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A U G U S T 2 2 N D - 2 5 T H

Remember the Alamo Ms. Clarks Classroom

If you are interested in seeing pictures/ Sed lectus
videos of your child working on or
presenting their important figure
monologue have no fear! Visit my
click on the tab that says our blog,
and enjoy the hard work of your
History! We Love History!
Class Pets! T his w eek w e ar e goin g to focus on The Battle o f the A lam o for our history
As a class we have decided that we
can take on the responsibility of conten t. I w ill teach not on ly the tr adition al aspects of the Alamo, but the
having class pets. The kids are super
unique f acts a bout this impera tive por tion of T exas history as well. I have s et
excited and we came to the decision
to ultimately get a hamster. If any up interactive less ons a nd in dependen t projects to f urther the studen ts
parents have concerns/questions or
there are allergy conflicts please und er stan din g of the con tent. I aim to prepar e them with much back ground
contact me. You can find my contact
information on my page mentioned k now ledge f or our field tr ip to the actual Alamo n ext mo nth and get them
above under the contact tab.
excited about lea rnin g.

Save the Date!

Monologues: 10/23 Parent night: 10/25 Permission slips
This week your students Come join us in the Permission slips will be
will be encouraged to gym for a fun filled sent home with your
dress up as the important night of bonding with child at the end of this
figure they are writing and not only your child but week (10/24). We
reciting a monologue the staff as well. There would appreciate it if
about so be prepared for will be pizza and you could get those
that. beverages provided. signed and back ASAP.

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