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Technique: Precise Praise

Name of Activity: Power of Praise

Type of Activity: Simulation

Objective: PWBAT improve their ability to deliver Precise Praise by practicing the delivery of specific
and genuine praise.

Task: In this simulation, one participant will teach the other participants how to make a paper airplane
two times. During the activity, the teacher will praise the other participants for successful completion of
the tasks. The second time through the simulation the teachers praise will be more precise. Reflection
questions will follow each role play. Participants will then plan and discuss ways of using Precise Praise
in their classrooms.

Time: 20 minutes

Background: Positive reinforcement is one of the most powerful tools in a classroom and many experts
say it should happen three times as often as criticism and correction. However, any powerful tool can be
used poorly or for naught. Poorly implemented positive reinforcement is no exception.

Materials needed:

Precise Praise Taxonomy

Facilitator Directions

NOTE: This simulation is intended as a way of rolling out the importance of precise praise. You should
use this simulation in advance of rolling out the technique with your staff (i.e., before showing video or
reviewing the technique notes). Depending on the size of your staff, you can do this with the whole
group, or divide in to smaller groups of no fewer than five. Choose one facilitator (a school leader or
master teacher) to be the teacher who will be giving instructions about how to build a paper airplane.

Step 1 (5 minutes): Role play the first script on page 3. The teacher should read the script and model the
activity, using the praise in bold as he/she teaches.

Step 3 (5 minutes): After the first role play, ask the participants to complete the following reflection

1. What specific phrases did the teacher use to praise the group?

2. What behaviors would you show if you wanted to receive praise from your teacher?

Review the questions with the group.

Step 4 (5 minutes): Have the same leader/facilitator role play the second script on page 4. The teacher
should read the script and model the activity, using the praise in bold as he/she teaches.

Step 5 (5 minutes): After the second role play, ask the participants to complete the same reflection

1. What specific phrases did the teacher use to praise the group?

2. What behaviors would you show if you wanted to receive praise from your teacher?

Review the questions with the group. It is likely that participants will have strong reactions to the
experience in both rounds. For example, participants will explain after Round 1: I wasnt sure what
people were being praised for. I kept looking around to find out what I could do to be praised.) Point
out to participants that when praise isnt specific, it contributes to unproductive behaviors (maybe more so
than productive behaviors).
After Round 2, participants are likely to make comments such as I was upset when you were praising the
student next to me even though I was doing a great job too. When wrapping up the activity, address that
the strong reactions that people had to the role play point to how important it is that praise is used
thoughtfully and carefully in the classroom. Highlight the importance of using precision when praising:

Precise Praise is authentic

Precise Praise should be based on real observations

Precise Praise gives all student concrete guidance in how to exceed expectations.

After wrapping up the discussion (dont allow it to take more than 3-5 minutes), then introduce the
Precise Praise technique through video and facilitators notes.

Power of Praise (Contd)

Teacher Copy

Role Play # 1: SCRIPT

NOTE: You may choose to alter the directions a little bit to work for you. Just be sure to give say the
phrases that are bolded throughout. You also may opt to project the visual below to support participants in
making their airplanes.

Today you are going to learn the important skill of making paper airplanes. You may already know how
to do this; however, today I want you to follow my directions carefully so that your planes can really soar!
I will model this as we go along.

1. Take a regular piece of paper and fold it in half.

______, good job.

2. Fold the short edge of one side down to the first fold it should make a 45 degree angle.

3. Do this for the other side too.

Nice work, _______.

4. Fold down the new fold you have created to the original fold you made in step #1. Repeat for the
other side.

Well done, ________.

5. Repeat this again for both sides.

6. Hold the center and open the wings out.

Power of Praise (Contd)
Teacher Copy

Role Play #2 SCRIPT

NOTE: You may choose to alter the directions a little bit to work for you. Just be sure to give say the
phrases that are bolded throughout- you will need to watch for these behaviors at each step to ensure the
praise is genuine.

Today you are going to learn the important skill of making paper airplanes. You may already know how
to do this; however, today I want you to follow my directions carefully. I will model this as we go along.

1. Take a regular piece of paper and fold it in half.

_________________ is making really crisp clean edges.

2. Fold the short edge of one side down to the first fold it should make a 45 degree angle.

____________ is working slowly and carefully.

3. Do this for the other side too.

____________ is lining up the corners just right.

4. Fold down the new fold you have created to the original fold you made in step #1. Repeat for the
other side.

5. __________ is following directions carefully.

6. Repeat this again for both sides.

7. Hold the center and open the wings out.

Power of Praise (Contd)

Teacher Copy

Role Play #1 Reflection

1. What specific phrases did the teacher use to praise the group?

2. What behaviors would you show if you wanted to receive praise from your teacher?

Role Play #2 Reflection

1. What specific phrases did the teacher use to praise the group?

2. What behaviors would you show if you wanted to receive praise from your teacher?

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