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Bhante Dhammadipa

Received September 8 2015 - Revised October 21 2015 - Accepted October 22 2015

The article shows that in China and other Far East countries, where Chinese Buddhism
spread at the early stages of Mahyna Buddhism, traditional methods of Buddhist
practice, as explained in the gamas, were in practice, but reinterpreted from the
Mahynistic understanding. Eventually, in the periods following the decline of the Tang
Dynasty those practices were mostly abandoned and replaced by pure Mahynistic
meditation practices, especially those of the Chan (Zen) and Pure Land schools. It can be
clearly seen from the meditation treatises discussed in this article, which are attributed to
Kumrajva, the most popular translator of Indian Buddhist literature in China. Actually, as
Western researchers show, these treatises are likely to be notes of Kumrajvas disciples,
introduced into meditation by him.

Key words The profound influence that Kumrajva ex-

erted on Chinese intellectuals and yogis can
Kumrajva, Mahyna Buddhism, Chinese
be explained not just by his linguistic talents,
Buddhism, meditation treatise
but it must also be attributed to the power of
his practice, which is unquestionable. There
is a story about him saying that after his re-
1 Legacy of Kumrajva
turn to Kucha from Kashmir, where he went
All schools of Chinese Buddhism can claim
through his studies, a daughter of the king
link to the works translated by Kumrajva,
whose preceptor he was, fell in love with him
consisting of almost forty titles that are in-
and he consented to marry her. When his
cluded in the Chinese Tripitaka. Some of them
perplexed disciples enquired whether they
remained the most widely read and com-
should follow gurus example, he is said to
mented Buddhist scriptures in the Far East to
have swallowed and digested a hand full of
the present day.
sharp needles, proclaiming that anyone who

Spirituality Studies 1 (2) Fall 2015 45 (1)

can perform the same deed can indeed fol- His translation of the Mlasarvstivda Vi-
low him. naya in ten recitations (K.810), the Sarv-
stivdaprtimoka Stra (T.1436), the Mahy-
In his late years, while translating Buddhist
navinayabrahmasla Stra (T.1484), and many
literature in changing, he is said to had been
other works on Vinaya (K.527, 539), some of
attempted by swarms of a beautiful female
which, like Buddhas Dispensation Legacy Stra
attendance presented to him by the emper-
(K.453), are still regularly recited in Chinese
or, who did not hinder in any way his working
monasteries, greatly contributed to study
vigor, which is indeed prodigious. Kumrajva
of Vinaya in China and to establishment of
is known in Chinese history especially as the
a separate Vinaya school. These great contri-
translator of Mahyna stras, of which his
butions of Kumrajva to Chinese Buddhism
translations of the Lotus Stra (T.262), the
are well known to all students of Buddhism
Stra of the Teaching of Vimalakrti (T.475),
in the Far East.
the ragama Samdhi Stra (T.642), the
Daabhmik Stra, and the corpus of the In order to understand how Kumrajva ma-
Prajpramit Stra (T.223, 227, 235, 245) naged to combine many aspects of the Bud-
remain some of the most commented works. dhist learning into a harmonious whole for
achieving the aim of Buddhist study, namely
His translations of philosophical treati-
to benefit oneself and others, it is worthwhile
es like Ngrjunas Mahprajpramit
to study one of the least known part of his
stra (T.1509), Mlamdhjamika stra
work, his translation of the meditation trea-
with Pigalacakus commentary (T.1564),
Dvdaamukha stra (K.1668), Daabh-
mivibhsa stra (K.584), ryadevas ataka Most of them are grouped together in the Chi-
stra (T.1569) and Harivarmans Tattvasiddhi nese Tripitaka under the numbers T.613616,
stra (T.1646) led to a foundation of differ- and we shall devote this study to descriptive
ent philosophical schools. analysis of them. They show clearly how the
Vaibhsika Sautrntika meditation methods
His translation of the Amitbha Stra (K.192)
coexisted from an early stage with a new
and some other works related to the visual-
Mahyna Mdhyamika ideological outlook
ization of the Buddha of Infinite Light (T.382,
forming a convergent whole.
etc.), and his personal engagement in the Pu-
re Land practice, contributed to the found- The Mahyna teachings were at first ad-
ation of the Pure Land school, the most popu- dressed to rvakas well versed in the tradi-
lar cult in the Far East to the present day. tional Buddhist lore with the aim to enlarge
the horizons of their understanding of al-
His translation of the Maitreyavykaraa Stra
ready well-known practices. The success of
(K.198) and other works related to the cult
Mahyna in China in the period when the
of the Maitreya (K.195, etc.) also exercised
so called Hnayna Canon was already known
a profound influence on many Buddhist
is practically due to the skill with which the
thinkers and yogis.
traditional stuff was presented in the new

46 (2) Bhante Dhammadipa

Mahyna containers emphasizing bodhicitta division of yogis into beginners (), ad-
and a deeper understanding of Emptiness. vanced () and well versed (),
used normally (see Abhidharmakoa, Samyuk-
Kumrajva, who is also the translator of
tbhidharma) for contemplation of the skele-
treatise On Arising Bodhicitta (T.1659) and the
ton (), to all meditation themes present-
propagator of bodhicitta in China, was espe-
cially skillful in preserving the old wine in new
barrels, and the following treatises on medi- So in case of the loving kindness meditation,
tation are witnesses of his skill. the beginner contemplates with maitr per-
sons dear to him, an intermediate those nei-
The first meditation treatise we propose to
ther liked nor disliked, and only an advanced
discuss here is entitled The Stra Concerned
yogi brings enemies to mind.
with Samdhi in Sitting Meditation (,
T.614, K.991). It is called stra, but in fact it As for the contemplation of causality, a begin-
is a typical treatise on meditation, which may ner contemplates just two links, first and last.
have been compiled and taught by the trans- An intermediate contemplates the first ten
lator himself. links, and only an advanced yogi extends his
meditation to all twelve links in three times.
After a masterly presentation of the theme
In mindfulness of breath, a beginner does
of impermanence and urgency with a brief
counting, an intermediate follows the breath
mention of the need of purification by mora-
in whole body, and an advanced yogi calms
lity and repentance for sin, the author intro-
the breath by entering successively the four
duces five practices leading to samdhi.
dhynas and does the transitional sixteen
They are to be chosen after investigating,
exercises to get the mastery of the object.
which of the three poisons is prevalent in the
In the recollection of the Buddha meditation,
yogis. It is to be decided after a study of in-
a beginner trains in concentration on an
clinations manifested in behavior. If craving
image of Buddha, an intermediate contem-
is prevalent, it is to be countered by contem-
plates the primary and secondary marks of
plation of the repulsive (aubhabhvan). If it is
great man, and an advanced yogi extends his
hatred, it must be countered by meditation on
contemplation to countless Buddhas in all
love (maitri), and delusion is countered by con-
directions and listens to them preaching the
templation of causality (prattyasamutpda).
Law. He contemplates both their physical bod-
To counterpart useless thinking, there is the
ies () and their body of Law (), seeing
mindfulness of breathing (anapnasmti), and
one Buddha as endless Buddhas and innu-
finally for yogis of all inclinations, to purify
merable Buddhas as one. After explanation
the mind from past sins, there is the recollec-
of these five meditation topics the treatise
tion of Buddha (Buddhnusmti).
examines the practice of five worldly super-
There are seven innovations this treatise natural powers followed by a brief mention
brings about in dealing with well-known ma- on insight meditation by contemplation of
terial. To start with it extends the traditional sixteen aspects of the Four Noble Truths.

Spirituality Studies 1 (2) Fall 2015 47 (3)

Next topic is a successive realization of the dhas that is without object and continuous
four roots of merit (), leading through (apranihita samdhi, ).
the path of seeing and meditation to the at-
A Bodhisattva with the predominance of de-
tainment of Arhathood. Following this, the
lusion, after mastering the samdhi on the
author explains three kinds of realization:
twelve links of interdependent origination to-
rvaka, Pratyekabuddha, and Bodhisattva,
gether with the practice of the thirty-seven fac-
and praises the practice of bodhicitta, lead-
tors of Enlightment, contemplates the absence
ing to the attainment of Buddhahood.
of self-existent nature of all entities (nisva-
The last part of the treatise takes us through bhva, ), while cultivating bodhicitta.
the first three practices counteracting greed, Thus he learns the middle path as being non
hatred, and delusion, but with a perspective different from Nirva, the true state of all
of the highest realization. Here, the Bodhisat- beings.
tva with craving being predominant, con-
Besides these we find several other innova-
templates the thirty-six bodily parts until he
tions, making it different from the standard
becomes disgusted with body. When disen-
Sarvstivda and Mahyna literature. So,
chanted by it, he gives rise to a great com-
for example, we have a division of the ob-
passion (mahkaru) and bodhicitta. Then
jects of the concentration of the repulsive
he takes vows to save himself together with
dead bodies according to seven kinds of
all sentient beings from suffering caused by
thirst (trshna) instead of the usual six or four
rejoicing at bodily impurities and other per-
(see Abhidharmakoa, Yogcrabhmi, etc.).
versions, such as seeing permanence in im-
The objects of maitr meditation are three,
permanence and self in non self.
as in the Prajpramit stras, but the first,
With the deepening of his contemplation sentient being is related to the practice of
he attains the true mark of all phenomena, rvakas, the second, dharmas is related to
Emptiness. In it all distinctions between pure the practice of rvakas and Pratyakabud-
and impure cease to exist. dhas, while the third, objectless maitr refers
to the practice of Bodhisattvas only.
If a Bodhisattva inclines to hatred, he medi-
tates on love (maitr), being its opposite. The second meditation treatise (T.616) enti-
When he succeeds to spread it in all direc- tled A Basic Explanation of the Methods of Me-
tions without getting involved in discrimina- ditation () is about the same length
tion between different kinds of individuals, as the previous work. It emphasizes the prac-
he takes a vow to save all beings without tice of the eight attainments (sampattis) as
difference by leading them to the ultimate a base for insight meditation. After it supplies
happiness of Nirva. Due to this practice his a rather detailed description of the practice
mind becomes like a great ocean, which can- of the five worldly supernatural powers with
not be affected by little dirt of burning afflic- a Mahyna emphasis on using them for re-
tions that harm other beings, and he learns alization of Emptiness.
to practice the perfect maitr samdhi of Bud-
The treatise starts with a brief reminder of

48 (4) Bhante Dhammadipa

importance of morality, then it handles the four foundations of mindfulness, four formless
meditation on impurities as the first con- meditations, four truths, and the six supernatu-
templation, because sensual desires, which ral knowledges.
it counters, are said to be the main obstacle
The second set of themes, discussed as
of deep meditation. This meditation is of two
most suitable objects for the attainment of
kinds, with repulsive feelings, that is medita-
appeasement, are the Four Divine Abodes
tion on dead bodies in different stages of decay
(brahmavihras), where only the descrip-
(avijnaka, ), and meditation on the
tion of meditation on loving kindness (maitr)
thirty-six bodily parts (savijna, ), and
is more detailed. The treatise proclaims that
without repulsive feelings (). The second
a yogi practices the maitr meditation until he
is meditation on bare bones (), particularly
can actually see all beings happy due to the
on a spot between the eyebrows, which leads
power of his loving kindness determination.
to higher absorptions in subtle forms (rpa
There a question arises, if so, can it be con-
dhynas, ).
sidered a perverted view (viparysa)?
The meditation on dead bodies is divided
The answer is no, because a Bodhisattva has
into six groups in accordance with six kinds of
to practice two kinds of samdhi, namely that
desires, which it counters. It is said, together
of seeing of the true characteristic of all things,
with the contemplation of the thirty-six bodily
i.e. their Emptiness (nyat), and that, which
parts, to lead to disgust not only with sensual
sees things in accordance with their use in
desires, but also with the whole sphere of
benefiting oneself and others (). This
perceptions dominated by them (Kmadhtu,
is an interesting variant of two kinds of at-
). In this connection verses attributed to
tention often discussed in Sarvstivda and
Maudgalyna, one of the foremost disciples
Mahyna literature (see Abhidharmakoa,
of Buddha, are quoted.
Tattvasiddhi stra, Yogcrabhmi stra,
He is said to have uttered them to a beauti- etc.), namely attention in accordance with
ful woman trying to seduce him. They make facts (tattvamanasikra, ), and at-
an interesting comparison with the verses we tention according to ones determination
find in Theragth. (adhimokikmanasikra, ).

After describing the practice of understand- The treatise emphasizes that a Bodhisattva
ing and leaving the five obstacles to meditation should practice loving kindness to make hap-
(nvaranas, ), the treatise leads us from py even the beings in evil states of existence,
the first to the fourth dhyna with some inter- and to avoid being harmed by others. Then
esting discussions on the difference between he practices compassion, identifying himself
the five factors of absorption (dhynga, with the suffering of all beings and actually
). It lays a particular emphasis on the seeing them suffering, but this is to lead him
mastery of the fourth dhyna as the base for to the realization that all dharmas have no
the attainment of all important dharmas of fixed nature, they change according to the
meditation, naming the Four Divine Abodes, conditioning of the mind.

Spirituality Studies 1 (2) Fall 2015 49 (5)

If he can see this truth clearly, the supreme dhisattva practice of benefiting others while
Enlightment becomes easy to achieve, not to contemplating Emptiness, where all things
speak of all the other dharmas. Thus contem- remain in the state of being free from all real
plating the impermanence of all feelings, he characteristics (). Thus, for example a Bo-
masters all feelings by means of the elevat- dhisattva, while practicing the divine seeing,
ed feelings of the Four Divine Abodes. Their sees all sentient beings as being reborn and
mastery leads to a perfect detachment with dying in accordance with their karma, but
equanimity. The equanimity (upek), which never gives rise to the concept of beings. He
leads to the state of awakening, is, however, sees their corporeality without grasping the
mastered by a Bodhisattva only after at- sign of corporeality, etc., and in the same way
taining the perfection in the previous three for all the other phenomena of perception,
abodes. After discussing the absorption including the perception itself.
in the realm of subtle forms (rpa dhyna)
The third treatise on meditation (K.1010) enti-
with the help of the two above-mentioned
tled A Brief Consideration of the Essential [Medi-
themes, the treatise discusses formless ab-
tation] Methods () can be described
sorption (arpa dhyna). It says that in the
in terms of eleven themes, starting with em-
sphere dominated by sensual desires (kma),
phasis laid on ones own effort without which
the aggregate of corporeality (rpa) is domi-
much learning is said to be of no use.
nant. In the sphere of perception dominated
After that, the first meditation introduces the
by subtle forms (rpa dhtu), the aggregate of
readers into the practice of the Four Divine
feelings is predominant, while in the formless
Abodes (brahmavihras). The treatise pro-
sphere, it is the aggregate of consciousness
claims them to be the first meditation to be
that dominates. Thus the experience of all
practiced by all wishing to attain the supreme
three is important.
Enlightment. However only the practice of
After experiencing all planes of perception,
loving kindness is dealt with in this part. It is
a yogi is led to contemplate all the com-
said that by meditation on breath the bound-
pounded as sickness, prison, etc., and to in-
aries between those who are liked, disliked or
sight meditation with the penetration into the
neither liked or disliked, a yogi can easily get
Four Noble Truths. According to the state of
an intuitive understanding of the sameness of
a yogi, the Four Noble Truths are said to be of
all dharmas with certainty concerning the non
two kinds, namely truths and Noble Truths.
arising of dharmas (anutpattikadharmaknti,
The first belong to the unenlightened per-
sons, while the second are realized after the
The next meditation discussed is the contem-
path of seeing. The treatise is concluded with
plation of the repulsive (aubhabhvan) in
a rather detailed description of the practice
terms of thirty-six bodily parts that are said
of the five supernatural knowledges (abhij,
to lead for a Mahyna yogi to a rebirth in
the Tusita heaven at the presence of Buddha
In the explanation the emphasis is on the Bo-

50 (6) Bhante Dhammadipa

The next topic is meditation on skeleton all other eight directions.
(), connected with perception of light in-
The next meditation is the recollection of the
side and outside, which leads to such a cla-
Buddha Amityus and his Pure Land. It is to
rity of vision that the continuity of imperma-
be visualized step by step by those of dull
nent mind appears in the purified skeleton
faculties, while a yogi of sharp intellect is to
as clearly as a thread inside a bored jewel.
visualize bright space in front of him with
(Well-known comparison appearing in the
a Buddha seated in its middle with determi-
Samaaphala Sutta, and elsewhere.) After-
nation to be born there.
wards, the practice of recollection of Buddha
Next meditation is on the true characteristics
(Buddhnusmti, ) is discussed, being
of all dharmas (nyat). A yogi contemplates
the main meditation theme of this treatise,
all dharmas as born of causes and conditions
with which all other topics are connected.
without his free choice. They are to be seen
Here, the first meditation is a visualization of
as illusionary names and concepts without
a Buddha image, where a yogi is led to keep
any dwelling of their own, unborn in reality
it in front of his mind continually, in whatever
and therefore uncompounded and ultimately
posture he may be. This will lead him to an
pure. This is to lead to certainty of non-aris-
intuitive understanding that the clarity of the
ing. However, if a yogi does not succeed to
image is due to the power of concentration.
attain it, he is to contemplate all arising and
Next meditation theme is the visualization passing away of phenomena as a disease,
of the born body of kyamuni Buddha (, cancer etc., till his mind becomes so subtle
i.e. nirmnakya) with the marks of the great that all kinds of colors radiate from his body.
man and with a visualization of the important This is to be seen as a true nature of all things
events of his life. It is said to lead to a limitless inside and outside. He visualizes Amityus
joy, and it is connected to the next meditation Buddha in this radiance, contemplating the
on the dharma body (). sasra as unreal, like a dream, giving rise to
compassion for all caught in it due to their
This body, however, is not understood as
perverted minds. This is said to lead to two
suchness in the Mahynistic sense, but re-
certainties (), the certainty as to sentient
fers to unthinkable qualities of Buddha like
beings as non-arisen (), without giving
ten powers, etc. A concentrated contempla-
rise to any false views, and the certainty as
tion of these qualities is said to lead away
to dharmas non-arisen (), seeing them as
from the bondage of sasra to the realiza-
ultimately pure and empty. He transfers his
tion of certainty of non-arising.
merits to all sentient beings with the determi-
Next mediation starts with the visualization
nation to be reborn together with them in the
of one Buddha in the East direction, sitting in
Pure Land of Amityus.
the lotus posture and preaching the Law, in-
Finally the meditation leading to the samdhi
creasing the number by ten, hundred and so
of lotus flower is discussed (). Here,
on until infinite Buddhas are seen. The same
a yogi visualizes the kyamuni Buddha sit-
procedure is to be adopted for the south and

Spirituality Studies 1 (2) Fall 2015 51 (7)

ting together with the Buddha of Many Jew- Then he meditates on light emitted from his
els () in a stpa made of seven precious skeleton, illumining beings in all the Buddha
substances on the vulture peak, preaching regions. This is followed by samdhi contem-
the Lotus Stra and revealing Infinite Buddha plating the selfless nature of all phenomena,
lands in all directions. He preaches one ve- where the scattered thoughts are visualized
hicle for all beings, which is the ultimate ap- as fires burning ones body and emptiness as
peased nature of all dharmas. They all pos- refuge from them. Various kinds of other con-
sess one characteristic a complete purity. templations on the repulsive are then linked
If a yogi practices in this way, all desires and to the meditation on the four elements, con-
obstacles are said to disappear naturally, ef- nected again to contemplation of the selfless
fortlessly. nature of all corporealities (rpas) and to their
mastery by such techniques as the exchange
The last stra belonging to this group of
of oneself for others and enlarging objects to
meditation scriptures, expounding the Ma-
infinite dimension and focusing them at one
hayana ideas on the bases of the traditional
point alternatively.
meditation methods, is entitled The Stra
of the Secret Principles of Meditation (K.798) After that we find an exposition on medita-
(, T.7613; K.798). It is the longest tion on loving kindness and the Four Noble
scripture in this group, consisting of three Truths, and another long exposition on analy-
scrolls. The description of the great variety sis of the four elements related to meditation
of meditation techniques and stories that it on their essential purity. Here, a yogi visual-
contains is beyond the scope of this paper; izes a lotus in the heart along with elements
nevertheless a brief note of its interesting originating from it one by one filling the uni-
structure can broaden our understanding. verse and returning back to it again. This is
followed by contemplation on unreality of
The meditations expounded here are loosely
the four elements and of the five aggregates
related to three topics expounded by Bud-
of existence in general, as they are bound to
dha to three monks on three different occa-
them. They are all to be seen as mere names,
sions. They are the contemplation of the repul-
results of causes and conditions, and empty
sive, the mindfulness of breath (anapnasmti),
of an independent nature. After this, a yogi is
and the analysis of the four elements ().
led to visualize the four elements again, go-
These three expositions form a background
ing out from all pores of his body into empti-
to further discusson on more than twenty
ness, which is extended to all universes. This
other meditation topics addressed to nanda,
visualization is linked to an exposition on the
and are interspersed by other questions to
three liberating samdhis, the three doors to
Buddha asked by yogis such as how beings
Nirva as they are often called, that is the
in the future are to purify themselves from
samdhi of Emptiness (), desirelessness
sins. In connection with the contemplation of
(), and signlessness (), by the
the repulsive, a yogi is led to visualize various
realization of which a yogi is led to realize the
kinds of worms inhabiting the human body.
perfect state of neither rejoicing in Nirva

52 (8) Bhante Dhammadipa

nor disliking samsra. On the other hand, the and appreciated. In that period of history,
meditations connected with objects, like the even in the first motherland of Buddhism,
meditation on impurities, on breath or on the in India, there seems to have not been any
elements, are said to lead to rebirth in Tusit- significant rift between the communities of
ain presence of Maitreya. monks practicing the path to Arahathood,
and those practicing the path of Bodhisatt-
The treatise ends with a long prediction of
vas. This fact is well attested by travel reports
the future decline of the Law.
of Chinese monks visiting India at that time
like Ven. Fa Xian and Xuan Zang.

2 Conclusion The meditation treatises discussed in this pa-

per seem to have served as notes by disciples
The present article is to show that at the ear-
of Kumrajva to his teachings on meditation.
ly stage of spreading of Mahyna teachings
It seems that neither them nor Kumrajva
in China traditional Sarvstivda methods
himself were interested in drawing a sharp
of meditation where used together with the
line between the so-called Hnayna and
new Mahynist methods and evaluations
Mahyna, and purposefully avoided any
that became eventually completely predomi-
conflicting views. If emphasizing the path
nant by the end of the Tang Dynasty and in
of Bodhisattva, they did it without belittling
the period of five dynasties following it.
the achievements of Arahats as in the later
The emphasis on analytical meditations char-
period. They rather, as in the early teach-
acteristic for the early history of Buddhism in
ings of the Transcendental Wisdom stras, put
China has been gradually abandoned in favor
emphasis on a unitary nature of all Buddhist
of meditations emphasizing the Buddha na-
teachings, only trying to show the advantages
ture and Pure Land contemplation. The study
of the teachings emphasizing Emptiness.
of treatises translated by Ven. Xuan Zang and
Kumrajva, which put emphasis on the prac-
tice of the four foundations of mindfulness,
were discontinued in most of the monastic
Taish Shinsh Daizky. 19241934. Edited
institutions in China. The revival of this tradi-
by Takakusu, Junjir, and Kaigyoku Wata-
tion appeared only by the end of Qing Dynas-
nabe. Tky: Taish Issaiky Kankkai.
ty, when many Chinese monks, such as Ven.
Tai Xu, but especially lay followers like Han The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Cata-
Qing Jing or Liang Qi Chao or even Chan mas- logue. 1979. Edited by Lancaster, Lewis. Ber-
ters like Xu Yun, pointed out their importance keley: University of California Press.
for understanding of Buddhism in general.

The meditation treatises attributed to

Kumrajva represent a transitional period
in Chinese Buddhism, when the so called
Hnayna scriptures where still widely studied

Spirituality Studies 1 (2) Fall 2015 53 (9)

About the author
Ven. Dhammadipa (1949) has been a Bud-
dhist monk since 1986 in both Southern
(Theravda) and Northern (Chinese) tradi-
tions of Buddhism. He has published several
books in Chinese, which are collections of his
teachings in Taiwan collected by his students,
mainly concerned with meditation in the
Theravda Abhidharma tradition such as: The
Four Foundations of Mindfulness, The Introduc-
tion into Abhidharma, The Four Noble Truths,
The Four Divine Abodes. He also translated
ntidevas Bodhicaryvatra into Czech, and
some other treatises like Avaghoas Awak-
ening of Faith in Mahyna from Chinese, and
Mahyna Sandhinirmocanastra also from
Chinese to be published next year. He also
translated The Short Introduction to Meditation
Methods by Kumrajva, which is briefly dis-
cussed in the present paper.

Dhammadipa has been teaching Buddhism

at several Buddhist institutes and universities
such as Fa gu shan, Fa guan shan, Yuan guan
in Taiwan, Hong Kong University, Pune Uni-
versity, Somaiya University in Mumbay, and
Nalanda University in India.

This article is published in Spirituality Studies 1 (2) Fall 2015.

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54 (10) Bhante Dhammadipa

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