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Lesson Plan

Lesson Organisation
Year: ________________ Time: _________________ Date: _____________________
Key Learning Area: Students Prior Knowledge:
English Students have previously devised creative
Concept: writing pieces in a variety of different formats
Students write an imaginative postcard to to inform the reader.
myself, telling me about a holiday that they
Extension students are given an extra
are on.
activity to include more detail in their writing
as well as forming paragraphs in their
Writing, Thinking Creatively,
Postcard, imagine, holiday.
Linguistic learners are catered to through
Key questions:
been able to verbalise their writing at the
What is a post card?
conclusion of the lesson. As well as this
Where did you go on your holiday?
intrapersonal learners are given the
Who is with you and how long will you be
opportunity to work independently in creating
their postcard.
Teacher Preparation
- Post Card Template
Syllabus Outcomes:
EN1-2A plans, composes and reviews a small range of simple texts for a variety of
purposes on familiar topics for known readers and viewers.
Draw on personal experience and topic knowledge to express opinions in writing

Extension: Do students express their opinions in paragraphs.
General: Do students use the terms, yesterday, today and tomorrow in their writing?
Do students create a creative text informing me of their holiday?
Lesson Evaluation:
Were the activities clearly demonstrated?
Did students enjoy the activity?
Were the learning abilities of all students catered too?
Lesson Plan

Time: Lesson Sequence Resources:

Introduction (tuning in)
Ask students to tell the person next to them one place
which they have been on a holiday.
Question if they have ever received or written a
Explain that today we will be imagining that we have
gone on a holiday and will be writing postcards back to
the class telling them all about our adventure.

Lesson Experience.
Activity 1
Discuss as a class the sort of things we might include
in our postcard. Looking for ideas such as the weather,
who you are with, how long you are staying, Most
importantly where you are and what happened
yesterday, today and what is happening tomorrow.
Students are then given some time to return to their
desk and split their page into 4 squares, drawing
pictures of the following things as their plan.
Extension students should also draw about what they
ate each day.
1st- Details about where, who, how long, weather etc.
2nd- What happened yesterday
3rd- What they did today
4th- What they have planned for tomorrow.

Activity 2
Provide modelled writing for students to gain a deeper
understanding e.g.
Hi Mum,
Im having such a great time in Thailand. The weather
is perfect, HOT and SUNNY! Today Jenni and I went
shopping for 3 hours and bought so many things.
Lucky we brought a big suitcase.
Yesterday we went snorkelling at Phi phi island I saw
so many colourful fish and the water was so warm.
Tomorrow we will be riding elephants and I just cant
wait! Look forward to seeing you in 10 days.
From Miss Rowan

Ask students to return to their desks and begin writing

their post card for year 1. Ask extension students to
remain on the floor and explain to them that you would
like them to make each box on their plan a different
paragraph in their writing. Give whole class time
prompts e.g. By now you should be up to telling us
about what you did today

Lesson Closure:
Bring students back to the floor, to share their holiday
ideas with the class.
First get them to share with the person next to them,
then ask 3-4 people to read their postcard to the whole

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