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Name: Lizzie Doster

Lesson #: 3.H.2.1 Lesson Title: Change over time in history using biographies

Grade Level/Subject: 3rd/Social Studies Topic: Change over time using Rosa Parks biography

NCES/CCSS Standard and 3.H.2.1 Use historical thinking skills to understand the context of
Objective events, people, and places. Explain change over time through
historical narratives.

W.3.4- With Guidance and support from adults, produce writing in

which the development and organization are appropriate to task and
Revised Blooms level of Explain- Students should be able to explain information from the
thinking/type of knowledge text to write the cause and effect using a graphic organizer as a
Behavioral Objective Students should work independently on their graphic organizer
and then write a paragraph describing the cause and effect using
the given vocabulary terms.
Objective Rationale Students are learning this content because it is important for students to
see how the past reflects the future and how things evolve over time.
Seeing the one act of courage from Rosa Parks and how those many
encounters pushed freedom for our country is important.
Prerequisite Knowledge and Students should have a rough background with the Civil Rights
Skills Movement.
Students should understand how to compare then and now.
Students should have already have practice using a T-chart.
Key Terms and Vocabulary Civil Rights Movement
Content and Strategies Instructional
Focus/Review Teacher will use PowerPoint slides throughout the
lesson. To begin the lesson students will answer
questions focusing on their prior knowledge and PowerPoint
background knowledge. slides

What do you know about the Civil rights?

Can you tell me any people you have studied so
Has anyone heard of Rosa Parks?
Objective as stated for Today we will learn about Rosa Parks and how things change over time.
students By the end of the lesson you will know how to analyze history in a
biographical text with first, then and now.
Teacher Input Before the youtube video is played, teacher will go
through how to use a T-Chart using the Little House
photo. Teacher will do a think aloud when looking at
the images.

Students will sit on the carpet while the youtube video Organizer
of the I am Rosa Parks book is read. Students will (T-chart)
have their T-chart filling out the left circle as they have
the book be read to them. For ELL students, they will
receive a fill in the blank to fill out during the video
instead. Students should have at least three points in
each section. Teacher will give clear instructions on
how to sit on the carpet to watch the video.

We are going to quietly come to the carpet and make a

moon shape so that every student can see the screen.
Bring your T-charts as you will be filling that out as the
video is played and the book is read to you. If you talk
or begin to distract others from
listening to the book you will be
asked to come back and sit in
your seat. Can someone repeat
back to me the instructions?
Guided Practice After the video is played teacher and students will go Compare and
over the T-chart and discuss the cause and effect in contrast
relation to the video played. Teacher will have students
give examples of two things that they put under each
section while watching the video. The ELL students
will be using their printed sheets with sentence starters/
fill in the blank questions.

- Can someone give me an example of what they put in the

first column? What was going on during that time period?
- Can someone give me an example of what happened in
the story that started to change history?
- Because of that event (Rosa Parks), what is it like now?
Independent Practice Teacher will show the writing prompt: Use your T-chart to write one
paragraph explaining the cause and effect that happened with Rosa Park.
Students will write independently using their graphic organizer to help.
Closure Using Plicker, the technology app that allows students to answer questions
using a score sheet, students will answer an exit door question. Cards will
be handed out to each student and they must hold up the right side to
answer the question.

Rosa Parks wouldn't get off of the bus. How did that one event change today?
Evaluation Learning will be evaluated by the paragraph that the students write as well
as the exit ticket question on Plicker. Students should include 3 things
from the video and explain both the cause and two effects that happened
because of that event.

- Rosa Parks was the first African-American to refuse to move seats for a white
- Rosa Parks refused to do what?
- Rosa Parks wouldn't get off of the bus. How did that one event change
- When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat, it sparked the what?
- What was one of the causes to all of the change happening?
Plans for Individual For the ELL students they will receive sentences to fill in the blanks
Differences instead of making and filling out their own T-chart. This will help students
use the correct language and scaffold learning. There will also be a lot of
visuals used throughout the lesson including the instructions.
Materials, Resources
Plicker cards (printed)
Plicker app
ELL supportive note-taking document
21st Century Skills Students will use learning and innovation skills, particularly critical
thinking. Students will need this 21st century skill when taking notes
during the book reading and understanding how Rosa Parks changed
history. (Cause and effect)
Global Awareness Recognition of differences
o During the guided practice portion of the lesson plan
students were able to discuss the diversity and segregation
back then and how it has changed now. They were able to
see how racial segregation is not freedom and how much of
what we do now could not be if it wasnt for courageous
people to stand up and say That is wrong.
Culturally Responsive Communication of high expectations.
Teaching o During the teacher input there was clear expectations for
how students should be sitting on the carpet during the
video, consequences if they do not keep to that
expectation, and expectations on what the students should
be doing while watching the video.

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