Sarasmolevitz Resume

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Sara Smolevitz

(516) 404-0563 SSMOLEVITZ95@GMAIL.COM

Boston University, School of Education August 2013-May 2017
Candidate for Bachelor of Arts in Elementary and Special Education; Deans List
Relevant Course Work
SO210/ 211: Social and Racial Inequalities in Urban Classrooms Fall 2014-Spring 2015
Educated about inequalities present in urban classrooms, the persisting achievement gap, and
how to be a culturally relevant teacher. Tutored second grade students at the Trotter Elementary
School (Dorchester, MA) in poetry and social justice.
CH300: Elementary (1-6) Methods of Instruction Spring 2016
Studied and implemented elementary teaching methods in the areas of English Language Arts,
Social Studies, and Science. Participated in a pre-practicum once a week in a third grade co-
taught classroom at the Hooks School (Chelsea, MA). Tutored students in both science and
language arts (perspective and point of view) once a week at Trotter Elementary School.
CH555: Elementary Student Teaching Practicum (1-6) Fall 2016
Completed a 5-day/week student teaching practicum in a first grade classroom at the
International Grammar School (Sydney, Australia). Gained 450 hours of teaching experience,
and managed all classroom responsibilities during the two-week takeover period.
SE593: Special Education Student Teaching Practicum (PreK-8) Spring 2017
Currently placed in a 5-day/ week student teaching practicum in a K-2 learning center for
students with moderate disabilities at the Pierce School (Brookline, MA). Responsibilities
include creating students weekly agendas, providing inclusion support, and instructing students
during 45-minute intervention sessions in the learning center.
Practice Makes Perfect Teaching Fellow Summer 2016
Co-taught a class of second grade students at PS 13 in Queens, NY.
Responsible for the planning and implementation of lesson plans throughout the program, as well
as full classroom responsibilities, with the assistance of sixth grade mentors, and a certified
teaching coach.
Received a fellow merit award for outstanding performance.
Published The Power of Community in the Classroom, reflecting on the PMP teaching
experience: []
Buckley Day Camp- Counselor Summer 2015
Supervised two different groups of twelve campers ages three to four.
Super Soccer Stars- Junior Coach February 2014December 2014
Taught young children how to play soccer.
Lead classes and assisted coaches in implementing lesson plans into weekly training sessions.
Elementary Educators Club September 2013 Current
President (2015-2016); Secretary (2014-2015)
Participated in fundraising events for Trotter Elementary School.
Assisted in the organization of a Minute to Win It event and scavenger hunt at BU, with all the
profits donated to the Trotter.
Assisted the Dads Read program at Trotter, by running multiple weekly sessions throughout
each semester, and raised funding for their end of the year celebrations.
Alternative Service Breaks March 2014-March 2016
Omaha, NE (March 2016)-Coordinator; Macon, GA (March 2015)-Coordinator; Louisburg, NC
(March 2014)-Volunteer
Planned, organized, and executed entire service trips by contacting service and housing locations.
Responsible for the safety, enjoyment, and educational experience for ten volunteers.
First Year Student Outreach Project (FYSOP) August 2013/2014
Staff Leader (2014); Volunteer (2013)
Participated in FYSOP in 2013, working in the urban engagement issue area.
Worked as a staff leader in 2014 in the environment issue area.

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