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Art Lesson Plan

Title: Picasso Pastel Portrait Unit: Famous Painters

Grade level (s): 3-5th grade Medium: Construction Paper
Suggested Time: Class period

Instructional Objectives (2-3):

1. The students will learn how to use Picasso style when creating a self-portrait
2. The students will be able to properly blend chalk colors together.

Elements of Art (1-3) line, color, shape, form, space, texture, value
1. Line
2. Shape
3. Color

Principles of Design (1-3) repetition, pattern, movement, balance, emphasis, contrast, unity
1. Pattern
2. Balance
3. Movement

Materials and Equipment:


General Vocabulary (4-5):

Line: is an identifiable path created by a point moving in space.
Pablo Picasso: Spanish painter known for his unique style of painting
Pattern: is an underlying structure that organizes surfaces or structures in a consistent,
regular manner.
Pastels: a crayon made of powdered pigments bound with gum or resin.

Art Production (based on Madeline Hunter model)

1.anticipatory set 2. state objectives 3. Input: art history, instructions 4.demonstration, modeling
5. check for understanding 6. guided practice 7. independent practice 8. closure

1. A-set: Show students on computer and elmo of different unique works from Pablo
Picasso. Ask students if they know who the artist is of the paintings and see if they can
get the answer Pablo Picasso
2. Objectives: State the objectives for the day to the students so they understand what
they should be able to accomplish at the end of the lesson.
3. Art history, instructions: Go through the PowerPoint that you created for the history of
Picasso. Remember to stop during the slides and ask questions to the students to see
what their input is on his art pieces.
Tell your students that today they will be taking Picassos unique style of painting and
apply to their own self-portrait of themselves.
Ask students if there are any questions regarding the assignment.
4. Demonstration, Modeling: Demonstrate on how to use pastels and chalk to the
students. Show the students how to properly mix chalk colors together. Again ask
students if there are any questions.
6. Guided practice: Have the students take out a scratch piece of paper and have them
practice using pastels and chalk together with you. Walk around and check if the
students are properly using them.
7. Independent practice: Have students go on their own and have them create their own
self-portrait of themselves using the Picasso Style. Walk around and make sure each
student is doing the correct project and help students in need if needed.
8. Tell the students thank you for working hard and ask them to talk to their group
members about 2 things they learned about Picasso.

Assessment (should relate to objectives):

Ability to use Picasso style for their self-portrait

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ability to properly blend chalk colors together

1 2 3 4 5

Use of both pastels and chalk

1 2 3 4 5

Modifications / Special Notes / Drawings

For students that have hard time focusing, you can if needed have them work in
separate room with someone to watch over them. This will help them focus

For students who have a problem with the texture of the materials then you can provide
them with gloves so that it wont irritate them.

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