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Unit 3 - Outcome 3

Success Criteria - How to do well...really well!

1. Remember the details. Remember the actors names and the character(s) they
performed. Memorise the choice of colours, the use of stagecraft, dramatic moments in
the performance and use of theatrical conventions. You need to illustrate a thorough
and highly observant understanding of the performance.

2. Depth and Sophistication. To be placed in the top bracket in this Outcome (13-15
marks) you cannot afford to loose one mark for each question set. Most questions in the
assessment will either be ANALYSIS or EVALUATION. This means you need to:

a. Answer all components of the question.

b. Include a suitable example from the performance to support your P
answer. POINT
c. Include detailed explanation that analyses your example and the set E
component of the question. EXAMPLE
d. In the case of an analysis or a discussion, clearly explore WHAT,
HOW and WHY in a sophisticated manner. E
e. In the case of an EVALUATION, the entire response includes opinion. EXPLANATION
This opinion must be insightful, clever and supported by examples.

3. Meticulous time-management. The biggest hurdle in completing the written exam and
the SAC is time management. Place a watch on your desk and create a plan for your
SAC. In your SAC, roughly aim for a mark every two and half minutes. This time
allowance will be halved in your written exam.

Below is a sample Examiner Checklist for a set question.

Analyse how one actor used movement in a dramatic moment in the performance. 8 Marks

o Included 8 relevant points (or at least enough points to warrant 8 marks.)

o Identified the actors name and the characters name they performed.
o Highlighted the non-naturalistic focus in Unit 3 and 4 Drama.
o Identified an appropriate dramatic moment.
o Included specific and pertinent (relevant) examples from the performance.
o Included detailed explanation as to how the actor used movement to create a
dramatic moment.
o As it is an analysis, explored WHY the actor used movement in this manner. For
example, your explanation links to the dramatic meaning of the performance, the
themes of the piece or the intended impact on the audience.
o Relevant Drama terminology for this expressive skill such as a leading body part,
caricature, energy efforts (Laban), grotesque movements etc.

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