098}{183145}That's the real criterion.
{183148}{183239}That God,|or the fundamental level of reality,|depending on what
people describe...
{183241}{183299}Really - I mean, theoretically,|should be everywhere.
{183304}{183373}It's something...|Exactly how it would manifest,
{183376}{183436}-or how God would|manifest in the world...
{183438}{183493}-is a more complicated issue, but...
{183496}{183570}I think that certainly from a more|traditional religious perspec
{183572}{183654}-people have kind of gotten|away from God the person.
{183656}{183771}There's been a great shift from|God up there, or out there,|or i
n there - wherever -
{183774}{183822}- to the God within.
{183824}{183884}And that's an improvement,
{183886}{183949}-but we don't want to get|some idea that... that...
{183951}{184009}-that God can be within|and still be separate,
{184011}{184057}-which is what most people think.
{184059}{184148}They think the God within is|like some of those Alien movies,
{184150}{184222}-you know, where some being|breaks out from my chest.
{184224}{184306}God's not within in that...|stupid sense.
{184308}{184433}What it means is... that in God|we live, move and have our being
{184435}{184498}-that we ourselves,|in fact, are divine.
{184500}{184570}What's the relationship between|my god self and your god self?
{184572}{184644}There is no relationship|because it's only one god self.
{184646}{184692}It's in both of us.
{184694}{184749}All people are divine people.
{184797}{184865}Is it not ironic-
{184867}{184965}-that all would say that|this is the voice of the devil?
{184968}{185016}Or that this is heresy?
{185042}{185107}If this is heresy,
{185109}{185186}-then what is promised to everyone-
{185188}{185284}-is an "imbuedment" with|God that is inseparable.
{185646}{185740}Knowledge allows the brain|to begin to become wired.
{185742}{185850}And we will begin to see|what has always existed.
{185852}{185941}But because we live in those|routine, automatic programs,
{185943}{186075}-we're unable to see, because we're|processing mind from the fam
{186078}{186154}To learn knowledge means|we're learning new things.
{186157}{186238}And to learn new things means|we're gathering information-
{186241}{186382}-and creating the circuitry now|to begin to develop the sensitiv
{186385}{186466}-to begin to see things|for the first time.
{186531}{186646}There's enormous potential|to change the kind of behaviors-
{186648}{186735}-and characteristic patterns|that we've fallen into.
{186737}{186795}In fact, if you've listened-
{186797}{186881}-and have remembered|anything that I've said,
{186883}{186977}-your physiology is different|than it was before that.
{186979}{187051}That is something that Eric Kandel,
{187054}{187130}-the recent winner of the Nobel|Prize in medicine and science,
{187133}{187202}-said very eloquently at a talk,
{187205}{187265}-that basically memory has been encoded-
{187267}{187320}-your genetic structure has changed.
{187322}{187435}And while we previously would|talk about the nervous system,
{187437}{187567}-as this very rigid thing that|didn't have much capacity for cha
{187569}{187651}-we now know that on|many levels, that isn't true.
{187653}{187730}And actually, there's|a tremendous amount of plasticity,
{187732}{187821}-which basically means ability|to change within the nervous syst
{187823}{187888}And if you look at the structure|of the human brain in detail,
{187890}{188013}-you see that it's actually specifically|designed, it's carefull
y engineered-
{188015}{188099}-to experience the unified field,|to experience the unity of lif
{188125}{188171}We are all connected.
{188173}{188221}I mean, I think the most|fundamental thing-
{188224}{188269}-is we're all connected|by an energy field.
{188272}{188360}We swim in a sea of light basically,|which is the zero-point fie
{188363}{188430}And I say, first of all,|you have to get...
{188432}{188490}-you get away from|the whole idea of separateness.
{188492}{188550}Because separateness is|the biggest problem of the world now.
{188583}{188650}You take this notion|of an entangled universe,
{188653}{188706}-and you apply it to human experience,
{188708}{188787}-because human experience is|part of the universe as well.
{188789}{188878}And then you say, "Well, let's|assume that experience is entangl
{188881}{188926}-then how would it manifest?"
{188928}{188996}And we can start going through|ways in which it could manifest.
{188998}{189084}If there's a connection with|another mind, we call it telepathy.
{189087}{189204}If there's a connection to some|other object somewhere else,|we'
d call it clairvoyance.
{189207}{189305}If there's a connection that|happens to transcend time,|we'd cal
l it precognition.
{189307}{189391}If there's a connection in which|my intention is expressed|out i
n the world some way,
{189394}{189494}-we might call it psychokinesis, or|distant healing or something
of that sort.
{189497}{189609}So you can go through a list of|perhaps 12 kinds of psychic expe
{189614}{189696}-that have gotten labels|over the years, like telepathy.
{189698}{189756}But this is really just|the tip of the iceberg.
{189799}{189907}People ask, "Why are you so|interested in the Planck scale,
{189909}{189979}-"the very ultimately tiny|in terms of spirituality?-
{189981}{190082}-Because obviously spirituality|is out there. It's everywhere."
{190084}{190209}And the answer is that, yes,|the Planck scale is the ultimately
{190211}{190257}-but it's also everywhere.
{190259}{190305}Wherever you go, there it is.
{190307}{190374}And because it's holographic,|it repeats at different scales-
{190377}{190451}-like fractals throughout the universe.
{190456}{190568}I would say that what quantum|physics is to the 20th century,
{190571}{190679}-whatever is going to be the new...|bridging of science and spir
{190681}{190727}-that will be to the 21st century.
{190729}{190779}We are all creating the future.
{190782}{190885}We are all creating|what is outside of us.
{190887}{191007}None of us are|innocent in that regard.
{191010}{191060}If there's something|out there we don't like,
{191062}{191185}-we can't really turn our backs on it,
{191187}{191283}-because we're co-creators|somehow or other.
{191285}{191422}And we have to do the right things,
{191424}{191535}-to try to get the future|that is best for all of us.
{191537}{191611}We have talked so far about-
{191614}{191753}-the freedom of our own personal|life and quantum physics,
{191755}{191887}-that we are freeing|and freeing and freeing|our reality to ulti
mate realities.
{191890}{191952}Yes, of course they exist.
{191954}{192041}But after we have accomplished them,|what then? What next?
{192096}{192180}When do we make|the shift from me to one?
{192206}{192268}When are we the subconscious mind?
{192304}{192446}When are we the knowledge|of the one, transpersonal self
{192487}{192551}When you start to realize|what your true nature is,
{192554}{192611}-there is no question and|there is no answer anymore.
{192614}{192666}And there's just sudden realization.
{192669}{192741}Now you come back from the rabbit hole-
{192743}{192791}-and you start to perform-
{192793}{192899}-in this world of illusion|and wonder and magic,
{192901}{193009}-with that understanding|that you're never gonna die,|and you we
re never born.
{193100}{193199}Choice by consciousness|out of these possible events,
{193201}{193259}-the actual event of|experience comes in.
{193261}{193362}And so, for the first time,|science encounters free will.
{193364}{193467}Consciousness is free,|because there is no mathematical|descript
ion of the subject,
{193470}{193534}-only objects can be|described mathematically,
{193537}{193640}-and only to the extent|that they are possibilities.
{193726}{193820}The question still remains paramount:|Who is the chooser?
{193923}{194009}Are all realities|existing simultaneously?
{194064}{194191}Is there a possibility that all|potentials exist side by side?
{195090}{195172}Welcome to Flatland,
{195174}{195273}-a world of only two dimensions.
{195275}{195400}Only forwards and backwards,|left and right.
{195428}{195531}In this world,|there is no up and no down.
{195603}{195649}And I said to Ray, "Where's Dotty?"
{195651}{195714}He said, "Well, she's out in Line."|And I said, "Well."
{195764}{195862}Where's that from?|What the bleep is that thing?
{195865}{195961}In this world, the two-dimensional|beings that live here-
{195965}{196061}-have no concept of|three-dimensional objects.
{196066}{196136}These two-dimensional Flatlanders-
{196140}{196215}-have no understanding of cubes,
{196217}{196296}-spheres, tetrahedrons,
{196299}{196363}-or yours truly.
{196366}{196426}From their 2-D perspective
{196428}{196541}my 3-D finger looks|something like this.
{196543}{196622}Oh, my gosh.
{196625}{196692}- What in the flat earth is that?|- Did you see that?
{197001}{197052}Hello, little circle.
{197100}{197147}Fear of the unknown,
{197150}{197195}-or should I say, not yet known?
{197198}{197246}It's a puzzle.
{197248}{197308}If we see only what we know,
{197310}{197411}-how does anyone ever see|anything new, the unknown?
{197414}{197507}How do we ever get out of our box?
{197512}{197565}Hello, little circle.
{197617}{197668}Don't be afraid.
{197670}{197737}Who said that? Where are you?
{197740}{197800}This is always|the tricky part to explain.
{197802}{197900}I'm in another dimension,|another space.
{197903}{197948}I am above you.
{197991}{198097}No, never, never use that word.
{198099}{198169}- What word?|- The "A" word.
{198226}{198320}It's forbidden.
{198322}{198406}Well, what do you think it means?
{198411}{198466}I don't know,|and I don't want to know.
{198469}{198557}You can be severely punished|if you use that word.
{198644}{198708}Are you a ghost?
{198711}{198785}I hope not.
{198787}{198857}I just have a different|perspective than you do.
{198859}{198912}I can see things|in a way you can't yet.
{198914}{198977}Oh, yeah? Like what?
{198979}{199058}Well, okay.
{199061}{199130}You have a safe hidden in your pantry.
{199133}{199178}And inside it-
{199181}{199291}-you have 12 coins,|a will and a passport.
{199320}{199382}How did you know that?|What are you?
{199384}{199452}Are you a god?
{199454}{199528}Well, no more than you.
{199531}{199617}You see, since I am above you-
{199619}{199699}-in the third dimension,
{199701}{199778}I can see inside|things in your world.
{199780}{199883}Third dimension?|You are a crazy ghost.
{199886}{199955}There's only two. Look.
{199993}{200082}So, if I were to touch|the inside of your stomach,
{200085}{200130}-how would I do that?
{200132}{200185}Well, you'd have to|cut through my skin.
{200188}{200264}Otherwise, it's impossible.
{200355}{200401}Stop, stop.
{200403}{200475}Ready for more?
{200478}{200530}- More what?|- Dimensions.
{200533}{200571}- Oh.|- Directions.
{200574}{200641}No, yes, but...
{200643}{200725}But there aren't any...
{200806}{200907}What will happen to me?|What will I become?
{200909}{200957}You'd have to become it to know.
{201022}{201115}- Okay.|- Excellent.
{201468}{201528}I never knew.
{202173}{202218}Isn't it funny?
{202221}{202283}That which we are most afraid of-
{202286}{202333}-is what thrills us the most.
{202568}{202640}That has the effect of|randomizing their x-spins-
{202643}{202724}-and nothing else interesting|happened to them after that.
{202969}{203022}It's an easy way to get a laugh here.
{203024}{203120}So you can't ask them|their opinion, 'cause you know|what they'r
e gonna tell you.
{203122}{203170}"You're starting to act different.-
{203175}{203228}-I liked you better the other way."
{203230}{203314}And that's a great sign|that you're making a change.
{203316}{203381}You can edit that, though,|if you had to, though, couldn't you?
{203384}{203429}- Ah.|- Ah.
{203432}{203496}Not prettily.
{203547}{203604}Where - who can do the Heimlich?
{203607}{203655}Okay. Are we rolling?
{204139}{204204}I study quantum physics.|I sometimes teach it.
{204206}{204271}I have written a book on|quantum physics and many books-
{204273}{204323}-explicating the meaning|of quantum physics.
{204326}{204393}After my Ph.D. from Harvard,|I went to CERN,
{204395}{204451}-a European laboratory|for particle research,
{204453}{204515}-but perhaps I'm best|known for the discovery-
{204518}{204652}-of the now famous|N=1 locally supersymmetric flipped SU(5)|- Gr
and Unified Field Theory.
{204654}{204714}Don't make the mistake-
{204717}{204777}-of thinking that the scientific|community is scientific.
{204918}{204990}Two points. First of all,|I want to thank David for...
{204992}{205040}Healthy scepticism is important,
{205043}{205124}-and extraordinary claims|require extraordinary proof.
{205127}{205179}Now, the problem is-
{205182}{205273}-that people defending the conventional|approach to consciousnes
{205275}{205340}-brain equals mind equals computer...
{205342}{205448}-behave as if they've|got proof and we don't.
{205450}{205501}And they got...
{205503}{205544}Okay? Pardon my...
{205549}{205599}Which form the neuronets|in the first place.
{205601}{205676}Which is what? The mind.
{205681}{205726}What's the mind?
{205731}{205776}The mind - thank you.
{205779}{205870}This is called divine intervention.
{205932}{205995}From above.
{206086}{206131}But he has feet of clay.
{206134}{206242}I got involved with this because|my evidence - No. Start over.
{206244}{206306}Go back in time.
{206311}{206373}- I can go back and fix that. Okay.|- That's right. You can.
{206378}{206433}Okay. My name is Lynne McTaggart.
{206436}{206489}{y:i}I'm author of a book called The Field.
{206491}{206556}I'm Dr. Daniel Monti. I'm a physician-
{206558}{206630}-with specialty training|in psychiatry and human behavior.
{206632}{206707}I'm on the full-time faculty at|the Jefferson Medical College.
{206709}{206759}I've heard some people|say that consciousness-
{206762}{206810}-is this wonderful|property in the universe,
{206812}{206860}-that has a predilection|for the human brain.
{206863}{206915}If that's the case,|then consciousness-
{206918}{207009}-is about three pounds and looks|a little bit like a gray caulif
{207011}{207131}- It's showtime.|- ...tell you a little about myself.
{207136}{207205}Oh. The light is blinking already.
{207210}{207289}- See? This is what happens|whenever I speak. Weir...
{207292}{207340}Weird things happen.
{207390}{207436}All right. Well...
{207438}{207519}Look. When I hold it, it stays on.|What does that mean?
{207522}{207572}All right.
{207575}{207680}- Oh. It's okay.|Maybe God wants me to meet you.|- Hi.
{207730}{207786}Actually, we did this at a conference,
{207788}{207893}-when we asked people... how many|people have had a gut feeling
and so on.
{207896}{207949}And 80% of the people say.|And then we say,
{207953}{208061}-"Among those of you who are very|skeptical of unconventional cl
{208066}{208181}-how many of you -|meaning now 30% of the audience who|doesn't b
elieve in any of this stuff -
{208184}{208282}- how many of you guys have|had interesting gut feelings|that tu
rned out to be right?"
{208284}{208330}80 percent.
{208332}{208395}So, when people are skeptical|about unusual things,
{208397}{208474}-it's completely understandable|because there's all kinds|of non
sense out there.
{208476}{208550}But when you bring those|phenomena into the lab-
{208553}{208637}-and you exclude all of the ordinary|ways of understanding them,
{208639}{208699}-it turns out that they do|have a psychic component.
{208701}{208769}Here we are actually|filming great thinkers.
{208771}{208831}Everyone in this room|is a great thinker,
{208833}{208896}-now that we got 'em thinking.
{208898}{208944}That's always a trick, isn't it?
{208946}{209011}You probably have|more to say about this.
{209123}{209171}- Sorry about that.|- That's okay.
{209174}{209279}Multiple personality disorder have to|say about the seat of cons
{209282}{209330}And the second one is,
{209332}{209423}-what made you want to become|a physicist at the age of 50?
{209426}{209509}Okay. Well, I guess|multiple personality disorder.
{209574}{209689}I actually wanted to become|a physicist as young as the age|of f
our, believe it or not.
{209692}{209797}As we become more and more|inner-self-managed, okay,
{209800}{209876}-we will manifest-
{209879}{209955}-the qualities of these deeper|levels down the rabbit hole.
{209958}{210023}And so we become a qigong master-
{210025}{210099}-where we can influence things|from thousands of miles away.
{210102}{210157}So if we begin to look at all that,
{210159}{210229}-it seems to me the only way|out that I can understand-
{210231}{210277}-is there is an intelligent presence.
{210279}{210332}There is kind of a "one-mindedness"|that I call it,
{210337}{210382}-or God if you want to call it that.
{210437}{210488}Ponder that for a while.
{210576}{210634}- Perfect.|- Thank you.
{210636}{210701}What did I say?|What are you gonna do with that?
{210703}{210754}A bite!|You took a bite out of nowhere!
{214571}{214619}Okay. That's good.

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