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UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y.

2016 - 2017


Teachers: Ms. Gail D. Inumerable Grade/Year Level: Five Subject: Language

and Ms. Elaine Love V. Tayao

Term:First Unit Topic: Sentence Fluency Time Frame


Students should be able to speak and write clear The learners express their ideas accurately in
sentences in which conventional grammar, sentence writing a procedure in making a Do It Yourself
structure, punctuation, capitalization and spelling project idea that promotes recycling. The
are appropriately observed. procedure has five to seven correctly written


Check applicable LGPs

LGP 1: Challenge learners to realize their full potential.

LGP 2: Bring Christian perspectives to bear on human understanding, skills and values of the

LGP 3:Are dynamic and encourage differentiation, diversity and synergy amongst learners that
are friendly, caring and respectful.

LGP 4: Ensure that learners translate knowledge into something useful in actual practice for
the betterment of society.

LGP 5: Prepare learners to participate responsibly in the world of work, family, community,
nation, and church.



Students will independently use their learning to write a procedure of DIY (Do It Yourself) recyclable
project ideas that should have complete sentences that are clear, easy to follow, and error-free in


Students will understand that sentence structure, grammar, and writing mechanics affect clear and
effective communication.


1. How can you describe a well-written sentence?

2. What causes miscommunication?
3. Why is proper sentence construction important in effective communication?




UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

Students will write a 5-7 step procedure of a Do It Yourself project.


As a response to the recently signed Paris agreement on climate change, the Department of Natural
and Environment Resources and the Department of Education work hand-in-hand to integrate in the
curriculum instructional plans to raise environmental awareness among the youth for them to carry out
concrete actions in addressing climate change. As a students who is also a young recycling advocate,
you are tasked to write an effective and creative procedure of 5-7 steps on how to make the useful
product made of recyclable material to raise environmental awareness among the youth for them to
carry out concrete actions in addressing climate change. Each step must be in complete sentence,
clear, straightforward, easy to follow and observes appropriate grammar and writing mechanics.

ASSESSMENT TOOLS (Unit Assessment Map)



Pre- Graphic Organizer

Assessment/Diagn (IRF)

Formative Worksheet nos. 1- Writing a

8 Procedure Activity
in Padlet

Summative Assessment nos. Assessment nos. Assessment no. 3

1,2, and 3 1,2, and 3 Culminating Unit

Self-Assessment Rubric Reflecting on the

Performance Task


EXPLANATION:: Convey one's idea clearly to be able to send the message across
APPLICATION: Apply one's knowledge and competencies in coming up with a well-written procedure
SELF-KNOWLEDGE: Assess one's writing output and determine strengths and weaknesses




ACTIVE oral recitation, text and picture analyis Video tutorials, online games,
Nearpod, Gooru app

COLLABORATIVE Think-Pair-Share Padlet app, Comic Head Lite app,

Show Me app

CONSTRUCTIVE Socratic questioning Padlet app

AUTHENTIC DIY Project Procedures Digital Project Procedures through

UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

Pic Collage

GOAL-DIRECTED Graphic organizer through worksheets, Learning Log through Padlet and
checklists, and rubric Qrafter app



Teacher introduces topic and asks Essential Question.
Students give their ideas or prior knowledge about the Essential Question in Map of Conceptual
Change. Teacher may probe prior knowledge with diagnostic test or misconception check (e.g.,
with help of online survey). Teacher notes variety of ideas and motivates students to find out
which ideas are correct. Students engage in Goal-Setting.

DAY/WEEK 1 (June 13-June 17)

a.Set ones goal for the school year as regards their language skills
b. Introduce the theme and the writing focus for the term
c.Have initial answers to the essential questions

Task 1. Starter (F2F- Active)

To start another school year, present the quote to the students which will motivate them to set their own
goals and think of ways how these goals could be achieved (Begin with an End in Mind).

Image source:

Have a brief introduction of who Theodore Roosevelt is and let the students share their own thoughts
about the quote.
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th President of the United

States. He was home- schooled and had developed a love of
reading at an early age.

He was also the one responsible for Teddy Bears! His refusal to
shoot a trapped bear on a presidential hunting expedition
received major newspaper coverage, inspiring some savvy
marketers to create the stuffed bears to capitalize on
Roosevelt's popularity.

Image source: https://s-media-cache-

Task 2. Goal Setting (Blended Goal Oriented)

Using your Pic Collage, let the students state their goal/s for the academic year. They may complete the
lines below or state it on their own.

By the end of A.Y. 2016-2017, I will be able to ______________________.

Then, on the same Pic Collage activity, ask the students to tell how this/these goal/s will be achieved.
(*This is also a pre-assessment activity of their writing skills.)

After, let some students share their work in class.

Task 3. Introducing the theme and the writing focus for the term. (F2F, Blended Constructive,

This is a Type A (Pair Activity)

App to be used: Show Me

The teacher will show a picture of a bear to all Student 1. For 5 minutes, he/she will write procedures in
Notes app on how to draw the bear.

Image source:

After writing the procedures, Student 1 will read the procedures to student 2 and student 2 should be
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

able to draw a bear using Show Me app.

After 5 minutes, let all the pairs show their work and ask some questions for processing.

Process Questions:

1. Student 1 Was it easy to write your own instructions? What difficulties have you experienced?
2. Student 2 - If you have understood the procedures clearly, what could be the reasons for this? If you
were a bit confused, what made them confusing?

Task 4. Initial Answers to Essential Questions (Blended Goal Oriented)

In Graphic Organizer app, let the students have their initial answers to the Essential Questions.

1. How would you describe a well-written sentence?

2. What are the factors that cause miscommunication?
3.Why is proper sentence construction important in effective communication?

Students engage in varied activities to revise their prior knowledge and develop and deepen
their new knowledge and answer to the Essential Question.
Teacher provides different ways of accessing content and developing required knowledge and
Teacher sets up different ways of blended learning.
Teacher conducts formative assessment.

DAY/WEEK 1 (June 13-June 17)


a. Spell words with accuracy.

Task 5. Word of the Day Presentation (Blended- Active and Constructive)

Assign a word to each student. The student should give its correct spelling, definition, pronunciation,
sample sentence, and an interesting fact (trivia) about it. This should be presented creatively using the
suggested apps to be used for the school year.

Here is a creative example:

Image taken from:

UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

After the presentation, ask the students to write the word of the day in Palmer thrice. Then, a mastery
test will be administered after 10 words.

Here are the list of words:

DAY/WEEK 1-2 (June 13 June 17; June 20-June 24)

a. Differentiate orally, electronically and in writing groups of words as fragment or sentence

Task 6. Text and Conversation Analysis (F2F- Active and Authentic)

Present the two pictures below to lead students in distinguishing fragments from sentences. To simulate
how fragments affect oral communication, let two students play the role of the two girls in the comic
strips. On the other hand, let the students read a recipe card and ask some process questions.

Process Questions:
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

1. Why did the woman with a black scarf seem to be confused on what the girl with a headband
was saying? If you were the woman would you react the same way?
2. After reading the recipe for smores sandwich bar cookies, do you think you could easily follow
it if you were a young baker?
3. How do fragments and sentences affect communication (oral and written)?
4. Do you think it is possible to answer in fragments in a conversation and still be understood?

Task 7. Video Presentation and Pair Square Activity (F2F, Blended Collaborative and

Present the two videos below.

--No Fragments song (video) from

--Fragments- How to Recognize and Correct Them (video) from

Then, in groups of four, let them distinguish the differences between a sentence and a sentence
fragment. Write their responses on the Butterfly Graphic Organizer Below (Worksheet no. 1) and
have a follow-up discussion.


Taken from:

Task 8. Oral Exercise- Whole Class (F2F- Active)

As a form of guided practice, present 10 groups of words that the students need to classify as a
fragment or sentences. Also, you may ask their reason for their answer.

Task 9. Enrichment Activity- Online Exercises (Set 1) (Blended-Active)

Using their MLDs allow the students to access and answer the online activities below. Let them have a
page on their notebook where they log their scores in the online exercises.

--Identifying fragments and sentences (online exercises) from

Task 10.Independent Written Formative Assessment- Worksheet no. 2 (FOR) (Blended- Active)

Answer Worksheet no. 2 that will assess the following competencies:

UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

- Identifying fragments and sentences

- Locating fragments and sentences in short paragraphs/texts

DAY/WEEK 2 (June 20-June 24)

a. Identify orally, electronically and in writing which kind of sentence should be used in different
b. Use orally and in writing the appropriate kind of sentence based on intended purpose

Task 11. Conversation Bingo (Blended- Collaborative, Constructive, and Authentic)

App to be used: Classroom Dice

1. This bingo game will be modified. A number will be assigned on each block.
2. Divide the class into groups of five. Two students will download the PDF file of this board
game and one will download the classroom app.
3. Assign the sequence of players by using Classroom Dice. The student with the highest
number will be the first and the others will follow.
4. The players should do/follow what is written on the tile he/she has landed on.


Process Questions:
1. When you answered the questions, did you answer in complete sentences or in fragments?
In what questions did you use these incomplete sentences as responses?
2. What kinds of sentences were used in answering the game? How do the sentences differ?

Task12. Video Presentation (Blended- Active and Constructive)

Present the videos below.

--The Sentence Song : kinds of sentences (video) from--
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017
-Types of Sentences in English (video) from--
-- Four Kinds of Sentences Song, Four Types of Sentences by Melissa

Then, as a class, let them distinguish the differences among the four kinds of sentences according to
purpose. Introduce the use of Popplet in class to show compare the sentences. Use the diagram from
Popplet for further discussion.

Task 13. Guided Practice (F2F-Active)

Let students give their own example of sentences based on purpose. Spin Da Wheel app will be used to
determine what kind of sentence should be given by the students.

Task 14. Independent Online

Exercises (Set 2) (Blended- Active)

Using their
MLDs, allow
the students to
access and answer the online
activities below. Let them have a page
on their notebook where they log their
scores in the online exercises.

--Identifying kinds of sentences (online exercise) from

Task 15. Independent Written Formative Assessment Worksheet no. 3 (FOR) (Blended- Active,

Answer Worksheet no. 3 that will assess the following competencies:

b. Identifying Kinds of Sentences according to Purpose
c. Supplying/ Writing Sentences based on Purpose

DAY/WEEK 2-3 (June 20-June 24; June 27-July 1)


a. Identify orally and in writing errors in writing mechanics

b. Correct errors in sentence mechanics in writing and electronically

This lesson will be augmented through Gooru.

Task 16. Pre-Assessment (Blended-Active)

UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

The students will answer the online test found in and to assess their knowledge in the application of
rules of punctuation and capitalization.

Their scores shall be written on their notebook.

Task 17. Review of the Rules and Answering of Online Exercises (Blended-Active)

They will read Playlist no. 3 which discusses the rules of capitalization and punctuation, and the
commonly misspelled and misused words. Then, they will answer a series of online exercises

Set 1

Grammar Vids for Kids: Capitalization

Online Exercises

Set 2

English Grammar: Punctuations

Online Exercises

Set 3

Contractions: Scratch Graden

Commonly Misspelled Words

Commonly Misused Words

Task 18. Picture Analysis (Blended Goal Directed)

Present the Pictures below and pose a

UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

Image source: jpg

Why is it important to check on the C.O.P.S. whenever we write?

Task 19. Post-Assessment (Blended-Active)

The students will answer the online test found in and to assess their knowledge in the application of
rules of punctuation and capitalization after a series of online activities.

Task 20. Supplementary Activity- Introduction to Editing Using Basic Prescribed Marks and
Guided Editing (F2F-Active)

Task 21. Independent Written Formative Assessment Worksheet no. 3 (FOR) (Blended- Active,

Answer Worksheet no. 4 that will assess the following competencies:

d. Identifying errors in mechanics

e. Correcting errors in mechanics/Proofreading
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

Task 22. Wrap-Up Activity -- Picture Analysis (Blended Collaborative and Goal-Directed)
App to be used: QR Scanner and Padlet
Discover the picture behind the chosen QR Code posted in the classroom wall using QR Scanner App
and work together as a group with four members to interpret the chosen picture. The responses should
be posted through Padlet

Picture 1

Image source:


Picture 2

Image source:


Picture 3

Image source:

Task 23. Summative Assessment

Knowledge and Process

The following competencies will be assessed:

1. Identifying fragments and sentences

2. Locating fragments in paragraphs
3. Identifying kinds of sentences according to purpose
4. Identifying and correcting errors in mechanics

DAY/WEEK 4 (July 4-8)

UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

a. Recognize the parts of a sentence

b. Recognize nouns as names of person, place or thing orally and digitally and as part of the
sentence that tells who or what is being talked about
c. Distinguish common from proper nouns orally and in writing
d. Identify and convert orally and in writing a phrase (subject) into a possessive noun

Task 24. Text Analysis (F2F Active)

Present the text below. Let some students read it loudly. Then, ask some process questions:
1. Do you think the recipe would be effective for a good school year ahead?
2. What role do the words or phrases in yellow highlight play in each of the sentences? How
about the ones in green highlight?
3. Notice the group of words in blue. How are they different from the groups of words with green
and yellow highlight?

A Recipe for a Great Student

From the restaurant of Max
7 cups of politeness
4 tsp. of hard work
3 tbs. of creativity
1 cup of determination
cup of independence
3 oz. of knowledge
2 tsp of happiness
2 cups of patience
4 cups of preparation
1 cup of humor
A pinch of mistakes

The Great Studentis made up of many flavors that all come together as one. Here is the recipe to make
this grade-acing student.

First, take 7 cups of politeness and pour it into a large bowl. Politenessmakes the student have a
good relationship with the teacher and with the other classmates. Add to the bowl 2 cups of patience.
Patiencemay just be the difference between rushing a test and failing or taking it one problem at a time
and acing it.Whisk the ingredients together for 15 seconds. Then pour 4 cups of preparation.
Preparationhelps students have the materials they need and the class work handed in on time. Now,
blend with an electric mixer all three ingredients to make a creamy sauce.
Next, marinate the knowledge in 4 tsp. of hard work, 1 cup of determination, 3 tbs. of creativity,
and 2 tsp. of happiness for 10 minutes. Knowledgehas to be marinated in these ingredients because all
these components come together to form knowledge. Place on the grill the 3 oz of knowledge with
marinade until it is medium rare
To finish up, set the grilled knowledge on a plate. Add the sauce and sprinkle a cup of
independence all over the plate.Independencewill help the student know when its time to have fun with
friends and when it is time to work. Then, on top of the knowledge pour 1 cup of humor for some fun in
the classroom. Finally, garnish with the most important ingredient, a pinch of mistakes. This way the
student can learn from their mistakes and do better next time.
Now, youcan enjoy the exploding flavors of the Great Student.
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017


Task 25. Video Presentation (Playlist no. 4) and Analysis (Blended- Active and Collaborative)

Present the videos below:

--Subject and Predicate songs (videos) from

-- Sentence Fragments and Parts of a Sentence

Then, in pairs, let them distinguish subjects from predicates. Use Popplet Lite app for presentation.

Task 26.Guided Practice using an App (Blended- Active)

With the guidance of the teacher, the students will answer the exercises in Grammar Up app

Task 27.Independent Online Exercises (Set 4) (Blended-Active)

-- Identifying the subject and the predicate in a sentence from

Task 28. Independent Written Formative Assessment (Blended Active)

Answer Worksheet no. 5 that will assess the following competencies:

f. Identifying subjects and predicates
g. Supplying Subjects and Predicates

Task 29. Noun Bucket Challenge (Blended Active)

Let the students answer the Noun Bucket Challenge worksheet (Worksheet no. 6). Students will
classify the nouns by putting them in their right buckets. After, ask some process questions.

1. How were you able to classify the nouns? What distinguishes one from the other?

Task 30. Video Presentation and Review (Blended Active and Collaborative)

Present the video (PlayVid) below

-- Noun Town Song (video) from

Then, have a review about the different kinds of nouns. Use iBrainstorm app in organizing
student responses.

Task 31. Enrichment Activity- Online Exercise (Set 5)

Using their MLDs allow the students to access and answer the online activities below. Let them have a
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

page on their notebook where they log their scores in the online exercises.

-- Identifying Nouns

--Identify common and proper nouns (online exercise) from

Task 32. Video Presentation (Playlist no.) and Creative Presentation of the Rules in Forming the
Possessive Form (Group Work) (Blended Collaborative and Constructive)

In groups, the students will watch the playlist about the rules in forming the possessive form of nouns.
Then, they will make a creative presentation of the rule assigned to them. They may use Comic Head

Here is Playlist no 5.

-- Forming the Possessives (Example work)

--Possessive Nouns Song (video) from

-- Forming the Possessive

Each group will present their work.

Task 33. Guided Oral Exercise- Whole Class (F2F- Active)

As a form of guided practice, the students will orally answer exercises about changing nouns to their
possessive forms.

Task 34. Independent Online Exercises (Set 6) (Blended-Active)

Using their MLDs allow the students to access and answer the online activities below. Let them have a
page on their notebook where they log their scores in the online exercises.

--Identifying the correct form of possessive noun to be used in sentences (online exercise) from

Task 35. Independent Written Formative Assessment- Worksheet no. 5 (FOR) (Blended- Active)

Answer Worksheet no. 7 (Noun Grid) that will assess the following competencies:
-- Recognize nouns as names of person, place or thing orally and digitally and as part of the
sentence that tells who or what is being talked about
-- Distinguish common from proper nouns orally and in writing
-- Identify and convert orally and in writing a phrase (subject) into a possessive noun

DAY/WEEK 5-6 (July 11-15; July 18-22)

a. Recognize pronouns as words that replace nouns orally and in writing as part of the sentence
that tells who or what is being talked about
b. Identify and use orally, electronically and in writing personal pronouns and reflexive
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

c. Recognize sentences with hidden subject orally

d. Write a 5-step procedure with a hidden subjects

Task 35. Human Snakes and Ladders Pronoun Game (Teacher-Made) (F2F- Active, Collaborative)

Game Mechanics

1. Each student will be assigned by a number just like in a board game. The teacher will
determine the order.

2. To start the game, the teacher will roll the dice to determine the student to answer first
(Students nos. 1-6).
3. After determining the student to answer first, he or she will answer the first question on the list.
If he/she answers correctly, the teacher will roll the dice again to know who will answer next.

4. The list of question will be passed on the next student to answer.If the student was not able to
answer the question correctly, the teacher will roll the dice again, but this time, the sequence goes

5. The student needs to answer the question correctly so they can advance until it reaches the
last student (Finish).
6. The game continues until there are still questions to be answered on the list.

After the game, ask some process questions:

1. How were you able to supply the pronoun to use? What did you consider in choosing the best
pronoun to complete the sentences?
2. Are there tiles that were quite hard to answer? Why?

Task 36.Video Presentation (Playlist no.) and Mind Mapping Activity through Popplet (Group
Work) (Blended Collaborative and Constructive)

Here is Playlist no. 6:

-- Kinds of Pronouns (video) from

--Personal Pronouns

-- Reflexive Pronouns

Then in groups, the students will show the use of personal pronouns and reflexive pronouns through
Popplet Lite app.

Task 37. Guided Oral Exercise through a Teacher Made Quiz Using an App Whole Class

App to be Used: Classroom Quiz Master Lite

UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

As a form of guided practice, let the students identify the correct personal pronoun to be used and their
respective antecedents in a 10-item exercise. Also, another 10-item exercise that focuses on using
Reflexive Pronoun

Task 38. Independent Online Exercises (Set 7) (Blended-Active)

Using their MLDs allow the students to access and answer the online activities below. Let them have a
page on their notebook where they log their scores in the online exercises.

--Identifying personal pronouns

-- Identifying reflexive pronouns

--Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

*Supplementary Activity: Using I and Me (App)

Task 39. Independent Written Formative Assessment- Worksheet no. 6 (FOR) (Blended- Active)

Answer Worksheet no. 8 that will assess the following competencies:

--Identifying appropriate pronoun (personal, possessive) to be used based on antecedent
--Distinguishing the use of contraction and possessive adjective in a sentence

Task 40. Text Analysis with integration to PE and LCV Cherishes Being a Filipino (F2F Active)

Show the students some steps on how to make an Igorot Costume.

How to do it:
1. Lay the button-down polo flat on a surface. Make curved pencil outlines to mark the area where you
want to cut: along the collar, sleeves, and around length of the shirt.

2. Cut the polo using the outline as guide. You should now have a vest and lots of remaining fabric to
make the bahag.

3. Make use of the sleeves to make the bahag and the remaining fabric can be used as the waistband for
this costume. Stitch it together with needle and thread.
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

TIP: Glue feathers on another strip of fabric to make an instant headdress!

Taken from:


Ask some process questions:

1. In what kind of sentence does a hidden subject appear?
2. Why do you think the subject is intentionally hidden? What effect does it create in the message of
the sentence?
3. Is the procedure well-written or not? If it is not, what suggestions could you give to improve it?
4. If you were to write a procedure, what would you consider most?

Have a follow-up discussion on how to write a well-written procedure.

Task 41. Writing a Procedure with integration with P.E. (Blended Constructive)

Let the students watch a dance video (to be prepared by their PE teacher); then write the instructions on
how to execute those dance steps. Padlet will be used in this activity for instant feedback.

Task 42. Answer Revised Part of the IRF (Blended Goal-Directed)

Task 43. Summative Assessment

Knowledge and Process

The following competencies will be assessed:

1. Recognizing parts of a sentence

2. Converting fragments into complete simple sentences by supplying the missing part
3. Distinguish common from proper nouns
4. Form and use the possessive forms of nouns correctly
5. Recognize pronouns as words that replace nouns
6. Identify personal pronouns and reflexive pronouns
7. Recognize sentences with hidden subject.
8. Complete a 5-step procedure with hidden subjects

DAY/WEEK 7 (July 25-29)


a. Identify orally, and in writing the part of the sentence that tells something about the subject and
differentiate orally an action verb from be verbs
b. Differentiate orally, manipulatively and in writing the three kinds of verbs
c. Use the appropriate verb tense or aspect orally, electronically, and in writing

Task 44. Text Analysis and Angry Verb Bingo Game (Blended- Active)

Familiarize the students with the different kinds of verb by playing Angry VerBINGO. The students will fill
their Angry VerBINGO cards by classifying the underlined verbs in the sentences taken from the
selection, A Lesson to Learn.
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

A Lesson to Learn
James is my little brother. I find him so irritating. All day long he says, Eddie, I wonder why people can
talk but animals cant. Or, I wonder why the ocean looks blue. Of course, I dont know the answers, but
I dont let him know that. I just make up reasonable explanations, and he accepts them as if Im the
smartest person in the world. Before I answer one of his questions, I usually tell him that he perhaps he
doesnt read and asks too many questions.
Well, yesterday we both got our report cards. I got Bs and Cs, and he got straight As. Under the
Comments section on my report card, it said, Eddie would be getting better grades if he asked more
questions. Of course, on my brothers report card, it said just the opposite.
To make things worse, my brother squawked all day about how I was so unwise for not asking questions!
I just sighed and told James he was rightI wouldn't make fun of him anymore for asking so many
Yes, I learned a lesson from my little brother: Never be afraid to ask questions, and NEVER be afraid to
wonder why.

Taken from:

Then, ask the following process questions:

1. How do you define each kind of verb?
2. During the game, how were you able to locate the verbs in each sentence?
3. How do each type of verb function in a sentence? How important are verbs in a sentence?

Task 45.Video Presentation (Playlist no.) andMind Mapping Activity through Pic Collage (Group
Work) (Blended Collaborative and Constructive)

Here is PlayVid no. 7:

--Verb Song (video) from

Then, in pairs, show the differences among the three kinds of verbs. Present this activity in Pic Collage.

Task 46. Independent Online Exercises (Set 8) (Blended-Active)

Using their MLDs allow the students to access and answer the online activities below. Let them have a
page on their notebook where they log their scores in the online exercises.

--Identifying action verbs (online exercise) from

--Identifying linking verbs in a sentence (online exercise) from

-Identifying action, linking or helping verb to be used in a sentence (online exercise) from

App to be Used: Pic English and Verb Smash

Task 47. Comic Strip Analysis (F2F Active)

Present a comic strip to distinguish the differences between simple present, simple past, simple future,
and present perfect.
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

Task 48. Creative Presentation of the Situational Use of the Verb Tenses and Aspect (Blended
Collaborative and Constructive)

In groups, present a situation that shows how the assigned tense to your group should be used in real
life. Use Comic Head app in showing your work.

Task 49. Independent Online and App Exercises (Set 9) (Blended-Active)

Using their MLDs allow the students to access and answer the online activities below. Let them have a
page on their notebook where they log their scores in the online exercises.

--Simple Tenses

--Past Tense or Present Perfect

App to be used:
MT English

Task 50. Wrap-Up Activity -- Reflection-Wall (Blended-Goal Directed)

Reflection Platform:

Present the Picture below, and let them reflect on it and answer the question on the reflection wall posted
on Padlet.

Task 51. Summative Assessment

Knowledge, Process, and Understanding

The following competencies will be assessed:

1. Identify the verbs
2. Differentiate the three kinds of verbs
3. Write sentences with the correct verb tense and/or aspect
4. Justify a well-written procedure based on the correct verb use and tense

Task 52. Culminating Unit Assessment

The students:
make conclusions about their findings or results of investigating the EQ.
complete a map of conceptual change and compare their prior with their new knowledge.
reflect on their learning process and on how well they achieved their goals.
network with the world and share with a real world audience their performance task.
manifest the 7Cs of 21st Century Learning in their work.
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

connect their learning with the related Lasallian Guiding Principles.

The teacher:
provides scaffolding for students' performance task.
conducts summative assessments.
provides closure to lesson.

DAY/WEEK 8- (August 1 September )


a. Generalize all the key concepts learned in achieving sentence fluency

b. Determine factors that lead to miscommunication
c. Write a procedure with 5-7 steps that adheres to the rules of grammar, mechanics, and
sentence structure.

Task 53. Reflecting on the Enduring Understanding and Writing the Final Answer of the IRF
(Blended Goal-Directed)

Watch the following video clips and present a material. Then, let the students have their final answers on
the IRF.

Here is Playlist no. 8:

--Miscommunication videos from

a. English Problems
b. Excuse Letter (wrong grammar)

Image source:

Task 54. Writing a 5-7 Procedure (Procedures in making a DIY Project; to be integrated with
Science and the LCV- Cares for the Environment)

Guide Questions for Reflection:

UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

1. How did my new knowledge help me accomplish the Performance Task?

2. What are the effects of failure to achieve sentence fluency in oral and written communication?
3. In what real life situations at present will this new knowledge be most helpful to me?
4. Will this knowledge be helpful to me as I take each step in reaching my goal as a Lasallian 10-15
years from now? How?

Have their answers posted on Padlet.



Image sources:

Fragments and Sentences

Image Sources:

Video sources:
--No Fragments song (video) from

--Fragments- How to Recognize and Correct Them (video) from

Online Exercises
--Identifying fragments and sentences (online exercises) from

Kinds of Sentences according to Purpose

Image Source:

Video Sources:
--The Sentence Song : kinds of sentences (video) from--
-Types of Sentences in English (video) from--
-- Four Kinds of Sentences Song, Four Types of Sentences by Melissa

Online Exercises:
--Identifying kinds of sentences
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

Writing Mechanics
Image sources:

Video Sources:

-- Grammar Vids for Kids: Capitalization

-- English Grammar: Punctuations

Contractions: Scratch Graden

Commonly Misspelled Words

Commonly Misused Words

Online Exercises

Parts of a Sentence

Text Source:

Video Sources:

--Subject and Predicate songs (videos) from

-- Sentence Fragments and Parts of a Sentence

Online Exercise:

-- Identifying the subject and the predicate in a sentence from
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

Nouns: Proper, Common, and Possessive Form

Video sources:

-- Noun Town Song (video) from

-- Forming the Possessives (Example work)

--Possessive Nouns Song (video) from

-- Forming the Possessive

Online Exercises:

-- Identifying Nouns

--Identify common and proper nouns (online exercise) from
--Identifying the correct form of possessive noun to be used in sentences (online exercise) from

Pronouns: Personal and Reflexive

Video Sources:

-- Kinds of Pronouns (video) from

--Personal Pronouns

-- Reflexive Pronouns

Online Exercises
--Identifying personal pronouns

-- Identifying reflexive pronouns

--Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement

Hidden Subjects

Text source:
UNIT:Language DEPARTMENT: Upper Grades A.Y. 2016 - 2017

Verbs: Kinds, Tenses, and Aspect

Text source:

Video Sources:
--Verb Song (video) from

Online Exercises:
--Identifying action verbs (online exercise) from

--Identifying linking verbs in a sentence (online exercise) from

-Identifying action, linking or helping verb to be used in a sentence (online exercise) from

--Simple Tenses

--Past Tense or Present Perfect

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