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Weeks 6 and 8

Workout One
Cardio Circuit G
Equipment Needed: Chair/Bench
Allot one minute for each exercise.
Beginner: 30 seconds active, 30 seconds rest, repeat 4x
Intermediate: 45 seconds active, 15 seconds rest, repeat
sequence 4x
Advanced: 60 seconds active, rest one minute between rounds,
repeat 4x

Or Follow the suggested amount of reps, repeat 4x

20 Burpees
15 Decline Push-ups
40 Bicycles
30 Wide leg squat jumps
15 Bicep Curl with resistance band (each arm)
15 Single leg lunge with one leg on bench
(each leg)
20 Plank Hold with upright row (each arm)
30 Side to Side over bench (total)

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