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Department of Social Work

Bachelor of Social Work Program

Mid-Term Evaluation

Student Name: Tamika Walker Field Education Site: Robeson County DSS

Semester: Field Supervisor : Fredrika Sinclair

Task Instructor:

The purpose of the mid-term evaluation is to assess each BSW students performance mid-way
through the semester using the competencies, generalist practice behaviors and tasks that are
specified on the learning contract.

Students must demonstrate competency in each of these areas by performing the tasks outlined
on the learning contract and also listed below.

Steps to Complete Evaluation

Students: 1) fill in the information above and list tasks from learning contract below, 2)
complete self-assessment by filling in the first section of the rating column and writing any
comments, 3) email form to your field supervisor/task instructor.

Supervisors: 1) review student self-assessment, 2) complete assessment by filling in the

second section of the rating column and writing any comments, 3) review ratings and comments
with student and sign.

Students: 4) review supervisors ratings and comments, 5) be sure form has your signature and
your supervisors signature, 6) make a copy for yourself and your supervisor, 7) submit to field

Ratin Criteria
5 The student is competent in this area for generalist social work practice.
4 The student is gaining competency in this area.
3 The student is gaining experience and meeting expectations in this area.
2 The student has not as yet met the expectations in this area, but there is evidence that
the student will meet the expectations in the near future.
1 The student has not met the expectations in this area, and there is not much evidence
that the student will meet the expectations in this area in the near future.

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1. Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
1.1 Make ethical decisions Shadow CPS workers during home 3 3
by applying the standards visits, participate in Child and Family
of the NASW Code of Team Meetings. Conduct collateral
Ethics, relevant laws and contacts concerning neglect, abuse
regulations, models for and/or dependency.
ethical decision-making,
ethical conduct of research,
and additional codes of
ethics as appropriate to
1.2 Use reflection and self- Interviewing parents, caretakers and 3 3
regulation to manage children regarding concerns which lead
personal values and to them being involved with child
maintain professionalism in protective services
practice situations.
1.3 Demonstrate Attending juvenile court, Family 3 4
professional demeanor in Treatment Court, Child and Family
behavior; appearance; and Team Meetings, contacts Hurricane
oral, written, and electronic Matthew victims regarding their needs
communication. in the community, completing written
documentation regarding observations
and utilizing Compass Pilot.
1.4 Use technology ethically Making collateral contacts, utilizing 3 3
and appropriately to Compass Pilot to review cases and
facilitate practice outcomes. submitting narratives.

1.5 Use supervision and Having bi-weekly supervision with my 3 4

consultation to guide internship supervisor
professional judgment and

2. Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice

Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
2.1 Apply and communicate Completing home visits, interviewing 3 3
understanding of the families, reading the manual pertaining
importance of diversity and to child welfare.
difference in shaping life
experiences in practice at
the micro, mezzo, and
macro levels.
2.2 Present themselves as Completing interviews with parents, 3 3
learners and engage clients caretakers, children and collaterals.
and constituencies as
experts of their own
2.3 Apply self-awareness Reviewing the CPS record before 3 3
and self-regulation to attending a home visit with the CPS
manage the influence of worker, reviewing the CPS manual
personal biases and values regarding State and Federal
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in working with diverse recognized Tribes.
clients and constituencies.

3. Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice

Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
3.1 Apply understanding of Review Child Welfare Policies 2 2
social, economic, and
environmental justice to
advocate for human rights
at the individual and system
3.2 Engage in practices that Complete interviews with parents, 2 2
advance social, economic, caretakers, children and collaterals,
and environmental justice. Reviewing policy and manuals on the
local, State, and Federal level.

4. Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice

Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
4.1 Use practice experience Apply research findings to work 3 2
and theory to inform with clients.
scientific inquiry and
4.2 Apply critical thinking to Apply research finds to work with 3 2
engage in analysis of clients and have supervisor observe.
quantitative and qualitative
research methods and
research findings.

4.3 Use and translate Apply research finds to work with 3 2

research evidence to inform clients and have supervisor observe.
and improve practice,
policy, and service delivery.

5. Engage in Policy Practice

Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
5.1 Identify social policy at 2 2
the local, state, and federal Review Child Welfare Policy and
level that impacts well- agency policies
being, service delivery, and
access to social services.
5.2 Assess how social View local, State and Federal polices 3 3
welfare and economic
policies impact the delivery
of and access to social
5.3 Apply critical thinking to View local, State and Federal polices 3 3
analyze, formulate, and
advocate for policies that
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advance human rights and
social, economic, and
environmental justice.
6. Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
6.1 Apply knowledge of Complete face-to-face interviews with 3 2
human behavior and the families.
social environment, person-
in-environment, and other
multidisciplinary theoretical
frameworks to engage with
clients and constituencies.
6.2 Use empathy, reflection, Complete face-to-face interviews with 3 2
and interpersonal skills to families, attend Child and Family Team
effectively engage diverse Meetings.
clients and constituencies.

7. Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
7.1Collect and organize Gather the information collected in 3 3
data, and apply critical journal reports and give an
thinking to interpret interpretation of what happened within
information from clients and the process from the beginning to the
constituencies. end.
7.2 Apply knowledge of Help clients to resolve their issues, 2 2
human behavior and the mediate for clients, and assess clients
social environment, person- strengths and weaknesses.
in-environment, and other
multidisciplinary theoretical
frameworks in interventions
with clients and
7.3 Develop mutually * Observe social worker engaging in 3 2
agreed-on intervention conversation either by home visits or
goals and objectives based phone calls about treatment facility
on the critical assessment goals and unification as a family.
of strengths, needs, and
challenges within clients
and constituencies;
7.4 Select appropriate * Observe social worker engaging in 3 2
intervention strategies conversation either by home visits or
based on the assessment, phone calls about treatment facility
research knowledge, and goals and unification as a family.
values and preferences of
clients and constituencies.

8. Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
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8.1 Critically choose and 3 3
implement interventions to Observe and participate in riding with
achieve practice goals and social workers to transport families to
enhance capacities of treatment centers.
clients and constituencies.
8.2 Apply knowledge of Check in on clients to make sure that 3 2
human behavior and the their needs are being while in the
social environment, person- treatments centers.
in-environment, and other
multidisciplinary theoretical
frameworks in interventions
with clients and
8.3 Use inter-professional Observe social worker interact with 3 3
collaboration as appropriate case managers, and directors within
to achieve beneficial the treatment centers discuss
practice outcomes. intervention programs, daycares, and
transportation for the clients, and
8.4 Negotiate, mediate, and Assist with needs for Hurricane 3 3
advocate with and on behalf Mathew displaced housing Victims.
of diverse clients and
8.5 Facilitate effective Help to assess the needs of Hurricane 3 3
transitions and endings that Mathew victims, so that their needs
advance mutually agreed- can be met by using resources
on goals. donated to the agency

9. Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

Practice Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
9.1 Select and use Family assessments of strengths and 3 2
appropriate methods for needs
evaluation of outcomes.

9.2 Apply knowledge of Observe the social worker as they 3 3

human behavior and the ensure that the client (The Parent or
social environment, person- children) receive services such as: out-
in-environment, and other patient services, family counseling, and
multidisciplinary theoretical individual counseling
frameworks in the
evaluation of outcomes.

9.3 Critically analyze, Observe social worker engaging in 3 3

monitor, and evaluate conversation either by home visits or
intervention and program phone calls about treatment facility
processes and outcomes. goals and unification as a family.
9.4 Apply evaluation Observe the social working while they 3 3
findings to improve practice are making sure that the client (The
effectiveness at the micro, Parent or children) receive services
mezzo, and macro levels. such as: out-patient services, family

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counseling, and individual counseling

Areas of Strength:
Tamika Walker is very engaged with the families she has encountered by shadowing case
managers in case management. Mrs. Walker has a desire to learn and is not afraid to ask
questions. Mrs. Walker is open to correction and corrective criticism with the ambition to be the
best social worker possible. Mrs. Walker is prompt and communicates well with myself and
other staff. Mrs. Walker is properly groomed and dresses appropriately.

Areas for Growth:

Tamika Walker areas of growth are her interviewing skills, clarity in her documentation and not
being too wordy. I have not had the opportunity to observe her complete a Family Service
Case Plan and complete family interviews, which resulted in some areas in her midterm being a
2. I will be observing Ms. Walker in the next month interact with families and complete agency
forms and more documentation.

Overall Evaluation
Student has excelled by performing above expectations of a BSW student.

X Student has met expectations of a BSW student.

Student has not met expectations but there is evidence that improvements can be made
in order for student to meet expectations. A plan of correction has been discussed.
Student has not met expectations and has demonstrated serious problems in

Student Acknowledgment
I agree with the evaluation.

I disagree with the evaluation. (please explain below)

Additional Student Comments:

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Additional Field Supervisor/Task Instructor Comments: Mrs. Walker would be an asset to
Robeson County DSS if she chose to make Child Welfare a career option.

Student Signature: Date:

Field Supervisor Date:

Signature :
Task Instructor Signature Date:
(if applicable):
Field Director Signature: Date:

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