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Kendra Walter

Level 3 Experience
Fall 2016 Semester

Visit 1
Accounting 2: students finished their assignments and spent the rest of
the time working on other homework
Personal Finance: When students entered, most went and sat in their
seats right away; teacher lectured for a little over half of the class
period; lecture was based on a power point; students filled in notes
based on the PowerPoint/lecture; bell dismisses students
Visit 2
Accounting 2: teacher lectured using PowerPoint about financial
statements; students engaged in answering questions; students had
the opportunity to work on homework and ask questions; most
students only had a couple minutes of work left to do outside of class
Personal Finance: teacher lectured for most of the class period; lecture
used a PowerPoint; students filled in notes; students completed little
assignments during the lecture when the teacher paused for them to
complete a problem
Visit 3
Personal Finance: lectured with power point; students were engaged by
answered questions during lecture; the notes with the lecture have
mini-assignments incorporated; teacher lectured and then paused for
students to complete the activities before moving on to another topic-
important to pause for students to answer questions
Visit 4
Accounting 1: lecture with power point; as a class they completed an
example as a group for two sections before students moving on to
individual assignments; students were able to ask questions during this
time; many students were able to finish homework by the end of the
period-often students will work during class if they think they can finish
before the period is over (avoid having homework)
Entrepreneurship: students entered the classroom and started to work
right away; continued working on their business plans; teacher helped
the students by proof-reading the work that the students had already
completed; students are using a program on the internet to complete
this assignment
Intro to Business: students had a couple minutes to prepare for their
quiz while the teacher took attendance; students had a quiz over the
notes that was covered in previous classes; quiz consisted of multiple
choice and matching sections; students participated in buyer/seller
simulation to exhibit their understanding of the material
Visit 5
Entrepreneurship: lectured with a Power Point; students filled in notes
during the lecture; the lecture was directly related to the final project
Kendra Walter
Level 3 Experience
Fall 2016 Semester

that the students are working on; personal stories were also
incorporated into the lecture personal stories help engage students
Visit 6
Personal Finance: substitute teacher today; the sub read the notes left
by the teacher to the students and handed out the worksheets;
students had a lot of material to work on so they got busy right away;
the students who finished early didnt have to do the extra material as
long as they stayed quiet after their work was finished-it is important
to have everything explained in detail for substitutes, have all material
ready as well
Visit 7
Entrepreneurship: students were asked review questions during the
Power Point lecture; websites were provided as an extra resource for
the final project-provide extra resources that will enhance student
Intro to Business: students were instructed to put away computers
before lecture started as to keep them from being distracted; YouTube
videos were shown at the end of the lecture as a reinforcement and
enhance the lecture-using YouTube helped gain students attention
Visit 8
Accounting 2: students were walked through the instructions for the
reinforcement activity; students began working right away with little
distractions in between; students were able to ask questions during the
work time-accounting is difficult to work through if one isnt able to ask
questions to fully understand the material and procedures
Personal Finance: lecture about tax returns; computers were to be put
away during lecture; students asked real life questions during lecture;
students began filling out a sample 1040EZ tax form; students were
generally interested in the tax forms because it was something they
could relate to their lives
Visit 9
Entrepreneurship: all Madison students were able to participate in a
mock-vote for the election today; students studied for an exam during
the first half of the class; students didnt seem to stay on task very well
during this time; students took the test after lunch; the teacher
answered some questions during this study time; the schedule for
future due dates was discussed during this time as well; one-on-one
question and answer time helped students to better understand the
material; the teacher also interacted with the students by discussing
the state football tournament
Visit 10
Personal Finance: students worked together to finish the 1040EZ and
1040A tax forms; substitute teacher and I walked around the classroom
constantly answering questions; this sub was different from the first
Kendra Walter
Level 3 Experience
Fall 2016 Semester

this sub felt more comfortable with the material so he was able to walk
around and answer questions(it is nice to have a sub who is able to
help students with the material) as opposed to the last sub that
stayed seated at the desk the whole class period; students wanted the
sub to answer their questions more than me because he was able to
verify numbers with the answer sheet; some students wasted time
talking and werent able to finish the assignment; students were also
able to learn from each other by working through difficult problems
Visit 11
Entrepreneurship: students worked on their business plans; due to
state testing, we were moved to the library (flexibility was needed);
students were able to put the state football game up on the television
in the library I liked this because students did so work done while
watching the game but if they were trying to hide the game on their
computers they wouldnt have done much work on their business plan
Visit 12
Entrepreneurship: lectured about the financial plan of a business plan;
students were then informed about what parts of the financial plan
were included in their plans; students took notes during lecture time
Visit 13
Accounting 2: substitute today; no additional instructions were left
beyond students continuing with the homework they began the last
class period; students used additional software on their computer to
complete an online, interactive activity; although students did the
assignment individually, they were able to walk through it in groups of
two or three this allowed students to learn from each other
Personal Finance: students had a group project to complete as tables;
this class period I focused more on what the para did with one of the
IEP students; she walked through each question with the student
they laughed and joked with each other while working; I enjoyed
seeing how the para encouraged the student and pointed out the
students strengths as they worked
Visit 14
Entrepreneurship: work day; students worked on their business plans
the whole class period; this business plan will not only be their final
project but they will be able to enter it into a state competition and
have the chance of winning prizes-knowing that they could win prizes
helped motivate the students to do their best
Visit 15
Entrepreneurship: students took the Ch. 21 test and then continued
work on their business plans;
Intro to Business: lectured using a Power Point while the students
followed along in their note booklets
Kendra Walter
Level 3 Experience
Fall 2016 Semester

I had the opportunity to correct papers during these two blocks This
allowed me to see how this teacher grades papers and how she
decided to deal with situations when students made one little mistake
that trickled over to the rest of the problem.
Visit 16
Personal Finance: today the students took a unit test over writing
checks and balancing check registers; I was able to walk around with
the teacher and answer questions while the students took the test; one
student quietly left the classroom to take his test with a
Visit 17
Personal Finance: Students filled out a note taking guide while listening
to a lecture about credit; after lunch the students finished their test
from the previous class

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