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The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh

“The Perception of Job Satisfaction

of the Teachers at Private
Universities in Bangladesh”

South-East University


Presidency University
Bangladesh. .

The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh



List of Illustrations ……………………………………………………..…………………………. III

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………...... 4

Objective of the Report ………………………………...…………….…………………………….. 5

Methodology ……... …………………………………...…………………………………………… 6

Overview about the Institutions …………………………………………………...………………... 7

Basic OB Concept of this Report …………………………………………………………………. 9

Teacher’s Attitude ………..………………………………………………………………………..... 10

Teacher’s Tenure …………………………………………………….……………………………... 12

Teachers Overall Job Satisfaction According to others Factors ………………………….………... 13

Satisfaction Level of Teachers ……………………………………….……………………...……... 14

Institutions Culture …………………………………………………………………………...…... 16

Ethics that Institutions Bears about Teachers ………………….…….……………………………... 17

Teachers Motivation ………………..…………………………………..…………………………... 17

Conclusions ……………………………………………….……………………..………………… 18

Reference ………………….……………………………………………………………………….. 19

The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh



Figure-1.1 Teacher's morale, OCB, & enthusiastic about the Job…………………….. 10

Figure-1.2 Teacher's Attitude about Co-workers support……………… …………..………… 11

Figure-1.3.1 Teacher's Tenure……………………………………….………………………... 12

Figure-1.3.2 Teacher's Tenure ………………………………………………………...……... 13

Figure-1.4 Average Job Satisfaction by Facts………… ……………………………………... 14

Figure-1.5 Overall Job Satisfaction of 16 teachers………………… ………………………... 15

Figure-1.6 Average Job Satisfaction Level …………………………………………………... 15


Teacher's morale, OCB, & enthusiastic about the Job……………………..………….. 10

Teacher's Attitude about Co-workers support……………… …………………...…..………… 11

Teacher's Tenure……………………………………….……………………….……………... 12

Average Job Satisfaction by Facts………… …………………………………..…… ...……... 13

Overall Job Satisfaction of 16 teachers………………… ……………………..……………... 14

Average Job Satisfaction Level ………………………………………………..……………... 15

The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh


Job satisfaction has been defined in several different ways and a definitive designation for the
term is unlikely to materialize. A simple or general way to define it therefore is as an
attitudinal variable:

Job satisfaction is simply how people feel about their jobs and different aspects of their jobs.
It is the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs.

Investigated by several disciplines such as psychology, sociology, economics and

management sciences, job satisfaction is a frequently studied subject in work and
organizational literature. This is mainly due to the fact that many experts believe that job
satisfaction trends can affect labor market behavior and influence work productivity, work
effort, employee absenteeism and staff turnover. Moreover, job satisfaction is considered a
strong predictor of overall individual well-being, as well as a good predictor of intentions or
decisions of employees to leave a job.

Therefore, as we are the student of BBA program, we need to study Organizational Behaviors
very effectively. As a part of our schooling, we already have completed a survey in two
private universities about their employee’s attitude and job satisfaction. The names of the
institutions are East-West University & Presidency University.

The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh

Objective of this Report:

The main objective of the report is comparative analysis and to examine some data and trends
on job satisfaction. This report will reveal how private universities focusing on job

This objective comprises four main goals:

1. To highlight policy at institutions level on the job satisfaction issue.

2. To understand how job satisfaction is assessed in the Private Universities.

That is why we tried to find out the turnover situation in these institutions. We also tried to
know the organization’s culture, their ethics that these institutions bear and the rules and
regulations of these institutions. Knowing about these institutions’s management motivation
techniques were also an objective in this report.

The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh


This report relies principally on the contributions of two sources:

 Primary Sources
 Secondary Sources

At first, we went to the institution with a set of questionnaire. We interviewed the teachers of
the organization based on the questionnaire. From these ways, we collect necessary
information for our report.

Then we visited the institution’s website to know about organization. We collected some
basic information from the website and analyzed the information.

This comparative analytical report also refers to data from “Measuring job satisfaction in surveys
- Comparative analytical report”, website:

In preparing this report, I use MS Ward 2007 Excel Worksheet to illustrate the numeric data.
To include graphical content I use line and Bar chart.

The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh

Overview about the Institutions:

Southeast University

Southeast University is pledged to create a knowledge-based

society. Understanding the need and value of higher education
to build a happy and prosperous Bangladesh, a group of
dedicated educationists and enthusiasts discussed the prospects
of establishing a private university that would uphold the torch
of knowledge and would pursue quality education in a quiet,
trouble-free and congenial academic environment. Ultimately a
university named "Southeast University (SEU)" started its
journey in the month of June 2002 as a private university under
the 'Private University Act 1992'. The Honourable President of the People's Republic of
Bangladesh is the Chancellor of SEU. From the very beginning till now SEU has been
following the policy of not treating education as a commercial product, and is firmly
committed to serve the society without having any commercial motive, whatsoever. Creation
of SEU was a visionary decision in the face of ever increasing demand for updated
specialized education in Bangladesh.

Presidency University

Presidency University has been established with the aim

of imparting high quality education through teaching
and research. The emphasis will be on creating an
institution dedicated to excellence in teaching, research,
training, community services and thereby leading to
character building at the grass-root level. One of the
main objectives is to develop human resources capable
of leading the nation and also of undertaking
responsibilities for the socio-economic development of

The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh

the country. The university shall also do everything possible to protect Bangladesh's social
and cultural heritage and project the same everywhere.

Presidency University makes all efforts to keep education free of politics that generally, as
has been the experience, leads to campus violence that seriously disturb the educational
career of the students. While politics will be taught in the classes as a part of their course to
make the young generation ready to take over the leadership of the nation, no active party
politics would be allowed in the Campus. The students must concentrate in their studies
undisturbed and leave the campus with a meaningful degree within the stipulated time.
Presidency University is continuously developing facilities to foster an environment where
students and teachers are motivated and expatriate Bangladeshi educationist or others are
keen on pursuing a teaching career.

The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh

Basic OB Concept of this Report:

Organizational Behavior is a distinct area of expertise with a common body of knowledge

that investigates the impact that individual groups, and structure have on behavior within
organizations. Our purpose is applying such knowing toward improving an organization’s

To sum up our definition, the main concern of the study is to know what people do in an
institution, how their behavior affects the institution’s performance, and emphasizes behavior
as related to concerns such as jobs, work, absenteeism, employment turnover, productivity,
and human performance.

The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh

Teacher’s Attitude:
For an institutions employee, their job attitude is interconnected with their psychological
empowerment, job involvement, and commitment.
In our research, we sum up a decision that almost 50% (Table-1) of the teachers think they
are as much as morale about their work, enthusiastic and so much committed to their work.
Almost 33.33% are somehow agreeing that they feel morale, job commitment about their
work and their institutions.

But we found almost 16.67% teachers who are not belongs any morale about their work, job
commitment, and they are not enthusiastic about their work.

Table 1 (Table is illustrate in Figure 1.1)

Figure 1.1

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The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh

At view of another perception, almost 62.50% (Table-2) teachers are think that their co-
workers are so much supportive, and 34.38% teachers think that co-workers are supportive
but not so much.
But only 3.13% teachers somewhat think, co-workers are not cooperative as much as they

Table-2 (Table is illustrate in Figure 1.2)


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The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh

Teacher’s Tenure:
Teacher’s job tenure is correlation with work condition, and job opportunities. In our
research, we sum up a decision that almost job tenure (Table-3) of the presidency
university’s teacher is more than the South-East University. The average tenure of PU is 8.1
years and the average tenure of SEU is only 6 years.

Tenure is a potent variable is explaining turnover. So that, PU teachers are stay longer in a
job and SEU teachers are more likely s/he is to quit.

Table-3 (Table is illustrate in Figure 1.3.1 & 1.3.2)


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The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh


Teachers Overall Job Satisfaction According to others Factors:

The major job satisfaction facts are opportunity & acceptance, job security, supervision, co-
worker, and more importantly pay & promotion. Generally a job provides independence to
the employees and most of prefer work that is challenging and stimulating, and ensure

In our research, we are make a decisions that the average job satisfaction of the teachers
depends on the pay is 28.86% (Table-4), 35.51% depends on job security, at the view of
supervision satisfaction is 13.43%, depends on promotion is 12.62% and also depends on
supports of co-worker is 9.68%.

Table-4 (Table is illustrate in Figure 1.4)

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The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh


Satisfaction Level of Teachers:

In our survey, we took 16 number of teacher’s interview, from Presidency number of 9
teachers and from South-East University number of 7 teachers. In scale of 5 (Table-5) the
highest points is 4.68 in Presidency University and 3.00 in South-East University. The
lowest point is 2.14 in PU and only 0.74 is SEU.

Another point of view, the average job satisfaction level of PU is higher than SEU.
Presidency University’s average satisfaction level is 3.43 in scale of 5 and South-East is 1.65
in scale of 5 (Table-6).
Overall Job Satisfaction of 16 teachers
Presidency University (PU) 2.86
Presidency University (PU) 4.68
Presidency University (PU) 4.38
Presidency University (PU) 2.6
Presidency University (PU) 3.48
Presidency University (PU) 2.14
Presidency University (PU) 3.86
Presidency University (PU) 4.18
Presidency University (PU) 2.72
South-East University (S.E) 1.14
South-East University (S.E) 1.34
South-East University (S.E) 2.26
South-East University (S.E) 0.94
South-East University (S.E) 2.14
South-East University (S.E) 0.74
South-East University (S.E) 3.00

Table-5 (Table is illustrate in Figure 1.5)

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The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh


Table-5 (Table is illustrate in Figure 1.6)


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The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh

SO that, we sum up a conclusion that considering every elements Presidency University’s

teachers are more satisfy, committed, morale about their job than South-east University.
Moreover, PU teachers are feeling the physiological ownership in their institutions rather
than SEU.

Institutions Culture:

In the South-East University, it aims at providing teacher standard facilities and flexibility. It
will be imparting world class education and providing research facilities so that the teachers
and students can attain their full intellectual, social and personal potentials. SEU is
committed to develop human capital by cultivating creative thinking in individuals. It has
plans to offer M Phil. and PhD programs in all branches of higher studies including
engineering, agriculture, language, law and medical sciences. It has also the authority to grant
diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions. It has also the authority to open new
Schools of studies and new institutions on its own campus.

Presidency University is continuously developing facilities to foster an environment where

teachers are motivated by their responsibility and keen on pursuing a teaching career. They
proud that this institution encouraging enough to return to Bangladesh and pursue a career in
the land which they belong to. The University is committed to implementing in full the
principle of equal opportunity to all and ensuring that all teachers of the University receive
benefits of a just and equitable system. This institution dedicated to excellence in teaching,
research, training, and community services.

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The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh

Ethics that Institutions Bears about Teachers:

Institutions are believed that the teaching and curricula of would base on the overarching
philosophy that the best way a university can serve a society and this philosophy creates by
the teachers, who are the strong leaders with high morals. These leaders would in the
workforce and transform the backbone of this nation, the environment and the society.

Teachers Motivation:

There are some criteria which should follow to motivate teachers for increasing their job

 Money can motivate towards job satisfaction.

 Proper use s/he’s talents and give them value and recognition.
 Positive work environment can motivate.
 Help employee to make balance work-life conflict.
 Trained and improve skills.
 In terms of reward, judge fairly and equitably.
 Provide flexibility in terms of personal/ family life.

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The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh


This report is dynamic knowledge based research that mainly focuses on two universities
teacher’s job satisfaction and attitude towards their job. The perception of job satisfaction
of the teachers at private universities in Bangladesh elaborately discuss in this report. In
this report we able to know about teachers job satisfaction, their organizational citizenship,
and main criteria of job satisfaction.

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The Perception of Job Satisfaction of the Teachers at Private Universities in Bangladesh


Robbins, Judge. Organizational Behavior 13th edition.

“Measuring job satisfaction in surveys - Comparative analytical report”, website:

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