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Sartres uvre

compiled by Alfred Betschart, partly based on Contat/Rybalka, The Writings of Jean-Paul Sartre; to be recom-
mended additionally: the selected bibliography in Jean-Paul Sartre: Contemporary Approaches to His Philosophy,
eds. Hugh J. Silverman/Frederick A. Elliston, 1980

Title written published remarks later published in in English

[Lettre Georges Courte- 26.1.1912 7.1.1950 ; Le 1970; in: Michel Letter to Georges
line] Figaro littraire Contat / Michel Courteline, in: The
Rybalka: Les crits Writings of Jean-
de Sartre, Galli- Paul Sartre, Vol I,
mard ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
LAnge du morbide 1922 Jan. 1923; La 1970; in: Michel The Angel of Mor-
Revue sans titre Contat / Michel bidity in: The Writ-
Rybalka: Les crits ings of Jean-Paul
de Sartre, Galli- Sartre, Vol II, ed.
mard; 1990 in M. Contat/M. Ry-
crits de jeunesse, balka, 1974
Jsus la Chouette 1922 Feb./Mar. 1923; La first chapter pub- 1970; in: Michel Jesus the Owl,
Revue sans titre lished with pseu- Contat / Michel Small-Town
donym Jacques Rybalka: Les crits Schoolteacher, in:
Guilllemin, unfin- de Sartre, Galli- The Writings of
ished mard; 1990 in: Jean-Paul Sartre,
crits de jeunesse, Vol II, ed. M. Con-
Gallimard tat/M. Rybalka,
Complainte de deux kh- 1922-23 1990 in crits de with Nizan
gneux qui travaillent fort jeunesse, Galli-
La Belle et la Bte 1922-23 1990 in crits de unfinished
jeunesse, Galli-
Fragments sur le jazz 1922-23 1990 in crits de
jeunesse, Galli-
Saturnin Picquot 1922-23 1990 in crits de unfinished
jeunesse, Galli-
La Semence et le Sca- 1923 Dec. 71, Magazine unfinished 1990 in crits de
phandre littraire jeunesse, Galli-
Anatole France - le 1923-24 1990 in crits de
Conducteur jeunesse, Galli-
Nelly ou De linconvenient 1924 1990 in crits de unfinished
des Proverbes jeunesse, Galli-
Andre 1924 1990 in crits de unfinished
jeunesse, Galli-
Carnet Midy 1924 1990 in crits de
jeunesse, Galli-
Apologie pour le cinma: 1924 1990 in crits de
Dfense et illustration dun jeunesse, Galli-
Art international mard
The Theory of the State in 1926 Jan. 1927; The French original in 1970; in: Michel The Theory of the
Modern French Thought New Ambassador Revue Universi- Contat / Michel State Modern
(Paris) taire Internationale Rybalka: Les crits French Thought in:
(publisher: D. de Sartre, Galli- The Writings of
Lagache), Jan. 27, mard as La Thorie Jean-Paul Sartre,
lost de ltat dans la Vol II, ed. M. Con-
pense moderne tat/M. Rybalka,
franaise 1974
[Une lettre sur les tu- 1929 2.2.1929; Les 1990 in: crits de
diants daujourdhui] Nouvelles littrai- jeunesse, Galli-
res mard (excerpt)
Les Maranes 1926 1990 in crits de with Nizan and
jeunesse, Galli- Maheu

1 / 37
Pour les 21 ans dUgne 1926 1990 in crits de with Nizan, Maheu
mlancolique jeunesse, Galli- and Guille
Lettres Simone Jollivet 1926-27 Nov. 82; Temps
Modernes 436
Ho h ho (Je suis un petit 1926-27 1990 in crits de
garon qui ne veut pas jeunesse, Galli-
grandir) mard
Une Dfaite 1926-27 1990 in crits de originally titled
jeunesse, Galli- Empdocle; unfi-
mard nished
Er lArmnien 1927-28 1990 in crits de unvollendet ;
jeunesse, Galli- unfinished
Lgende de la vrit 1929-31 Juni 1931; Bifur 8 fragment from the 1970; in: Michel The Legend of
work with the same Contat / Michel Truth, in: The
name Rybalka, Les crits Writings of Jean-
de Sartre, Galli- Paul Sartre, Vol II,
mard ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
Fragments posthumes de 1931? 2001 in crits
La Lgende de la vrit posthumes de
Sartre II
LArt cinmatographique 1931 1931; Distribution address on the Gazette du Cin- Motion Picture Art,
(Le cinma nest pas une solennelle des prix occasion of the ma, 1950; M. in: The Writings of
mauvaise cole) award ceremony at Contat/M. Rybalka, Jean-Paul Sartre,
the Lyce du Havre Les crits de Sar- Vol II, ed. M. Con-
on 12.7.1931 tre, 1970 tat/M. Rybalka,
Carnet Dupuis 1932(-35 ?) excerpts in M.
Contat/M. Rybalka,
uvres Romanes-
ques, 1981 and in
tudes Sartriennes
VIII : Sartre Une
criture en acte,
Dpaysement 1936 1981; Gallimard : in
M. Contat/M. Ry-
balka, uvres
LImagination. Etude 1935/36 1936; Alcan 1962: Imagination:
critique A Psychological
La Transcendance de 1934 Aug. 1937; Re- 1957: The Tran-
lego. Esquisse dune cherches philoso- scendence of the
description phnomno- phiques 6 1936/37 Ego: An Existen-
logique tialist Theoriy of
Le Mur 1936/37 Jul. 1937; NRF Le Mur, Film by Le Mur, 1939; 1937: (shortened)
Serge Rollet 1967 in M. Contat/M. as Three Who
produced by Rybalka, uvres Died, 1938 entirely
Niepce Films; Romanesques, published as The
1981 (with blurb by Wall, 1948 in The
Sartre) Wall and Other
Stories (USA)
La Chambre 1937/38 Jan. 1938; Mesu- 1964 French TV- Le mur, 1939; 1939: The Room,
res Film by Michel in M. Contat/M. 1948 in The Wall
Mitrani Rybalka, uvres and Other Stories
Romanesques, (USA)
Sartoris par W. Faulkner 1937/38 Feb. 1938; NRF about Faulkners Situations I, 1947 1952: William
Sartoris, 1929 Faulkners Sar-
toris, 1955: in:
Literary and Phi-
losphical Eassays
La Nause 1931-37 Apr. 1938; Galli- originally called: in M. Contat/M. 1949: as Nausea
mard Factum sur la Rybalka, uvres (U.S.) and as The
contingence; then: Romanesques, Diary of Antoine
Mlancholie 1981 (with blurb by Roquentin (U.K.)
[Letters between Sartre 1937 in M. Contat/M.
and Parain, Gallimard Rybalka, uvres
about La Nause] Romanesques,

2 / 37
Intimit 1937/38 Aug. + Sept. 1938; 1994 Film Intimit Le mur, 1938; 1948 as Intimacy in
NRF by Dominik Moll in M. Contat/M. The Wall and Other
Rybalka, uvres Stories (USA)
A propos de John Dos 1938 Aug. 1938; NRF about Dos Passos Situations I, 1947 1955: as John Dos
Passos et de 1919 Nineteen, nineteen, Passos and 1919
1932 in: Literary and
Philosphical Eas-
La Conspiration par Paul Nov. 1938; NRF about Nizans La Situations I, 1947
Nizan Conspiration, 1939
Nourritures 15.11.1938; Verve based on Dpay- 1970; in: Michel 1939 as Food ;
sement Contat / Michel Foods in: The
Rybalka, Les crits Writings of Jean-
de Sartre, Galli- Paul Sartre, Vol II,
mard ; ed. M. Contat/M.
in M. Contat/M. Rybalka, 1974
Rybalka, uvres
Jean-Paul Sartre, Roman- 23.11.38 ; Ma- Presentation, in M. Contat/M.
cier philosophe rianne /interview by Clau- Rybalka, uvres
dine Chonez, part Romanesques,
1 1981
qui les lauriers des 7.12.38 ; Marianne Presentation, in M. Contat/M.
Goncourt, Fmina, Re- /interview by Clau- Rybalka, uvres
naudot, Interalli ? dine Chonez, part Romanesques,
2 1981
Le Mur (cinq essais) Jan. 1939; Galli- dedicated to Olga 1948: as The Wall
mard Kosakiewicz and Other Stories
(USA), 1952 as
Intimacy and other
Stories (U.K.)
rostrate 1936 Jan. 1939; in Le 1958 short film by in M. Contat/M. 1941: as Erostra-
mur; Gallimard Joseph Marzano Rybalka, uvres tus, 1948 in The
Romanesques, Wall and Other
1981 Stories (USA)
LEnfance dun chef 1938 Jan. 1939; in Le in M. Contat/M. 1948: The Child-
mur; Gallimard Rybalka, uvres hood of a Leader in
Romanesques, The Wall and Other
1981 Stories (USA)
Une Ide fondamentale 1934 Jan. 1939; NRF Situations I, 1947 1970: Intentionality:
de la phnomnologie A Fundamental
de Husserl: Idea of Husserls
lintentionalit Pheonomenology
in Journal of the
British Society for
Elsa Triolet Bonsoir 15.2.1939 ; Europe
M. Franois Mauriac et la Feb. 1939; NRF about Mauriacs La Situations I, 1947 1955 as Franois
libert Fin de la nuit, 1935 Mauriac and Free-
dom in Literary and
Vladimir Nabokov: La 15.6.1939; Europe about Nabokovs Situations I, 1947
Mprise Despair (1934/37);
Denis de Rougement: 15.6.1939; Europe about de Rouge- Situations I, 1947
LAmour et lOccident monts Die Liebe
im Abendland
Charles Morgan, Le 15.6.1939; Europe
Fleuve tincelant
A propos de Le Bruit et la June + July 1939; about Faulkners Situations I, 1947 1951 as On The
fureur. La temporalit NRF The Sound and the Sound and the
chez Faulkner Fury, 1929 Fury: Time in the
Work of Faulkner,
1955 in Literary
and Philosophical
Portraits officiels 5-6/1939; Verve 1970; in: Michel 1939: Official
Contat / Michel Portraits; 1969 in
Rybalka, Les crits Essays in Phe-
de Sartre, Galli- nomenology, ed.
mard M. Natanson; as

3 / 37
Official Protraits in:
The Writings of
Jean-Paul Sartre,
Vol II, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Visages 5-6/1939; Verve other authors in the 1970; in: Michel 1939: as Faces;
same issue about Contat / Michel 1969 in Essays in
Visages : Valry, Rybalka, Les crits Phenomenology,
Gide, Alain, Girau- de Sartre, Galli- ed. M. Natanson;
doux, Paulhan, mard as Faces in: The
Jouhandeau etc. Writings of Jean-
Paul Sartre, Vol II,
ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
Esquisse dune thorie 1937-39 Dec. 1939; part of the unpub- 1948: as The
des motions Hermann lished book La Emotions: Outline
Psych of a Theory, 1962
as Sketch for a
Theory of the
[Interview sur la question 1939 Jun/Jul. 1947; La about anti-semitism in : Michel Contat / Interview on the
juive] Revue Juive (Ge- Michel Rybalka, Jewish Question in:
nve) Les crits de Sar- The Writings of
tre, 1970 Jean-Paul Sartre,
Vol I, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Les Carnets de la drle de 1939-40 1983/95; Gallimard 1984 as The War
guerre Diaries of Jean-
Paul Sartre, 1999
as War Diaries :
Notebooks froma
Phoney War 1939-
Lettres au Castor et 1926-63 1983; Gallimard 1992 as Witness to
quelques autres My Life: The Let-
ters of Jean-Paul
Sartre to Simone
De Beauvoir 1926-
1939 ; 1993 as
Quiet Moments in a
War : The Letters
of Jean-Paul Sartre
to Simone de
Beauvoir, 1940-
Lettres Wanda 1937 Oct-Dec. 1990 ;
Bariona, ou le fils du 1940 1962; Atelier An- 1970; in: Michel 1970 as Bariona,
Tonnerre jou-copies Contat / Michel or The Son of
Rybalka, Les crits thunder in Adam
de Sartre, Galli- International Re-
mard view; Bariona, or
As Bariona, ou le the Son of Thunder
jeu de la douleur et in: The Writings of
de lespoir in M. Jean-Paul Sartre,
Contat/M. Rybalka, Vol II, ed. M. Con-
Thtre Complet, tat/M. Rybalka,
2005 1974
LImaginaire. Psycholo- 1935-40 1940; Gallimard 1949 as Psychol-
gie phnomnologique (first part was ogy of the Imagina-
de limagination published already tion
in Oct. 1938 as
Structure intentio-
nelle de limage in
der Revue de
Mtaphysique et
de Morale)
M. Jean Giraudoux et la Mar. 1940; NRF about Giraudoux Situations I, 1947 1955 as Jean
philosophie dAristote Choix des lues, Giraudoux and the
1940 Philosophy of
Aristotle in Literary
and Philosophical
Des Hommes-thtre si 1941-44 ? 2005 ; Sartre from Dullins archi-

4 / 37
lon veut ve
Moby Dick dHerman 21.6.1941; Co- about J. Gionos 1970; in: Michel 1970 as Moby
Melville moedia French translation Contat / Michel Dick; Herman
of Melvilles Moby Rybalka, Les crits Melvilles Moby
Dick (1851/1941) de Sartre, Galli- Dick in: The Writ-
mard ings of Jean-Paul
Sartre, Vol II, ed.
M. Contat/M. Ry-
balka, 1974
[Lettre to J.-L. Barrault] 9.7.42 In: M. Contat/M. in connection with
Rybalka, Thtre Les Mouches
Complet, 2005
La Mort dans lme 1940 Dec. 1942; Exer- M. Contat/M. Ry- Sick at Heart in:
cise du silence balka, Les crits The Writings of
(Bruxelles) de Sartre, 1970; Jean-Paul Sartre,
Les Oeuvres ro- Vol II, ed. M. Con-
manesques, 1981 tat/M. Rybalka,
Explication de Ltranger Sept. 42 Feb. 1943; Cahiers ber Camus Situations I, 1947 1955: as Camus
du Sud Ltranger (1942) The Outsider in:
Literary and Phi-
losphical Eassays
Les Mouches 1941-42 Apr. 1943; Galli- 3.6.1943 in Paris at In: M. Contat/M. 1946 in the U.K.,
mard the Thtre de la Rybalka, Thtre 1947 in the US as
Cit (Thtre Complet, 2005 (mit The Flies
Sarah Bernhardt) blurb and program
premiere under the by Sartre)
direction of Charles
Dullin with Jean
Dullin as Jupiter,
Jean Lanier as
Orest and Olga as
Ce que nous dit Jean-Paul 24.4.43 ; Comoe- excerpt in Un Excerpt in Sartre
Sartre de sa premire dia Thtre de situa- on Theater, ed.
pice tions, 1973 M.Contat/M. Ry-
balka, 1976
Drieu la Rochelle ou la April 1943; Les 1970; in: Michel Drieu la Rochelle
haine de soi Lettres franaises Contat / Michel of Self-Hatred in:
Rybalka, Les crits The Writings of
de Sartre, Galli- Jean-Paul Sartre,
mard Vol II, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Aminadab ou le phantas- April+May 1943; about M. Blan- Situations I, 1947 1955 as Ami-
tique considr comme un Cahiers du Sud chots Aminadab nadab, or The
langage (1942) Fantastic Consid-
ered as a Lan-
guage in Literary
and Philosophical
Ltre et le nant. Essai 1941-42 Jun. 1943; Galli- 1953 excerpts as
dontologie phnomno- mard Existential Psycho-
logique nanalysis, 1956 in
the U.S., 1957 in
the U.K. as Being
and Nothingness:
An Essay on Phe-
Un Nouveau mystique Oct.-Dec. 1943; about Georges Situations I, 1947
Cahiers du Sud Batailless
Rsistance 1943/44 2000; TM No. 609
juin-juillet, p. 3-40
Typhus 1943/44 2007; Gallimard 1953 as film Les staged in the US in
orgueilleux by Yves 1956 by Kingsley
Allgret and Jean as The Proud and
Productions the Beautiful
[Hommage Jean Girau- 5.2.1944; Com- on the occasion of 1970; in: Michel Tribute to Jean
doux] dia Giraudouxs death Contat / Michel Giraudoux in: The
Rybalka, Les crits Writings of Jean-
de Sartre, Galli- Paul Sartre, Vol I,
mard ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974

5 / 37
Aller et retour Feb. + Mar. 1944; about Brice Pa- Situations I, 1947 1947 as The Jour-
Cahiers du Sud rains Recherches ney and the Re-
sur la nature et les turn, 1955 als
fonctions du lan- Departure and
gage (1942) Return in Literary
and Philosophical
Discussion sur le pch 5.3.1944 1945 ; Dieu vivant, lecture by G. Georges Bataille,
Nr. 4 Bataille with critical uvres compltes,
questions by Sartre VI, 1973
La littrature, cette libert April 1944; Les
Lettres franaises
Un Film pour laprs- April 1944; Les TM, 154-155, 2000
guerre Lettres franaises
Huis clos 1943 Apr. 1944; 27.5.1944 in the In : M. Contat/M. 1946 staged in
LArbalte (as Les Thtre du Vieux Rybalka, Thtre U.S. and U.K. as
Autres); 1945; Colombier, Paris, Complet, 2005 ; The Vicious Circle;
Gallimard as Les Autres with 1954 film by Jac- printed in U.K. in
M. Vitold as Garcin queline Audry; 1946 as In Camera
TV-production by and 1946 in U.S.
O.R.T.F. (French. as No Exit; TV-
Radio-TV) Oct. production in Eng-
1965 by Michel land by Pilip Saville
Mitrani (with Eve- (with Harold Pinter
lyne Rey and als Garcin; In
Chauffard), Camera) 1964.
1985 English TV-
film Vicious Circle
by Kenneth Ives
with Omar Sharif
and Jeanne
LEspoir fait homme Juli 1944 ; Les
Lettres franaises
Le Style dramatique 1944 1973; in Un Th- lecture given on Un Thtre de On Dramatic Style
tre de situations, 10.6.1944 and situations, 1973 in Sartre on Thea-
Gallimard diskussion with J. ter, ed. M.Contat/
Vilar, A. Camus, J. M. Rybalka, 1976
Cocteau, J.-L.
Barrault etc.
A propos du Parti pris des Jul/Oct. and about F. Ponges Situations I, 1947
choses Nov./Dec. 1944; Douze Petits (as LHomme et les
Posie crits, Le Parti pris choses)
des choses u.a.
Un Promeneur dans Paris 28.8.-4.9.1944; 7 articles about the
insurg Combat liberation of Paris;
- LInsurrection
- Naissance dune
insurrection (29.8.)
- Colre dune ville
- Toute la ville tire
- Espoirs et an-
goisses de
linsurrection (1.9.)
- La Dlivrance et
nos portes (2.9.)
- Un jour de victoire
parmi les balles
mostly written by
La Rpublique du silence 9.9.1944; Les glorification of Situations III, 1949 1944 as The Re-
Lettres franaises French resistance; public of Silence
(in the first official
number after the
liberation of Paris)
Dullin et lEspagne 8.11.1944; Combat Un Thtre de Dullin and Spain in
situations, 1973 Sartre on Theater,
ed. M.Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1976
Paris sous loccupation 15.11.1944; La realistic picture of Situations III, 1949
France libre (Lon- the time under Nazi

6 / 37
don) occupation
Qui est Jean-Paul Sartre 21.12.44 ; Mondes a non-interview
ou linterview sans inter- Nouveaux
A propos de 29.12.1944; Action answer to the 1970; in: Michel 1946 as What is
lexistentialisme: Mise au attacks by Action Contat / Michel Existentialism?; A
point on existentialism Rybalka, Les crits More Precise
de Sartre, Galli- Characterization of
mard Existentialism in:
The Writings of
Jean-Paul Sartre,
Vol I, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Une grande Revue fran- 7./8.1.45 ; Combat
aise Londres
Les Journalistes Franais 24./25.1.1945 ; 2 articles :
aux tats-Unis Figaro - La France vue
dAmrique (24.1.)
- Victoire du Gaul-
lisme (25.1.)
[1. serial for Combat from 2.-4/5.2.45; Com- 3 articles:
the U.S.] bat - Un Franais
New York (2.2.)
- Jamais les Am-
ricains nont eu
autant dargent
- Les Amricains
dans le souci
[2. serial for Combat from 4./5.-9.3.45 ; Com- 5 articles:
the U.S.] bat - Dsquilibre aux
U.S.A. (4./5.3.)
- Deux courants
politiques dans les
U.S.A. de demain :
contre intervention
- Roosevelt et son
envisage de rfor-
mer demain la
gographie indus-
trielle des Etats-
Unis (7.3.)
- La Valle du
miracle (8.3.)
- LEchec ou la
russite de
lexprience tente
aux U.S.A. dans le
Tennessee (9.3.)
Le Prsident Roosevelt dit 11./12.3.45 ; Le
aux journalistes franais Figaro
son amour de notre pays
Hollywood 1945 27.3.-7.4.1945; 5 articles:
[3. serial for Combat from Combat - Hollywood 1945
the U.S.] (27.3.)
- Hollywood 1945:
Comment les
Amricains font
leur films (30.3.)
- Hollywood volue
- Un Film sur Wil-
son a apport des
voix Roosevelt
- Hollywood aura
demain un concur-
rent de plus : Le
Mexique (7.4.)
En cherchant lme de 29.3.-31.3.1945; Le 3 articles: as Individualisme 1955 as Individual-
lAmrique Figaro - Un Pays o lon et conformisme ism and Conform-
[1. serial for Le Figaro nest jamais seul aux Etats-Unis in ism in the United

7 / 37
from the U.S.] (29.3.) Situations III, 1949 States in Literary
- Comment on fait and Philosophical
un bon Amricain Essays
- Hors des ligues,
point de salut
Villes dAmrique 6.4.-23.4.1945; Le 4 articles Situations III, 1949 1955 as American
[2. serial for Le Figaro Figaro - Chaque jour, nat Cities in Literary
from the U.S.] une cit. Chaque and Philosophical
jour, meurt un Essays
village (6.4.)
- La Cit. Pour
nous cest un
pass, pour eux
cest un avenir
- Le Pass, ici, ne
laisse pas de
monuments mais
seulement des
rsidus (14.4.)
- Seuls quelques
Noirs, ici, ont le
temps de rver
LHomme ligot. Notes sur 15.4.1945; Messa- about Renards Situations I, 1947
le Journal de Jules Re- ges II Journal (1935)
[4. serial for Combat from 6.-30.6.45; Combat 7 articles:
the U.S.] - Les Travailleurs
amricains ne sont
pas encore des
proltaires (6.6.)
- Les Etats-Unis
pays de colons
- Le Table de
louvrier amricain
nest pas moins
bien garnie que
celle de son patron
- Hello Jim ! dit
lvque de Chica-
go au balayeur de
lcole ; Hello,
vque ! rpond le
balayeur (10./11.6.)
- Une tristesse faite
de fatigue et
dennui pse sur
les travailleurs des
usines amricains
- Depuis la crise de
1930, le travailleur
amricain vit dans
la crainte de rede-
venir un jour ch-
meur (14.6.)
- Deux grandes
groupent aux
U.S.A. un tiers des
travailleurs (30.6.)
Ce que jai appris du 16.6., 30.7.1945; about the situation
problme noir Figaro of the Balck in the
New Writing in France Juli 1945; Vogue after a lecture As Nouvelle littra-
given in the U.S. ture en France in
M. Contat/M. Ry-
balka, uvres
Quand Hollywood veut 1.8.1945; cran
faire penser ... Ciziten franais

8 / 37
Kane dOrson Welles
La Libration de Paris: 24.8.1945; Clarts against the myth of 1970; in: Michel The Liberation of
Une semaine the liberation of Contat / Michel Paris: An Apoca-
dapocalypse Paris Rybalka, Les crits lyptic Week in: The
de Sartre, Galli- Writings of Jean-
mard Paul Sartre, Vol II,
ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
Quest-ce quun collabora- Aug. + Sept. 1945; social psychologi- Situations III, 1949
teur? La Rpublique cal study about the
Franaise (New collaborator
Lge de raison (Les 1938-41 Sept. 1945; Galli- 2 excerpts were in M. Contat/M. in U.K. and U.S.
chemins de la libert, t.1) mard previously printed Rybalka, uvres 1947 as: The Age
in Domaine Fran- Romanesques, of Reason (1st vol.
ais, Genve and 1981 (with blurb by of The Roads to
in LArbalte, Lyon Sartre) Freedom); TV
in summer 1943 serial for 13 weeks
by BBC in 1970 as:
The Roads to
Freedom, on the
basis of: The Age
of Reason, The
Reprieve and
Troubled Sleep
Le Sursis (Les chemins 1942-44 Sept. 1945; Galli- in M. Contat/M. in U.K. and U.S.
de la libert, t.2) mard Rybalka, uvres 1947 as The Re-
Romanesques, prieve (2nd vol. of
1981 (with blurb by The Roads to
Sartre and 5 frag- Freedom)
The Case for Responsible Mai 1945; Horizon abridged version in As Prsentation 1960 as Introduc-
Literature (London); shorter Partisan Review [des Temps Mo- tion to Les Temps
version in compari- (N.Y.) in summer dernes] in TM Oct. Modernes in Paths
son to the French 45 1945 ; Situations II, to the Present:
version in TM 1948 Aspects of Euro-
pean Thought from
Romanticism to
Existentialism (ed.
E. Weber); 1988 in
What is Literature?
La Fin de la guerre Oct. 1945; TM warning against Situations III, 1949 1945 as The End
nuclear war of War
La Nationalisation de la Nov. 1945; TM Situations II, 1948 1946/47 as The
littrature Nationalization of
Literature; 1988 in
What is Literature?
La Libert cartsienne 15.11.1945; Laby- preface to a seleci- Situations I, 1947 1955 as Cartesian
rinth (Genve ; ton of Descartres Freedom in Literary
excerpt) and texts made by and Philosophical
30.5.46, in: Des- Sartre, ed. Essays
cartes 1596-1650. Groethuysen
Introduction et
choix par J. P.
Sartre, Traits (Ge-
Entretien avec Jean-Paul Dec. 1945; Paru excerpts in extenso
Sartre in M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, uvres
Portrait dun antismite 1944 Dec. 1945; TM Rflexions sur la 1946 as Portrait of
qustion juive, the Anti-Semite (in
1946 Partisan Review,
LExistentialisme est un Feb. 1946; Nagel Slightly amended in U.K. 1947 as
humanisme in comparison to Existentialism; in
the lecture given U.S. 1948 as Exis-
on 28.10.45 tentialism and
A la recherche de 13.4.46; Le Littrai-
lexistentialisme : M. Jean- re
Paul Sartre sexplique
Manhattan: the great May 1946; Town Situations III, 1949 1955: as New
American desert and Country as New York, ville York, the Colonial
coloniale City in: Literary and

9 / 37
Philosphical Eas-
Forgers of Myths: The June 1946; Theater Lecture given by Un thtre de Forgers of Myth:
Young Playwrights of Arts Sartre in the U.S. situations, 1973 the Young Play-
France in 1946 (als Forger des wrigths in France in
mythes) Sartre on Theater,
ed. M.Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1976
Matrialisme et rvolution Jun. + Jul. 1946; Situations III, 1949 as Materialism and
TM Revolution 1947
excerpts and 1955
in Literary and
Alcune domande a Jean- Jul./Aug. 1946 ; Il
Paul Sartre e a Simone de Politecnico
American Novelists in Aug. 46; Atlantic
French Eyes Monthly
Prsentation [dun numro Aug./Sept. 1946; Situations III, 1949 1947 as Americans
spcial sur les tats-Unis] TM and Their Myths in
The Nation
Der Schriftsteller und Sept. 1946; Die about the writer as crire pour son 1947 as We Write
seine Zeit Umschau and his time poque; in TM for Our Own Time;
June 1948; 1970; as We Write for
in: Michel Contat / Our Time in: Crea-
Michel Rybalka: tive Vision, ed. H.
Les crits de Sar- Block/H. Salinger,
tre, Gallimard 1960, and in: The
Writings of Jean-
Paul Sartre, Vol I,
ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
La Guerre de la peur Nov./Dec. 1946; M. Contat/M. Ry- War and Fear in:
Franchise balka, Les crits The Writings of
de Sartre, 1970 Jean-Paul Sartre,
Vol I, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Jean-Paul Sartre prsente Oct. 1946 ; invitation to the
Gjon Mili exhibition of the
works of the pho-
tographer Gjon Mili
Les Mobiles de Calder 1946 Oct. 1946; catalogue to the 1949; Gallimard (in 1963 as Calders
exhibition Mobiles Situations III) Mobiles in Essays
Stabiles Constella- in Aesthetics
tions by Alexander
Calder in Paris
La Putain respectueuse Oct. 1946; Nagel premiere in the In : M. Contat/M. in the U.S. 1948 as
Thtre Antoine in Rybalka, Thtre The Respectful
Paris on 8.11.46; Complet, 2005 Prostitute, in U.K.
1952 film La p... 1949 as The Re-
respectueuse by spectable Prosti-
Marcel Pagliero tute
and Charles Bra-
bant , 1974 French
TV film La P..
respectueuse by
Andr Fldrick
Morts sans spulture Nov. 1946; Mar- premiere in the In : M. Contat/M. in U.S. and U.K.
guerat (Lausanne) Thtre Antoine in Rybalka, Thtre 1949 as: The
Paris on 8.11.46 Complet, 2005 Victors (U.S.) and
with Wanda as Men without Shad-
Lucie and M. Vitold ows (U.K.);
as Henri; 1964 1948 film The
German TV film by Victors by Thornton
Rainer Wolffhardt Wilder

10 / 37
Baudelaire 1945 in excerpts in 1947 as a separate 1949 and 1950 as
Un collge spirituel book with a preface Baudelaire
in: Confluences; by Leiris, dedicated
Nov. 1946 as to Genet
preface to crits
intimes by Baude-
laire, Point du Jour
(ed. R. Bertel /
J.P. Sartre)
Rflexions sur la ques- Nov. 1946; Mori- 1948 in U.S. as
tion juive hien Anti-Semite and
Jew and in U.K. as
Portrait of the Anti-
Une Lettre de Jean-Paul 1945 Dec. 1946/Jan. 47; to : Portrait dun in : Michel Contat / A Letter from Jean-
Sartre Hillel (organ of the antismite Michel Rybalka, Paul Sartre in: The
World Union of Les crits de Sar- Writings of Jean-
Jewish Students, tre, 1970 Paul Sartre, Vol I,
Paris) ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
La Responsabilit de 1947; Les conf- Lecture given on 1948 as The Re-
lcrivain rences de the occasion of the sponsiblitiy of the
lU.N.E.S.C.O. foundation of Write and 1960 in
UNESCO at the Creative Vision, ed.
Sorbonne H. Block/H. Salin-
1.11.1946 ger
Vous nous embettez 3.1.47 ; Combat
avec Faulkner le vieux
disent les Amricains
Quest-ce que la littra- Feb.-Jul. 1947; TM dedicated to Dolo- Situations II, 1948; In U.S. 1948 in
ture? rs Partisan Review as
What is literature?;
again in 1949
Le Processus historique 8.2.1947; La Ga- 1970; in: Michel The Historical
zette de Lausanne Contat / Michel Process in: The
Rybalka, Les crits Writings of Jean-
de Sartre, Galli- Paul Sartre, Vol II,
mard ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
Les Faux Nez 1947 spring 1947, La screenplay; Ger- premiere as theater
revue du cinma, man TV film by play in Lausanne in
No. 6, S. 3-27 Peter Beauvais in 1948, 1949 in Paris
1955 ath the Thtre de
Le Cas Nizan 29.3.47 ; Carrefour, 4.4.47 ; Combat ; 1947 as The Nizan
Le Littraire Jul. 47/22 TM Case
Aprs notre dfaite Juni 47 ; Verger kurze Ankndigung In : M. Contat/M.
von Les Mouches Rybalka, Thtre
Complet, 2005
Nicks Bar, New York City Jun. 1947; Ameri- Cahiers France- 1970; in: Michel Nicks Bar, New
ca: Jazz 47 Amrique-Latinit Contat / Michel York City in: The
Rybalka, Les crits Writings of Jean-
de Sartre, Galli- Paul Sartre, Vol II,
mard ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
Reflections on the Jewish 3.6.47 Winter 1999; Octo- Lecture to the
Question, A Lecture ber, 87 Alliance isralite
universelle on
Les Jeux sont faits 1943 Sept. 1947; Nagel 1947 film by De- In U.S. 1948 as
lannoy as Les Jeux The Chips are
sont faits (with Down.
Pagliero, Dullin, Film by Lopert in
Mouloudji) ; 1949 as The Chips
Are Down
Situations I. Essais Oct. 1947; Galli-
critiques mard
Americans and Their 18.10.47; The
Myths Nation
Quand de libres crivains Franc-Tireur and radio transmission
dnoncent le no- LOrdre de Paris, on 20.10.47 with
gaullisme 22.10.47 Sartre, Beauvoir,
Chauffard, Mer-
leau, Bonaf
against the Gaull-

11 / 37
Jean-Paul Sartre rpond 1948 ; in Pour et radio transmission
ses dtracteurs contre lexisten- in Nov. 47 with
tialisme, hg. C. Sartre, Beauvoir
Audry, Atlas and Merleau-Ponty
as answer to the
attacks by the
Pour un thtre de situa- Nov. 1947; La Rue M. Contat/M. Ry- For a Theater of
tion balka, Les crits Situations in: The
de Sartre, 1970; Writings of Jean-
Un thtre de Paul Sartre, Vol II,
situations, 1973 ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
Prsence noire Nov. 1947; Pr- greetings to the 1970; in: Michel Black Presence in:
sence africaine first number of this Contat / Michel The Writings of
journal edited by Rybalka, Les crits Jean-Paul Sartre,
Alioune Diop de Sartre, Galli- Vol II, ed. M. Con-
mard tat/M. Rybalka,
Sculptures n dimensions Dec. 1947 for the catalogue to 1970; in: Michel 1948 as N-
the David Hare Contat / Michel Dimensional Sculp-
exhibition in Paris Rybalka, Les crits ture; N-
in 1947/48 de Sartre, Galli- Dimensional Sculp-
mard ture in: The Writ-
ings of Jean-Paul
Sartre, Vol I, ed. M.
Contat/M. Rybalka,
Cahiers pour une morale 1947/48 excerpts in: in U.S. 1992 as
Combat 16.6.49; Notebook for an
Magazine Litt- Ethics
raire, Sept. 75;
Obliques 18-19,
Sartre indit, 1979;
complete text:
1983; Gallimard
LEngagement de Mallar- 1947-49 April 1979; Obli- Mallarm. La lucidi-
m ques 18/19: Sartre t et sa face
indit dombre, 1986
Vrit et existence 1948 1989; Gallimard 1992 as Truth and
[preface to the American 1948; Art and in : Un Thtre de in Sartre on Thea-
edition of La Putain Re- Action situations, 1973 ter, ed. M.Contat/
spectueuse] and in M. Contat/ M. Rybalka, 1976
M. Rybalka, Th-
tre Complet, 2005 ;
excerpts in
Les crits de Sar-

12 / 37
Les Mains sales 1947/48 Mar. + Apr. 1948; premiere in Paris in 1948 Gallimard; in U.S. 1948 pre-
TM the Thtre An- In : M. Contat/M. miere as Red
toine on 2.4.48 with Rybalka, Thtre Gloves; printed
Wanda as Jessica, Complet, 2005 1949 in U.K. and
Prier as Hugo; (with drafts vor U.S. as Crime
1951 film by Fer- various scenes) Passionel, (U.K.)
nand Rivers (S. and Dirty Hands
Berriau as co-dir.; (U.S.). 1959 film by
with Brasseur; Stuart Burge as
adaptations by J.- Crime of Passion
L. Bost) under the (U.S.);
title Les Mains
Sales; 1978 Italian
TV film Le mani
sporche by Elio
Petri with Marcello
Mastroianni, 1999
German TV film by
Frank Castorf (with
additional texts by
Karadzic), 2005
French TV film by
Jean-Louis Lorenzi
Jean-Paul Sartre Berlin 1948 ; Verger, I, discussion about Excerpt in Un Excerpt in Sartre
No. 5 Les Mouches Thtre de situa- on Theater, ed.
tions, 1973, and in M.Contat/ M. Ry-
M. Contat/M. Ry- balka, 1976
balka, Thtre
Complet, 2005
Orphe noir 1948; in Anthologie Situations III, 1949 1951 as Black
de la novuelle Orpheus; 1988 in
posie ngre et in What is Litera-
malgache de lan- ture?
gue franaise, ed.:
L.S. Senghor
Prface 1948; in: Nathalie Situations IV. 1955/56 as preface
Sarraute, Portrait Portraits, 1964 to Portrait of a Man
dun inconnu, Unknown; 1960 as
Robert Marin Nathalie Sarraute
in Situations
La Faim au ventre, la 15.-30.5.48; La excerpt of the
libert au coeur Gauche speach given at a
meeting with the
titel Le R.D.R. et le
problme de la
libert on 19.3.48
La Recherche de labsolu 1948 10.1.-14.2.48; 1949; Gallimard (in 1948 as Search for
catalogue to a A. Situations III, 1949) the Absolute, 1963
Giacometti exhibi- as Quest for the
tion, Sculptures, in Absolute in Essays
New York on Aesthetics
Appel du Comit pour le 27.2.1948; Combat appeal for R.D.R. M. Contat/M. Ry- as A Call From the
Rassemblement Dmocra- and Franc-Tireur together with D. balka, Les crits Committee of the
tique Rvolutionnaire Rousset, G. de Sartre, 1970 Revolutionary
Altman, J. Rous Peoples Assembly
and P. Fraisse in: The Writings of
Jean-Paul Sartre,
Vol I, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Drame politique puis crime 25.3.48 ; Franc- excerpt in Un excerpt in Sartre
passionel Tireur Thatre de situa- on Theater, ed.
tions, 1973 and in M.Contat/ M. Ry-
M. Contat/M. Ry- balka, 1976
balka, Thtre
Complet, 2005
Quand Cocteau, le pote, 30.3.48 ; Le Figaro about Les Mains excerpt in M. excerpt in Sartre
met en scne le philoso- sales Contat/M. Rybalka, on Theater, ed.
phe J.-P. Sartre Thtre Complet, M.Contat/ M. Ry-
2005 balka, 1976
Dans Les Mains Sales 31.3.48 ; Combat excerpt in Un excerpt in Sartre
Jean-Paul Sartre pose le Thatre de situa- on Theater, ed.
problme de la fin et les tions, 1973 and in M.Contat/ M. Ry-
moyens M. Contat/M. Ry- balka, 1976
balka, Thtre
Complet, 2005

13 / 37
Conscience de soi et Apr./Jun. 48; Bulle- lecture given to the Consciousness of
connaissance de soi tin de la Socit French Society of Self and Knowl-
Franaise de Phi- Philosophy on edge of Self in
losophie 2.6.47 Readings in Exis-
tential Phenome-
nology, ed. N.M.
OConnor, 1967
Un mouvant appel de J.- 7.4.48; Lordre du article on the occa- In Caliban as Cest
P. Sartre en faveur de la Paris sion of the creation pour nous tous que
Palestine libre of the state of sonne le glas (Mai
Israel 48)
Situations II. Quest-ce Mai 1948; Galli- 1949 as What is
que la littrature ? mard literature?, 1962 as
Literature and
Existentialism (not
complete); 1988 as
What is Literature?
in What is Litera-
Au Prsident de la Rpu- 16.7.48 ; Combat lettre by Cocteau in : 1970 as To the
blique and Sartre to par- Contat/Rybalka, President of the
don Genet Les crits de Sar- Republic in The
tre, 1970 Theater of Jean
La Rencontre ou edipe Nov. 1948; Ballet text for the pro- 1970; in: Michel The Encounter, or
et le Sphinx des Champs- gram to the ballet Contat / Michel Oedipus and the
Elyses with the same Rybalka, Les crits Sphinx in: The
name by Boris de Sartre, Galli- Writings of Jean-
Kochno in the mard Paul Sartre, Vol II,
Thtre des ed. M. Contat/M.
Champs-Elyses; Rybalka, 1974
written on demand
by Cocteau and
LEngrenage 1946 Nov. 48; Nagel premiere as theatre In the U.K. 1954
in France in Paris as In the Mesh.
in 1969, outside
France in Zu-
rich/Switzerland in
On joue an Amrique une 27./28.22.48 ;
pice de moi dont jignore Combat
le texte
Il nous faut la paix pour 10.12.1948; Franc- 1970; in: Michel We Must Have
refaire le monde Tireur Contat / Michel Peace in order to
Rybalka, Les crits Remake the World
de Sartre, Galli- in: The Writings of
mard Jean-Paul Sartre,
Vol II, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Mallarm. La Lucidit et sa 1947-49 1986; Gallimard acc. to an interview 1988 as Mallarm,
face dombre by M. Chapsal still or the Poet of
in work in 1960; Nothingness
probably lost in the
assault by the OAS
in 1962
Journal de Mathieu ca. 1949 Sept. 1982; TM
Entretiens sur la politique Mar. 1949; Galli- 1. part in TM Sept.
(avec David Rousset et mard 48
Grard Rosenthal)
La Mort dans lme (Les 1945, Dec.1948-Jun. 1949 Gallimard; In U.K. 1950 as
chemins de la libert, t. 1947-48 1949; TM in M. Contat/M. Iron in the Soul, in
3) Rybalka, uvres the U.S. 1951 as
Romanesques, Troubled Sleep
1981 (with blurb by
Sartre and 7 frag-
Jean-Paul Sartre reproche 20.1.49; Combat
Georges Lukcs de ne
pas tre marxiste
Pour Lukcs la terre ne 3.2.49; Combat
tourne pas
Rponse Franois Mau- 7.5.49, Le Figaro
riac littraire

14 / 37
Situations III Jun. 1949; Galli-
Naissance dIsrael Jun. 1949; Hillel M. Contat/M. Ry- The Birth of Israel
balka, Les crits in: The Writings of
de Sartre, 1970 Jean-Paul Sartre,
Vol I, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Dfense de la culture Jun. 1949; Politi- Lecture at the
franaise par la culture que trangre Centre dtudes de
europenne Politique trangre
[preface to Jean Genets Jul. 49 ; N.R.F. censured version ; preface to Jean
Journal du voleur] full version as Genet, The Thiefs
preface in the Journal, 1954/1964
English edition of
1954 (transl. B.
[serial of articles for Franc- 21.-24.10.49; 3 articles:
Tireur from Haiti] Franc-Tireur - Jai vu Hati un
peuple noir fier de
sa tradition de
libert (21.10.)
- Hati se jette avec
passion sur tout ce
qui voque la
culture franaise
- Hati vu par Sar-
tre (24.10.)
Drle damiti (extraits du Nov. + Dec. 49; TM in M. Contat/M. Last Chance :
t. 4 des Chemins de la Rybalka, uvres Roads to Freedom
libert) Romanesques, IV 2009
La Dernire Chance ca. 1949 1981; Gallimard : in Last Chance :
M. Contat/M. Ry- Roads to Freedom
balka, uvres IV 2009
Mai-juin 1789. Manuscrit 1950 ? 2008 ; in tudes
sur la naissance de (-1955) Sartriennes XII
lAssembl nationale
Les Jours de notre vie Jan. 1950; TM written by Merleau-
Ponty, signed by
both; about Soviet
La Fin de lespoir Apr. 1950; in: Juan preface to a book Situations VI.
Hermanos, La fin by an anonymous Problmes du
de lespoir author about the marxisme 1, 1964
situation of opposi-
tion against Franco
in Spain
Lartiste et sa conscience 1950, preface to Situations IV. 1965 as The Artist
Ren Leibowitz, Portraits, 1964 and His Con-
Lartiste et sa science in Situa-
conscience tions
Faux savants ou faux Jul. 1950; in: Louis preface Situations VI.
livres Dalmas, Le com- Problmes du
munisme yougo- marxisme 1, 1964
slave depuis la
rupture avec Mos-
cou, Sulliver
Introduction au Portrait de Aug. 1950; Roger Situations VI.
laventurier Stphane, Portrait Problmes du
de laventurier, Le marxisme 1, 1964
La Vie commence de- 1950 1970; in: Michel Life Begins Tomor-
main, film de Nicole Contat / Michel row, a Film by
Vdrs Rybalka, Les crits Nicole Vdrs, in:
de Sartre, Galli- The Writings of
mard Jean-Paul Sartre,
Vol II, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
The Chances of Peace 30.12.50 ; The
Nation (New York)

15 / 37
De la Vocation dcrivain Christmas 1950; 1970; in: Michel On Being a Writer
Neuf Contat / Michel in: The Writings of
Rybalka, Les crits Jean-Paul Sartre,
de Sartre, Galli- Vol II, ed. M. Con-
mard tat/M. Rybalka,
Libert galit. Manus- 1951 2008 ; in tudes
crit sur la gense de Sartriennes XII
lidologie bourgeoise
Ein Sartre Interview 1951 23.5.64; Frankfur- by Jean Guitron; original French
ter Rundschau about Le Diable et version unknown
le bon Dieu
Ce que fut la cration des 11.1.51 ; Le Figaro in : Michel Contat / What the Staging
Mouches Michel Rybalka, of The Flies Was
Les crits de Sar- Like in: The Writ-
tre, 1970 ings of Jean-Paul
Sartre, Vol I, ed. M.
Contat/M. Rybalka,
Rencontre avec Jean-Paul 1.2.1951; Les
Sartre, interview avec Nouvelles littrai-
Gabriel dAubarde res
Gide vivant Mrz 1951; TM on the occasion of Situations IV. 1951 as The Living
Gides death Portraits, 1964 Gide in The Spec-
tator, 1965 in
Si Dieu existe, le bien et le 31.5.51 ; interview by C.
mal sont identiques LObservateur Chonez about Le
diable et le bon
Le Diable et le bon Dieu Jun.-Aug. 51; TM premiere in Paris at 1951; Gallimard; In U.K. as Lucifer
the Thtre An- In M. Contat/M. and the Lord
toine on 7.6.51 with Rybalka, Thtre (1951) and in the
Brasseur as Gtz, Complet, 2005 U.S. as The Devil
Maria Casars as (with drafts, blurb and the Good Lord
Hilda and Wanda etc.) (1953)
as Katharina
Je connais ma nais- 1/2005 ; Revue
sance et je sens ma desti- International de
ne - une scne carte Philosophie
du Diable et le Bon Dieu
Le Diable et le Bon Dieu, 2.6.51; Samedi- interview by M. excertps in Un as There Is No
cest la mme chose Soir Pju about Le Thtre de situa- Difference Be-
moi, je choisis lhomme diable et le bon tions, 1973 tween the Devil
Dieu and the Lord -
Personally, I
Choose Man in
Sartre on Theater,
ed. M.Contat/ M.
Rybalka, 1976
Ds que deux personnes 7.6.51 ; Paris- interview about Le
saiment, elles saiment presse- diable et le bon
contre Dieu lintransigeant Dieu
Jean-Paul Sartre rpond 30.6.51 ; Le Figaro von Jean Duch excerpts in Un On The Devil and
la critique dramatique et littraire Thtre de situa- the Good Lord in
offre un guide au specta- tions, 1973 Sartre on Theater,
teur pour suivrre Le ed. M.Contat/ M.
diable et le bon Dieu Rybalka, 1976
La Reine Albemarle ou le 1951/52 1991; Gallimard
dernier touriste
Sur le Baroque 1951/52 Jul.-Oct. 2005; TM fragment from La
Reine Albemarle ...
Saint Genet, comdien et 1950-52 Jun. 1952; Galli- 1950 6 artcles in first excerpts On
martyr mard TM (first part of Good and Evil in
Saint Genet) 1957; in the U.S.
1963 as: Saint
Genet, Actor and
Prface 1952; Les Pays
Nordiques, Dane-
mark, Finlande,
Islande, Norvge,
Sude, d. Nagel
Il ny a plus de doctrine Jan. 1952; vi-
antismite dences (ed.:
American Jewish

16 / 37
Committee, Paris)
Sommes-nous en dmo- Apr. 1952; TM Situations VI.
cratie? Problmes du
marxisme 1, 1964
Besuch bei Jean-Paul 12.7.52; Die Pres- visit with Sartre
Sartre se
Les Communistes et la Jul. 1952, Situations VI. 1968 as The
paix I, II, III Oct./Nov. 1952, Problmes du Communists and
Apr. 1954; TM marxisme 1, 1964 Peace in The
Communists and
Un Parterre de capucines 1951/52 Jul. 1952; France- study about Rome Situations IV.
Observateur Portraits, 1964;
Reine Albemarle
ou le dernier tou-
riste, 1991
Rponse Albert Camus Aug. 1952; TM answer to Camuss Situations IV. 1965 as Reply to
letter to the director Portraits, 1964 Albert Camus in
of Temps Moder- Situations
nes on 30.6.52
Intervention de M. Jean- 1953; Congrs
Paul Sartre des Peuples pour
la Paix, Vienne, 12-
19 dc. 1952
Ce que jai vu Vienne, 1.-8.1.53; Les
cest la paix Lettres franaises
Le Congrs de Vienne 1.1.53; Le Monde M. Contat/M. Ry- The Congress of
balka, Les crits Vienna in extenso
de Sartre, 1970 in: The Writings of
Jean-Paul Sartre,
Vol I, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Venise de ma fentre 1951/52 Jan. 53; Verve Situations IV.
Portraits, 1964;
Reine Albemarle
ou le dernier tou-
riste, 1991
Rponse M. Mauriac 19.3.53 ;
Rponse Claude Lefort Apr. 53; TM answer to Leforts Situations VII. 1968 as Reply to
(with: Claude Lefort, Le text about Les Problmes du Claude Lefort (in
marxisme et Sartre) communistes et la marxisme 2, 1965 the U.S., in the
paix (ohne Beitrag von U.K.: An Aswer to
Lefort) Claude Lefort) in
The Communists
and Peace
Les Animaux malades de 22.6.53; Libration about the exe- 1970; in: Michel Mad Beasts in: The
la rage ceution fo the Contat / Michel Writings of Jean-
Rosenbergs in the Rybalka, Les crits Paul Sartre, Vol II,
U.S. de Sartre, Galli- ed. M. Contat/M.
mard Rybalka, 1974
Le Devoir dun intellectuel 31.10./1.11.53 ;
est de dnoncer linjustice Combat
LAffaire Henri Martin Oct. 53; Gallimard
Mallarm (1842 1898) 1947-52? Nov. 53; Lucien Situations IX. as Mallarm : The
Mazenod (in Les Mlanges, 1972; Poetry of Suicide in
crivains clbres, Mallarm. La lucidi- Between Existeni-
ed. Raymond t et sa face talism and Marxism
Quenau) dombre, 1986 1974
Kean (Adaptation de la 1953 Feb. 1954; Galli- premiere in Paris at In M. Contat/M. in U.K. in 1954 as
pice dAlexandre Du- mard the Thtre Sarah Rybalka, Thtre Kean, or Disorder
mas) Bernhardt on Complet, 2005 and Genius ;1978
14.11.53 with (with drafts) English TV film by
Pierre Brasseur as James Cellan
Kean and Wanda Jones
as Anna Damby;
1957 film by Vitto-
rio Gassman :
Kean, Genio e
produced by Lux
propos de Kean 8.11.1953 ; Pro- 1970; in: Michel Concerning Kean
gramme de Kean Contat / Michel in: The Writings of

17 / 37
Rybalka: Les crits Jean-Paul Sartre,
de Sartre, Galli- Vol I, ed. M. Con-
mard tat/M. Rybalka,
In M. Contat/M. 1974
Rybalka, Thtre
Complet, 2005
La Vritable figure de 12.-19.11.53 ; Les Interview by Saurel In M. Contat/M.
Kean Lettres Franaises Rybalka, Thtre
Complet, 2005
La Part du feu 1954 2005; in Thtre
complet, Gallimard
Una Entrevista con Jean Jan.-Feb. 54,
Paul Sartre Cuadernos Ameri-
Opration Kanapa Mar. 1954; TM Situations VII.
Problmes du
marxisme 2, 1965
Les Boucs missaires 17.5.54; Libration about the ban on
Bolshoi ballet in
La bombe H, une arme 24./25.5.54 Jul. 54 ; La D- speech to the
contre lhistoire fense de la Paix World Peace
Council in Berlin
under the title
LUniversalit de
lHistoire et son
Les Peintures de Giaco- Jun. 1954; TM for the journal of Situations IV. 1955 as Giacometti
metti the Galerie Maeght Portraits, 1964 in Search of
on the occasion of Space, 1963 in
a Giacometti exhi- Essays in Aesthet-
bition 14.5.-15.6.54 ics, 1965 in Situa-
in Paris tions
Julius Fuik 17.-24.6.1954; Les about a book writ- 1970; in: Michel Julius Fucik in: The
Lettres Franaises ten by Julius Fuik, Contat / Michel Writings of Jean-
a Czech commu- Rybalka, Les crits Paul Sartre, Vol II,
nist executed by de Sartre, Galli- ed. M. Contat/M.
the Nazis in 1943 mard Rybalka, 1974

- 24.6.54; Literatur-
naja Gazeta, Prav-

(Statement by Jean-Paul
Sartres to the reprenta-
tives of the Soviet press)
Jai vu des hommes qui 25.6.54 ; Libration excerpt of Sartres
veulent construire un interview at the end
monde meilleur of his journey in the
Les Impressions de Jean- 15.-20.7.1954; 5 articlesl; written
Paul Sartre sur son Libration by Cau according
voyage en U.R.S.S. to instructions
given by Sartre
La Rponse de Jean-Paul 22.7.54 ; Libration
Sartre [ la lettre dHlne
et Pierre Lazareff]
Dune Chine lautre Nov. 1954; in: Situations V. Colo- Preface to China in
Henri Cartier- nialisme et no- Transtion: A Mo-
Bresson et Jean- colonialisme, 1964 men tin History in
Paul Sartre, Dune the U.K. 1956; in
Chine lautre; the U.S. the pref-
Neuf ace was replaced;
as From One
China to Another in
Colonialism and
La Leon de Stalingrad 20.2.55 Apr. 55; France-

18 / 37
En dnonant dans ma 8.6.55 ; LHumanit Un Thtre de as By denouncing
nouvelle pice les proc- situations, 1973 the methods of th
ds de la presse antim- anticommunist
communiste press... in Sartre
on Theater, ed.
M.Contat/ M. Ry-
balka, 1976
La pice vise les institu- 19.6.55 ; Humani- Un Thtre de as The Play Aims
tions et non les individus t-Dimanche situations, 1973 at Institutions, Not
Individuals in Sar-
tre on Theater, ed.
M.Contat/ M. Ry-
balka, 1976
Nekrassov Jun./Jul.- premiere in 1956; Gallimard; In 1956 as Nekrassov
Sept.1955; TM Thtre Antoine on U.K. 1956 als
8.6.55 with M. Nekrassov
Vitold as Georges In M. Contat/M.
de la Valera and Rybalka, Thtre
Wanda as Vro- Complet, 2005
nique (with blurb, pro-
gramm 1978)

Tableau indit de Nkras- 16.-23.6.55; Les 1970; in: Michel An Unpublished

sov Lettres Franaises Contat / Michel Act from Nek-
Rybalka, Les crits rassov in: The
de Sartre, Galli- Writings of Jean-
mard Paul Sartre, Vol II,
In M. Contat/M. ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, Thtre Rybalka, 1974
Complet, 2005
Thtre populaire et th- Sept./Oct. 1955; interview by Ber- Un Thtre de as Jean-Paul
tre bourgeois (Jean-Paul Thtre populaire nard Dort; caused situations, 1973 Sartre on Theater
Sartre nous parle de a polemics with in Sartre on Thea-
thtre) Vilar ter, ed. M.Contat/
M. Rybalka, 1976
La Chine que jai vu 1.12., 8.12.1955 ; in content very
France- similar as Sartre
Observateur Views the New
China by K.S.
Karol in New
Statesman and
Nation, 1955
Fragments de Joseph Le 1955 Jul.-Oct. 2005; TM
Caractres. Quelques ca. 1955 2006 ; tudes
feuillets indits du scna- Sartriennes XI :
rio Joseph Le Bon Cinma et Rvolu-
tion franaise
- (Jean- Jan. 56 ; Teatr
Paul Sartre) (Moskau)
Le Rformisme et les Feb. 1956; TM about the affair Situations VII.
ftiches Herv Problmes du
marxisme 2, 1965
Interventions un colloque Sept. 56 ; Com- discussion bet- excerpts in : excerpts as Re-
organis apr la Socit prendre ween Sartre and Contat/Rybalka, marks at a collo-
europnne de Culture Merleau-Ponty Les crits de Sar- quium in Venice in:
Venise du 25 au 31 mars tre, 1970 The Writings of
1956 Jean-Paul Sartre,
Vol I, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Rponse Pierre Naville Mar./Apr. 1956; TM answer to Navilles Situations VII.
(with: Pierre Naville, Les (Pierre Naville: criticism of Sartres Problmes du
msaventures de Nkras- 1956 in France- Le rformisme et marxisme 2, 1965
sov) Observateur) les ftiches
Le Colonialisme et un Mar./Apr. 1956; TM speech at a meet- Situations V. Colo- as Colonialism is a
systme ing against the war nialisme et no- System in Colonial-
in Algeria on colonialisme, 1964 ism and Neocolo-
27.1.56 nialism, 2006
Les Sorcires de Salem 1956 2.-8.8.56; Les screenplay acc. to
Lettres Franaises Arthur Millers The
(Auszug) Crucible, as film
released in 1957,
director: Raymond
Rouleau, with

19 / 37
Simone Signoret
and Yves Montand
Aprs Budapest Sartre 9.11.56; LExpress 1957 as After
parle Budapest in Ever-
green Review
Le Fantme de Staline Nov./Dec.56/Jan. after Budapest 56 Situations VII. 1957 an abbrevi-
57; TM Problmes du ated translation of
marxisme 2, 1965 final part; 1968 as
The Ghost of Stalin
in the U.S., 1969
as The Spectre of
Stalin in the U.K.
Brecht et les classiques April 1957 in the program to 1970; in: Michel 1956 as Brecht as
Hommage interna- Contat / Michel a Classic in World
tional Bertolt Rybalka, Les crits Theater; Brecht
Brecht des Thtre de Sartre, Galli- and the Classical
des Nations on 4.- mard ; Un Thtre Dramatists in: The
21.4.1957 de situations, 1973 Writings of Jean-
Paul Sartre, Vol II,
ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
Vous tes formidables Mai 57; TM review of Des Situations V. Colo- in Colonialism and
rappels tmoi- nialisme et no- Neocolonialism,
gnent, ed. Comit colonialisme, 1964 2006
de Rsistance
Spirituelle; against
war in Algeria;
refused by Le
Jean-Paul Sartre on His 6.6.57 ; The Lis- interview on BBC
Autobiography tener by Oliver Todd
Portrait du colonis Jul.-Aug. 57; TM preface to Albert Situations V. Colo- 1966 as introduc-
Memmi, Portrait du nialisme et no- tion to The Colo-
colonis. Prcd colonialisme, 1964 nizer and the Colo-
de Portrait du nized; in Colonial-
colonisateur. ism and Neocolo-
nialism, 2006
Questions de mthode Sept.-Oct.57; TM first time published in the U.S. 1963 as
in Apr. 57 in Pol- Search for a
nish journal Method, 1964 in
Twrczo as U.K. as Problem of
Marksizm i Egzis- Method
tencjalizm; in Criti-
que de la raison
dialectique as
Question de m-
Gesprch mit Jean-Paul 6.10.1957; Welt am interview by I.
Sartre Sonntag Brandt
Le Squestr de Venise Nov. 57; TM fragment of the Situations IV. 1961 as From a
Tintoretto study; Portraits, 1964 Study on Tintor-
acc. to interview etto; 1963 as The
with M. Chapsal Venitian Pariah in
still in work in Essays on Aesthet-
1960; ev. lost in ics; 1964 as the
1962 during as- Prisoner of Venice
sault by OAS in Situations; 1965
as The Prisoner of
Un Vieillard mystifi 2005; in: Sartre in the book accom-
panying the exhibi-
tion at the BNF;
fragment of Le
Squestr de
Venise (Tintoretto)
Quand la police frappe les 5.12.1957; France- Situations VII.
trois coups ... Observateur Problmes du
marxisme 2, 1965
Entretien avec Jean Daniel 13.1.58 1973 ; in : Jean
Daniel, Le temps
qui reste
Le Thtre peut-il aborder 13.2.58 ; France-
lactualit politique ? Une Observateur
table ronde avec
Sartre, Butor, Vailland,
Adamov, Morvan Lebes-

20 / 37
Une Victoire 6.3.58; LExpress preface to Henri Situations V. Colo- 1958 as A Victory
(confiscated) and Allegs book La nialisme et no- in Allegs The
Canard Enchan Question, Lau- colonialisme, 1964 Question; in Colo-
sanne 1958, a nialism and Neoco-
testimony about lonialism, 2006
torture in Algeria
Des Rats et des hommes 1958; in: Andr Situations IV. 1960 as Rats and
Gorz, Le tratre, Portraits, 1964 Men; 1965 as Of
Editions du Seuil Rats and Men in
Nous sommes tous des Mar.58; TM against the trial Situations V. Colo- in Colonialism and
assassins against the couple nialisme et no- Neocolonialism,
Guerroudj who colonialisme, 1964 2006
supported the FLN
Thtre et cinma 1958 1973; in: Un th- lecture on 6.5.1958 Theater and Cin-
tre de situations, ema in Sartre on
Gallimard Theater, ed.
M.Contat/ M. Ry-
balka, 1976
Le Prtendant 22.5.58; LExpress against the immi- Situations V. Colo- in Colonialism and
nent take-over of nialisme et no- Neocolonialism,
power by de Gaulle colonialisme, 1964 2006
La Constitution de mpris 11.9.58; LExpress ahead of the vote Situations V. Colo- in Colonialism and
about de Gaulles nialisme et no- Neocolonialism,
new constitution of colonialisme, 1964 2006
the V. Republic
Les Grenouilles qui de- 25.9.58; LExpress ahead of the vote Situations V. Colo- in Colonialism and
mandent un roi about de Gaulles nialisme et no- Neocolonialism,
new constitution of colonialisme, 1964 2006
the V. Republic
Le Scnario Freud. Pr- 1958-59 1984; Gallimard 1962 by John
face de J.-B. Pontalis Houston Freud.
The Secret Pas-
sion; 1986 as The
Freud Scenario
Entretien de Sartre avec 2.6.59; Vrits interview with the 1970; in: Michel Francis Jeanson
Francis Jeanson pour ... illegal bulletin Contat / Michel Interviews Sartre
Verits pour ... Rybalka, Les crits in: The Writings of
de Sartre, Galli- Jean-Paul Sartre,
mard Vol II, ed. M. Con-
tat/M. Rybalka,
Jean Paul Sartre spiega la 25.8.59, Il Mes- about the youth of
crisi della giovent di oggi saggero (Roma) that time
Entretien avec Sartre 10.9.59; Express Interview by M. In M. Contat/M. Excerpts in Sartre
Chapsal about Les Rybalka, Thtre on Theater, ed.
Squestrs Complet, 2005 M.Contat/ M. Ry-
dAltona balka, 1976
Les Squestrs dAltona 1957, 1959 Oct.-Nov.59; TM premiere in Paris at 1960; Gallimard; In U.K. 1960 as
the Thtre de la In M. Contat/M. Loser Wins, and
Renaissance on Rybalka, Thtre 1961 in the U.S. as
23.9.59 with Complet, 2005 The Condemned of
Wanda as Leni, (with drafts, pro- Altona, 963 as
velyne Lanzmann gram 1965) Altona; 1963 film
as Johanna; by Vittorio de Sica
with Sophia Loren
and Maximilian
Schell, produced
by Titanus Films,
shown in the U.S.
1963 as The Con-
demned of Altona
by Twentieth Cen-
tury-Fox Film
Deux heures avec Sartre 17.9.1959; interview with As LAuteur, 1960 as The Thea-
LExpress Franoise Giroud, loeuvre et le public ter in Evergreen
Robert Kanters, in Un Thtre de Review
Franois Erval and situations, 1973 As The Author, the
Claude Lanzmann Play, and the
Audience in in
Sartre on Theater,
ed. M.Contat/ M.
Rybalka, 1976
Entretien avec Jean-Paul 17.9.59 ; France Interview by Ch. In M. Contat/M. Excerpts in in
Sartre Nouvelle Haroche about Les Rybalka, Thtre Sartre on Theater,

21 / 37
Squestrs Complet, 2005 ed. M.Contat/ M.
dAltona Rybalka, 1976
Il ne sagit ni dune pice 17.9.59 ; Le Monde excerpt in Un Excerpt in Sartre
politique ni dune pice Thtre de situa- on Theater, ed.
thse tions, 1973 M.Contat/ M. Ry-
excerpt in M. balka, 1976
Contat/M. Rybalka,
Thtre Complet,
Marxisme et philosophie 1959; in: R. Ga- letter to Garaudy
de lexistence raudy, Perspecti-
ves de lhomme:
pense catholique,
marxisme, P.U.F.
Pourquoi des philoso- 1959 Mar. 1984 ; Le answer to Revels in: Sur les crits
phes ? Dbat book of the same posthumes de
name, published in Sartre, Bruxelles
1957 1987
Soledad de Colette Audry 1970; in: M. contribution to the Soledad by
Contat/M. Rybalka, program of Sole- Colette Audry in:
Les crits de Sar- dad in the Thtre The Writings of
tre, Gallimard de Poche Jean-Paul Sartre,
(Comdie Caumar- Vol II, ed. M. Con-
tin) April 1960 tat/M. Rybalka,
Wir alle sind Luthers Opfer 11.5.60; Der Spie- In Un Thtre de as All of Us Are
gel situations, 1973 Victims of Luther in
As Nous sommes Sartre on Theater,
tous des victimes ed. M.Contat/ M.
de Luther in M. Rybalka, 1976
Contat/M. Rybalka,
Thtre Complet,
Critique de la raison 1957-60 Apr.60; Gallimard in 1965 large ex-
dialectique. Tome 1. cerpts in The Phi-
Thorie des ensembles losophy of Jean-
pratiques Paul Sartre in the
U.S.; in U.K. 1976
as Critique of
Dialectical Reason
Critique de la raison dia- 1958 1985; Gallimard planned to appear excerpts in Social-
lectique, Tome 2. in 1961, unfinished ism in one country
Lintelligibilit de lhistoire in New Left Re-
view, Nov.
76/Jan.77; 1991 as
Critique of Dialecti-
cal Reason Vol. 2
Esquisses pour la Critique -1958 2005 ; tudes
de la raison dialectique Sartriennes 10 :
Dialectique, littRa-
Avant-propos 1960; in: Paul Situations IV. 1965 as Paul Nizan
Nizan, Aden Arabie Portraits, 1964 (as in Situations
Paul Nizan)
Jean-Paul Sartre, inter- 1960; in: Made- Situations IX. 1962/63 large
view par Madelaine Chap- laine Chapsal, Les Mlanges, 1972, excerpts in To
sal crivains en per- als Les crivains Show, to Demon-
sonne, Julliard en personne strate in Yale
French Studies; as
The Purposes of
Writing in Between
Exisentialism and
Les Squestrs dAltona 4.1.60 4. Tri. 59; thtre interview by B. Dort in: Un Thtre de as On The Con-
nous concernent tous populaire situations, 1973 demned of Altona
In M. Contat/M. in Sartre on Thea-
Rybalka, Thtre ter, ed. M.Contat/
Complet, 2005 M. Rybalka, 1976
An Interview with Jean- spring 60 Spring 61 ; The mainly about Les excerpt in M.
Paul Sartre Tulane Drama Squestrs Contat/M. Rybalka,
Review dAltona Thtre Complet,
Albert Camus 7.1.1960; France- on the occasion of Situations IV. 1960 as Tribute to
Observateur Camuss death Portraits, 1964 Albert Camus in
The Reporter; 1965

22 / 37
as Albert Camus in
Thtre pique et thtre 1960 1973; in Un Th- lecture at Sorbon- Un Thtre de 1961 as Beyond
dramatique tre de situations ne on 29.3.1960 situations, 1973 Bourgeois Theatre
in The Tulane
Drama Review
(excerpts); as Epic
Theater and Dra-
matic Theater in
Sartre on Theater,
ed. M.Contat/ M.
Rybalka, 1976
Sartre 1960 : Entretien 15.2.60 ; Les Ca-
avec Jean-Paul Sartre hiers libres de la
Un Texte indit de Jean- 29.3.60 Jun. 60 ; Premires lecture at Sor- 1961 as Beyond
Paul Sartre Mondiales bonne about thea- Bourgeois Theater
tre in Tulane Drama
De La Nause aus 3.3.60 ; LExpress
Squstrs Jean-Paul
Sartre rpond aux jeunes
Ideologa y Revolucin 21.3.60; Lunes de in Sartre visita a 1960 in Studies of
Revolucin Cuba, La Havanna, the Left ; in Sartre
1960 on Cuba, New
York, 1961
Entretien avec Jean-Paul Mar. + Apr. 60 ; interview with Alain in Un Thtre de as About The
Sartre Perspectives du Koehler about Les situations, 1973 Condemned of
Thtre Squestrs In M. Contat/M. Altona in Sartre on
dAltona Rybalka, Thtre Theater, ed.
Complet, 2005 M.Contat/ M. Ry-
balka, 1976
Ouragan sur le sucre 28.6.-15.7.60; 16 articels Huracn sobre el in Sartre on Cuba,
France-Soir azcar, in Sartre New York, 1961
visita a Cuba, La
Havanna, 1960;
TM 649, 2008
Ouragan sur le sucre II 1960/61 part of a planned TM 649, 2008
book about visit in
Sartre no Brasil 4.9.60 1986 lecture at the Uni-
versity in So
Cuba, la rvolution exem- Aug. 60 ; Nr. 4, interview by Jean
plaire Dire (Genve) Ziegler with Sartre
und Beauvoir
Dclaration sur le droit Aug. 1960; TM Manifeste des 121
linsoumission dans la (confiscated) im Aug. 60
guerre dAlgrie
Lettre au tribunal militaire 22.9.60; Le Monde written by
Lanzmann and
Pju upon Sartres
instructions; letter
to the military court
in charge of the
trial against the
Rseau Jeanson in
Sept. 60
LArtiste est un suspect ... 1947 spring 1960 : frag- Situations IV.
ment; 1961 in Portraits, 1964
Andr Masson/J.-
P. Sartre, Vingt-
deux dessins sur le
thme du dsir
Soggetivit e marxismo 1973; Aut Aut contirubtion to the
(Milano) debate about
subjectivitiy and
marxism at the
Institute Gramsci in
LAnalyse du Rfrendum 4.1.61; LExpress interview ahead of Situations V. Colo- in Colonialism and
de Gaulles refer- nialisme et no- Neocolonialism,
endum about the colonialisme, 1964 2006
Entretien avec Jean-Paul Feb. 1961; La Voie Trotskyite journal
Sartre Communiste

23 / 37
LAssaut contre Castro 20.4.61; LExpress
Prface Les Damns de Sommer 61 autumn 1961; preface Situations V. Colo- 1965 in the U.S.
la terre Maspero; in: Frantz nialisme et no- as The Wretched
Fanon, Les Dam- colonialisme, 1964; of the Earth; in
ns de la terre Colonialism and
Le Peintre sans privilges summer 1961; for a catalogue for Situations IV. 1963 as The Un-
Mditations the exhibition of Portraits, 1964 privileged Painter:
paintings by La- Lapoujade in Es-
poujades (revolt, says in Aesthetics
torture, Hiroshima)
Mar./Apr. 61 in
Sartre talks to Tynan 8. and 15.6.1961; Un Thtre de also in Sartre on
The Observer situations, 1973 (as Theater, ed.
Entretien avec M.Contat/ M. Ry-
Kenneth Tynan) balka, 1976
Merleau-Ponty vivant Oct. 1961; TM obituary for Mer- Situations IV. 1965 as Merleau-
leau-Ponty Portraits, 1964 Ponty in Situations
Merleau-Ponty Sommer 61 1985; Revue Inter- first draft of the
nationale de philo- obituary for Mer-
sophie, 152-153, S. leau-Ponty
Saint Georges et le dragon 1961 Oct. 66; LArc fragment of a study Situations IX. as Tintoretto: St.
about Tintoretto; Mlanges, 1972 George and the
interpretation of a Dragon in Between
painting at National Existentialism and
Gallery London Marxism 1974
Saint Marc et son double ca. 1961 1981; Obliques fragment of a study
24/25 about Tintoretto
Marxisme et existentia- 1961 1962; Plon discussion during as Science and
lisme. Controverse sur la Semaine de la Dialectic in Man
dialectique (avec Roger pense marxiste in and World, Feb 65
Garaudy, Jean Hippolyte, Mutualit (Pairs)
Jean-Pierre Vigier et Jean about dialectics on
Orcel) 7.12.61
Quick spricht mit Jean 31.3.62; Quick, S. interview
Paul Sartre 26-32
Les Somnambules Apr. 62; TM comment on Situations V. Colo- in Colonialism and
cease-fire in Alge- nialisme et no- Neocolonialism,
ria colonialisme, 1964 2006
An Interview with Jean- Mai 62; Orient/ Interview mit Ryo Originally in Japa-
Paul Sartre West: Todays Tanaka nese in Sekai
Japan Magazine March
La Dmilitarisation de la 17.7.62; France- speech on the 1965: in Situations
culture Observateur (ex- World Peace Con- VII. Problmes du
cerpts); 1964 as gress in Moscow marxisme 2, 1965
Coesistenza pacifi- 9.-14.7.1962 (shortened)
ca e cultura, in Il
filosofo e la politi-
ca, Editori Riuniti
Sept. 62; Teatr
(Interview after six (Moscow)
Deux heures avec Jean- Sep. 62 ; La as Two hours with
Paul Sartre Culture et a vie Jean-Paul Sartre in
(Moscow) Culture and Life
Sep. 62
Lettere di Sartre a LUnit 9.10.1962; LUnit Dec. 1963/Jan. 64;
Les lettres franai-
ses; Situations VII.
Problmes du
marxisme 2, 1965
as Discussion sur
la critique propos
de Lenfance
, 15.1.63; Liternatur- as
! (Writers of naja Gazeta
the world, lets sit around
the round table!)
in Pravda 14.1.63
Le Cinma nous donne sa 19.4.1963; Le film by Nico Papa- 1970; in: Michel The Movies Have
premire tragdie: Les Monde dakis Contat / Michel Given Us Their

24 / 37
Abysses Rybalka, Les crits First Tragedy, Les
de Sartre, Galli- Abysses, in: The
mard Writings of Jean-
Paul Sartre, Vol I,
ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
Les mots 1953-62 Oct.-Nov. 1963; dedicated to Mme. 1964; Gallimard; in U.S. and U.K.
TM Z. (Lena Zonina) 1964 as Words
(U.K.) and The
Words (U.S.)
Doigts et non-doigts 1947 1963; Dlpire d. preface to Wols en Situations IV. 1965 as Fingers
(in Aquarelles et personne, Paris Portraits, 1964 and Non-Fingers in
Dessins de Wols) 1963 Wols, Watercolors,
Drawings, Writings
Prface La pense 1963; Prsence Situations V. Colo- 1972 in Lumumba
politique de Patrice Lu- africaine nialisme et no- Speaks; in Coloni-
mumba colonialisme, 1964 alism and Neoco-
lonialism, 2006
Un bilancio, un preludio 1963; LEuropa speech on the 1964 in Esprit als
Letteraria writers colloquium Un Bilan, un prlu-
about the contem- de
porary novel in
Leningrad 5.-
Situations IV. Portraits 1964; Gallimard
Situations V. Colonia- 1964; Gallimard as Colonialism and
lisme et no- Neocolonialism,
colonialisme 2006
Situations VI. Problmes 1964; Gallimard
du marxisme 1
[Preface to] Le mani 4.3.64 1964; Giulio Ei- interview with in Un Thtre de as Conversation
sporche naudi Paolo Caruso ber situations, 1973 with Paolo Caruso
Les Mains sales and in M. Contat/ about Dirty Hands
M. Rybalka, Th- in Sartre on Thea-
tre Complet, 2005 ter, ed. M.Contat/
M. Rybalka, 1976
Forward 1964; in: R. D.
Laing/D.G. Cooper,
Reason and Vio-
lence, Tavistock
Sartre parle ..., interview March/April 1964;
par Yves Buin Clart
Jean-Paul Sartre 18./25.4.1964; Le as A Long, Bitter,
sexplique sur Les mots, Monde Sweet Madness in
interview par Jacqueline Encounter 1964; as
Piatier / Jean-Paul Sartre Jean-Paul Sartre
et Zola, lettre Jacqueline Speaks in Vogue
Piatier 1965
Rome Lecture unpublished; origi- 165 p. of notes to abstract in Robert
nal at the Yale the lecture about V. Stone / Eliza-
University, Be- morale and society beth Bowman,
inecke Library in Rome Dialetical Ethics: A
First Look at Sar-
tres Unpublished
1964 Rome Lec-
ture Notes, in
Social Text, nos.
13/14, winter/
spring 1986, S.
Determinazione e libert 1964; excerpts in colloquium about 1970; in: Michel 1970 as Determi-
Rinascita; morale and so- Contat / Michel nism and Freedom
1966; in Morale e cieerty at the Instii- Rybalka, Les crits in: The Writings of
Societ; Editori tute Gramsci, de Sartre, Galli- Jean-Paul Sartre,
Riuniti (Rom) Rome, 1964 mard as Dtermi- Vol II, ed. M.
nation et libert Contat/M. Rybalka,
Entretien Prague sur la Nov. 63 Jun-Jul. 64; la discussion with E. originally in Czech
notion de dcadence nouvelle critique Fischer, E.Gold- in Plamen 2/64
stcker, J. Hajek,
A. Hoffmeister, M.
Kundera, P. Puj-
Palmiro Togliatti 30.8.64; LUnit on the occasion of Situations IX.
Togliattis death Mlanges, 1972

25 / 37
Lcrivain doit refuser de 24.10.1964; Le about his decline of 1964 as I Always
se laisser transformer en Monde the Nobel prize Refuse Distinctions
institution in The Times and
as Sartre on the
Nobel Prize in the
New York Review
of Books
(From the Oct. 1964 ; Novyj originally planned On the part of the
author) mir (Moskau) as introduction to author in: The
the Russian trans- Writings of Jean-
lation of Les Mots Paul Sartre, Vol I,
ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
LAlibi 19.11.64; Le Nou- interview about the Situations VIII.
vel Observateur French youth, Autour de 68, 1972
revolution and his
decline of the
Nobel prize
[foreword to the recording 1965; Deutsche Un Thtre de Excerpts as Spo-
of Huis Clos by Deutsche Grammophon Situations, 1973 ken preface to
Grammophon Gesell- Gesellschaft und in M. Contat/ therecording of
schaft] M. Rybalka, Th- No Exit in: The
tre Complet, 2005; Writings of Jean-
excerpt in Paul Sartre, Vol I,
Contat/Rybalka, ed. M. Contat/M.
Les crits de Sar- Rybalka, 1974
tre, 1970 Excerpt in Sartre
on Theater, ed.
M.Contat/ M. Ry-
balka, 1976
Plaidoyer pour les intellec- 1972; Situations three lectures 1974 as A Plea for
tuels VIII. Autour de 68 about the role of Intellectuals in
the intellectual Between Existen-
given in Tokyo and tialism and Mar-
Kyoto 1965 xism
Les Troyennes : Jean-Paul Feb. 65 ; Bref preface to the in Un Thtre de as Why the Trojan
Sartre sexplique Gallimard edition situations, 1973 Women ? in in
Mar. 65 In M. Contat/M. Sartre on Theater,
Rybalka, Thtre ed. M.Contat/ M.
Complet, 2005 Rybalka, 1976
Euripide. Les Troyennes. 1963/64 Mar. 65; Gallimard premiere at the In M. Contat/M. In the U.S. and
Adaptation de Jean-Paul Thtre National Rybalka, Thtre U.K. 1967 as The
Sartre Populaire in Paris Complet, 2005 Trojan Women
Situations VII. Probl- 1965; Gallimard
mes du marxisme 2
Que peut la littrature? 1965; in: S. de contribution to
Beauvoir/Yves discussion be-
Berger/Jean-Piere tween Semprun,
Faye/Jean Ricar- Ricardou, Faye,
dou/Jean-Paul Beauvoir and
Sartre/Jorge Sem- Berger on
prun, Que peut la 9.12.1964
littrature? Union
gnrale dditions
Pourquoi je refuse daller 1.4.65; Le Nouvel interview after the Situations VIII. 1965 as Why I Will
aus Etats-Unis/Il ny a plus Observateur cancellation of his Autour de 68, 1972 Not Go to the
de dialogue possible trip to the U.S. United States in
The Nation (ex-
Sartre rpond (with: Un 8.4.65; Le Nouvel Sartres answer to Situations VIII.
Amricain crit Observateur a letter by Prof. D.I. Autour de 68, 1972
Sartre) Grossvogel from
the Cornell Univer-
sity who critisized
Sartres decision
[Declaration on the occa- 16.7.64 ; 1970; in: Michel Statement made at
sion of Mr. Thorezs death] LHumanit Contat / Michel the death of Mau-
Rybalka, Les crits rice Thorez in: The
de Sartre, Galli- Writings of Jean-
mard Paul Sartre, Vol I,
ed. M. Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1974
Culture de poche et May 1965; TM
culture de masse
Playboy Interview: Jean- May 65; Playboy given already in

26 / 37
Paul Sartre. A candid (Chicago) 1964 before declin-
conversation with the ing the Nobel prize
charismatic fountainhead
of existentialism and
rejector of the Nobel prize
Refusons le chantage 17.6.65; Le Nouvel about Defferre and Situations VIII.
Observateur the presidential Autour de 68, 1972
Achever la gauche ou la 24.6.65; Le Nouvel about the presiden- Situations VIII.
gurir? Observateur tial elections after Autour de 68, 1972
Mr. Deferres de-
Was sich fr uns in Viet- Jul. 65; Sonntag speech at the
nam entscheidet Rede (E. Berlin) World Peace Con-
vor dem Weltfriedenskon- gress in Helsinki
gress in Helsinki 16. Juli
Sartre Talks of Beauvoir Jul. 65; Vogue Entretien avec J.- 1987 in Critical
(American edition); P. Sartre, in : Eassays on Si-
par M. Gobeil Serge Julienne- mone de Beauvoir
Caffi, Simone de
Beauvoir, 1966, S.
Lcrivain et sa langue Juli-Dec. 1965; with Verstraeten Situations IX. as The Writer and
Revue dEsthtique Mlanges, 1972 his language in
Politics and Litera-
ture, 1973
Sartre, Vilar, Franois 1.7.65 ; Les Nou-
Prier et Le Thtre velles littraires
Vivant : Des projets
La Question Sept. 65 ; Thtre text on the occa- in Un Thtre de in Sartre on Thea-
vivant sion of the resump- situations, 1973 ter, ed. M.Contat/
tion of Les M. Rybalka, 1976
Conversacin con Jean- Oct.-Nov. 65 ; interview with J.
Paul Sartre Cuadernos de Semprn
ruedo ibrico
Avant-garde? de quoi et 20./26.10.1965; Le speech to COMES
de qui? nouvel observateur in Rome 6.10.1965
Les Circonstances impo- 4.12.65 ; Le Monde
sent de voter pour Fran-
ois Mitterrand
Le Choc en retour 8./14.12.65; Le after de Gaulles Situations VIII.
Nouvel Observa- bad results in the Autour de 68, 1972
teur presidential elec-
Morale et histoire 1964/65 Jul.-Oct. 2005; TM; manuscript of 225 summary by
pp. for the lectures Robert V.
planned to be Stone/Elizabeth
given at the Cornell Bowman, Sartres
University; original Moarlity and His-
at the Yale Univer- tory: A First Look at
sity, Beinecke the Notes for the
Library; also Unpublished 1965
named Recherches Cornell Lectures, in
pour une morale Sartre Alive, ed.
Ronald Aronson /
Adrian van den
Hoven, Detroit
1991; Matthew
Ally, Momentum
and Moral Inven-
tion Dialectics of
Ethos in Sartre's
Phenomenology of
Praxis, in Sartre
Studies Interna-
tional, No. 1/2000
Kennedy and West Vir- 1991; in: Sartre excerpt of Morale
ginia Alive, ed. R. Aron- et histoire
LUniversel singulier 1965 1966; in: Kierke- UNESCO Collo- Situations IX. as Kierkegaard:
gaard vivant; Gal- quium 21.-23.4.65 Mlanges, 1972 The Singular Uni-
limard versal in Kierke-

27 / 37
gaard: A Collection
of Critical Essays,
ed. J. Thompson
1972 and in Bet-
ween Existentia-
lism and Marxism,
Entretien avec Jean-Paul Jan. 66 ; Livres de by Lonce Peillard in Les Communis- 1969 in Communis-
Sartre France, S. 15-18 tes ont peur de la ta Are Afraid of
rvolution, Editions Revolution : Two
John Didier, Jan. Interviews
Pre et fils Jan. 66 ; Livres de excerpt of the then
France, S. 19-23 draft of LIdiot de la
LAnthropologie Feb. 66; Cahiers Situations IX.
de philosophie Mlanges, 1972
Prface La Promenade Feb. 66; program 1967; in: Georges
du dimanche to La Promenade Michel, La Prome-
du dimanche in nade du dimanche
Studio des
Les Mouches 31.3.66 ; Cahier Thtre de situa- in Sartre on Thea-
Charles Dullin tions, 1973 ; ter, ed. M.Contat/
In M. Contat/M. M. Rybalka, 1976
Rybalka, Thtre
Complet, 2005
Sept. 66 ; Ino-
(What strannyja literatura
counts form me is action) (Moskau)
Jean-Paul Sartre rpond, Oct. 66; LArc 30: dispute about as Replies to
entretien avec Bernard Sartre Aujourdhui structuralism Structuralism in
Pingaud Telos 1971
[Interview par Simha early 1966; Al about his relation- Cahiers Bernard 1966 as Sartre on
Flapan] Hamishmar (organ ship to Jews and Lazare, 1966 als Israel and Other
of the Mapam Arabs, socialism Jean-Paul Sartre et Matters in New
Party, Israel) and anti-semitism les problmes de Outlook
notre temps
Le Crime 30.11./6.12.66; Le interview about the Situations VIII. 1967 as Imperialist
Nouvel Observa- imminent Russell Autour de 68, 1972 Morality in New
teur Tribunal about the Left Review; 1970
war in Vietnam as Policies My Be
Jurdically, Objec-
tively Criminal in
War Crimes in
Vietnam (Betrand
Russsell Peace
[2 Briefe von Sartre an 1966/67 in M. Contat/M.
Roullet betr. den Film Le Rybalka, uvres
Mur] Romanesques,
Mythe et ralit du thtre Jan. 1967; Le Point lecture in Un Thtre de 1967 as Myth and
Bonn/Germany on situations, 1973 Reality in the Thea-
4.12.1966 tre in Gambit (Lon-
don); as Myth and
Reality in Theater
in Sartre on Thea-
ter, ed. M.Contat/
M. Rybalka, 1976
Imperialist Morality Jan./Feb. 67; New Interview by An- in Conversations
Left Review derson, Fraser, with Jean-Paul
Hoare about Rus- Sartre, 2006
sell Tribunal
Lagression de Georges Feb./Mar. 67; Bref
Michel, interview par
Nicole Zand
Confrence de presse de 1992; Ely Ben Gal, about Israel and
Jean-Paul Sartre Tel- Mardi Chez Sartre. the Arabs
Aviv, 29 mars 1967 Un Hebreu Paris.
1967-1980, Flam-
Lettre au Prsident de la 25.4.67; Le Monde Sartres letter to de Situations VIII.
Rpublique et rponse Gaulle for a visa for Autour de 68, 1972
Dedijer (from Yu-
goslawia, chairman

28 / 37
at the Russell
Sartre de Gaulle 26.4./3.5.67; Le interview about the Situations VIII. as Sartre to de
Nouvel Observa- Russell Tribunal Autour de 68, 1972 Gaulle in Against
teur and de Gaulles the Crime of Si-
answer to Sartres lence, 1968
Tribunal Russell. Discours 1967; Gallimard (in opening speech Situations VIII. 1968 as Jean-Paul
inaugural Tribunal Russell: 2.5.67 Autour de 68, 1972 Sartre: Inaugural
Le jugement de Statement in
Stockholm) (hg. Against the Crime
Arlette El Kam) of Silence (Ber-
trand Russell
Peace Foundation)
Rponse Dean Rusk 1967; Gallimard 3.5.67, Sartres 1968 as Sartre to
(in: Tribunal Rus- answer to the Dean Rusk in
sell: Le jugement refusal of the U.S. Against the Crime
de Stockholm) Secretary of State of Silence (Ber-
Dean Rusk to be trand Russell
represented at the Peace Foundation)
Russell Tribunal
Douze hommes sans 24./30.5.67; Le interview about the Situations VIII. 1968 as Interview
colre Nouvel Observa- Russell Tribunal Autour de 68, 1972 to Le Nouvel Ob-
teur servateur in
Against the Crime
of Silence (Ber-
trand Russell
Peace Foundation)
Pour la vrit Jun. 67; TM preface to the
spezial edition
about Le conflit
Thoricien en Bolivie ! Jul. 67 ; Le Point almost identical originally a speech as A Theroetician
(Bruxelles) with Le crime at the Mutualit in Bolivia in Politics
monstreux de 30.5.67 and Literature,
Rgis Debray in Le 1973
Procs Rgis
Debray, Maspero,
Jean-Paul Sartre [Entre- 15.8.67 ; Radio film by Madeleine
tien la tlvision Radio Canada (TV) Gobeil and Claude
Canada] Lanzmann; als
DVD: Paris: BNF,
[Confrence de presse] 5.9.67 25.10.67 ; Jeune Press conference in M. Contat/M. [Confrence de
Cinma by Sartre about the Rybalka, uvres presse]
movie Le Mur at f Romanesques,
film festival in 1981
Le Gnocide Dec. 67; TM statement why the Situations VIII. 1968 as On Geno-
Russell Tribunal Autour de 68, 1972 cide in Against the
found the U.S. Crime of Silence
guilty of genocide (Bertrand Russell
in Vietnam Peace Founda-
tion); as Vietnam:
Imperialism and
Genocide in Be-
tween Existential-
ism and Marxism,
De Nuremberg Stock- Nov./Dec. 67; about the Russell Situations VIII.
holm Tricontinental 3 Tribunal Autour de 68, 1972
On nat plusieurs Socrate, 1967 Jul.-Oct. 2005; TM excerpts from a
on meurt seul interview with
Claude Lanzmann
Sartre sur la gauche isra- 1968 1992; Ely Ben Gal, unpublished text
lienne Mardi Chez Sartre.
Un Hebreu Paris.
1967-1980, Flam-
LIntellectuel face la Jan. 68; Le Point interview with J.-C. 1970 as Intellec-
rvolution (Bruxelles) Garot in Jan. 68 tutals and Revolu-
about the intellec- tion in Ramparts
tual and as Revolution
and the Intellectual
in Politics and

29 / 37
Litearture 1973
Message au Congrs 21.1.68; Granma probably due to
culturel de la Havane reservations
against Castros
politics Sartre sent
only greetings to
the congress with
the pretense of
Ich bin nicht gegen die 1968; Konkret interview with
Amerikaner, ich bin fr Dagobert Lindlau
Vietnam about U.S. and
Sartre la Sorbonne en Mai 68 27.5.-2.6.88; Le recording of a
mai 68 Nouvel Observa- plenary assembly
teur of the students by
Radio Europe 1 in
presence of Sartre
[Manifesto] 10.5.68 ; Le Monde solidarity address in : M. Contat/M. Manifesto in: The
to the students by Rybalka, Les crits Writings of Jean-
Sartre, Blanchot, de Sartre, 1970 Paul Sartre, Vol I,
Gorz, Lacan, Le- ed. M. Contat/M.
febvrre, Michel, Rybalka, 1974
LImagination au pouvoir 20.5.68; Le Nouvel Sartre interviews 1968 as Jean-Paul
Observateur Daniel Cohn-Bendit Sartre Talks to
in May 68 Danny the Red in
Atlas and as Daniel
Cohn-Bendit Inter-
viewed by Jean-
Paul Sartre in The
French Student
M. Jean-Paul Sartre la 22.5.68 ; Le Monde
Les Bastilles de Raymond 19./.25.6.68; Le interview Situations VIII.
Aron Nouvel Observa- Autour de 68, 1972
LIde neuve de Mai 1968 26.6./2.7.68; Le interview Situations VIII.
Nouvel Observa- Autour de 68, 1972
Die Revolution kommt 15.7.68; Der Spie- about the political as Les Commu- 1969 in Communis-
wieder nach Deutschland gel situation after May nistes ont peur de ta Are Afraid of
68 la rvolution in the Revolution : Two
book of the same Interviews in Mid-
name, Editions way
John Didier, Jan.
69, and in Situa-
tions VIII. Autour
de 68, 1972
Jean-Paul Sartre sui fatti 25.8.68 Paese interview with 1968 excerpts as
di Praga Sera Oretta Bongarzoni Crisis and Hope in
in Aug. 68 about The Nation
the invasion into
the CSSR and May
Jai pens un pays o on Nov. 68 ; Thtre text for the pre- in Un Thtre de as In the Mesh in
ne pourrait vraiement rien de la Ville miere of situations, 1973 Sartre on Theater,
faire dautre LEngrenage in ed. M.Contat/M.
France Rybalka, 1976
Il ny a pas de bon gaul- Nov. 68 4./10.11.68; Le against state re- Situations VIII.
lisme ... Nouvel Observa- pression Autour de 68, 1972
Le Mur au lyce 18.1.69; Le Monde about a teacher Situations VIII.
who was transfered Autour de 68, 1972
because he read
Le Mur together
with his pupils in
Israel, la gauche et les Jan. 69; Quaderni LArche, 1969; 1969 as Sartre
Arabes del Medio Oriente Situations VIII. Looks at the Middle
Autour de 68, 1972 East Again in
Un Juif dIsral a le droit Feb. 69; Le Fait about the Middle Situations VIII.
de rester dans sa patrie. public East conflict Autour de 68, 1972
En vertu du mme prin-

30 / 37
cipe, un Palestinien a le
droit dy retourner. Inter-
view par Claudine Chonez
La Jeunesse pige March 69 17./23.3.69; Le interview about the Situations VIII.
Nouvel Observa- failure of May 68 Autour de 68, 1972
LHomme au magnto- Apr. 69; TM Situations IX. 1969 as A Psycho-
phone (avec Dialogue Mlanges, 1972 analytic Dialogue,
psychanalytique, Rponse with a Commentary
Sartre par J.-B. Pontalis by Jean-Paul
et Rponse Sartre par Sartre in Ramparts;
Bernard Pingaud) as The Man with a
Tape-recorder in
Between Existen-
tialism and Marx-
ism, 1974
Prface Aug. 69: in: Au- preface to a collec-
jourdhui la Grce tion of articles
und in TM about Greece
(among the authors
Andreas Papan-
Classe e partito Sept. 69 Sept. 69; in Classe interview about the als Masses, spon- 1969 as The Risk
e partito una situation after May tanit, parti in of Spontaneity and
conversazione con 68 Situations VIII. Logic of the Institu-
Jean-Paul Sartre e Autour de 68, 1972 tion in Telos ; 1974
una nota introdutti- as France : Mas-
va, in Il Manifesto ses, Spontenity,
Party in Between
Existentialism and
Itinerary of a thought Nov./Dec. 69; new interview with P. Situations IX. 1974 as Itinerary of
left review (Lon- Anderson, R. Mlanges, 1972 a Thought in Be-
don) Fraser and (als Sartre par tween Existential-
Q.Hoare Sartre) ism and Marxism ;
in Conversations
with Jean-Paul
Sartre, 2006
Sartre: Son My rientranella 11.12.69 14.12.69, Paese TV interview about
logica della guerra anti- Sera My Lai (Song-My)
popolare massacre in S.
Brgerkrieg in Frankreich. 1970; Hessischer
interview with J.-P. Sartre Rundfunk (Hessian
und A. Glucksmann Radio/Germany)
Kein Erbarmen mit den 1970; Pardon about left-wing
Linken. interview with politics and vio-
Alice Schwarzer lence; slightly
shortened as Ak-
tion statt Druck-
erschwrze in Nov.
70; Neues Forum
Le socialisme qui venait 1970; in Antonin preface; about the Situations IX. 1970 as The So-
du froid Liehm, Trois gn- Soviet system Mlanges, 1972 cialism That Came
rations, Gallimard in from the Cold in
Evergreen Re-
view ; 1974 as
Czechoslovakia :
The Socialism That
Came from the
Cold in Between
Existentialism and
Marxism, 1974
Je Tu Il 1970; in Andr Situations IX.
Puig, Linachev, Mlanges, 1972
Le peuple brsilien sous le 29.1.70; speech on a soli- Situations VIII. 1970 as Brazil in
feu crois des bourgeois Tmoignage darity conference Autour de 68, 1972 Torment in The
chrtien with the Brazilian Spokesman
Intervention la conf- Feb. 70 about four impris- Situations VIII.
rence de presse du comi- oned left-wing Autour de 68, 1972
t, le 27 janvier 1970 soldiers
M. Jean-Paul Sartre prend 28.-29.4.70; Le
la Direction de <La Cause Monde
du Peule>

31 / 37
Une dclaration de M. 17.-18.5.70 ; Le about confiscation
Jean-Paul Sartre Monde of La Cause du
M. Jean-Paul Sartre et La 19.5.70; Le Monde
Cause du Peuple
Toute la vrit 27.5.70; Le Monde about political Situations VIII.
justice in France Autour de 68, 1972
Le Systme capitaliste ne 9.7.70 ; Combat
peut plus se maintenir
sans une repression
Le Tiers monde com- 13.6.70 Jul. 1970; Triconti- contribution to a Situations VIII.
mence au banlieue nental discussion of the Autour de 68, 1972
trade union of the
Senegalese work-
ers in France on
the occasion of the
publication of the
book Livre des
travailleurs afri-
cains en France
LAmi du peuple Sept. 70; Lidiot interview about the Sartre/B. Pin- 1974 as A Friend
international intellectual gaud/D. Mascolo, of the People in
Du Rle de Between Existen-
lintellectuel dans le tialism and Marx-
mouvement rvolu- ism, 1974
tionnaire, 1971;
Situations VIII.
Autour de 68, 1972
Interview mit Sartre im Interview with excerpt as Die
ARD Sartre on ARD Praxis des Philo-
(German TV) sophen in Theater
heute (Sep. 70)
Sartre on Mexico Oct. 70 ; The doubtful that this is
Spokesman (Not- really a text by
tingham/U.K. ; Sartre
Bertrand Russell
Peace Foundation)
Coexistences Oct. 70; Derrire le preface to a cata- Situations IX.
mirroir logue of on Paul Mlanges, 1972
Rebeyrolle exhibi-
A Renault-Billancourt, Nov. 70; Lidiot Situations IX.
Jean-Paul Sartre. Le international Mlanges, 1972
Peuple tait l
LAffaire Geismar Nov. 1970; in Situations VIII.
LIdiot interantional Autour de 68, 1972
and as Prcd du
Minutes du procs
dAlain Geismar,
Ed. Hallier
Jean-Paul Sartre lance un 13.-14.12.70 ; Le excerpt from a
appel la justice popu- Monde treatise by Secours
laire contre les Houillres Rouge in Libert
du Nord vaincra!, No. 1,
(Dec. 70)
Ein Betriebstribunal. inter- 1971; in Der Intel- about the mine
view with Claude Kiejman lektuelle und die accident in Lens
Revolution, Luch- 1970, lleft-wing
terhand politics and vio-
Le Procs de Burgos 1971; in Gisle preface by Sartre; Situations X. Politi- 1977 as The Bur-
Halimi, Le Procs about the situation que et autobiogra- gos Trial in
de Burgos, Galli- in the Basque phie, 1976 Life/Situations:
mard country Essays Written and
Discours de Jean-Paul 1971 1992; Ely Ben Gal, about anti-semitism
Sartre la Mutualit, le 7 Mardi Chez Sartre. in the U.S.S.R.
janvier 1971 Un Hebreu Paris.
1967-1980, Flam-
Conversacin con un 12.2.71; Marcha
militante llamado Jean- (Montevideo)
Paul Sartre
LIdiot de la famille. 1954-71 Mrz. 71; Gallimard in the U.S. 1981 as
Gustave Flaubert de The Family Idiot:
1821 1857. Tome 1 Gustave Flaubert,

32 / 37
1821-1857, Vol. 1
LIdiot de la famille. 1954-71 Mrz. 71; Gallimard in the U.S.
Gustave Flaubert de 1987/89/91 as The
1821 1857. Tome 2 Family Idiot: Gus-
tave Flaubert,
1821-1857, Vol. 2-
LActeur 1971; aus LIdiot Un Thtre de as The Actor in
de la famille I, situations, 1973 Sartre on Theater,
Gallimard ed. M.Contat/M.
Rybalka, 1976
LActeur comique 1971; aus LIdiot Un Thtre de as The Comic
de la famille I, situations, 1973 Actor in Sartre on
Gallimard Theater, ed.
M.Contat/M. Ry-
balka, 1976
Sur Lidiot de la famille, 14.5.1971; Le Situations X. Politi- 1977 as On the
interview par M. Contat et Monde que et autobiogra- Idiot of the Family
M. Rybalka phie, 1976 in Life/Situations:
Essays Written and
Iron in his Soul 4.9.1971 ; The interview by John as Sartre accuses
Guardian (Man- Gerassi the Intellectuals of
chester) Bad Faith in New
York Times Maga-
zine 17.10.71
Situations VIII. Autour de Dec. 71; Gallimard 1974 as Between
68 Existentialism and
Situations IX. Mlanges Dec. 71; Gallimard 1974 as Between
Existentialism and
Premier procs populaire 1972; Situations Sartre as prosecu-
Lens VIII. Autour de 68 tor in a peoples
process against
the repsonsibles of
the mine desaster
in Lens 1970
Liebe Genossen! 1972; preface to Sartres major text
Sozialistisches about psychiatry
Aus der Krankheit
eine Waffe ma-
chen, Trikont
Sartre, les juifs, Isral et le 1972 1992; Ely Ben Gal,
judasme Mardi Chez Sartre.
Un Hebreu Paris.
1967-1980, Flam-
Dclaration de Jean-Paul 7.1.72; La Cause
Sartre la confrence de du Peuple
presse du Comit Vrit
Toul. mercredi 5 janvier
Les Maos en France Feb. 72; in Michle preface Situations X. Politi- 1977 as The Mao-
Manceaux, Maos que et autobiogra- ists in France in
en France phie, 1976 Life/Situations:
Essays Written and
Justice et Etat 25.2.72 1972; lecture about politi- Situations X. Politi- 1977 as Justice
cal justice to the que et autobiogra- and the State in
bar association in phie, 1976 Life/Situations:
Bruxelles Essays Written and
MM. Sartre et Clavel: 10.3.72 ; Le Monde short statement
ctait prvisible about the kidnap-
ping of Nogrette
Lynchage ou justice popu- 17.5.72; La Cause
laire ? du Peuple-
Un Dbat entre M. Jean- 26.5.72; Le Monde
Paul Sartre et La Cause
du Peuple
LIdiot de la famille. 1954-1972 Jun. 72; Gallimard in the U.S. 1993 as
Gustave Flaubert de The Family Idiot:
1821 1857. Tome 3 Gustave Flaubert,
1821-1857, Vol. 5

33 / 37
Notes sur Madame Bovary Mai 1980; LArc 79:
Die Werksbullen haben 19.6.72; Der Spie-
uns verprgelt gel
Ouverture dun dbat sur 21.6.72; La Cause
La Cause du Peuple du Peuple
A propos de Munich 15.10.72; La about the Munich
Cause du peuple massacre during
Jaccuse the Olympic
Je ne suis plus raliste Nov. 72, Gulliver 1991, in Sartre
[interview par P. Verstrae- Alive, ed. R. Aron-
ten] son/A.v.d.Hoven
Whats Jean-Paul Sartre Dec. 72, Esquire
thinking lately ?
Prface de Jean-Paul 1973; in Olivier
Sartre Todd, Une demi-
campagne (Les
Paums), Galli-
La Chronique de Jean- 15.1.73; Libration
Paul Sartre: O com-
mence le viol?
Elections, pige cons Jan. 1973; TM about parlamentary Situations X. Politi- 1977 as Elections:
elections que et autobiogra- A Trap for Fools in
phie, 1976 Life/Situations:
Essays Written and
Jean-Paul Sartre 7.2.73 1973 ; in : Jacques interview on Radio
Chancel, Radios- France Culture
copie, tome 3
Sartre parle des maos Feb. 1973; Actuel interview with M.- as Entretien avec as On Maoism: An
A. Burnier Sartre in Tout Va Interview with
Bien, Genve, Nr. Jean-Paul Sartre in
4, 20. Feb.-20. Telos 1973; A
Mrz. 1973 Conversation with
Jean-Paul Sartre in
Ramparts (San
Francisco) 1974
Volksfront nicht besser als 12.2.73; Der Spie- Popular front of
Gaullisten gel Communists and
Socialists is not
better than the
Propos de la justice 1. Trim. 1973 ; Pro
populaire. Entretien avec Justicia Nr. 2, 1973
Jean-Paul Sartre
Entretien avec Francis 17.6.73 1974; in: F. Jean-
Jeanson son, Sartre dans sa
Un Thtre de situations Jul. 73; Gallimard ed., M. Contat/M. 1976 as Sartre on
Rybalka Theater
Entretien tlphonique, le 1973 1973; Al Hamish- about the Yom 1992; Ely Ben Gal,
26 octobre 1973, au mo- mar (Israel) Kippur War 1973 Mardi Chez Sartre.
ment de la guerre du Un Hebreu Paris.
Kippour [Cette guerre 1967-1980, Flam-
aurait pu aboutir la marion
desctruction de lEtat
Cette guerre ne peut que 29.10.73; Librati- about the Yom
contarier lvolution du on Kippur War 1973
Moyen-Orient vers le
Entretiens de S. de Beau- 1974 1981; Gallimard 1984 as Convers-
voir avec J.-P. Sartre, sations with Jean-
dans: S. de Beauvoir: La Paul Sartre in S, de
crmonie des adieux Beauvoir, Adieux:
A Farewell to
durchaus zu kritisieren Sommer 73 1974; Kursbuch 35 excerpt from an
interview by
Schwartzer with
Beauvoir and
Sartre on NDR
(German TV)
Les lections, lUnion de 13./14.4.74 ; Lib- for Piaget as can-

34 / 37
la gauche, la Nouvelle ration didate for president
Discussion entre Sartre, 7.6.74 ; Libration,
Marcuse, Gavi et Victor par H. Lassithiota-
On a raison de se rvol- 1972-74 1974; Gallimard
ter. Discussions (avec (Reihe La France
Philippe Gavi et Pierre sauvage)
On peut dire quil y a, l, 1.12.1974 Jul.-Oct. 2005; TM 2.12.74, Interview
violation des droits de on ARD (German
lhomme TV)
Schreckliche Situation 2.12.74; Der Spie- interview with A.
gel Schwarzer on the
occasion of Sar-
tres visit with
La Mort lente dAndreas 7.12.74 ;
Simone de Beauvoir inter- 1975; LArc, Nr. 61 Situations X. Politi- 1977 as Simone de
roge Jean-Paul Sartre que et autobiogra- Beuavoir Inter-
phie, 1976 views Sartre in
Essays Written and
Spoken; in Con-
versations with
Jean-Paul Sartre,
The Interview [with Jean- 12./19.5.75 1981; in The phi- Une Vie pour la
Paul Sartre by M. Rybalka, losophy of Jean- philosophie: entre-
O. Pucciani, S. Guenheck] Paul Sartre, ed. by tien avec Jean-
P. A. Schilpp Paul Sartre, in
magazine littraire,
Feb. 2000

Sartre et le Portugal 22.-26.4.75 Libra-

Le Tribunal Russel et la 10.5.75 ; Le Monde
[Lettre de Sartre Kosik] 29./30.6.75 ; Le
[Interview for ABC] 1975; TV emission respsonible: Max
on ABC (Australia); Charlesworth
1976 in The Exis-
tentialists and
Jean-Paul Sartre,
George Prior (Lon-
Autoportrait soixante-dix 23.-13.7.75; Le excerpt in Libra- Situations X. Politi- 1977 as Self-
ans Nouvel Observa- tion 1.9.75 as que et autobiogra- Portrait at Seventy
teur LIntellectuel est phie, 1976 in Life/Situations:
vou disparatre Essays Written and
Sartre parle de lEspagne 28.10.75, Libra-
Terrorism can be justified 10.11.75; News-
week, European
Situations X. Politique et 1976; Gallimard
Pour les rencontres de 5./.6./7.6.76 ;
Pentecte au Larzac : Libration
Jean-Paul Sartre : Je
voulais savoir comment
votre libert pouvait
sopposer au pouvoir
Sartre et largent 1972 20.-26.10.76; Une excerpt from un-
Semaine de Pa- published material
ris/Pariscope of the film by As-
truc and Contat
about Sartre
Sartre parle de Flaubert, Nov. 1976; maga-
interview par Michel Sicard zine littraire
Lettre de soutien de Jean 12.11.76 ; Librati- in favour of de-
Paul Sartre on tained Corsicans
Interview with Sartre 25.11.76 Nr. 4-5/77 ; De interview by Leo in: Jean-Paul

35 / 37
Gids (Amsterdam) Fretz Sartre : Contempo-
rary Approaches to
His Philosophy, ed.
LHonneur qui me vient de 28.11.76; Tribune interview about his
Jrusalem juive (Paris) relationship to
Jews and Israels
when Sartre re-
ceived an honorary
degree at the Univ.
of Jerusalem
Non fate il processo a 1976; Corriere commentary about
Pasolini della Sera homosexuality on
the occasion of the
trial against Pasoli-
nis assassin
Discours de Sartre 1976 1992; Ely Ben Gal,
lambassade dIsral pour Mardi Chez Sartre.
lacceptation de son di- Un Hebreu Paris.
plme de docteur honoris 1967-1980, Flam-
causa de luniversit marion
hebraque de Jrusalem, 7
novembre 1976
Sartre. Un film ralis par Feb./Mrz. 1977; Gallimard book to the film the film was first 1978 as Sartre by
Alexandre Astruc et Michel 72, Herbst about Sartre; avail- shown at the film himself
Contat 75/Winter able also as video festival in Cannes
76 on 27.5.76; pre-
miere in Paris on
Sartre et les femmes 1977; Le Nouvel interview with as Sartre and
Observateur Catherine Chaine Women in Playboy
Pouvoir et libert: actualit 6.1.77; Libration dialogue with P.
de Sartre Victor
Les militants socialistes et 10.2.77 ; Le Monde
la construction de lEurope
La musique nous donne 28.7.77 ; Le Monde
une possibilit de capter le
monde tel quil fut
Libert e potere non vanno 9.9.77; Lotta Con- English as Liberty
in coppia tinua and Power Do Not
Go Together
mes amis israliens 4./5.12.77; Le after Sadats visit in
Monde Jerusalem

Conversacin con Jean- 11.6.78 ; El Pas interview with J.

Paul Sartre Goytisolo
Entretiens Jean-Paul 1978; Nouvel 1992; Ely Ben Gal,
Sartre Arlette Elkam- Observateur (abge- Mardi Chez Sartre.
Sartre Benny Lvy lehnt) Un Hebreu Paris.
(Pierre Victor) 1967-1980, Flam-
Dclaration commune 1978; Nouvel 1992; Ely Ben Gal,
Jean-Paul Sartre Benny Observateur (abge- Mardi Chez Sartre.
Lvy lehnt) Un Hebreu Paris.
1967-1980, Flam-
Entretien avec Simone de Obliques 18-19, interview with
Beauvoir et Jean-Paul Sartre indit, 1979 M.Sicard
Man muss fr sich selbst 7.6.79 12/1979, Merkur interview by Rupert interessing state-
und fr die anderen leben Neudeck ments about his
time in Berlin
Entretien avec Sartre Jan. 79 Dec. 79; Travail interview with B. Oct.-Dec. 1990;
thtrale, No. 32- Dort TM
Anarchie et Morale. Entre- 1979 1982 ; Concordia 1
tien avec J.-P. Sartre (1982) 7-10
[avec Ral Fornet-
Betancourt, A. Gomz, M.
Germany Yesterday and 1979/80; Telos Sartre is hardly
Today: A discussion with involved in this

36 / 37
Jean-Paul Sartre, Alice discussion
Schwarzer and Daniel
Umanesimo e violenza Oct./Nov. 79 ; interview with M.-A.
LEuropeo Macciocchi
Entretien avec Jean-Paul Nov. 79 Mai 80 ; LArc 79 :
Sartre Flaubert
La Gauche, le dsespoir et 10./11.11.79 ; Le
lespoir Matin
Comment Sartre voit le 23.10.78- 15.11.79; Les talks with Franois-
journalisme aujourdhui 7.6.79 Nouvelles Littrai- Marie Samuelson
Sur l'enseignement de la Feb. 80 Apr. 1980 ; Cahiers as Ce qui est
philosophie philosophiques, 6 intressant, ce
nest pas ce qui est
pass, cest ce qui
va venir. Entretien
qvec Jean-Paul
Sartre in Jean-Paul
Sartre : du mythe
lhistoire, ed. G-
rard Wormser,
Lyon: sens-public,
Jean-Paul Sartre et les 1980; Le Gai Pied in : Jean Le Bitoux,
homosexuels Entretiens sur la
question gay,
Bziers : H&O,
LEspoir maintenant 1980; Le Nouvel LEspoir mainte- 1980 as The Last
(dialogue avec B. Lvy) Observateur nant, Gallimard, Words of Jean-
1991 Paul Sartre in
Dissent; 1996 als :
Hope Now
uvres romanesques (d. 1981; Gallimard Srie Plade
par M. Contat/M. Rybalka)
Penser lart. Entretien 1981; Obliques:
[avec Michel Sicard] Sartre et les arts
Questions sur la musique 1981; Obliques:
moderne. Entretien avec Sartre et les arts
Jean-Yves Bosseur et
Michel Sicard
crits de jeunesse 1990; Gallimard ;
Hg. Michel Contat /
Michel Rybalka
Thatre complet (d. par 2005; Gallimard Srie Plade


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