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What if someday youve become the exact opposite of what you thought would be?
What will you do when everything you believed right was wrong? When youre living
like youre dead? When theres no one who cares? And when theres no one to save
you when you drowned?

I told you what you believed right was wrong. What if theres someone out there
looking after you? Youre just too blind to see and numb to feel. And that he will
dare to throw himself on the piercing cold water just to save you? Will you accept
his hand? Will you choose to live again?


Sofia Ashley gathered the books she lends from the university library to prepare for
her afternoon class. She brushed-off a strand of her long dark hair with her
elongated fingers as it partly touches her cheeks. Then she straightened her knees,
stood up and bore her canister to her right shoulder.

Her medieval look managed to turn heads inside the library as she headed for the
Librarians counter. She had a mane of silky long dark hair. Her perfectly trimmed
bangs were falling straight above her eyes. Her skin was fair and soft. Her dark
brown eyes were as fierce as the tigers. Her eyelashes were naturally curled. Her
nose was even perfect. Her pinkish lips were inviting. Her height was impressively
lofty like a model. She was wearing a simple yet elegant pitch-dark blouse, dark
gray jeans, black sneakers and black accessories. In other words, shes
exasperatingly beautiful, ravishing and DEADLY in BLACK.

Ashley showed no emotion as she returned the books to the student assistant
whose eyes stuck on her, then headed out. Sofia Ashley Villanueva, fourth year
Architecture student, felt the familiar boredom she experienced in her high school
life, yet quite normal for her. Her life became at ease again without any signs of
either her enemies or rivals. Without him. She thought.

The universitys corridor was bit crowded, seems like they were moving for the next
class. Shes walking, without haste, with her head held up and with confidence. Not
until she saw a familiar face that made her frown and halt.

A tall guy with ebony brown hair and hazel brown eyes wearing white shirt and
denim jeans was standing few meters away from her. His face was filled with
astonishment as if he cant believe hes seeing her. Their eyes matched. Her face
became numb. Geez. Why on earth did she think of him? She shouldnt have. Not
even once. What on earth hes doing here?
She continued her pace and drew her look straight at him. Then, she walked passed
from him without saying a word. She imagined his annoyed face because of her
rudeness and it means, her victory.

Im glad to see you. He said unexpectedly. Its his cool masculine voice that made
her stop. The fact that it quivered to her bones, disgust her. Hes her ultimate rival
and the enemy of her soul. Kiefer Alessander Verner. Kayce. She will never forget
his name.

Im not. Ashley uttered beside him without laying a look at him. They were
standing side by side facing into opposite directions.

I know. Kayce said without turning.

Dont show your filthy face to me again. I dont like seeing you. Ashley said

Then close your eyes. He chuckled.

What! Ashley gasped, still not looking. She almost forgot how crazy he was.

I think its- This time he turned and was about to say something when..

KAYCE!!!!!! An irritating voice coming from a girl behind her killed the tension
between them and hes calling out this guys name. Ashley grabbed the chance and
walked away.

Her mind was disheveled all day and stuck to that single moment of their
coincidental meeting.

When she got home, she walked passed through their store at the ground floor and
headed directly to her room at the second floor. Her room was painted in white with
doodled architectural designs and a classic black and white theme design. It was
huge, simple, and unique in nature, yet cozy. There was a huge window, parallel to
the door, with silky white curtain which is thrust aside revealing a transparent glass
and aluminum case. Beside it was her king-size comfy ivory bed with cottony black
pillows that were arranged neatly, also, with lamp on both sides and furry black and
white carpet on the floor.

She dropped her belongings on the couch and dive her back in her bed. Staring at
the ceiling, her past reminded her everything.

Sofia Ashley Villanueva started her third grade at a new school eminently away from
the previous. She was then a nine years old kid when she had gone through a lot
that she wanted to have a new start. It was then, when her parents abandoned her
to her personal nanny who stood as her mother and father now. At the very young
age, she was already, open minded. She learned to live independently without
expecting anyone to do everything for her. She was a shrewd girl and goody good at
everything, either academics or not. She has always been a topnotch.

Until she grew up and became a teenager. Everyone perceived her as a canny, cool,
and rude girl. Her fierce aura always signifies dont-you-dare-mess-with-me-or-else-
you-die look. Shes quite popular and independent that she needed no friend. She
didnt even know her classmates name. She didnt even care. She knew no one
beside from her instructors. Friendship is totally none of her business.

She was always doing her best in everything though she almost forgot why shes
doing it. Even though she never cared on being on top, she only wants to keep
herself busy to avoid crazy thoughts about her parents. Thus, most of them
regarded her as Ms. Perfect yet, only one had called her , Hell Girl.

Its the very first time that she recognized someone, the first time that she felt her
blood rise and the first time that she laid a look on someone.

The ebony brown haired guy was staring at her giving her an irritating stern look.
Hes fooling around her. She thought.

Name. Ashley asked glaring at him.

When he didnt response, she repeated it louder than the former.

Okay. I will rephrase. I said. Whats-your-name? She said slowly but with intensity.

The tall guy had the guts to just smirk at her and then leave. This time shes totally
mad. She rolled her eyes and released a frustrated sigh.

Seriously?! Did he just--- smile?! She grumbled.

Curiosity kills the cat. Why did she want to know his name? She wants to know her
enemies. And he was the second. He will be sorry.

Thereafter, at the beginning of their last period, the teacher call on their names,
and Ashley attentively darted a look at him, who was few chairs away from her.

The annoying guy was now sleeping at his desk. She thought he often did. Waiting
for him to raise his hand Waiting to hear his name When it seems all of her
classmates had been called, she knew he will be called soon.

Velasquez!. Verner! the Social Study teacher yelled. Then silenced. Mr.
Verner? she repeated again.
The sleepyhead guy was now raising his hands and straightened his back.

Mr. Verner, I do not tolerate any improper behavior during my class. If you dare
sleeping again in my time you are pleased to go outside. Do you understand?
Maam Rivera said glaring at him.

Yes, maam. I apologize. My mistake. He said politely.

Good. Okay then, lastly, Ms. Villanueva.

Present She said coolly raising a hand. When she turned to his way, she caught
him staring at her and then smirked again. To her surprise she abruptly avoids his
eyes. Whoaa! Hes mocking her! She totally pissed off!

Youre dead, Sleepyhead Verner. She murmured.

Kiefer Alessander Verner she knew was a lazy, easy-go-lucky Filipino-German guy,
who only wants to waste his time in sports, theater, and photography. They were
classmates since first year and its in her senior year when she did recognize his
existence. What he only does in class was to sleep. And she hated such ill behavior.
She really hates lazy people.

Until second gradings academic topnotchers list was released. Ashley would never
be surprised if shell find her name on the top list because her name never let her
down. Until the day comes, that posting day was the most boisterous day ever. She
can hear the same reactions reverberating all over her head like No way! Oh My
God! Really?! What happened?!.

Even Ashley asked the same questions to herself when she laid a look at the bulletin
board. She cant believe to see an alien name on the top list and find hers on the
second. She cant breathe when she read the name. Kiefer Alessander Verner?
VERNER?! No way. For the very first time, she felt alive, that she felt disappointed
and disbelief. For the first time, someone had beaten her. And its the lazy stupid
guy who always fools around her. Exciting, she thought.

Suddenly, the crowd of students grew more exaggerated. KAYCE, somebody

yelled. When she glanced, she saw him approaching. The devil, she thought. Ashley
watched as the girls, blocked him to say congratulations. Even his team mates and
friends did the same. Then finally, he recognized her. Ashley with her arms crossed
looked warily at him. They looked at each other. Kayce looked blank as if he has no
idea of whats happening. Ashley put her arms down and walked towards him, until
they were face to face now. The crowd was making a teasing noise but she didnt
care. Until she suddenly felt deaf, what matters now is their conversation. Just
Verner the psychopath, you know that I hate you. I have no idea of how you did it.
Congrats. But its not yet over. Its just a warm-up. And Im saying this youll never
EVER win against me!

Yes. Youre right. It was just a warm-up and I already started beating YOU. Listen.
One thing is I am for sure. Kayce strolled a little bit closer and closer. Ashley felt
her heart suddenly beats fast yet she didnt even flinch nor break his gaze.

One day, you will think of me. Every day, every night, every second and Ill even
haunt you in your wildest dreams. Lets see whose prophecy will come true, Ashley
the Hell Girl. Kayce smiled sheepishly at her and then walked away.

Darn it. Prophecy my FOOT! she grumbled. How dare he talked to me liked that?! I
hate him even more! she thought.

Since that day, she never saw him dozed on his desk again. He seems to be really
serious. Time to be serious too, she told herself. Everythings going to be fun now.
The two of them displayed an obvious competition in everything they do, in class
discussion, sports, visual arts, performing arts and even in leadership.

Its far too late when she knew he, the psycho, was her deputy president in their
class. And it pisses her off when hes always against her and that he always shows
that he was right and she was wrong. And it pisses her more when he always calls
her Hell girl.

The two of them was known to be an exemplary student in their school. They had
won a lot of quiz bee competitions together. But they were still rivals and enemies.
Ashley was aware of that. She cant afford losing especially to him. She never lost
in her entire life. It was a shame to lose from a former bottom ranking guy.

Until final deliberation of honors came, they have waited for this. This will be the
end of their battle. Who will win and who will lose. . .

It was /past six in the morning when she wake up. Geez! She will be late. When did
she fell asleep? She didnt even eat her dinner. She rushed her way to the bathroom
and fixed herself. Afterwards, she headed to the bus station and commuted. She
plugged her earphones and enjoyed her long yet cozy ride.

When she stepped down from the bus, she passed-by on a bakery and her tummy
suddenly growled.

Okay. Alright. I even skipped breakfast. She told herself and eventually entered
the store.
Shes walking few blocks away from the university while eating her breakfast. She
only ate few bites of it, when something had touched her elbow. She removed her
earphones and turned to see what it is. She frowned to see a young girl, wearing
dirty and torn clothes, asking for alms.

Hey, what? Ashley saw girls expression as she turned her gaze on the bread she
was eating.

Oh. This? Ashley showed her the bread she was holding. The small girl abruptly

Here. She hand it to her and leaned down. You dont need to depend on any one
to be alive. You only have to be brave and be a woman. Understand?

The girl nodded and smiled. I wanna be like you. And then small girl ran away.
Ashley froze and left staring to where the child had gone. It was a weird feeling after
all. She was tough, rude, and cold hearted at times but she has a feelings too. May
be she was just resisting to show it at all. Being a rock from the outside is her only
barrier to protect her frailness inside.

She was walking idly when she remembered that she was almost late. She rapidly
rushed her way not until she stepped on a sticky thing that made her shoe a bit glue
on the pavement. And when she raised her foot, GUM!!! She quickly put her foot
stuck on the ground.

Oh! Gross!! This is humiliating especially when somebody saw her in such
embarrassing position.

When she turned her head to see if someone saw her clumsiness, she thought she
will faint.

Kayce was standing still before her. He was wearing a navy blue organizational shirt
probably from his former school and with his SLR camera hanging on his neck.

Ahh..Hi. Kayce said with confused expression. Confused if he will laugh or what.
Darn it!

NOOO!!!! Its over! Why it has to be HIM?! This is not cool. What will she say????

Do you need some help? He offered.

NO! Thanks. Why will I? Im good.

His eyes fell on the ground. No. Dont look at it!

I guess those tracks didnt lie.

Ashley noticed the gums sticky tracks, her shoe made. That moment she felt that
she wanted to cry. She hates him!
I dont need your help! Especially from you! Go away! This is awkward. Ashley
said grimly. She utterly felt humiliated. And this psychotic guy always makes her
feel that way.

I said go! Are you happy now? You caught me in such hilarious way. Ashley
started sniffing.

Suddenly, Kayce smiled and patted her head. Ashley was startled. She felt her
pulse suddenly leap.

Its okay. I found it cute. He said softly, still patting her head.

Hey! Stop it! Im not a dog! She abruptly brushed off his hand with her wrist. Hes
crazy and weird. Whats with him?

He smiled again, now showing his teeth. Sheesh. She really hates his smiles. Was he
making fun of her?

Hey, stay there! Ill be back. Kayce said running away. Waiting and expecting
someone to be back is not in her vocabulary. She had to find something to remove
the gum on her shoe or may be soil to stop it from making tracks. Unfortunately,
she was on the middle of the wide pavement. They finally noticed her standing still
on the middle with a gums track. If anyone stared at her she will surely glare back
at them. Few seconds later, Ashley spotted Kayce coming back.

I found a popsicle stick. He leaned down.

Can you raise your foot? He asked.

Stop. I can do it myself- Ashley nastily replied.

No. Let me do it. He stubbornly raised her foot and started removing the gum.

You can lean on me if you feel stumbling. He added.

Im good at balancing. Remember?

Oh. Yeah. Theres nothing that youre not good at.

Then silence. Did he praise her? Or hes just being sarcastic?

Youre kind of weird. Its unlike you. We never had a conversation like this. We
always fight.

Its unlike you too. You arent talkative. I guessed youve missed me? He teased.

Its done. Youre free to move.

I hate you stupid gum! Then she walked away.

Whoa.. Thank you, Kayce! Kayce yelled.

Ashley was only striding few steps when Kayce blocked her way.

Is it really hard to say Thank you? Kayce blunted while walking backwards to
match Ashley steps.

Ashley halted and crossed her arms on her chest.

Thanks, to that sticky gum. Im late. She said with her right eyebrow raised. Kayce
made a disappointed look. She made him mad. Great. She thought.

Lets skip class. He said.


And youre going with me. He suddenly held her wrist and pulled her without even
waiting for her approval.

WHAT?! Are you out of your mind?! I never skipped class in my entire life! Youre
ruining my record!

Now. Lets ruin your never.

When Ashley heard it, she hissed and bit her lip.

Youre crazy! Totally crazy! Hey! Where are we going? Let me go!

When he seemed to be acting deaf, she struggled.

I said!-

Kayce stopped from walking.

Im going to carry you if you keep on - Kayce was about to face her when Ashley
abruptly release herself from him, bent her knees, extended her legs and pivoted
180 hastily it to kick him down. Then Kayce fell backwards. She did the attack
effortlessly as if shes a human compass.

Youre going to what? Ashley smiled wickedly. Thank me. Thats only what youve
got. Serves you right. Then she turned to walk away.
Thanks it didnt break. (SLR camera) then he continued Youre pretty strong and
pretty clumsy too. He emphasized on the word clumsy. When she pretended that
she unheard him, he stood up and called her.

Hell Girl!

Ashley hissed and turned around with glaring eyes.

WHAT? Ashley exclaimed.

Kayce was now showing her his SLR camera with a picture of her stepping on a
gum. Ashleys eyes widened. She had forgotten about it. She should have broken it.

YOU, stupid Verner! She blunted. What do you want?

He just grinned.

The next thing she knew was they were sitting opposite to each other at the
schools cafeteria.

I promise. I will delete it if you eat with me and tour me around. One hour is
enough. Kayce said triumphantly showing his wide smile.

This guy is crazy, she thought. Ashley just stared at him fiercely while tapping her
long fingers.

Hey. Lets eat. Its getting cold.

When Ashley managed to look at their Tapsilog, she was surprised to see Kayce
fried rice, only one cup, then hers, TWO CUPS! Seriously?!

HEY. I think youve got it wrong. Do you think Im a glutton?

They gave me extra rice because of my handsomeness. What do you want me to

do? Just eat okay.

So this must be yours! Ugh! Okay! Fine. Youre just making my head ache.

By just looking at her food, her tummy reacted vigorously making a loud sound. Her
cheeks suddenly blushed. She was totally starved. But Kayce seems he unheard it.
She ignored it and ate to life.

Afterwards, Ashley got no idea of how Kayce enjoyed watching her eating while
leaning his head on his right palm. When Ashley finally noticed his existence, he
You almost ate the plate. He teased. Ashley gasped, almost a mocked laugh. She
seemed provoked.

How dare you! Ashley snarled. Then she realized, did she really eat it all?! She
was afraid to burp anytime especially in front of him. No way.

Hey, stupid Verner. What the hell are you doing here? She added. Though her
words were ear-piercing, she was sincerely asking.

Im going to study here. Isnt it obvious?

Youre going to study? So it means youre transferring here? Did I get it right?

As I expected from my former rival, you really are shrewd.

Its just a simple logic. Dont be too exaggerative.

Then silence.

Why all of a sudden? Its Midterms and why on earth here?

And why do you care? Youre improving. Did you ever care about me? He asked
triumphantly again like an excited kid.

Ashley became startled.

Dont jump into conclusions. Just tell me why. Why here? Ive told you. I dont like
seeing you.

Kayce suddenly felt unease and then sat properly. His expression became serious.

The thing is. . .its because of you. I missed you. He gently whispered.

Then he looked modestly in her eyes. His hazel brown eyes and her dark brown eyes
met. Ashley froze. What an awkward moment? She found her lungs hard to breathe
and her heart throbbing hard. No way. Hes just kidding me! She convinced herself.
Then out of nowhere, the gas from her stomach let out. It happened! She burped
aloud! She sounded like a cow! What the-?! Ashleys face turned red. The devilish
good looking guy in front of her burst out laughing. Sheesh!!

You never failed to make me laugh. He said still laughing.

Ashley bit her lip. She really wanted to cry now. What a Bad day! But when she
recalled burping into someone else face and the funny sound that shed made,
instead of being annoyed and humiliated, she burst out laughing too. Ashley wasnt
even aware that she was laughing aloud. Kayce suddenly stopped laughing and left
astonished. His eyes were stuck on her.
When Ashleys laughter slowly died, she finally realized that it was unlike her. She
never laughed like that. Feels like the first time again. She used to laugh like that
before, when she was a kid. Shes becoming weird now. Whats happening to her?
She forced a cough and then composed herself.

Ahmm. I dont care about the photo now. You can do whatever you want. You cant
black mail me again. Its no use. Excuse me. Then she exited.

Ah,.Yes. Okay. Till then? He asked.

Ashley turned her head. Her composure was real beauty. And she whispered a plain

Kayce smiled.

Ive missed the chance. Useless cam. He whispered while looking at his SLR

When Ashley came back into class, her thoughts were blank. She cant focus. The
words its because of you... I missed you were still echoing again and again like
a loose tape around her head. She felt dizzy.

Erg!! SHUT UP!! Ashley unconsciously shouted. She killed the silence in the four
corners of the room. She tried to compose herself. They were staring at her. Good
thing. The professor was out. Im still lucky despite of her very bad day. She just let
out a sigh and dropped her forehead on her desk. Whats with her? Her world
became a mess because of him. This is his entire fault. She should avoid interacting
with him from now on. She cant guess what hes really thinking. Hes making me
sick, she thought.

Ashley never felt so exhausted before, but now she does. She leaned her back on
the buss passenger seat, plugged her ear phones, and stare at the window beside
her. The orange stained sky enchanted her. She has forgotten how beautiful the
sunset was. She really loved taking rides while listening to music she likes. It was
soothing. Unconsciously, she fell asleep.

When the bus was few blocks away from her house, she automatically woke up,
removed her ear phones, and took off the bus. While she was walking at the front
step, she noticed a silky soft gray scarf around her neck. It wasnt hers. It smells
good and it smells like a guys perfume. And it circles perfectly at her neck seems
like the guy did that on purpose.

As she opened the front door, a fifty year old fair lady was also holding the door
Oh. Mother, where are you going? Ashley asked. Yes. Shes calling her mother.
Since her Nanny Celly had been taking care of her since she was born, she felt her
motherly love. Her nanny did the same. She treated her as her own and didnt
manage to make her own family.

Oh? I will just throw the garbage, my dear. Ahh! I already cooked our dinner. Lets
eat later. Nanny Celly smiled.

Okay. Ashley smiled in return.

Ahh. Mother, hows our store going?

It was fine. Our sales lady was really hard working. Her nanny then smiled.

Good. See you later, mother.

Ashley was running a business. She was fifteen when she had decided selling the
stuffs, her parents had been sending her. The store she was talking about was just
on the ground floor of their house. The money that she will earn is the money that
she will disburse for her daily expenses. And the money that her parents gave her is
for her schools fee, house expenditures, workers allowance, and for Nanny Celly.
She was still depending on it because she doesnt have a job yet. But when she
does shell probably donate it to those in need.

Her self-conscious parents were both on different foreign countries and have their
own families by now. Furthermore, they were rich and never tend to forget sending
her monthly allowance and packages. However, they never showed up to her or
even asked how shes been doing. They never truly cared about her. They thought
money and packages were enough as if they were just paying for their mistakes.
And she was the mistake. What kind of family is that? How ironic. It sucks.

While they were eating, Nanny Celly was on her long story telling again. She looked
very enthusiastic while talking, it made Ashley smile. Though, she cant
comprehend some of it, she just pretended that she does. She doesnt want her
nanny to get upset.

Oh. Before I forgot! Yesterday, I met my nephew! Hmm. It was a bit late in the
afternoon then, when I saw him standing near our house. And youre already
sleeping, thus I didnt able to show him to you. But you know what. Hes very
handsome like his father and because of his mother too. His mother and I were
cousins and were very close like sisters. And I think you knew him! Youve been
playmates before and I think you entered the same school then. Her Nanny Celly
said trying to recall more.

And he said that he- Her nanny was about to say something when Ashley cut her
May be yes. But I didnt want to recall my past either. Hope you understand,
mother. She said plainly.

Im going to my room. Thanks for the dinner. She added.

Okay. He nanny replied.

Ahh. I will do the dishes. Ill go down when youre done.

No. Dont bother. I will do it. The fair lady smiled.

You, sure?

Her nanny just nodded smiling.

By the way, his name is Alex. Just in case, you met him by chance. Her nanny

Okay. Ashley said grimly forcing a smile in her lips. She was feeling unwell. Her
head was aching. Shes been thinking too much. She needed to have some rest.

Ashley has been ignoring Kayce for a week. She felt it strange to recognize him
easily. She became familiar of his composure. She can even recognize him at a
distance. The thought that she can sense his presence like radar scares her like hell.

One time, when she was eating lunch alone, Kayce spotted her and seated across
her with a tray in his hands.

Would you mind? He asked.

You can do it, Ashley. Avoid him. She was telling herself. When he got no response
he frowned and stared at her for a moment.

Are you okay? Im afraid that youre avoiding me. He added with a worried look.

Ashleys heart thumped as if his words stabbed inside her. But she tried to look
undisturbed. She was just looking at her food as if hes not there. And when shes
done, she stood up and left him alone.

Ashley continued the ignoring and the pretending-that-he-doesnt-exist thing. It was

natural to her before but it wasnt easy this time and she didnt know why.

The next day, she was on her way to the library when she heard an agitating noise
near the football field. Probably from the jerks picking up fights or bullying
someone. They were so worthless. So what? She didnt care. Its none of her
business. And you should be used to their rule here, mind your own business, if you
want to survive.
But when she glanced on its way, she perceived a bunch of guys surrounding two
persons. Then she recognized a familiar person. Kayce? And he was talking to the
jerks and it seems anytime a rumble will arise.

IDIOT! Ashley hissed and dropped her things in a corner. Then she rushed her
way to the football field. Hes totally insane!

They were seven including Kayce. Kayce and the other guy were tossing each other,
now. The other four were surrounding them cheering and yelling like a fool. Then
there was someone crawling with trembling knees. And when he was out, he
abruptly run away like a coward.

Then it happened. They were punching, kicking, and hitting. Ashley suddenly felt

Ashley shoved the bunch of guys to get herself in. The noise suddenly died down.
When she saw the other guy grabbing a baseball bat to hit Kayce, She abruptly
threw herself in front of him and glared at the jerk.

DO IT, BITCH! She shouted dauntlessly. The bullies started making an amazed
noise. The other guy was stunned.

Ashley?! What are you doing?! Go away! Kayce said breathlessly. It was the first
time he called her in her name. She suddenly became lost.

Idiot! She replied.

Looks like the pretty chic is here. I wonder why. The gangster looking guy started
grinning like a fool.

SHUT UP, BITCH! CMON. Ashley made a fighting stance.

I will deal with you later. The pale guy bent his knees and attacked her. He
brushed Ashley down with his bat. It wasnt that hard stroke. He just pushed her
with his bat. He was surprisingly strong and fast that she wasnt able to defend
herself and end up falling on the solid earth. Her left arm was hurt.

ASHLEY! Kayce howled.

Bastard, I WILL KILL YOU!! Kayce unexpectedly grew wild. He attacked the guy
who knocked Ashley down and started beating him hard. Ashley managed to sit and
saw Kayce beating the guy to death. The jerks face was now bleeding.

Kayce! Stop it!!! Its the first time too that she burst out calling his name.

KAYCE! And when Ashley sighted the prefect of discipline with the body guards
coming, she forcibly pulled Kayce out of the scene and ran away before the
whistling. The bullies did the same.
Were not yet done, mad ass! The gang leader shouted.

When they were out of sight, Ashley dropped her knees on the grass with her hands
trembling. She never did something like that before especially because of someone
else. It was her very first time to be caught up in fights. She only fought with her
words and no physical.

They were both breathing hard. When Ashley managed to compose herself, she
almost stumbled when she tried to stand up and to face Kayce, who was now sitting
with his chin up and arms extendedsupporting him on the ground. She never
saw Kayce as mad as that, enough to kill someone. Good. She had stopped him.

YOU! Stupid, psychotic, idiot! Verner! What was that?!! Ashley gnarled at him with
her hands on her waist. She was crazily mad like a mother lecturing her disobedient

Before, it was Kayce. He said in a somber tone and then dropped himself on the

Hey, this is not a time for jokes! Are you nuts?! You almost kill him!


Kayce was on his heels in a second. It startled Ashley a bit. He was facing her now.

Youre the stupid, stupid. Kayce said sternly.

What! - AM I?

So, why did you do that? You shouldnt have interfered! Kayce replied. She could
feel the frustration in his voice. He was mad. And she was MAD too!

What the hell are you doing there? Ashley asked another question matching his

I asked the question first!

Answer me first!

No. You, answer. Me. Kayce told it slowly but in irritated tone.

Ashley just glared at him waiting for his answer.

UGH! Youre driving me crazy!

Youre already crazy, Crazy! And youre making me sick as a matter of fact!

Fine! I give up. Its none of your business!

So. Let me guess. You wanted to be a hero that you throw yourself to save the
bullies coward victim? Am I correct?

Sort of. Kayce said with a sigh. Then he just stared at her bleakly.

Oh. So you badly wanted to become famous? Eh? Ashley said showing a smart

Cut it off. Will you wait for me?

Huh?! He looked strange again! She thought.

Can you wait for me here? Ill be back in a minute.

What? You know waiting is not my thing. I really hate waiting.

I see. Forgive me. But I think I have to do this. Kayce slipped his hands on his

He grabbed Ashley by her right arm and made her sit in the bench nearby.

What are you doing? She asked sternly without breaking her glare at Kayce. Then
she heard a click. When she cast a look on her right wrist, she saw herself
handcuffed with the arm of the bench.

Whats the meaning of this? Youre totally crazy!

My uncle from England was a cop. He gave it to me as a remembrance. Then he

gave her a reassuring smile.

Ill be back. If you only trusted me. He added then he ran away.

HEY! Ugh! Hes insane. Ashley sighed and leaned her back at bench then looked
up in the sky. Shes trying to calm herself again. The sky was blue. Its very beautiful
and peaceful. She can feel the air caressing her cheeks. It made her feel warm.

Ashley wasnt aware that she had dozed for a while. She felt something cold and it
hurts like blisters. And when she opened her eyes, she saw Kayce sitting beside her
and he was doing something on her left arm. She glanced at her handcuff. Thanks.
Goodness. He already released her. There was an ice and a medicine kit beside her.
He was treating her! Then he put a bandage after applying the ointments.

Oh? Youre awake.

Without a word Ashley grabbed the cotton and put disinfectants. Then apply it to his

Look at you. Youre a mess. She coldly said. She tried to make her expression
Kayce became dumbfounded. Their faces were few inched close. And she was fully
aware that his hazel brown eyes were gazing at her.

Dont stare at me. It was very uncomfortable. Ashley said plainly.

Then Kayce avoided her eyes and look at different direction.

Dont misinterpret my actions. Im doing this because I felt involved. She added.

Dont be so defensive. Im not thinking anything.


A moment of silence.

Are you avoiding me these last few days? Kayce asked on a somber tone. Ashley
stopped treating him.


But, why? Kayce was now frowning and showed a melancholy look.

The battle between us has ended long time ago. You win and I lose. I cant afford
losing anymore.

I dont understand you.

Can we not meet again? Can you pretend that you dont know me and that I dont
know you?

It doesnt make sense! Why? He was still frowning and his eyes were sad.

No! It does! Since you came, everything has changed. You ruined it all! You ruin my
quiet life! Before I was- I was- She hesitated.

She couldnt continue what she wanted to say. She was lost of words. She forgot her
point! He was right she doesnt make sense. . . Before, her world was blind and
numb. She doesnt look at anything or at anyone. She doesnt feel sad nor happy,
just empty. She was completely lost. She only looked at herself. She knew no one
but herself. Until one day, he showed up before her eyes. When he came into her
life, she suddenly felt alive again. The reason why she was always doing her best
finally made sense. She became happy.

Happy? She couldnt believe she came up with that. . .

She wasnt aware that she was lost staring at him. For the first time, she recognized
his face, his hazel brown eyes, his nose, his wavy dark brown hair, his lips, his chin. .
. It was beautiful. She suddenly heard her heart skipped a beat. She couldnt
breathe! Whats happening? What did he do to her? Is she- ?
No. Shut up! She cant be!

Ashley? Are you okay?

She finally noticed him. He was holding her shoulders, supporting her.

Stop it! I hate everything you do. I wasnt comfortable with you anymore. Just
leave me alone! Then she turned to her heel and started running as fast as she
could. She couldnt stop her tears from coming out now.

How can she tell him that her chest started to hurt when shes with him? That she
was afraid that his prophecy will come true! And that he will just leave her behind
like what her parents did to her. Its better to have no one at all. Its enough! He
cant play with her feelings anymore! She hated guys! Most of them were flirt! They
were just testing you if youre going to fall for their flirting. They were doing it just
for their fun. Then what? Hang out with you? She will definitely not play their game.

Ashley slowed down her pace, until a strong hand had grabbed her arm and made
her swivel. Kayce firm chest was heaving hard. Then, he pulled Ashley and tucked
her in his arms. Ashley became startled. She can clearly hear the loud beating of his
heart and the series of his breath. Her heart started racing again. She hoped he
wouldnt hear hers.

Dont try to run. I will just chase you again. Kayce uttered in a soft voice. Ashley
tried to push him hard but he embraced her tight.

Stop it. The more you try to push me away, the more I want to get closer to you.
He added.

Crazy! Let me go. Ashley said weeping. Why are you doing this to me? Why
me?! Ashley blunted it while shoving his chest. She burst out in tears again.

He then released her and reached her face to wipe off her tears away, yet, Ashley

Im sorry. I should have told you right away to get you out of confusion. Kayce
said in a delicate voice.

Ashley was now frowning.

Tell me. Youre wasting my time. Ashley coldly said.



Ive been in love with you, Sasha Then he gasped. I cant believe it myself but it
was true.
Tints of red suddenly appeared on his cheeks as he looked at her.

Ashley couldnt move nor speak as if her throat had run dry. She was about to say
Liar! but the words seemed stuck at the tip of her tongue. She felt her cheeks
became hot. It was her first confession from a guy. No. It happen a couple of times
before and then she will say Get lost. I dont need your love. But now, she couldnt
find the words. She was bewildered. Kayce was explaining how and when it
happened but she couldnt comprehend to it anymore.

Yet, as she rewind, Ive been in love with you, Sasha into her mind, the word,
SASHA caught her. It was her nickname when she was a kid. How did he know it?
She had buried her nickname with her past and didnt allow anyone to call her that
way again. Who is he?

I- I cant think anymore. Im tired. I want to go home. She cut him.

Kayce just nodded. His face seemed dismay from ceasing him on revealing his
deepest sentiments.

I will wait until you fell deeply in love with me too. And if I fail, can you at least
smile for me? A real smile. I just want to bring back those sweet smiles of yours.
Then he widely smiled. She hates to admit the fact that she was pleased when he
smiles at her. And that she likes it.

Ashley became flabbergasted. The pit of her stomach lurched as if the butterflies
were fluttering inside her.

Take care. See you, then. Kayce started walking backwards. He was waving and
smiling like a fool!

Ashley just watched him doing that.

This is crazy! He told her he loves her. She cant tell if hes telling the truth or what.
She was afraid to trust him, to trust anyone. How could her sworn-enemy love her?
What now? What will happen next? She wondered.

And the hanging question was who really is he? Whats his role in her past?

She was on her way home. She seated at her favorite spot in the bus, right wing,
window corner and then closed her eyes. An image showed up. A handsome man,
its Kayce. The thoughts of him were enough to make her heart thud.

Without her consent, her traitorous thoughts rewind everything in her mind. The
words that she refused to hear were playing again spontaneously, as if she was
rewinding a film she missed.
His voice was soft and metallic.

I dont know how or when. I just know. But, one thing is I am sure, I fell in love
long before I stood before you and called you, Hell Girl. So let me protect you and
took care of you. The he smiled shyly and blushed.

I will wait until you fell deeply in love with me too. And if I fail, can you at least
smile for me? A real smile. I just want to bring back those sweet smiles of yours.
He widely smiled. He seemed really happy.

Ashley felt her cheeks turned red, again. Erase! She cut her eerie thoughts. Then
she plugged her earphones and played some song.

After a long while, she has finally reached home. She walked straight to her room
and dropped her things on the couch. She removed her shoes, wore her slippers,
and picked a shirt and shorts in her closet. She was about to slipped off her shirt
when she noticed something that tickles her neck. She gaped at the sight of the
scarf again!perfectly circled around her neck. How can she be so numb? She felt
foolish that she didnt notice it earlier. It was the fifth time, since then. Now, it was a
checkered blue silky scarf and it smelled like the former. Her curiosity was rousing
her temper. Who? Why? She will dare not to doze next time! Sheve got to catch this
Scarf Man!

And if I fail, can you at least smile for me? A real smile I just want to bring back
those sweet smiles of yours.

Shut up! You, there! Then she started slapping her face.

When she shut the door behind her, her peripheral view caught a door from the
farthest right corner of the hallway. She sauntered near it and thrust the door open.
When she turned on the lights, pinky and girly stuffs overfilled the roompink
painted walls, little bed in pink covers, pink shelf full of children books, pink cabinet
filled with her achievements, trophies, medals, crowns and sashes, art materials,
puzzles, chessboard, rubric cubes, dolls and stuffed toys. It used to be her room
when she was littlewhen she was still innocent. And yeah! Pink has been her
favorite color, but that was before. Its black now.

Ashley walked and leaned in front of her little bed. She lifted the lace of the bed
covers, underneath it was a box with pink top cover, and then she pulled it.
Neglecting the dust that covers it, she opened it. It was her secret box. There was a
paper above it sayingthis is a private property of Sasha. Hands off! Intruders are
not allowed! Theres also a mad face. Ashley smiled when she remembered writing
and drawing it. She took it out. Then she saw her diary, cute little stuffsgifts from
her close friends and other meaningless materials but for her it matters. Until her
fingers froze as she took out her child hood photos her childhood memories.
There was a picture of her at the age of five; maybe, her hair was dark, long and
straight just like nowa girl in full bangs. And then she was wearing a cute pink
dress, while hugging her favorite teddy bear and she was smiling widely.

The next photos were taken at her school with her school friends. She had a lot of
friends, then. Theres also a photo of her, hugging her former best friendshe didnt
want to recall the name , and then, She, playing at her best friends house with
her best friends neighborhood friends. She used to go there a lot of times. All in all,
theres no picture of her that she didnt saw herself smiling. She used to be a very
energetic, friendly and happy girl. So far from what she became now.

Then, her gaze became fixed at a boy, one of her best friends friends. He was half
smiling, yet he seemed bleak. She remembered him. She, her best friend and he
were buddies.

Suddenly, a photo slipped at her hand and it fell on the tiled floor. She took and
flipped it. There was a man and a woman carrying the child Sasha, helping her to
blow her candles. It was her first birthday. Its.Its.Its themHer parents. She
gaped at her conclusion. Her hands trembled and the photo fell again. It was long
time ago that she already forgot their faces. Her past were flashing back again. The
pain thats dwelling inside her was spilling again. How tired she was waiting for
them to come back but they never did. Enough! I had enough! She thought she was
crying but theres no tears coming out. She doesnt feel anything, anymore. She put
back those things to its place and locked the room.

Sasha was already dead. And she will never come back again.

Early Saturday morning, Ashley faced business. She was sitting on her office chair,
with her legs up, behind the cashiers counter. Her saleslady in late 20s was busy
cleaning the store while she was reviewing the previous sales. Her store was
painted in creamy white with pale yellow pin lights and cozy random prints on the
wall that says:

Selling All you Valued the most

Original New York Stuffs

Available Here

It was originally her design, a simple yet soothing theme that can attract customers.
She was selling anything school supplies, womens clothes, musical instruments,
chocolates, womens beauty care, books, kitchen wares and etc. .
I was impressed. Ashley finally uttered after sipping her brewed coffee and then
set it down on its saucer. Her saleslady stopped from wiping the shelves to look at
her. You beat me with these. My sales were bad. Yet, you. You manage to do this in
just a week. How did you do that?

Its weird. Its easy for her to compliment anyone now.

Her saleslady got stiffened. Maam, I

Ashley. Ashley corrected.

Ah. Yes. Ms. Ashley, well, Thank you. Actually I didnt know what I have done; I just
did my job thats all. Then she gave Ashley a nervous smile.

Good job. Name. Whats your name?

Eh? the woman across from her became dumbfounded. Ah! Jane, Miss. She
abruptly replied.

You should be honored. I asked your name, Ashley finally smiled.

Jane smiled back and she was about to reply when the entrance door chimed open.
She let go of her cleaning and greeted the customers warmly.

Ashley finally figured out why. Jane was smiling and assisting them. She never did
what she was doing now. All she did was glared at her customers and watched their
moves like a CCTV camera. She sipped her coffee again and connected her phone to
the DVD player. Her playlist was softly playing on the four corners of the store.
Perfect. She thought.

Few minutes later, Ashley was reading a fiction book, now with her legs crossed,
when she heard the door opened. She just ignored it. No worries. Jane was with her
now, she thought.

Is it good? Someone asked her.

Ashley instantly looked up and raised the book in front of her and asked. Wanna
buy this?

Ashley eyes widened fell the book she was holding.

Its good to see you in the morning. The devilish guy was grinning wickedly down
at her. She suddenly became anxious of how she looks. She was just wearing her
ordinary clothes a gray T-shirt and tokong shorts. She doubted if she even
brushed her hair or did she even put powder in her face? Unfortunately, she didnt
take a BATH, YET! Wait! Why am I worrying about it? She asked herself. Why is she
feeling embarrassed now?
Am I stunning? Kayce said with an acting-innocent look. You looked lost.

PARDON? Ashley gasped and laugheda mocked laugh. GGSS! She whispered

Kayce made a pleasing laugh.

Then he whispered You look good.

Ashley pouted her lips holding her breath. Shoving the thoughts of him telling her
how he feels, yesterday afternoon. Erase. Erase. Ashley, breathe! She instructed
herself and did it so.

What the hell are you doing here? How did you know this place? She finally asked.

Hmm I was actually looking for a photo album or scrap book in several shops. Then
I found you.

Oh. About that why dont you asked my saleslady? And then she made a shooing

It was Kayce now who pouted he was about to move when a new song suddenly
played. Why by Avril Lavigne was playing, then, awkward silence with Kayce staring
at her.

Why, do you always do this to me?

Why, couldn't you just see through me?

What? Do you still need anything? She asked nonchalantly. The song keeps on
playing. Kayce didnt answer.

How come, you act like this

Like you just don't care at all

Ashley froze. Damn it, Kayce, why are you looking at me? She gulped thinking of
what to say and do. Will she just turn the music off? Instead, she sipped her coffee
to relax herself.

Do you expect me to believe I was the only one to fall?

I like the song. Im kind ofrelated. Kayce smirked and moved away. He was
studying the store.

I can feel, I can feel you near me, even though you're far away
I can feel, I can feel you baby, why?
She almost choked the coffee in her mouth on that line. Whats going on with her??
The top of her upper lip began to perspire. She was so tensed. Whats wrong with
the air conditioner?? Why is it still hot?

Oh! Youre selling a guitar? He exclaimed as he spotted the guitar in a corner.

Im fond of music too, you know. He added as he strummed the strings of the
guitar and then he started playing the same song. He walked near the glass door
and started singing the next chorus with his eyes glancing at her.

She cant breathe. What have you done to me? Ashley asked herself.

I can feel, I can feel you near me, even though you're far away
I can feel, I can feel you baby, why?

It's not supposed to feel this way

I need you, I need you
More and more each day
It's not supposed to hurt this way
I need you, I need you, I need you

Before the music ends, Ashley exited the store without saying a word bringing the
cup and saucer with her. She needed a cold shower. When she entered the house,
her mother was cooking their brunch. She walk straight to her room and grabbed
her towel.

In just half hour she managed to take her bath, dress upshes not too picky on
choosing her clothes. Black shirt, faded jeans and sandals will do dry her hair, eat
her brunch, wash the dishes, brush her teeth and retouch.

When she came back to the store, Kayce was still there and he was chitchatting
with her mother and Jane.

Of course, Auntie, I would love to.

Auntie? Ashley interrupted.

Oh, my dear, did you eat your meal? I cooked for you. Her mother asked. Oh.
Kayce, have you eaten? It was past ten already. she continued.

Mother, thanks for the meal but this guy was about to leave, right?

Oh. Thanks, Auntie, but Im still full.

Hey, why do you keep calling her, auntie?

Do you want me to call her mom, instead? Kayce asked grinning.

Of course not!

Oh. About leaving, hmmm... Im not leaving, yet. Whether you like or not, I will stay
here. Then he smiled. Ashley only gaped.

OH! We have customers. He hurriedly opened the door for a bunch of ladies who
are about to enter her store. Hi! Welcome to S.A.V store! Im Kayce at your
service. Then he gave them his pleasing smile.

Huh? Ashley became dumbfounded. The teenage girls started smiling and
shrieking silently. Geez!

An hour passed like a blur. Kayce did all the assisting, Jane being the cashier, while
Ashley only sat reading books in disguise but she was watching them. Its incredible
that her daily sales doubled in just an hour! And the number of the customers
abruptly increased.

She saw the way the girls smiled. They even took photos with Kayceas if he was a
pop star! Kayce will glance at her at a time just to smile. He told her she was his
energy booster. Geez!

Ugh.. My sweat was dripping Kayce uttered when he approached her with his
acting-innocent look.

Oh.. poor, boy. Ashley gestured Kayce to move closer. Wipe it, yourself. Then
she gave him a wicked smile.

I will do it if you want! One of the girl customers asked smiling.

Oh. How kind of you. Thanks. But Im fine. Kayce said facing the girly customer.

But I insist. The flirty girl grabbed the towel on his shoulders and wiped his

Oh Thanks. He said as he stole his towel from her.

Youre welcome. She replied. Ashley only glared at her. Flirt! Then the girl moved

Suddenly, a teenage girl on about thirteen approached Ashley on her desk.

Uhm. Excuse me. Do you have a book entitled, Daughters of Darkness by

You have your eyes, havent you? Why dont you look for it yourself? Ashleys
voice was in a low tone yet, heart piercing. She saw her customers reactionan
about to cry expression. She was still young. She suddenly felt guilty. She knew
she shouldnt have said it.
Uhm. Im sorry. You can take a look on it. Okay? Ashley added.

Hey. Ms. Book worm, whats the title of the book, again? Kayce moved toward the
girl with a smiling face. The customers face lightened. Our manager was on a bad
mood and she was sorry, okay? The girl nodded.

The moment Kayce was done on helping the petite girl. He drew near to Ashley.

Madame, I think you need a break.

And why? Im fine. I dont need it.

No. You need it.

Why are you being so manipulative? Okay. Mr. Verner, I have three things to
discuss with you. First of all, thanks for helping but I have nothing to pay for you.

Its a free service,

Good. Second. They cant be used to you. The customers will seek your presence
from now on. And its not good.

I can always come here if you want.

No. You dont have to do it. And Lastly, you must take your leave now. You may

But Is that what you really want?


Okay. He said gloomily. He bade her and Jane a good bye before leaving the store.
The moment after he was gone, the customers became puzzled and left the store
one by one.

To her surprise, few minutes later, Kayce came back striding his way towards her
with a serious look. He frightens her most of the times. He was someone who you
cant read whats running in his mind. He looked benevolent when he smiled but
when he didnt, he looked terrifying.

What brings you back? Ashley uttered as she straightened her back.

I forgot something. Suddenly, Kayce grabbed Ashleys hand. Her eyes widened. I
mean someone. He added.

Hey! Mr. Crazy, whats this? Ashley raised an eyebrow.

We have a date.

WHAT? Ashley yelled and pulled her hand from him. You wish!
Stubborn girl, lets go. Kayce tone was still stern as he led out his hand to her.

No. I wont. And you cant get me out of this chair! Ashley dared as she clutched
her chair with her bare hands.

So be it. Lets bring the chair with you. Then Kayce scooped his arms under her
chair and started carrying it with her.

Oh! No! No! Youre kidding! Ashley screamed while whipping his chest.

Im serious. Kayce stopped from walking to look at Ashley.

Okay! Okay. Bring me down! Bring me down! Im going. Im going! Kayce did it so.
IF and only IF my mother permits it, I will. But, I doubt she would. You know, she
looked kind and soft spoken but, she wasnt easy. She sometimes turns into a
dragon. She was a great parent to me. She never allowed any guy to touch me like
you did. And she never approved any guy to date with me. Its because they fear
her. You also wont like to mess with her. And you know what? She never had a
formal education about Martial Arts but she was the first one who taught me. If she
did, I know shell be the best. So, Good luck? It was Ashley now who smirked.

Are you done?

Aha. Do you have goosebumps already? Ashley teased.

To be honest with you, I love the idea. But it wasnt mine. Its your mom who
requested it.

Oh! No. That cant be. Capital N-O! No! Ashley hurriedly grabbed the telephone
and punched the home number. Her mother answered instantly. Mother! Whats
this crazy guy over here talking about? Ashley couldnt believe what she heard
next. A loud, what, overfilled the shop.

I told you. Kayce finally smiled.

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