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Questions & answers Book-

Book-1 First Year 1

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Questions & answers Book-1 First Year

Lesson No. 1 Button, Button

1) Why did Norma consider the tone and attitude of Mr.Steward offensive?
When Mr.Steward insisted on having some time, Norma disliked it and considered the tone
and attitude offensive.
2) Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?
Arther disagreed with his wife because he did not like to hurt anyone.
3) Why did Norma persuade her husband to accept the offer?
Norma persuaded her husband because she wanted to get $50,000 to improve their life style.
4) What were the reasons Norma gave to her husband to accept the offer?
She said it might be some kind of psychological research or a game played by millionaire.
5) Why did Mr.Steward continue persuading Norma?
Mr.Steward continued persuading Norma because he wanted her to do that experiment.
6) What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?
The voice informed her of the subway accident of her husband who was run over by a train
and was dead.
7) What is the significance of Arthurs life insurance policy?
His life insurance policy for $25,000 was of much importance for his wife which would be
double in case of accident.
8) Did Norma remain normal on hearing the news of her husband?
No, she became much confused and she could not seem to breathe.
Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)
Join me on facebook. 0345-4521350 (Principal)

Lesson No. 2 Clearing in the Sky

1) Why didnt the old man follow the advice of the doctors?
The old man thinks that by following doctors advice he would have to leave work and as a
result he would die soon.
2) What had the doctor told the old man?
The doctor told him that he had short time to live so he should do rest at home.
3) Where did the old man take his son?
The old man took his son on top of the mountain.
4) Had the son ever been there before?
With the exception of last three years, he had been over that point many times.
5) What were the names of vegetables the old man grew on his farm?
The old man grew potatoes, yams and tomatoes on his farm.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

A Palace of Knowledge Najm-ul-Huda School System
Questions & answers Book-
Book-1 First Year 2
6) Why did the old man take the steep path?
The old man took the steep path to check his physical fitness.
7) Why did the son at the age of six cry?
The son lost his little wooden plough in a furrow so he cried on his loss at the age of six.
8) What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy?
He thought that he had completed the days of his life, now the memories are treasure for him.
So he wanted to enjoy his remaining days by visiting old places.
9) Why had the old man planted his secret garden?
He planted his secret garden on a rich soil which is different from other land and that would
give a better flavour to taste of yams, tomatoes and potatoes.
Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)
Join me on facebook. 0345-4521350 (Principal)

Lesson No. 3 Dark they were, and Golden-Eyed

1) Why did Harry want to go back to the Earth?
Harry found the Martian climate dangerous so he wanted to go back to earth.
2) Why did he want to stay?
There was no way back to earth so he was bound to live there along with his family.
3) What climate did they face?
They had to face a very sever climate which totally changed them .The summer was very hot.
4) What was the condition of Bittering family on hearing the news of the war on Earth?
When they heard the news, they were unable to believe. They became much disturbed. Harry
was lost in the well of his fear.
5) What they want to grow?
They wanted to grow there vegetables and fruits of earth.
6) What was the advice Harry gave to the people?
Harry advised the people to build a rocket to go back to earth because the Martian climate was
not suitable for them.
7) How dangerous can a Martian virus be?
A Martian virus can destroy them. It can change their appearance.

Lesson No. 4 Thank you, Mam

1) What was the time when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman?
It was about 11o clock at night when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman.
2) What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse?
In this act the strap of the purse was broken, but the boy lost his balance and fell down.
3) What was the reaction of the woman?
First the woman kicked him then leaning down she gripped him tightly and rebuke him as

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

A Palace of Knowledge Najm-ul-Huda School System
Questions & answers Book-
Book-1 First Year 3
4) What was the conduct of the people when they saw the incident?
At that time two or three people passed. They stopped there and began to look the whole
5) How did the boy look physically?
He was about fourteen or fifteen years old. He was frail and willow-wild.
6) What was the condition of the boy when the women gave him a few jerks?
When the woman gave him few jerks, he became helpless and did not struggle any more to
get himself fee.
7) Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face?
The woman wanted to make him a good boy. She wanted to make him understand between
the right and wrong.
8) Why didnt the boy run from the house of the women?
The boy wanted the woman to trust on him. He did not want to be mistrusted now.
9) Why didnt the women watch the boy while preparing the dish?
The woman wanted to show that she trusted him. Therefore she did not watch him.
10) What was the nature of the womans job?
The woman worked in a hotel beauty shop .There used to visit different kind of woman like
blonds, red heads and Spanish.
Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)
Join me on facebook. 0345-4521350 (Principal)

Lesson No. 5 The Piece of String

1) Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking the lost pocket-book?
Mr.Manana did not like Mr.Hubert. Because of his baseless enmity, he falsely accuse that he
saw Mr.Hubert picking up the pocket book.
What did the people think of Hubert when they heard the return of the
pocketbook by some other person?
They think that Mr.Hubert is a liar. Whatever the reason he gave, people were not willing to
believe him.
3) Why did the George give the pocketbook to his employer?
George did not know how to read the pocket book .Therefore he gave it to his employer.
4) What did make Hubert shameful?
He was called a liar. This made him shameful.
5) Why did the people make fun of his innocence?
Hubert took the matter seriously and tried to prove himself innocence. So people make fun of
6) Why did Hubert keep claiming his innocence before his death?
He was innocent and could not tolerate the humiliation of being called a liar .Therefore he
kept claiming his innocence.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

A Palace of Knowledge Najm-ul-Huda School System
Questions & answers Book-
Book-1 First Year 4
Lesson No. 6 The Reward
1) What was the subject discussed at the club?
The subject discussed at the club was of opportunity and determination.
2) What did Terbut think of Jorkens argument?
Terbut did not agree with Jorkens. He thought that only determination did not lead to success.
How did Jorkens convince that a man can become a skating champion of the
He said man would make the money and would build the skating-rink in the Sahara and
organized a competition there. Hed be skating champion, if he gave all time to it.
4) What was the view point of the parents of Gorgios?
His parents thought that a man could not get success only due to his determination.
5) What were the arrangements made for the function of inauguration?
Great curtain of red and gold were hung along the walls. The high swings as well as hurdles
were also arranged.
6) What were the feelings of Gorgios on the occasions?
He had a slightly sad expressions but he had achieved his object and was satisfied on his
7) Did Gorgios use any shortcut to achieve his ambition?
No, Gorgios did not use any short cut to achieve his ambition.
8) How long had Gorgios to stick to get his ambition achieved?
Gorgios had to stick to his ambition for more than sixty years and ultimately succeeded in it.
Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)
Join me on facebook. 0345-4521350 (Principal)

Lesson No. 7 The Use of Force

1) What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor?
They were nervous specially the mother.
2) What was the behaviour of the child with the doctor?
The child did not co-operate with the doctor, instead she resisted violently.
3) She had a fever for three days, hadnt she?
Yes, she had a fever for three days.
4) Did the girl change her expression when the doctor said, Does your throat hurt you?
No, she did not change her expressions at all.
5) Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?
The doctor called the sick girl by her first name to make her trust him.
6) Did the sick girl promptly respond to the instruction of the doctor?
The sick girl did not respond to the instruction of the doctor.
7) Why did the parents rebuke her?
The child knocked down doctors glasses; on this act the parents rebuked her.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

A Palace of Knowledge Najm-ul-Huda School System
Questions & answers Book-
Book-1 First Year 5
8) What was the threat of the doctor to the child if she did not show her throat?
The doctor threatened the girl that he would examine her by using force.
9) Why did she break the wooden blade?
The girl did not want the doctor to examine her throat. Therefore when doctor tried to do so,
she broke the wooden blade.
10) What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl?
Her both tonsils were covered with membrane. She had diphtheria.

Lesson No. 8 The Gulistan of Sadi

1) What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people?
Nushirvan advised his people to be just and kind to others and eradicate the evil.
2) What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king?
The physician suggested that the disease of the king can be cured by mean of bile of a person
who has certain qualities.
3) Why did the boy look to the sky and smile?
When the boy found the injustice of his parents, the Qazi and the king he looked toward the
sky to pray to God Almighty.
4) What should be the role of Qazi?
A Qazi should only fear God and he should do justice in any case.
5) Why did the king weep?
The king felt ashamed of his selfish behaviour. Therefore he could not control his tears.
6) How did the king recover?
The king feared from God and released the boy. God Almighty liked his good deed and gave
him health.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

Join me on facebook. 0345-4521350 (Principal)

Lesson No. 9 The Foolish Quack

1) What is a clump of tree?
A clump of tree is a group of growing trees.
2) What was stuck in camels throat?
A melon was stuck in its throat.
3) What did the quack pretend to cure?
The quack pretended to cure goitre.
4) What did the quack do with the old woman?
He tied up the womans throat with blanket, and struck the swollen part with much force.
5) What was the result of the cure?
The old woman was instantly died.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

A Palace of Knowledge Najm-ul-Huda School System
Questions & answers Book-
Book-1 First Year 6
6) What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?
They compelled him to dig a grave for old woman. After it they beat him well and let him go.
7) For whom did the quack dig the grave?
The old womans grave was dug up by the foolish quack.
8) What did the quack do in the next village?
He again pretends that he is a great doctor and intends to cure an old man.
9) Why didnt the villagers let the old man get cured?
He talked of digging patients grave before treatment. So, they did not permit him to cure old
10) Why did the quack come back to the camel-men?
The quack came back to the camel men to learn the right way to cure goitre.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

Join me on facebook. 0345-4521350 (Principal)

Lesson No. 10 A Mild Attack of Locusts

1) What are locusts?
A locust is an insect similar to the grasshopper that destroys crops and vegetables.
2) Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire?
They threw wet leaves on fire to make it acrid and black.
3) What was the desire of every farmer?
Every farmer had a desire to see his farms free and safe from locusts.
4) Did Margaret know what to do to keep the locusts away?
No, she did not know what to do to keep the locusts away.
5) What was the condition of the trees?
All the trees were in a strange condition. They were clotted with insects and their boughs
weighed to the ground.
6) How did old Stephen treat the stray locust which he found on his shirt?
He split down with his thumbnail.
7) Are the hoppers different from the locusts?
When the locusts lay eggs, hoppers are born.
8) Did Margaret lose heart on the loss of crops?
No, Margaret did not lose heart on the loss of crops.
9) Why are the locusts compared with bad weather?
Locusts destroy crops like bad weather. Therefore locusts are compared with bad weather.
10) Why did the men eat their supper with good appetite?
They had done much struggle against locusts the whole day long. Therefore, they ate supper
to satisfy their appetite.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

A Palace of Knowledge Najm-ul-Huda School System
Questions & answers Book-
Book-1 First Year 7
Lesson No. 11 I Have a Dream
1) What was the cause of Negroes discontentment?
They were hated, ignored and were treated as slaves in the society. This was the major cause
of their disappointment.
2) What are the qualities of the veterans of creative suffering?
They face hardships and sufferings with courage. They have no despair and work without
being disappointed.
3) What is the dream of Martin Luther King?
He has a dream that soon there will be no racism in United States of America. All men will be
considered equal. There will be rule of brother in all states.
4) What should be the faith of Negroes?
Their faith should be that unearned suffering is redemptive.
5) What was the necessity of pleading the case of the Negroes freedom?
Negroes were leading slavish life. They were being ignored. Therefore, it was necessary to
plead the case.
6) What should be the criterion of judgement for a person?
A person should not be judged by the colour of his skin but by the content of his character.
7) Do the Negroes enjoy liberty in all the parts of their country?
No, the Negroes do not enjoy liberty in all the parts of their country.
8) From which part of country did the Negroes gather there?
The Negroes gathered from Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Georgia, Louisianan and
the northern cities.
9) Write down the song in your own words.
My country is a land of liberty. It is a land of the pilgrims pride and let the freedom ring from
every side of it.
10) What is the effect of the repetition of words?
The repetition of words has deep effect on human mind. It helps to understand the subject
Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)
Join me on facebook. 0345-4521350 (Principal)

Lesson No. 12 The Gift of the Magi

1) How much did she save for Christmas?
She saved one dollar and eighty seven cent for Christmas.
2) Why did she feel proud in the beauty of her hair?
She had beautiful long brown hair which was liked by Jim. It almost made into a dress for her.
Thats why she felt pride.
3) Why did she sell her hair?
She wanted to buy a beautiful gift for Jim but she lacked money. Therefore, she sold her hair.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

A Palace of Knowledge Najm-ul-Huda School System
Questions & answers Book-
Book-1 First Year 8
4) Why did Jim sell the gold watch?
Jim also wanted to buy a gift for Della but he had no money. So, he sold the gold watch.
5) Why did they want to exchange the gifts?
They had great love for each other. That is why they wanted to present a gift on Christmas to
each other.
6) Why did she feel sad on losing her hair?
Della had deep love for her hair. Therefore, she felt sad on losing her hair.
7) Why did Jim not welcome her when he stepped in?
Jim sold his precious watch to buy combs for Della but her hair was gone. Having strange
feeling, Jim could not welcome her.
8) What did he bring out of his coat?
He brought out beautiful and costly combs from his coat.
9) How beautiful was the gold watch chain?
It was very simply made. It value was in its rich and pure material.
Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)
Join me on facebook. 0345-4521350 (Principal)

Lesson No. 13 God be Praised

1) What was alias Abuls full name?
His full name was Moulvi Abul Barkat.
2) What was his turban known as and where did it originally come from?
His turban was known as Mashadi Lungi and it originally came from Mashhad in Iran.
3) What did he always carry with him?
He always carried a walking stick, a sort of sceptre with bands of brass and gilt.
4) Describe Moulvi Abul appearance?
Moulvi Abul had slightly bulging eyes. He wore silver rings and used fragrant oil for hair, and
also wore a turban.
5) How much did the Maulvi collect on every Eid?
Moulvi Abul collected 150 to 200 rupees on every Eid.
6) How much was distributed among the needy and the poor?
He distributed 40 to 50 rupees among the needy and the poor.
7) What was the name of his eldest daughter?
The name of his eldest daughter was Mehrun.
8) What was the name of the member of the District Board where the Maulvi lived?
His name was Chaudry Fatehdad.
9) What was the name of his wife?
The name of his wife was Zaibunnisa.
10) Write the name of the other two daughters?
Their names are Zabda and Shamsun.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

A Palace of Knowledge Najm-ul-Huda School System
Questions & answers Book-
Book-1 First Year 9
Lesson No. 14 Overcoat
1) What was the colour of the overcoat of the young man?
Its colour was brown.
2) How did he look like?
He was a well groomed young man. His hair was sleek and shiny. He was wearing a brown
overcoat as well as a green flat hat. A white silk scarf was knotted at his neck and had a
polished cane in his one hands.
3) Why did the people come out on the Mall?
The people came out to seek comfort in pleasure and they wanted to amuse themselves in
intense cold.
4) Who were the people wearing such dress and had come on the mall?
Most of the people were wearing overcoat which were of every kind from precious to rough
khaki coat.
5) Why was the cat shivering?
The cat was shivering with cold.
6) Why did the driver of the truck speed away after the accident?
If the driver was caught, he would have been beaten and handed over to the police therefore,
he sped away.
7) Who took the young man to the hospital?
The passers by loaded the young man in car and took him to a nearby hospital.
8) What kind of music was played in one of the restaurants?
An orchestra was playing in one of the restaurants.
Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)
Join me on facebook. 0345-4521350 (Principal)

Lesson No. 15 The Angel and the Author- and Others

1) At what point of journey in his dream did the author the throbbing sound of wings?
When the writer reached at a point where nothing of this world remained visible, he heard
behind him the throbbing sound of wings.
2) What time of the year was it?
It was about fortnight after Christmas.
3) What does the author like about Christmas?
The most important thing the author likes about Christmas is that it makes everybody good.
4) Why are the noble deeds always a great joy for the author?
A man gets satisfaction, respect and glory due to his good deeds. That is why noble deeds are
always a great joy for the author.

Muhammad Awais (M.A English P.U)

A Palace of Knowledge Najm-ul-Huda School System

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