Bibliography of Research On Social Network Sites

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Bibliography of Research on Social Network Sites

1. Aaltonen, S,, Kakderi, C,, Hausmann, V, and Heinze, A. (2013). Social media
in Europe: Lessons from an online survey. In proceedings of the 18th
UKAIS Annual Conference: Social Information Systems. (pp. Availalable
online). USIR. , and 2013, , in: , 19-20 March 2013, Worcester College,
Oxford, UK. (conference paper)

2. Acquisti, Alessandro, and Gross, Ralph. (2006). Imagined Communities:

Awareness, Information Sharing, and Privacy on the Facebook.In Golle,
P. and Danezis, G. (Eds.), Proceedings of 6th Workshop on Privacy Enhancing
Technologies. (pp. 36--58).Cambridge, U.K. Robinson College. June 28-
30. (conference paper)

3. Acquisti, Alessandro, and Gross, Ralph. (2009). Predicting Social Security

numbers from public data. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, 106 (27), 10975-10980. (journal article)

4. Adamic, Lada, Buyukkokten,Orkut, and Eytan Adar. (2003). A social network

caught in the Web. First Monday, 8 (6). (journal article)

5. Adrien Guille, Hakim Hacid, Ccile Favre, and Djamel A. Zighed.

(2013). Information diffusion in online social networks: a
survey. SIGMOD Record, 42 (2). (journal article)

6. Agarwal, S., and Mital, M.. (2009). Focus on Business Practices: An

Exploratory Study of Indian University Students' Use of Social
Networking Web Sites: Implications for the Workplace. Business
Communication Quarterly. (journal article)

7. Ahmed OH, Sullivan SJ, Schneiders AG, and McCrory P. (2010). iSupport: do
social networking sites have a role to play in concussion
awareness? . Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(22), 1877-1883. (journal

8. Ahn, June. (2012). Teenagers experiences with social network sites:

Relationships to bridging and bonding social capital. The Information
Society, 28(2), 99-109. (journal article)

9. Ahn, June. (2012). Teenagers and social network sites: Do offline

inequalities predict their online social networks?.First Monday, 17 (1-
2). (journal article)

10. Ahn, June. (2011). The effect of social network sites on adolescents
academic and social development: Current theories and
controversies. Journal of the American Society for Information Science &
Technology, 62(8), 1435-1445. (journal article)
11. Ahn, June. (2011). Digital divides and social network sites: Which
students participate in social media?. Journal of Educational Computing
Research, 45(2), 147-163. (journal article)

12. Ahn, Yong-Yeol, Han, S., Kwak, H., Moon, S., and Jeong, H.. (2007). Analysis
of topological characteristics of huge online social networking
services. WWW '07: Proceedings of the 16th international conference on
World Wide Web. (pp. 835-844).New York, NY, USA (conference paper)

13. Ajith Sundaram. (2010). Evaluation of Social networking sites for

business application. (mastersthesis)

14. Al-Lami, Mina, Hoskins, Andrew, and O\'Loughlin, Ben. (2012). Mobilisation
and violence in the new media ecology: the Dua Khalil Aswad and
Camilia Shehata cases. Critical Studies on Terrorism, 5(2), 237-256. (journal

15. Albrechtslund, Anders. (2008). Online Social Networking as Participatory

Surveillance. First Monday, 13 (3). (journal article)

16. Aleksandra Korolova, Rajeev Motwani, Shubha U. Nabar, and Ying Xu.
(2008). Link privacy in social networks. Proceedings of the 17th ACM
conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM\'08). (pp. 289-
298). ACM. (conference paper)

17. Ambrose, David. (2007). Virtual Interactive Communication: A Bicultural

Survey Through the Lens of Web 2.0. Department of German (unpublished)

18. Ampofo, Lawrence, Collister, Simon, O\'Loughlin, Ben, and Chadwick, Andrew.
(2013). Text Mining and Social Media: When Quantitative Meets
Qualitative, and Software Meets Humans. Working paper. Royal Holloway,
University of London; New Political Communication Unit. (misc)

19. Anatoliy Gruzd, and DeNel Rehberg Sedo. (2012). #1b1t: Investigating
Reading Practices at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century. Mmoires du
livre / Studies in Book Culture, 3. (journal article)

20. Andrejevic, Mark. (2005). The work of watching one another: Lateral
surveillance, risk and governance. Surveillance & Society, 2 (4), 479-
497. (journal article)

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