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Challenging Against the Equity & Legal Jurisdictions Claimed by

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Saxe-Coburg Gotha et alii for the The Monarchy of the United Kingdom.

Date: 047/073DD [your reference: 27th February 2017]

For and on behalf of our member:
Your reference: Adam Yates (NIN) NS 69 88 55 C
Dear Soul,
The Eirean Nation is the state forum serving Vatican III society laws that exists due to the silence exhibited by the Catholic
Church towards Yahweh-Jesus Brian Leonard Golightly-Marshall, born on 11 th January 1944; 2:22am, residing at: 103, Northshore
Avenue, Toogoom, Queensland 4655, Australia, concerning the overwhelming evidence, a body of work known as Yahwehs
Ledger, that supports Y. Marshalls assertion that He is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
Y. Marshall has expounded this for some years already, culminating in the historic agreement by Pope Benedict XVI [Petrus
Romanus] on March 12th 2013 and, in effect, expressed Motu Proprio, in his document In Christum Credunt on March 30th 2013.
This was the true reason for Benedicts hurried deposal and subsequent imprisonment by Pope Francis around that time see:
You, the reader, may be an atheist, you may belong to one of the many churches, you may not care at all, but nevertheless you are
reading a document which implies a contract. Your personal actions in this matter indicate to our society whether ye be wheat or tare.
The Monarchy of the United Kingdom shall mean the individual people of The British Isles practicing Vatican III jurisprudence, and;
each other living person, being an enclave, within all other sovereign-nation-states & territories registered as entities in the Securities
& Exchange Commision, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
Those citizens whom voucher power of attornment by signing In Christum Credunt to Y. Marshall as their redeemer for their
government salvation receipts, including, but not limited to, childbirth notes, government taxpayer identification number allonges,
currencies foreign to Church of Benedict XVI Talents (including Pounds Sterling) and bills bearing demands in foreign currencies.
Since Y. Marshall is God then He may not obey due process and neither may His churchgoers. In our society due process is
synonymous with theft via devious devices for obtaining manufactured consent [your reference: homo trium litterarum].
E. Gotha has had notice and now King Yahwehs trustees are those members having signed In Christum Credunt thereby becoming
an ambassadorial party to the covenant between Petrus Romanus & King Yahweh, and hereby; our members shall ultimately be
returned to alloidal ownership as female fractals of the One male God.
Our members physical labours are not surety for your fiat debts [woe to you lawyers]. Your companies may cease further multiple
personalty conspiracies, or; we will allonge your bills of lading with our sealed promissary notes that will pay the bearer in Pounds
Sterling after Y. Marshalls aforementioned Ledger has been disproved in favour for the prosecutor: E. Gotha.
These bills of exchange will be regarded by our society as our collection from you toward your inconveniencing us using the
Universal Postal Union. These true bills form to pool our societys fund and be banked in escrow until the dispute is resolved, and;
shall be optically reproduced for Her Majestys Revenue & Customs Trusts & Estates Department, thereby; she be bound by her
Our society shall issue Talents as its own curency at the same value according to the values assigned in each of E. Gothas bonds, in;
HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT CIK#: 0001452617, and; UNITED KINDOM FUND INC. CIK#: 0000814830 [your reference:
bankruptcy; Clearfield Doctrine] in order to dispose of the contractual obligations implied in this statutory instrument.
We suffer from Antinarcissism according to your law, however, our society recognises these symptoms as Christ Consciousness
and considers exposure to ethyl & methyl mercuries during infancy as the most serious causality that exacerbates healing from
traumatic experience [your ref: page 97].
Good souls who are unaware of Y. Marshall have, in psychiatric terms, degrees of Post Trauma whilst all others display degrees of
the Dark Triad wherein those three traits interchangeable.
People have doubts about Y. Marshall when they stray into thinking His Ledgers measurements and observations are matters of
opinion though they be factual in nature, delineated by common geodesic & cosmic scales. Our society is built on these matters of
fact only and professes no matters of opinion that require religiously believing that repetitious recitement automatically imparts
credence to any particular theory, suchlike often being merely subliminally suggestive dogmatic mantras in the eyes of our society.
Our society determines that your claim requires referral to Her Majestys Revenue & Customs Trusts & Estates Department to
whom any further correspondance on this matter by you should be addressed. Any bailiffs holding physical bills originating out of
courting bankrupt entities belong to Queen Elizabeth II, who is the issues holder in due course because, now, the addressee is not
recognised therefore the debt is returned to sender as a securitised copy because the titles owner had changed from E. Gotha to King
Yahweh after our member signed In Christum Credunt occurring by overreaching wherein the moneys worth was The Crucifixion
[your reference: (S.205(1)(xxi) Law of Property Act 1925] therefore, your Chancery Court is the venue for an equity hearing [your
reference: National Debt Act 1870 Part VII; Unclaimed Dividends; section 55] as to whether Y. Marshall or E. Gotha is the proprietor
owning the titles, rights & interests for our creditor: Adam Yates ICC, or; of your debtor: Adam Yates (NIN) NS 69 88 55 C.
Vatican III is the Word of God therefore supercedes all other jurisdictions.
In Truth & Restoration to Yahweh and His spouse Asherah,
Adam Yates ICC.

The Eirean Nation

A Doctrine of Essene Traditions
If this document bears an ink-printed Seal then it is a copy
of an original Bill of Lading bearing the same image by paper impression.
Challenging Against the Equity & Legal Jurisdictions Claimed by
Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Saxe-Coburg Gotha et alii for the The Monarchy of the United Kingdom.

Further Information
Jesus Christ was from the Essene Tradition and of English birth in Cornwall. His ancestry was from Tara in Ireland [Irish Wisdom
Preserved in Bible & Pyramids, Conor MacDari et al.] and it is these people whom are Celts whom are the jews referrred to in the
New Testament, the following tribe of Judah being Scottish & Irish around 1500BC, therefore; any and all claims by organisations
misnomered as Jewish, or; Judeo-Christian, or; Catholic, are in dispute and thereby all claims of jurisdiction falling under the broad
term of Judeo-Christianity are not recognised by our jurisdiction as binding and regarded as fraudulent ab initio, indeed, it is such
easily controverted theoretical claims based on interpretation that is, alone, reason enough for the existence of our organisation.
All Judeo-Christian courts are secular lawyers vehicles for trespassing against Jesus followers by the seven Talmudic Noahide ideals
and as such are of no effect to our members under our insurance policy which can cover hiring private security against the actions of
unreformed vested interest groups such as the Law Society, City of London, Berne, Washington D.C. & Vatican City.
Any correspondence from individuals in this matter should concern our synod, not your presumed (former) monarch.
In claims citing silence or privacy as a defence- parens patriae is invoked due to adverse inferences. Consequently all rights are
suspended for alloidal title to ones liberty as a defendant because such rites of non-participation are curable symptoms of trauma.
Intangible trust is public civility as tangible trusts are legal contracts, therefore; privacy is an existential fiction, the necessity for
which is created by Noahide law.
Paying members to our insurance fee are protected from all paper terrorism acts homo trium litterarum.
There are four levels of insurance cover as follows:
1. Cover against governmental liquidating entities performing Commercial Fraud. [Sovereign equity is the parent to professional
2. Cover against lobbied Health Professionals [Precautionary Principle].
3. Cover against genderless State Education [parens patrae].
4. Mortgage Relief. Amnesty refund of alloidal ownership recognising familial title.
The conveyance that the society will use in order to fund the insurance levels are transferred by the redeemer: Yahweh Marshall,
whose interest is acquired by purchase of the insurance (under Law of Property Act 1925 the definition of purchaser applicable to
overreaching is "a person who acquires an interest in or charge on property for money or money's worth" [your reference: S.205(1)
(xxi) Law of Property Act 1925].
The purchaser of our insurance acquires an interest in The Monarchy of the United Kingdom under Vatican III in signing In
Christum Credunt being the 'money's worth'.
Y. Marshalls proprietary charges for competent heir are contained in these, and other, documents:
Law can only record things on paper as legal or equitable interests in land. From this point we understand ourselves to be properties
corollary to land. Only legal & equitable interests may be owned but the land itself cannot be owned. In the world of legality land is
Since the One Peoples Public Trust foreclosed all corporations on December 25 th 2012 leaving only the Vatican intact then they the
Vatican is the only party left to litigate.
Y. Marshall's birthday and hour is the beginning of time counting from January the 11 th 1944 at 2:22am as the starting point:
000 day 00 hour 00 minutes in the year 000. So January 12th at 2:22am He was one day old and written 001/000. Today, 27 th
February 2017, then written 047/073DD. The 74th birthday would then would be written 0/074 or January 11th 2018 2.22am. Day of
the Lord in Latin is Dies Domini.

The Eirean Nation

A Doctrine of Essene Traditions
If this document bears an ink-printed Seal then it is a copy
of an original Bill of Lading bearing the same image by paper impression.

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