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Human error means that something has been done that was not intended by the actor; not

desired by a set of rules or an external observer; or that led the task or system outside its
acceptable limits. In short, it is a deviation from intention, expectation or desirability. Logically,
human actions can fail to achieve their goal in two different ways: the actions can go as planned,
but the plan can be inadequate (leading to mistakes); or, the plan can be satisfactory, but the
performance can be deficient (leading to slips and lapses). However, a mere failure is not an
error if there had been no plan to accomplish something in particular.


Description: The climate changes are not kidding issue now a day, as should be obvious in our
day by day life. Now and again its getting excessively hot and now and then excessively cool.
This is happening because of the an Earth-wide temperature boost which causes because of the
contamination. We are frightened with the mind-boggling and everlasting impact of debacles like
storms, surges, quakes leaves the earth as well as the human lives. Yet now a day we are not
getting the right data of the climate, which in a roundabout way influences the numerous living
species. With this wrong data there will be enormous misfortune to general society who are
living likewise like influence cuts, fuel lack.

Detection: There can't be any location to this unless bearing the outcomes after the influence. For
instance, in a city Sichuan, china 2008 a major tremor has been happened and this outcomes in
the loss of numerous individuals. No one thinks about the force of the seismic tremor, yet it
brought obliteration to the area and tumult to many individuals. As of late, there was a
tremendous measure of downpour in Beijing and later it causes surges in that place, which brings
about loss of their homes and families. Due to the slip gauging, Beijing has turned into a water
city. The principle reason for the climate estimating is to caution the individuals who are ignorant
of it, as they can make a move to secure themselves, their families and homes from fiasco.
Because of these blunders numerous individuals have passed on and got to be homeless.

Prevention: In some piece of aversion, there ought to be more effective approaches to caution the
individuals to make tracks in an opposite direction from the catastrophe that is going to come.
On the off chance that climate conjectures need to minimize the issue, we need to alert the other
individuals about the risk and verify that they are in the safe spot. I accept we have to examine
further down into their satellite and enhance the innovation with a specific end goal to outline the
headway of the projects. Common fiascos can be happened at whatever time which is erratic and
there can numerous conceivable ways which can be cautioned. As they use extensive variety of
innovation to get the data, it ought to get ad libbed every day with the help meteorologist's
hardware. As these are the piece of the earths however we need to discover the better and
possible arrangements and this can be more inventive with the TQM framework.
2) Emergency Train Stop System

The Indian Railway network has a chain pulling system for emergency stops of trains. Pulling of
the train activates the trains emergency brakes. Human error can prove costly in this scenario, in
which the chain in the train has been painted over and no signs are visible instructing passengers
of how and when to use the apparatus. The image also shows that the cable is damaged,
hindering its functionality and endangering passengers if an emergency arises.

Emergency pull chains should be clearly labeled with instruction on how to use them. The chains
should also be distinctive so that they are easy to spot. Chains which do not meet these
requirements are poorly maintained.

Proper maintenance should be carried out periodically to avoid the error shown in this image.
Painting over the chain must be removed and signs added beside the chain with instructions for
3) Improper Vehicle Operation Texting While Driving

More often than we would like, accidents are reported on highways and local roads. Whether
they are fender benders or totaled vehicles, texting while driving has become a common theme
behind these accidents. Texting while driving has become a chronic hindrance to proper
operation of vehicles and is one of the leading causes of traffic deaths in the United States.

Texting while driving lead to the improper operation of a vehicle.

People must not make/receive any calls or text message while driving. Hand-free devices must
be used in emergency situations or the individual must pull to the side of the road to use any
devices if required. The best way to prevent traffic accidents related to phone usage is to not use
the phone.


Description: This is the most widely recognized issue each one would have confronted in normal
life. The issue is that disintegration of asphalt results in blockage of water furthermore may harm
the vehicles going through it. Because of the disintegrated asphalt the issue that I confronted is
harm of auto wheels. These issues can be brought on because of progress in climatic conditions.
By and large because of substantial snow pot openings are effectively shaped which later on
forms into huge gap and prompts complete disintegration of asphalt.
Detection: Asphalt disintegration can for the most part be recognized by visual review which will
be exhausted on use, however as a rule disintegration can't be discovered just by seeing.
Unpleasantness is one of the viewpoint to recognize whether the street is going to disintegrate or
not. Other would the breaks in the asphalt due low quality of material taking care of amid the
asphalt laying methodology. The deeper the gaps higher would be the expenses related for
repairs. The manageability of the asphalt relies on upon the nature of methodology that is taken
after for asphalt development.

Prevention: Avoidance of asphalt disintegration is by and large impractical on the grounds that it
might be any sort of methodology that may be taken after, upon utilization asphalt will be
disintegrated without a doubt. Yet the supportability can be enhanced by taking after quality and
eco-accommodating strategy for development of asphalt. Specialists must be instructed with
respect to the procedure that is to be followed in laying the asphalt furthermore the sort of
asphalt. For building longer life asphalts the materials utilized for blending ought to be resistive
towards variety in temperatures, for example, great cool and compelling warmth. Auto harms
consequently lessens in light of the fact that the asphalt with no inconsistencies causes no impact
to the wheels which would specifically be in contact.
5) Paperwork:

Human error: The inconvenience of locating relevant material. This was also a major human
error that I encountered at my work place. The company was still following traditional ways of
paperwork, manuals and procedures. The technical log entries were unclear, unavailability of
relevant manuals or procedures, failures to complete paperwork correctly, difficulty of locating
relevant material, error in log entries were all the difficulties faced because of paper work and
manual. The inconvenience created was really high creating congestion, storage of paperwork.

Detection: Any past data that needed immediate action was not possible due to the paperwork.
Any technical difficulty with a machine had to be sorted out only with the help of manuals. It
was time consuming.

Prevention: Manuals were digitalized after requesting digital copies from the machine
manufacturers. Data entry was carried out with the help of an app that helped store all data in
cloud. Any data could be retrieved and viewed by anyone when needed. Each worker in every
process had a tablet to view the dimensions. Any managerial change made will indicate a change
directly to the employee. All the procedures were also digitalized. Lots of storage was saved. It
became paperless therefore becoming much more sustainable.

6) Obsolete stock due to miscommunication:

Human error: Miscommunication can cause huge capital lose to any company. Another human
error I experienced in the company I worked was miscommunication. Raw materials for the
manufacturing of pumps were procured from a supplier. Raw materials were acquired from the
suppliers every 5 days based on the demand for the month. Managerial decision makers, after
deciding to redesign the pump made a temporary halt in the production. Due to ambiguous
communications, workforce was isolated from the managerial decisions. A batch of raw materials
was purchased and 50 parts underwent drilling even after the production of the old design was
completely stopped. Due to only a minor change in design the raw materials did not become
obsolete but the drilled parts became obsolete. Miscommunication led to storage of obsolete

Detection: Obsolete parts found in temporary inventory.

Prevention: KANBAN was applied for better communication between the processes. The
organization conducted meetings every week and communicated to all employees. The
organization became more transparent.


Description and Detection: The street bicycle or cycle is normally utilized as a part of the school
days. The streets are tight and loaded with prickly shrubs, thin stones and other street hindrances
that can peril for the bicycle or cycle tire. Because of right on time age, the brain is sharp and
preferences to do stunts and thusly a human mistake happens and preferences to run the street
bicycle on these thin entries and subsequently the tire will be punctured. In the youthful age, the
vast majority of young person attempt to do trick and utilize a slender section. Actually, they
appreciate with street boundaries and difficulties and in the meantime human slip happen when
they have no sense in regards to tire condition. The issue can distinguish effectively when we
perceive about slim feel worn out on engine bicycle or bike. Most imperative thing favor and
hustling bike have slender tire and amid drive because of carelessness this issue happen.

Prevention: In the event that it depends on human instinct then it will hard to control while on the
off chance that we recognize about tire and section we can keep from tire cut later on. Secondly,
the significant concern is learning base counteractive action. Information about tire and driven
cycle can spare this human blunder and recovery from tire cut.
8) Weight Detector in Travel Baggage


Nowadays, people who are travelling in flights are increasing day by day. And in the airport
scenario, Baggage weight is an essential criterion to check-in the baggages. Each airline has
their own restrictions. Human Beings mentality is that they want more and them stuff in all
items, they forget about the bag weight. This is a human error, which most passengers do. This
becomes a fuss in both sides (Passenger and Airline authorities) when they check-in their
baggages and leads to panic.


Adding a weight detector in every baggage can easily prevent this human error. This becomes
very easy for the passengers to restrict themselves to the constrained weight given by each
airline. This would also be easy to do automatic baggage check-in in airports and saves time.
9) Pedestrian Crossing Governor in all vehicles:


Another common problem faced by the people of the United States, apart from accidents, would
be pedestrian crossing fines! A lot of us hardly stop, even after seeing the pedestrian crossing
sign board, when a cop car isnt in the vicinity, a few of us eventually due to bad luck get fined
by doing so. People dont seem to realize the importance until a life is lost.


One way to avoid fines as well as taking a life would be installing governors in say most of the
vehicles, right from the small ones to the big ones, the advantage being able to reduce their
speeds a mile before the pedestrian crossing sign board and actually letting people cross the road
without the fear of getting hit.

10) Pre-Collision system:

Human error: Braking is really vital when it comes to vehicles. Human error in braking can
occur due to negligence etc. Lack of braking could also occur if the driver is preoccupied with
any emergency.

Detection: Radar is used to detect if a vehicle is too close and also to detect potentially
dangerous crashes.

Prevention: In such cases systems sound an alarm to notify drivers that a collision may be
imminent. A beeping sound is produced to simply alert the driver and get him or her ready to
take evasive action. Other systems actually take control of certain aspects of the car. There are
pre-crash brake systems, which apply additional pressure to the car's brakes to assist the driver in
slowing the car down as fast as possible and potentially reducing damage caused by an accident.
Pre-collision systems place small radar detectors up near the front of the car, usually within the
grill, where they constantly send out quick bursts of high-frequency radar waves. These radar
waves will bounce off the nearest objects and return to the sensor, where a separate unit
connected to the sensor calculates how long it took for the signal to leave and bounce back.
Based on the time it took the wave to return a PCS unit can determine another cars position,
speed and distance.
11) Gas Leakage

The use of gas cylinders in kitchens is commonplace in developing countries. Gas cylinders are
often used for kitchen stoves and water tanks, both of which involve routine activities. Hence, it
is possible to sometimes forget to turn off the cylinder properly. This may result in deadly fires
and explosions.
Gas can usually be detected through smell and the use of sensors. Safety sensors are being
implemented on gas cylinders that automatically shut off the valve when a stove is not being
used. Gas leak sensors should also be implemented around the house to ensure that leaks are
detected before any serious harm is done.
12) Improper Garbage Disposal
In many developing countries, a system for proper garbage disposal does not exist. People
dispose of garbage without regard to where it is being dumped or whether any articles can be
recycled. This can lead to the spreading of diseases and unhealthy environmental conditions.
Although ignorance plays a huge role in improper waste disposal, a lack of a waste management
system or a system to educate people about recycling is also a key cause. Pollution not only
exacerbates epidemics, but also makes communities inhabitable.
It is important to ensure that people are properly educated about how to dispose of waste and that
a waste management system is implemented to collect garbage. Recycling should also be
implemented to reduce the carbon footprint.

1) 2016 Laid Huge Cleantech Foundations In 2017, Well Start Seeing The Beautiful
by Swapnil Bamne - Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 7:25 PM
The hypothesis that GM is well aware that EVs are the end game and want to make darn
sure that they have the internal skills across the board, the technical experience to be on
version 3.0 or later when the hockey stick hits (battery packs at $50/kWh and market share
skyrockets from 2% to 20% to 50%) have the suppliers cultivated and ready, and have the
patent portfolio ready. Toyota too. In the meantime, they sell what has the best margins and
keeps the company going. Timing will be tricky but GM seems to be mostly ready. A couple
firms will have outsourced everything or be on version 1.0 and they will fail. Fiat, Subaru,
Ram, Mazda, Jeep - look for them to sell these brands to someone else.

Thank You

- Swapnil Bamne (sbb27)

2) Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid Has 31% Lower Environmental Impact Than Conventional

by Swapnil Bamne - Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 5:39 PM

Cars that run entirely or partly on electricity from a battery pack have no tailpipe emissions,
but to judge their overall impact, you have to look at lifetime wells-to-wheels emissions. That
includes emissions associated with extracting, refining, and burning the fuel used to make
the electricity that recharges them, as well as the same for any gasoline they burn if they're
plug-in hybrids. At Detroit Auto Show, Fiat Chrysler released calculations on the life-cycle
greenhouse-gas emissions of its 2017 Chrysler Pacifica Hybrid plug-in minivan. And as with
all cars powered on grid electricity (even those from dirty grids), the addition of the Pacifica
Hybrid's 33 miles of all-electric range significantly lowers the plug-in hybrid's carbon
footprint.Compared to the previous-generation minivan, the departing Chrysler Town &
Country, FCA says, the greenhouse-gas emission footprint of the seven-passenger plug-in
hybrid Pacifica is 31 percent lower. Against its conventionally powered V-6 counterpart in
the 2017 Pacifica lineup, the reduction for the plug-in version is 24 percent.

The Pacifica Hybrid delivers a 24% reduction in Global Warming Potential when compared
with its gasoline powered twin, the regular Pacifica minivan. That is despite the fact that the
plug-in hybrid version weighs 650 pounds more. The Pacifica Hybrids unique powertrain
helps offset the effects of added weight. It features a specially adapted version of the award-
winning 3.6-liter V-6 engine, mated to a dual motor, eFlite electrically variable transmission.

Thank You
-Swapnil Bamne (sbb27)

3) UK Studies Possibility Of Track-Side Solar Panels To Power Electric Trains

by Swapnil Bamne - Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 3:59 PM

UK is leading a coalition of scientists, community organisations and businesses that will
investigate if trackside solar panels could be used to disconnect British trains from the main
power grid; or to at least reduce mains consumption. The UKs Network Rail owns and
operates the railway infrastructure across England, Wales and Scotland and is spending
billions on electrifying the nations train lines as part of a 2050 plan to decarbonise the
system. But in rural areas, where solar potential is comparatively high, energy from the grid
cannot keep pace with demand from the rail network.

Solar farms dotted along the rail network could be a viable alternative to mains electricity as
power is produced in the same direct-current (DC) form as that used by trains,
unlike household solar electricity that must first be converted to alternative-current
(AC). While the technical challenges behind the idea are imposing, including the possibility
sending power through the third rail on train lines could adversely affect signaling, Imperial
College will work with railway experts Turbo Power Systems to find ways to best integrate
solar power with trains.

Thank You

- Swapnil Bamne (sbb27)

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