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File: Watcher
Screen Shot 2017-02-28 at(...).png (520 KB, 406x606)
Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)19:02:59
No.31939805 >>31941011 >>31941041 >>31941064
>>31941101 >>31941133 >>31941440 >>31941528
>>31941730 >>31942132 >>31942820 >>31944033
>>31944892 >>31945144 >>31951486 >>31960642


What the fuck? How does this happen? Who let this happen?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:10:27 No.31940967 >>31941000 >>31948080

>>31951497 >>31955340
File: BKajm70.png (27 KB, 737x404)

You can thank capitalism

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:13:24 No.31941000

I doubt they got licensing for any of these, and there are so many
of them

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:14:47 No.31941011 >>31941035 >>31941459

File: IMG_5234.jpg (48 KB, 402x368)

>>31939805 (OP)

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:17:06 No.31941035 >>31941459

me too, just as a joke haha

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:18:37 No.31941041

>>31939805 (OP)
I'm a fartfag and this still disgusts me

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:20:32 No.31941064

>>31939805 (OP)
is this the sequel of Diary of a Farting Creeper?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:23:50 No.31941101

>>31939805 (OP)

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:26:30 No.31941133

>>31939805 (OP)
>Pokemon Go

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:34:17 No.31941218 >>31941299 >>31941368

>>31941487 >>31941555 >>31941704
File: 61aA2V0sWvL.jpg (66 KB, 333x500)

Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:17:03
File: 1487908461317.jpg (102 KB, 400x533)

>I am the guardian of
Hoenn, the master of
the legendary
weather trio. I have
lived for hundreds of
millions of years.
Immortality is perhaps the greatest
curse that can be thrust upon any
living being. Why, you ask?
Simply because I have been forced
to go through the same routine for
millennia. Nothing seems to interest
me anymore. I have seen everything
in my lifetime, from the age of
Aerodactyls and Omanytes to the
age of Z-Moves and Pokemon
Leagues. It gets extremely dull up
here at times with absolutely nothing
to look forward to. It is not until the
day when I met Glen who has called
me from the very top of the Sky
Pillar Everything has changed ever
since. I would say my life had just
begun. Join me on this extraordinary
adventure that will rewrite history!
Live as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn as if you were to live forever.

Fug, now I feel bad for fug.

Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:44:55 No.31941299


I wonder what Fug's diary would be like.
>Deoxys carcass on meteor this morning.
Extremekiller tracks on shattered core. This meta's
afraid of me. I have seen its true face.

fug has his own book

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:35:52 No.31941233 >>31941248 >>31941538


For those of you who haven't checked the link or gone through the
3 full pages, there are FOURTEEN "Diary of a Wimpy Pikachu"
God only knows what the fucking content is like?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:37:07 No.31941248

I think someone said they are all fetish shit being marketed to
fucking children

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:52:59 No.31941365 >>31941374 >>31941376

>>31941475 >>31941504 >>31941532
File: flat,800x800,075,t.u1.jpg (58 KB, 800x800)

Just bought a copy. Ill storytime it with shitty

scans when it comes in.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:53:44 No.31941368

how the fuck does a tube fart?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:54:27 No.31941373

>Diary Of A Fiery Litten

>Diary Of A Wimpy Rowlet
>Diary Of A Not-So Popular Popplio

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:54:29 No.31941374 >>31941465

I don't know whether to thank you or call you a fucking idiot.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:54:34 No.31941376 >>31941401 >>31941465

Why didn't you buy a digital copy? Much cheaper, could've
screencapped it. If you have prime, you can get it for free, also.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)21:58:17 No.31941401

Not him, but I have prime, but I don't want this under my name

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:01:25 No.31941440

File: About that....png (42 KB, 248x666)

>>31939805 (OP)
The real sad thing is that this is only the tip of the

Dive deeper and look what else this guy made.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:03:32 No.31941459 >>31949042

I demand a dramatic reading by an anon with a sexy voice or
Gilbert Gottfried if he's available.
>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:04:09 No.31941465 >>31941467

Call me both

Really? Give me a sec to cancel the B&N order

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:04:47 No.31941467 >>31941514

OP here, bracing myself

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:05:47 No.31941475 >>31941514

We will be waiting, anon.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:07:31 No.31941487

File: 1473095635265.jpg (81 KB, 961x759)

>Pokemon Go

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:09:52 No.31941504 >>31941514

File: PBkmwrF.png (107 KB, 315x315)

I can't wait Anon. I can't fucking

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:11:11 No.31941513

Kek. Do more.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:11:18 No.31941514 >>31941529 >>31941531

File: Screenshot (467).png (35 KB, 365x336)

Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:13:18
No.31941531 >>31941544
File: delphox12.png (234 KB, 394x401)
Anonymous 02/28/17
(Tue)22:15:49 No.31941544
>>31941558 >>31941577

I'm going to nail
them to a tree
in the woods or
when I'm done

that's not how digital copies
work you retard, you must be
REALLY into this if you are
buying two physical copies


I'll be back on friday

Also I can't seem to cancel the barnes and noble order so I'll be
getting TWO copies of this godforsaken book

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:12:56 No.31941528 >>31941538 >>31943400

File: Cancer.png (152 KB, 622x418)

Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)05:11:32
No.31943400 >>31943404


SHOULDN'T it be 'has/had

>>31939805 (OP)
This triggers me even more.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:12:57 No.31941529 >>31941544

File: 1482959815011.png (113 KB, 549x669)

Anon, I said digital. Digital is cheaper.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:13:28 No.31941532 >>31941554

Normally I would be opposed to posting a book because of
copyright, but is it really that wrong to pirate something that is
using stolen intellectual property?

No really, are there any moral objections to this?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:14:18 No.31941538 >>31941594


>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:16:58 No.31941554

do it, they aren't entitled to money for a property they don't own

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:17:21 No.31941558 >>31941566 >>31941628

Post pics.

Video if you burn them.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:18:27 No.31941566

will do

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:19:44 No.31941577 >>31941618 >>31941628

File: amazed caucasian infant.jpg (19 KB, 536x350)

You better deliver I want to see results

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:21:12 No.31941587 >>31941603
Hey, it's got good ratings.

Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:22:14 No.31941594 >>31941752 >>31941886 >>31952493
File: Cancer.png (51 KB, 490x478)
Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:56:04 No.31941886 >>31941995

Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:09:32 No.31941995 >>31942028

File: 9781541387935_p0_v1_s192x300.jpg (25 KB, 192x288)

Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:13:31 No.31942028


Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)05:19:15
No.31943420 >>31943892 >>31943940

Here's something else he should be in
legal trouble for:

How the literal hell is this legal to publish and sell?

Guess Where Ash, Pika and Lillie are Going Next in this Episode...

No one believed the Mushroom kingdom existed within Pokemon, ...

And no one believed Ash when he said he has a ticket to ride...

Or that the same would happen to Pika and Lillie

But that's exactly what happened.

And today... with new friends and strange new occurrences, visiting
the Mushroom Kingdom will reveal an even BIGGER surprise of a

I strongly encourage you to check out this urgent entry on this


You can access his full analysis, free of charge with unlimited, right


>lost in the mushroom kingdom
It wouldn't be autism without a nonsensical crossover

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:23:15 No.31941603

> Though it will surely leave a lasting impression, with nuggets of
prize-winning writing like "Prrrt prrrt prrt prrt prrt prrt! I basically
used my Quick Attack to run at him at the speed of sound, leaving
a little fart bomb around him with every step."

this is shitty writing even by fartfic standards

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:25:04 No.31941618

>be not me
>be 10 year old kid
>wandering the woods
>looking for slander man or whatever the kids are into now
>see something nailed to tree
>it's a book
>look closer
>there is blood on it
>on the cover a message is written in sharpy
>"this evil is not meant for the eyes of man"
>do as all 10yearolds and freak out
>run away crying
>have PTSD for years wondering the story behind that book

>> FartingPikachu !!imqUL0pg6Ee 02/28/17(Tue)22:26:42 No.31941628

>>31941639 >>31941670


The Barnes and Noble book won't come till the 27th, so I have
time to cancel/return that one at least because FUCK having two
of these books let alone one. But I will deliver on the amazon

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:27:56 No.31941639 >>31941691

and you didn't just get the digital copy because?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:27:58 No.31941640 >>31941678

So this is a front for something, right? It's gotta be some sort of

money laundering scheme or something to that effect because no
way someone does something like this for an actual honest-to-god

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:31:10 No.31941670 >>31941698

You know, if you wanted to be REALLY evil, you could mail on of
the books to a youtuber who has a PO box and does mailbox
vlogs to spread the gospel of these books.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:31:33 No.31941678 >>31941716

My belief is that it's some legitimate autist, who wrote them using
their love for Pokemon and diary of a wimpy kid.
Also the volcanion book is just the plot of the magearna movie
through volcanion's point of view, so it's not like these are difficult
books to write.

>> FartingPikachu !!imqUL0pg6Ee 02/28/17(Tue)22:32:45 No.31941691


Because I couldn't find the digital option at first because I'm a tired

But I do have the digital copy for free thanks to buying a physical
copy, so I'm capping and cropping all the pages now. I really need
to go to bed though so the storytime is still on for friday.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:33:27 No.31941698 >>31941718 >>31951530

File: 1483503047324.jpg (187 KB, 594x622)

Someone better fucking mail 10 copies to Ian,
I want to see this shit when he starts doing
Bad Unboxings again

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:33:37 No.31941704

File: 20170228_233306.jpg (145 KB, 332x500)

Thank me later

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:33:43 No.31941707 >>31941732

FartingPikachu !!imqUL0pg6Ee 02/28/17(Tue)22:36:25

No.31941732 >>31941746 >>31941759

Mostly text. There's pics on every few pages and
most of them are taken from the anime. There's
one which I'm said to say I recognize from a
youtube fetish channel.

Are there pictures? Or all text?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:34:46 No.31941716

I, personally, think it's probably some guy pushing the boundaries
of how low-quality children's books can be. Since the books are
digital/not printed by him, I bet it's really easy to just pump out
some drivel and get paid.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:35:11 No.31941718 >>31941725 >>31941726

Does Smosh even do anything anymore?
It's been a year or two since I heard anything about them or look
at there channels.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:35:55 No.31941725

I was talking about NiggerFaggot, not smosh

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:35:55 No.31941726

I think he meant Idubzzz

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:36:08 No.31941730

>>31939805 (OP)
Do you think God stays in heaven because he too, lives in fear of
what he's created?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:38:02 No.31941746

File: Oh my.png (245 KB, 584x447)

>There's one which I'm said to say I
recognize from a youtube fetish channel.

This is going to be a ride.

I have something to look forward to Friday

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:38:42 No.31941752

File: 1480362167790.jpg (39 KB, 640x501)


is this like those fucking "pregnant frozen brain surgery" mobile

games where it's just made by a godamm machine?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:39:06 No.31941759 >>31941768 >>31941773

File: 1345869487754.png (132 KB, 500x500)

>There's one which I'm said to say I
recognize from a youtube fetish channel
I don't know which is funnier, the fact that it's
a fetish pic in a kids book or that you
recognize it

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:40:22 No.31941768 >>31941823

>youtube fetish channel
wait, what?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:40:46 No.31941773

To be fair, some of that stuff has been posted on /vp/ enough for it
to become known to the collective /vp/ hive mind.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:47:17 No.31941813 >>31941839 >>31941848

Now here's the real question, do we let /lit/ in on this?

There aren't many times /vp/ and /lit/ have a chance to cross
paths. Even as stuck up as they are, this needs to be shared.

>> FartingPikachu !!imqUL0pg6Ee 02/28/17(Tue)22:48:28 No.31941823

>>31941827 >>31941839 >>31941851

just type in "farting pokemon" on youtube. I wish I was making it

see y'all friday

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:49:07 No.31941827 >>31941897

Any specific time, OP?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:51:02 No.31941839

File: 1482810882983.png (180 KB, 500x600)

>probably going to be at work when this shit
goes down
someone please archive this shit when it
happens so I can see it

Do you fucking think I don't already know about
the gmod shit? I can't even get off to it because it looks so fucking
horrendous and it's why the no outlines mod triggers me so much

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:52:35 No.31941848

I feel like sometimes /vp/ doesn't realize how it's looked at by
other board goer's. They already assume we're into this shit, we
don't need to drop it on their doorsteps.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:54:14 No.31941864 >>31941931

>And dump

Surely this can't be allowed on youtube

I can see getting away with farts but that CAN'T be allowed

>> FartingPikachu !!imqUL0pg6Ee 02/28/17(Tue)22:57:21 No.31941897


Not ass of yet, but I'm thinking maybe early/mid afternoon.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)22:59:25 No.31941916 >>31941957

File: image.png (183 KB, 450x450)

>not ass of yet
please tell me that was intentional

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:00:02 No.31941921 >>31941943

>write autistic fart fetish fanfiction

>print it and get it marketed to children
>kids want it because "tee hee farting is funny"
>parents buy it because they're too innocent to understand what
this really is

This is not acceptable

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:00:49 No.31941931

diaper beam lol [Embed]
pretty sure it isn't

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:01:57 No.31941943

exactly why it disgusts me

>> FartingPikachu !!imqUL0pg6Ee 02/28/17(Tue)23:03:54 No.31941957

Well I noticed the typo then decided to leave it in so sure c:

Goodnight all. Be back friday.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:05:34 No.31941971

File: too far2.jpg (39 KB, 500x333)

>this thread

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:08:44 No.31941988 >>31942002

I hate you all

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:10:27 No.31942002

File: freak.png (46 KB, 352x519)

eat my ass

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:21:09 No.31942070 >>31942073 >>31942083

File: why.png (728 KB, 484x657)

Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:30:44
No.31942121 >>31942134 >>31942146 >>31942169
>>31942193 >>31942282 >>31945059 >>31952199
File: pg1.png (82 KB, 635x919)

>607 pages
I just bought one of these books on kindle out of morbid curiosity,
and can confirm that the writing is as atrocious as you would

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:21:45 No.31942073 >>31942084 >>31942098


is it fetish shit or is it just the pikachu one that's fetish shit

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:23:07 No.31942083 >>31942106

Post some pages.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:23:13 No.31942084 >>31942086

The farting ones are fetish shit. The one i have is just regular shit.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:23:44 No.31942086

There's multiple farting ones?

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:26:19 No.31942098

Give me a moment to grab some screenshots

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:27:20 No.31942106

meant for

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:32:22 No.31942132

>>31939805 (OP)
there's no way they got the go-ahead to make these

the pokemon company is never going to admit pikachu has a


>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:32:44 No.31942134 >>31942137 >>31942169

>>31942193 >>31942282 >>31945059 >>31952199 >>31952440
File: pg2.png (97 KB, 635x910)

just realized that 607 wasn't the page count, i'm not
familiar with Kindle
>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:33:49 No.31942137 >>31942148 >>31942169
>>31942193 >>31942282 >>31942484 >>31944553 >>31945059 >>31952199 >>31952440
File: pg3.png (104 KB, 639x912)


>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:35:07 No.31942146

>Malamala Island

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:35:21 No.31942148 >>31942155 >>31942169

>>31942193 >>31942282 >>31945059 >>31952199 >>31952440 >>31967313
File: pg4.png (686 KB, 628x896)


>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:36:24 No.31942155 >>31942166 >>31942169

>>31942193 >>31942282 >>31943846 >>31944764 >>31945059 >>31945082 >>31952199
File: pg5.png (101 KB, 632x907)


>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:38:29 No.31942166 >>31942177 >>31942193

>>31942282 >>31945059 >>31945161 >>31952199 >>31952440
File: pg6.png (95 KB, 631x914)


Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:38:45 No.31942169

This fucking hurts to read. It's not even funny bad, it's just bad.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:39:32 No.31942177 >>31942193 >>31942194

>>31942282 >>31945059 >>31952199 >>31952440
File: pg7.png (71 KB, 636x914)


>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:41:09 No.31942193

File: 98w4u53u9063.jpg (65 KB, 738x600)


>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:41:14 No.31942194 >>31942200 >>31942201

>>31942204 >>31942282 >>31944047 >>31945059 >>31952199 >>31952440
File: pg8.png (674 KB, 629x905)

How does this have positive reviews on amazon

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:42:16 No.31942200 >>31942212

Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:44:06 No.31942212

File: lowstandards.png (94 KB, 1902x930)


It does?
>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:42:17 No.31942201 >>31942216 >>31942282
>>31945059 >>31952199 >>31952440
File: pg9.png (95 KB, 624x909)


>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:42:37 No.31942204

That's why I think it's a front for something.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:45:08 No.31942216 >>31942222 >>31942282

>>31945059 >>31952199 >>31952440
File: pg10.png (93 KB, 636x909)


>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:46:19 No.31942222 >>31942282 >>31942302

>>31945059 >>31952199 >>31952440
File: pg11.png (597 KB, 633x914)

and this ends chapter one.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:47:19 No.31942228 >>31942249

What scares me the most is that it wasn't written by an AI

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:49:48 No.31942244

these hurts me

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:50:25 No.31942249

It definitely wasn't touched by an editor.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:53:59 No.31942270 >>31942278

god please save us from ourselves

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:54:55 No.31942277

when does it devolve into fetish shit

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:55:21 No.31942278

File: YHVH_SMTIV_Final.jpg (130 KB, 941x563)

fuck no youre on
you're own lol

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:55:45 No.31942282

I think I'm starting to understand how he managed to write so
many books.

>> Anonymous 02/28/17(Tue)23:59:06 No.31942302 >>31942312 >>31945059

File: pg12.png (83 KB, 631x906)


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)00:00:09 No.31942312 >>31942322

>>31945059 >>31949989 >>31952199 >>31952440
File: pg13.png (88 KB, 625x907)


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)00:01:12 No.31942322 >>31942334

>>31945059 >>31952199 >>31952440 >>31963066
File: pg14.png (53 KB, 636x908)


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)00:02:22 No.31942334 >>31942361

>>31943345 >>31945059 >>31952199 >>31952440 >>31963104
File: pg15.png (614 KB, 636x909)

this is some ungodly amounts of lazy

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)00:04:44 No.31942361

I take it he writes Ash into all his stories so he can use anime
screenshots for illustrations?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)00:16:57 No.31942430 >>31942452

File: redsmith.png (60 KB, 1146x403)

i want to know what this author can teach


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)00:20:34 No.31942452

>How to Make Money Off Other People's Creations With Minimal
Effort: An Autobiography and Self-Help Book In One by Red Smith

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)00:24:39 No.31942478 >>31942483

Does the author hold the wrights to make these books?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)00:25:47 No.31942483

what do you think?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)00:25:48 No.31942484 >>31942523

>if you're reading this I bet you don't have friends
I feel like there is some darker subtext that pops up the more you

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)00:33:36 No.31942523

I wouldn't want to be friends with people that thought this shit was
worth reading either.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)01:40:43 No.31942820

>>31939805 (OP)
Anything goes for bootleg merchandise, except for games.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)04:17:18 No.31943282

Bump for intardest

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)04:43:29 No.31943345

So... Is farting pikachu canon on the anime?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)05:06:46 No.31943395 >>31950168

I bet that photo was just taken from Google Images

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)05:12:41 No.31943404

Read the pages posted here, the guy's English is atrocious.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)05:16:17 No.31943414 >>31944686

File: 1482635016499.gif (438 KB, 294x342)

put me in the screencap

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)07:23:54 No.31943846 >>31943887

>owl type

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)07:33:40 No.31943887

>implying owls are Flying
>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)07:35:00 No.31943892
File: drink deep my friend, dri(...).jpg (83 KB, 348x447)


Dear lord

I'm tempted to look up some way to contact the

lawyer teams from Nintendo, Microsoft, ect. This
should not fly and needs to be purged from the face of the earth,
and I can't think of any better way to do it than at the katanas of
lawyer ninjas.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)07:49:46 No.31943940

File: 59084866_p3_master1200.jpg (141 KB, 423x391)

>That overview
>"Will the discovery of Aquaman be a
boon or bane for her?"

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)07:51:55 No.31943947


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)08:12:17 No.31944033

>>31939805 (OP)
Why the fuck doesn't Nintendo go after these guys who actively
make money off this shit?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)08:15:50 No.31944047

Is that top picture cropped fanart?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)08:26:09 No.31944083

File: 1435280827647.jpg (56 KB, 640x480)

>this thread
what the fuck am i

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)08:31:57 No.31944107 >>31944128

>>31944289 >>31944315 >>31944352 >>31944550 >>31944812 >>31945272 >>31949085
>>31953466 >>31957829 >>31960780 >>31963140 >>31963164 >>31964692
File: jesus fucking christ.jpg (1.45 MB, 1920x2395)

Jesus fucking christ, there's a lot of these things.

>> Ryan 5344-0488-6288 03/01/17(Wed)08:36:41 No.31944128 >>31944136

>35 Diary of WImpy/Farting Pokemon
>Red Smith on Baseball

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)08:37:55 No.31944136 >>31944142

All I did was screencap the pages, I didn't see those.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)08:38:58 No.31944142

And by pages I mean the books on the page.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:02:44 No.31944289 >>31944297


I wonder if this is popular among kids

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:03:47 No.31944297



>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:08:18 No.31944315

File: what.png (66 KB, 177x250)

Does this kid go to school?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:17:11 No.31944352 >>31944384

>>31944385 >>31944394

>Nintendo, Gamefreak, and the Pokemon Company (Pokemon)
>Niantic (Pokemon Go)
>Microsoft, Mojang (Minecraft)
>Warner Bros, DC Comics (Aquaman)
>Abrams Books, Jeff Kinney (Diary of a Wimpy Kid series)
>Whoever the Red Smith guy who is writing about baseball is

We need to contact all of these people so they can get their

lawyers on this guy. This guy needs shut down.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:23:44 No.31944384 >>31944405

>Nintendo, Gamefreak, and the Pokemon Company
i think pokemon is the only franchise that's owned by three fucking

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:23:52 No.31944385 >>31944419


Red Smith IS the guy

Baseball is his only non-copyright infringing thing

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:25:41 No.31944394 >>31944419


>Whoever the Red Smith guy who is writing about baseball is
Anon, can you read?
Red Smith IS the guy.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:28:20 No.31944405

It's owned by more than those. Haven't you seen that long ass
copyright notice on all official products?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:31:17 No.31944419 >>31944432

>>31944433 >>31944440

And I'm asking you two if you're blind.
Compare the covers of the infringing work to the covers of the
baseball/sports shit. You can't say to my face that that's the work
of the same guy.

Alternatively, it IS the same guy, and I'm a complete faggot. But it

does seem like an odd departure from endless copyright
infringement cash grabs involving Diary of a Wimpy Kid and
Pokemon Go at $6 to $8 a pop to suddenly $16 to $18 books
about baseball.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:33:58 No.31944432 >>31944433

>>31944456 >>31944458

I just noticed
>Red Smith On Baseball
>by Ira Berkow
It's not even his book at all
Either he just shares the name, or he copied even that

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:34:21 No.31944433 >>31944456


Confirmed to be a different guy

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:35:26 No.31944440

>Walter Wellesley Red Smith was the most widely read
sportswriter of the last century and the first to win the Pulitzer
Prize for commentary. From the 1940s to the 1980s, his nationally
syndicated columns for the New York Herald Tribune and later for
The New York Times traversed the world of sports with literary
panache and wry humor.

Yeah, different guy.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:36:52 No.31944456

Yep, different guy.
Well, fuck me.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:37:28 No.31944458

It's a book about sportswriter Red Smith and his writings.
No relation to half retarded fartfag Red Smith.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:51:31 No.31944550 >>31944674

Calling all /vp/ lawyers.

First off, do you even exist?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:52:25 No.31944553

File: 1440090722249.jpg (24 KB, 293x274)

>reverse puking

so he was eating
>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)09:56:08 No.31944573 >>31944885

>Intellegent Humor. A must buy for all Pokemon fans.

this is a fucking review with 5 stars

the fedora memes will never die

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:05:44 No.31944623

I want to die even more now

Thanks /vp/

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:14:57 No.31944674 >>31946324

/mlp/ has a couple of lawyers if you're willing

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:16:57 No.31944686

File: lucinaeatingabun.gif (156 KB, 525x483)


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:27:06 No.31944764

>Popplio is a dolphin

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:33:01 No.31944812

>Pokmon Go 99 Amazing Facts that will blow your mind
He's literally selling clickbait.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:39:51 No.31944858 >>31944898

>>31946802 >>31957851
File: IMG_1385.jpg (281 KB, 1242x1735)

What the actual fuck is this.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:42:52 No.31944885

>tfw to intelligent for any book that isn't Red Smith's works

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:43:32 No.31944892

>>31939805 (OP)
Cease and desist, when?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:44:02 No.31944898

Paid reviews.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:48:01 No.31944939 >>31944959

File: WHAT.png (828 KB, 764x973)

There's dozens of these!


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)10:50:17 No.31944959

Take a look at the pages that got posted. You can easily shit out
one of these things a day.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)11:00:05 No.31945059

File: 1481769838211.jpg (2 KB, 112x112)


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)11:03:02 No.31945082

File: What am I seeing.jpg (9 KB, 236x180)

>Implying owls are bird -the meme, the
>implying owls are allergic to sunlight
>Implying owls has the same IQ as that
one kid with nut allergy
>Implying Poplio is a dolphin

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)11:11:39 No.31945144

File: fugtrio.jpg (11 KB, 320x240)

>>31939805 (OP)
>Red Smith
So this is what Red
does in his spare time.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)11:13:53 No.31945161

File: olivia_walk.gif (733 KB, 532x534)

>At that moment she was my hero and
afterwards a really tight friend

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)11:27:13 No.31945272 >>31950092

File: tmp_3469-1485199943509-12(...).gif (2.08 MB, 362x203)


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)13:33:06 No.31946324

Yeah but how?
Just make a thread over there telling them to come here?
No, that would just be considered off topic spam at best and a raid
at worst. I don't feel like being banned.

>> Ryan 5344-0488-6288 03/01/17(Wed)14:33:43 No.31946802

>By Ashish
What did xe mean by this?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)14:52:36 No.31946966

File: 1466879015710.gif (810 KB, 225x183)

This thread
>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)15:42:30 No.31947387

This isn't Japan. How is he not violating some copyright law?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)16:20:18 No.31947782

File: 1477017550068.jpg (47 KB, 640x577)

Jaysus wept.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)16:41:16 No.31948080

Yeah, we wouldn't have any books

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)17:59:20 No.31949042 >>31960555

Somebody call Brendaniel

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)18:03:06 No.31949085 >>31949301

oh dear god what the fuck
Who wrote these? Could we get a name?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)18:17:31 No.31949301

>literally says "by Red Smith" under all of them

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)18:21:19 No.31949351 >>31949421

File: 25CCE039-9E72-40D6-BBEE-7(...).jpg (46 KB, 500x412)


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)18:26:32 No.31949421

File: God's light Xatu.png (198 KB, 725x823)

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)19:08:28 No.31949989 >>31950002

OP checking back in again.
What the fuck is this? I barely noticed it but threw it in photoshop,
I'm sure it must be some fetish shit subliminally hidden in the

>saying damndest in a childrens book

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)19:09:30 No.31950002 >>31964738

File: Rectangular Snip.png (25 KB, 366x110)

Forgot pic like an ass

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)19:18:14 No.31950092

What a coincidence. The GIF is about an episode of the AVGN
playing terrible, rapidly produced garbage.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)19:25:12 No.31950168 >>31951102

>google sad kid
Wew lad!

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)20:41:16 No.31951102 >>31951393

I think this confirms this is a money laundering scheme

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)21:01:10 No.31951393 >>31951602

But using a copyrighted property for an unauthorized children's
book is a little too conspicuous for a money laundering scheme.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)21:05:56 No.31951450


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)21:08:41 No.31951486 >>31952881

>>31952937 >>31952964 >>31958132
File: 1479853342284.jpg (42 KB, 326x236)
>>31939805 (OP)
>High-quality FREE (non-profit) fangames
that would in no way harm the integrity of
Nintendo's IPs, like AM2R and Prism (Uranium withstanding) get
shut down as soon as they officially release
>But shit like this, which unabashedly uses Nintendo's characters
without proper permissions, is free to be sold for profit and create
an association of a beloved mascot with farts of all things


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)21:08:52 No.31951488

This is a clear example that literally anyone can write a book and
get rich with it

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)21:09:23 No.31951497

pokemon wouldn't exist without capitalism, so you're right.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)21:12:15 No.31951530 >>31951552

get off my fucking board and go to sleep, child.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)21:14:02 No.31951552 >>31951592

>my board
how cute

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)21:16:35 No.31951585

Anyone speak to /lit/ about this?

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)21:17:25 No.31951592 >>31952236

Put your phone away and go to bed already. Your single mom can
hear your autistic smirking from her room.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)21:18:07 No.31951602


It's more like a scam if anything.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)22:08:41 No.31952199 >>31953288

Truly the Catcher in the Rye of this generation

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)22:09:14 No.31952204

File: NO.png (291 KB, 600x589)

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)22:12:13 No.31952236

You don't own this board. Youre like one of those fuckers who
think 4chan is "le invasion website".

>> Plushy 03/01/17(Wed)22:36:14 No.31952440

File: 1480034387561.jpg (65 KB, 317x377)


>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)22:42:24 No.31952493

The author probably spends a few hours writing each one.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)23:31:41 No.31952881 >>31952937

I may have to pin it on these books being rather low key in both
production and publishing

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)23:38:06 No.31952937 >>31958125

Nintendo even takes revenue from videos of their games on
Youtube. No other developer/publisher does that.
>>31952881 is almost definitely right. If they knew about it, this
guy would have a cease and desist shoved halfway up his ass.

>> Anonymous 03/01/17(Wed)23:41:09 No.31952964


because law allows this

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)00:23:42 No.31953288

Catcher is overrated as fuck.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)00:25:45 No.31953304 >>31953344 >>31953461

So has ANYONE contacted anyone? I really just like seeing

fartfags and people who can't write to save their life get blown out.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)00:31:26 No.31953344

File: confused poillio.png (143 KB, 540x540)

>I really just like seeing fartfags and people
who can't write to save their life get blown
Do you really think that I expect this to be
arousing in the slightest? I may be a fartfag,
but that doesn't mean I don't have standards

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)00:49:27 No.31953461 >>31953469 >>31954266

It's not written for fartfags, it's written for children who are young
enough to actually find legitimate humor in fart jokes.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)00:50:22 No.31953466

File: 1480954095349.gif (460 KB, 250x187)

>fiery Charmander
>wimpy Squirtle

Squirtle fags BTFO

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)00:50:43 No.31953469 >>31953481

No, Captain Underpants was for children with humor like that. This
is just a fetishist with bad writing skills.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)00:52:35 No.31953481

I don't think anything he's writing seems fetishistic, he's just an

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)01:03:39 No.31953535 >>31953877

More than "who wrote this?" I want to know "who published this?"
Does Amazon have a scheme where you can just send them a
document and if somebody happens to buy it, they print it as a
book? Or is there actually somebody who spent thousands of
dollars getting this bulk produced?

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)01:07:36 No.31953547 >>31953581

I don't know either. What five year old autist thought this was a
good idea to write? And what clueless publisher would put that out
in stores for people to buy with their hard earned money? I think
all of /vp could write a better novel than that. Get on it, fags.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)01:08:04 No.31953553 >>31953566 >>31954256

>>31955769 >>31960900

Diary of a (adjective) (copyrighted fictional species)


>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)01:11:19 No.31953566

Diary of an Expanded Donkey Kong

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)01:12:01 No.31953571

Diary of a Retarded Smurf

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)01:13:37 No.31953581

I think the general attitude towards children's media is "whatever,
it doesn't matter what level of quality we put out, shithead kids will
eat it up anyway, this will be a profitable venture, no reason for us
NOT to publish this guy because he's writing about Pokemon Go
and Minecraft and those things are currently popular with children
according to our analyses"

Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)01:14:00 No.31953583 >>31953593
File: das it mane.jpg (3 KB, 122x125)

Diary of a Gassy Salazzle

Pikachu doesn't have shit on our


>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)01:15:28 No.31953593 >>31953600

I thought the fart queen was Bianca?

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)01:17:08 No.31953600

we'll work Bianca into it somehow

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)02:22:19 No.31953877

File: 51+3x9k82mL._SY346_.jpg (27 KB, 217x346)

I'm not really sure what the actual requirements are
regarding publishing but in effect Amazon will
distribute pretty much anything. They don't seem to
have an effective vetting process, to put it mildly.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)03:17:23 No.31954091 >>31954095

Pokmon go was a mistake

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)03:18:16 No.31954095

e-books were a mistake

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)03:28:48 No.31954134

Doesnt the story continue?

I wanna know how the depressed owl watxhes the kid getting

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)03:50:58 No.31954256

Diary of a trashy King Crimson

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)03:52:10 No.31954266

So are americans

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)07:16:43 No.31955340


>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)08:31:49 No.31955769

Diary of a FUCKING PISSED Kirby

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)13:10:22 No.31957829

Holy fucking shit, that's a lot.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)13:13:43 No.31957851

He made those himself

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)13:16:11 No.31957871

File: IMG_2464.png (813 KB, 576x614)

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)13:51:12 No.31958125

>No other developer/publisher does that.
Are you retarded? I can name 6 companies who do.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)13:52:14 No.31958132

No that WAS the issue, Patreon and advertising friend, even if it
was to break even, Uranium and the Metroid 2 remake both had

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)18:32:44 No.31960382


>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)18:35:55 No.31960403 >>31960597

so is storytime still happening?

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)18:49:30 No.31960523

File: 1484596393005.png (331 KB, 600x431)

>this entire fucking


>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)18:49:56 No.31960527 >>31960751

Why is this thread still alive?

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)18:53:48 No.31960555

Was about to say this.

Smutweek 2018, guys.

>> FartingPikachu !!imqUL0pg6Ee 03/02/17(Thu)18:57:31 No.31960597

Yup. Tomorrow. I need to find a park with barbecue pits to burn it
in, after all.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)19:01:47 No.31960642

>>31939805 (OP)
It's your fault, isn't it?

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)19:12:57 No.31960751

Waiting for storytime.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)19:15:13 No.31960780

I wonder how many of these have lines copied among one
another, or even lines ripped from the Wimpy Kid series, just with
names swapped.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)19:29:21 No.31960900

Diary of a Retarded Fan Fic Writer

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)22:58:19 No.31962979 >>31963007

bump for story time

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)23:01:31 No.31963007
File: Stupid....png (167 KB, 854x289)

That's tomorrow.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)23:08:36 No.31963066

I've read shit on ffnet better than this. Fucking hell, this guy is
writing literal fanfiction... and getting paid.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)23:12:48 No.31963104

Post chapter 2.

>> Broken Anonymous !!m3ohWILTtMy 03/02/17(Thu)23:15:32 No.31963140

File: Decidueye_SCARED.png (139 KB, 289x307)

Fucking hell man.

>> Anonymous 03/02/17(Thu)23:19:18 No.31963164

>diary of not-so popular popplio
this man needs to be purged
seriously how does a publisher even publish this
who fucking got these books from this man and agreed to sell
them. it doesn't make sense

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)05:38:11 No.31964692

File: 1486084753845.png (131 KB, 207x304)

This is just... insane.

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)05:54:17 No.31964738

>Rectangular Snip
Simebody call showderp
>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)07:28:06 No.31965114

Today's the day, folks.

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)10:04:27 No.31965973 >>31966758

>Come here
I didn't know what to expect
But it wasn't this
It wasn't this

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)10:19:54 No.31966084 >>31966546 >>31966661

File: e37.png (24 KB, 1050x178)

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)11:16:36 No.31966497

File: pyFY72V.gif (104 KB, 437x430)

>this thread

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)11:24:42 No.31966546 >>31966792

I honestly can't tell if this is rel or not.

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)11:40:42 No.31966661 >>31966780

Which book is this one about?

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)11:53:28 No.31966758

File: The book.png (243 KB, 1238x822)

You should know better. Whenever /vp/ and
/lit/ crossover in a way that isn't approved by
TPCI you know it's about to get real.

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)11:56:21 No.31966780

The 99 facts clickbait one.

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)11:57:45 No.31966792

I can't either
>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)12:45:46 No.31967150 >>31967183 >>31967255
File: it's a bit mixed.png (68 KB, 1184x665)

>these reviews
What even.

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)12:51:28 No.31967183

The positive reviews are probably paid or the author is using bots

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)12:57:58 No.31967230

I already sent an email to Nintendo about these books. It's not that
hard, they have an email address specifically to warn them about
this kinda stuff I'm their website.

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)13:02:21 No.31967255

>Oral Seymour

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)13:12:32 No.31967313

File: 1484286564617.jpg (28 KB, 164x152)

is that a fucking
deviantart pic.

>> Anonymous 03/03/17(Fri)13:15:16 No.31967327

File: 1hquic.jpg (64 KB, 440x318)

>discusses its popularity in relation
to the porn industry
>pictures of scantily clad woman
dressed up like pokemon

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