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To Whom It May Concern:

It is my honor to write this letter of support for Shurden Garrett. As her University
Supervisor at James Madison University I had the privilege of watching her grow
throughout her student teaching experience. From day one Ms.Garrett
demonstrated dedication to the job and a desire to grow as a teacher. She
connected early on with not just her students but with school staff. She was quick
to take initiative, when appropriate, in support of her cooperating teacher and
students. On a daily basis she was focused on making decisions that best
enhanced whatever situation or whatever lesson she was dealing with. She
presented a variety of activities to address the diverse needs of her students. I
was also impressed with how Ms.Garrett consistently sought input from others
looking for ways to improve her lessons and management skills. She was always
receptive to any constructive criticism offered. She treated her students in a
respectful, kind manner earning their respect in return. Ms.Garretts enthusiasm,
professionalism and work ethic was exemplary. She will be a valuable asset to
any school system who would invite her to join them.


Dennis Durost, M.Ed.

University Supervisor
James Madison University

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